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[Discussion] pokedex entries help

Classification: Playful Pokemon

Ambiro love playing in the mud and can be found anywhere in the countryside. They're far from shy and will interact with anyone who isn't too threatening.
These Pokemon have a very active lifestyle and training one can be quite a handful. They will quite literally not sit still if they have too much energy.

Classification: Energetic Pokemon

A friendly, but rather sensitive Pokemon. They dislike strong scents and emotions and will try to avoid anyone that has either of those. Chokura are even more energetic than Ambiro and trainers often let them fetch things from the store for them just so that they can use up their energy. Seeing Chokura running around carrying groceries for someone is very common.
Classification: Emotional Support Pokemon

Jenkita are drawn to those with negative emotions. They will sit nearby the person or Pokemon and absorb their negative feelings. They then cleanse these feelings and return feelings of positivity to the person or Pokemon. If you were feeling sad and suddenly feel very happy, look around for a Jenkita. It's customary to give them some affection by petting them in return.

Classification: Purification Pokemon

Pecarro are popular Pokemon with rich people as they help keep their greed in check. Rich people of Potle are renowned for their charity towards the less fortunate thanks due to these Pokemon. There's a chain of Pokemon shelters that have this Pokemon as their mascot. These Pokemon are very quiet, but also very kind.
updated potle region list :3

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


ground type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Ground-Type-Dog-Plush-Pokemon-Chiffrin-1015626676 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal-fairy type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-fairy-Type-Mouse-Plush-Pokemon-Niemouse-1020056347 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

fairy type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Fairy-Type-Rabbit-Plush-Pokemon-Hartokki-1020129614 *done*

new potle pokemon line
[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal/electric type
evolves into Peomaki at level 22

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-electric-Type-Plush-Sheep-Fleiwi-1024524145 *done*

*i decided to get rid of atubiri & use it's pokedex entry for fleiwi's evo :> *

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

evolved form of lokni, Kinsae
ground/fire type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Ground-fire-Plush-Lion-Pokemon-Kinsae-1031439218 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

flying type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Flying-Type-Plush-Bird-Pokemon-Aiyoni-1033166776 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

evolved form of chiffrin
ground type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Ground-Type-Plush-Dog-Pokemon-Aruer-1034116694 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

final evo of loppyo - Whisvoni
normal-fairy type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-fairy-Type-Rabbit-Plush-Pokemon-Whisvoni-1043110850 *done*
Last edited:
Classification: Observant Pokemon.

A Pokemon that lounges around all day, watching others while sitting perfectly still. It observes it's surroundings thoroughly. It seems to be afraid of what might happen if it moves and seems to think that as long as it doesn't move, it won't be noticed. These Pokemon prefer to keep to themselves and stay away from other Pokemon and people.

Classification: Shy Pokemon.

Although very shy and distant, these Pokemon do try to get along with others, albeit often rather clumsily. They're too shy to communicate with others directly so they'll for example try to approach a Pokemon and then try to roll some object of play toward it. These Pokemon strongly dislike being washed and prefer to take mud baths by themselves.

Classification: Tunneler Pokemon

This Pokemon digs traps along human roads and paths using it's tunnels, making them collapse when someone steps on them. It will then demand food in exchange for your release.
The Pokemon won't hurt you if you refuse however, so people usually ignore them when this happens and give it food when they come across it outside of it's traps. Kinsae is too proud to ask for food when it's hungry.

Classification: Spotlight Pokemon

A very social Pokemon that will do everything to be the center of attention. They tend to get along with other Pokemon, but not so much with others of their own kind.
If they see humans they will put up a show for them just for the attention. They can be seen fighting with others of their kind in an attempt to determine which of them gets to perform at that location.
Classification: Captivation Pokemon

Hartokki are said to show up wherever there is love. If a couple comes across these Pokemon often they are considered blessed and their relationship will be long and healthy. True love will attract these Pokemon in droves.
It's considered bad luck to catch one. It is said that those who caught a Hartokki in the past never knew love again and they eventually had to set them free.

Classification: Companionship Pokemon

These Pokemon are inseparable from their siblings until they are ready to leave the herd. Fleiwi that do leave the herd usually set out in pairs. These Pokemon can't stand solitude.
They will try to avoid trainers as they do not wish to be separated from their sibling. If a trainer catches only one of them the other will follow them around wherever they go until they catch it as well.
Classification: Forebunny Pokemon

Only Clopyon that have bonded with farmers enough to be very close to them can become a Whisvoni. There are only a couple dozen known to exist around all of Potle.
This kindhearted Pokemon oversees all of the farming by giving directions to all of the farm's Clopyon and Loppyo. Their efficiency yields better harvest without damaging the ground.

