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[Discussion] pokedex entries help

Classification: Shy Fox Pokemon

Kikkku are very skittish and have only been observed from afar. The moment they see a human they will run and hide away somewhere. They don't seem to be skittish around other Pokemon, so humans have observed it by sending their own Pokemon out to interact with it. Given enough time, your Pokemon can persuade it to come meet you.
These Pokemon do not like fighting and will run away the moment they sense any hostility towards them.

Classification: Helpful Pokemon

This clumsy Pokemon is very popular in Swrairia. It's always trying to help other Pokemon as well as people, but can't take more than 5 steps without tripping over or bumping into something.
Towns where Piyoci live have a very pleasant and warm, welcoming feeling to them. Their earnest desire to help others more often than not results in those around it doing the same.
They prefer to live along the water, despite not being very good swimmers yet. Looking after one can be quite demanding on the trainer.
Classification: Shy Fox Pokemon

Kikkku are very skittish and have only been observed from afar. The moment they see a human they will run and hide away somewhere. They don't seem to be skittish around other Pokemon, so humans have observed it by sending their own Pokemon out to interact with it. Given enough time, your Pokemon can persuade it to come meet you.
These Pokemon do not like fighting and will run away the moment they sense any hostility towards them.

Classification: Helpful Pokemon

This clumsy Pokemon is very popular in Swrairia. It's always trying to help other Pokemon as well as people, but can't take more than 5 steps without tripping over or bumping into something.
Towns where Piyoci live have a very pleasant and warm, welcoming feeling to them. Their earnest desire to help others more often than not results in those around it doing the same.
They prefer to live along the water, despite not being very good swimmers yet. Looking after one can be quite demanding on the trainer.

i love those!! :D especially the kikkku one 😍
thanks :>

looking forward to the others on the list :3
Classification: Caretaker Pokemon

Novili & Suntet compete regularly to see who is considered the cutest by humans, which they measure by how often they are petted. Novili takes more of clumsy yet cute approach and will trip in front of people to get them to pet it. This Pokemon actually gets along very well with Suntet when they are not competing; they are often seen hanging out together and they especially like to play tag with each other. If you see a Novili chasing or being chased by a Suntet around in a hurry then don't worry, they are merely playing tag.

Classification: Withdrawn Pokemon

A bit of a prideful Pokemon at first glance; it appears cool and distant and doesn't like strangers. It's behavior is however mere self-preservation as Suntet are abandoned by their parents shortly after being born. It doesn't get along very well with most other Pokemon, but is as thick as thieves with Novili due to Novili looking out after it when it's young. They compete with each other regularly, but also spend a lot of time playing together. The older Suntet becomes, the more it will open up to others thanks to it's competitions with Novili.
updated the list... the swraira region list was getting long...

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-Plush-Bear-Pokemon-sooaru-987281180 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-Dog-Plush-Pokemon-aiseta-987510437 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal/fairy type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-Fairy-Plush-Hamster-Pokemon-marcri-988749459 *done*
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Novilli Classification: Caretaker Pokemon

Novilli & Suntet compete regularly to see who is considered the cutest by humans, which they measure by how often they are petted. Novili takes more of clumsy yet cute approach and will trip in front of people to get them to pet it. This Pokemon actually gets along very well with Suntet when they are not competing; they are often seen hanging out together and they especially like to play tag with each other. If you see a Novilli chasing or being chased by a Suntet around in a hurry then don't worry, they are merely playing tag.