Forebunny as in foreman/forewoman, but bunny =P

Classification: Stimulating Pokemon

A Quiet Pokemon that sneaks into people's houses to live in them. They bless the people who live in the house it resides in by stimulating their brains, resulting in an eagerness to learn and having better memory in general. Some of Potle's most acclaimed Pokemon Professors grew up in houses inhabited by Niemouse.
Niemouse will leave the house if they are discovered though, so most people will pretend not to notice their presence.
Classification: Forebunny Pokemon

Only Clopyon that have bonded with farmers enough to be very close to them can become a Whisvoni. There are only a couple dozen known to exist around all of Potle.
This kindhearted Pokemon oversees all of the farming by giving directions to all of the farm's Clopyon and Loppyo. Their efficiency yields better harvest without damaging the ground.

Classification: Stimulating Pokemon

A Quiet Pokemon that sneaks into people's houses to live in them. They bless the people who live in the house it resides in by stimulating their brains, resulting in an eagerness to learn and having better memory in general. Some of Potle's most acclaimed Pokemon Professors grew up in houses inhabited by Niemouse.
Niemouse will leave the house if they are discovered though, so most people will pretend not to notice their presence.
i love those!! thanks! :D
looking forward to the others on the list *above, as the list was getting long :3 * :woop:
Classification: Cleaner Pokemon

Jewemo follow humans around scavenging any food they drop. These clever Pokemon have observed humans and learned that anything that's meant to be discarded has to go in trash bins, so anything they find that they have no use for they will drop in a trash bin. They have different values than humans though, so if a human drops their keys or jewelry for example they will discard it in the nearest trash bin.

Classification: Guiding Pokemon

These gentle Pokemon often serve as guides in remote villages. They are excellent guides who can use their sense of smell to go anywhere they need to go. They are strong enough to carry adult humans on their backs if necessary. These Pokemon do not like being rushed and will take their time to go where they need to be at a regular pace. This is not solely for their own benefit, but also to make sure that those who they guide don't overexert themselves.

Classification: Chilly Pokemon

This Pokemon's body gives off a nice chill and is very popular during summer as any water it swims in will be chilled. They can mostly be found at lakes in Potle, but some of them are known to collaborate with humans at swimming pools in exchange for food. These Pokemon are normally very gentle, but if you pollute the water they are living in or taking care off they will fly into a rage.

Classification: Helpful Pokemon

A very playful Pokemon that doesn't fully realize it's own strength. Caution is advised when playing with it as one of it's charges can easily flip over a car or break through a wall.
They don't mean any harm and will offer any help they can provide in fixing up any damage they cause. As a result workers around Potle have become quite fond of them and rely on their help for fixing anything that wasn't caused by Ivono as well.
Classification: Performer Pokemon

Sakurani like to perform song and dance for humans and Pokemon alike. They can be found along the roadside performing for anyone who passes in exchange for vegetables.
There is a theater that has only Sakurani as actors and dancers which is immensely popular. Their performance is said to be on a higher level than any human could ever hope to achieve. Tickets to their plays are highly valued and it is customary to bring carrots to throw them at the stage when applauding.

Classification: Warning Pokemon

Cloutotli can rarely be encountered in villages near or on the mountains. They will try to warn the villagers of an impending natural disaster like an avalanche or a landslide.
Old tales tell of large groups of Cloutotli banding together to turn an avalanche or landslide away from human settlements, but their numbers have dwindled over time and they can no longer do this. The cause for their dwindling numbers is currently unknown.
Classification: Energetic Pokemon

These energetic Pokemon can't seem to sit still and are always either flying or running around. It even flies around in circles when it sleeps. Other Pokemon tend to find them to be too busy so Mihuo only plays with others of their own kind. They make good companions for people who are always on the move, but don't forget to keep it out of it's Poke Ball or it will burst out of it.

Classification: Outdoorsy Pokemon

Pumili have grown accustomed to being in the dirt and mud and have developed a fondness for it. They prefer an active lifestyle outdoors and will try to avoid being indoors for too long. It will constantly bring it's trainer anything it think the trainer will like. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to comprehend that not everything can be freely taken and might grab something that belongs to someone else.
Classification: Pollution Absorber Pokemon

Rachana absorbs pollution from the ground and purifies it as they walk across it. The more vibrant it's colors the more pollution it has absorbed to purify. Rachana from different area tend to have different colors. It's suspected that the colors in it's fur depend on what type of pollution it absorbs. These Pokemon are quite distant an will prefer to avoid contact with others.

Classification: Companion Pokemon

A very friendly Pokemon that is very common in every city in Potle. These Pokemon help people reclaim any items they've lost. They will accompany anyone wanting to leave town who doesn't have a Pokemon of their own and they will fight as hard as they can to protect them. Luctea are known to occasionally have scuffles with Jewemo over dropped items.

Classification: Concealed Pokemon

A shy Pokemon found only in the snowy slopes of Potle. They would rather hide in the snow to avoid a potential opponent than pick a fight with them.
They get along well with other Cat Pokemon however, so if you travel with one you might get to see some Powtun come out of hiding. If you've treated your Pokemon well they might even let you pet them.

*the post above* *i really don't know why it won't let me quote reply to the above posts anymore :hattremhuh: *

Seems to be working fine for me. Click the 'Reply' button and the quote shows straight away in your reply. If you click 'Quote' then you need to click on Insert Quotes below your reply first.