Suntet Classification: Withdrawn Pokemon

A bit of a prideful Pokemon at first glance; it appears cool and distant and doesn't like strangers. It's behavior is however mere self-preservation as Suntet are abandoned by their parents shortly after being born. It doesn't get along very well with most other Pokemon, but is as thick as thieves with Novilli due to Novili looking out after it when it's young. They compete with each other regularly, but also spend a lot of time playing together. The older Suntet becomes, the more it will open up to others thanks to it's competitions with Novilli.

i love those! 😍 thanks :>
looking forward to the others on the list above :3 updated the list... the swraira region list was getting long...
Classification: Forgetful Pokemon

Sooaru are shy and forgetful Pokemon. They get lost very easily and will try to follow any humans or Pokemon it comes across in the hopes of regaining their bearings. It is too shy to approach the human or Pokemon, so it will just awkwardly follow them for as long as it can. Trying to talk to it will make it panic and run off. If it encounters multiple people or Pokemon it won't know who to follow and freeze up. It won't move again unless there's only one Pokemon or human to follow, or if it's talked to.

Classification: Rowdy Pokemon

These rowdy Pokemon like to play tricks on people. They especially like to sneak up on someone and then suddenly jump up and lick them in their neck. Aiseta means no harm, it's actually a kind Pokemon that's just overly playful. It's recommended to train several so that they can keep each other busy.
In the wild Aiseta are foragers who search for berries in packs. They share everything they find with the entire pack to make sure nobody goes hungry.

Classification: Healer Pokemon

Marcri are known as the Healers of the wild. These Pokemon always keep a stockpile of berries and medicinal herbs on hand to make their medicine with. They can sense sick people and Pokemon from far away. They will first show up at the sick person or Pokemon to asses what ails them and then run off again. When they return they will be carrying a hollowed out acorn with medicine inside it. Marcri's medicines are very potent and it is said there is no ailment they can't cure.
Sooaru Classification: Forgetful Pokemon

Sooaru are shy and forgetful Pokemon. They get lost very easily and will try to follow any humans or Pokemon it comes across in the hopes of regaining their bearings. It is too shy to approach the human or Pokemon, so it will just awkwardly follow them for as long as it can. Trying to talk to it will make it panic and run off. If it encounters multiple people or Pokemon it won't know who to follow and freeze up. It won't move again unless there's only one Pokemon or human to follow, or if it's talked to.

Aiseta Classification: Rowdy Pokemon

These rowdy Pokemon like to play tricks on people. They especially like to sneak up on someone and then suddenly jump up and lick them in their neck. Aiseta means no harm, it's actually a kind Pokemon that's just overly playful. It's recommended to train several so that they can keep each other busy.
In the wild Aiseta are foragers who search for berries in packs. They share everything they find with the entire pack to make sure nobody goes hungry.

Marcri Classification: Healer Pokemon

Marcri are known as the Healers of the wild. These Pokemon always keep a stockpile of berries and medicinal herbs on hand to make their medicine with. They can sense sick people and Pokemon from far away. They will first show up at the sick person or Pokemon to asses what ails them and then run off again. When they return they will be carrying a hollowed out acorn with medicine inside it. Marcri's medicines are very potent and it is said there is no ailment they can't cure.
I love those!
[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help
thanks :3
looking forward to the others on the list above :>

also... the swrairia region is now named ''the potle region'' :>
Classification: Fuzzball Pokemon

Poufi are rare, but highly coveted all around Potle. They are rather placid and don't run away easily, making it easy to hug one. As long as you don't squeeze it too hard, it won't object.
These Pokemon have a calming effect on the wild Pokemon that live around it. If you see a group of otherwise rowdy Pokemon behaving calmly in the wild, a Poufi is nearby.

Classification: Attention Pokemon

These Pokemon have a calm demeanor. They like attention and will sit around human towns and cities all day, patiently waiting to be petted. Petting a Puche is said to bring good luck, so humans will quickly line up for any they see. Feeding it anything but it's favorite food will make it leave. Each individual Puche has a different favorite food however, making it difficult to keep track of what to feed them.

*the above* *the reply to that isn't coming up in the reply box when i click on reply or quote :< so i did it like this :> *
edit at 10:20 pm: i went on another thread... & it did it for me... weird :< *

i love those! thankyou!

looking forward to the others on the list :>
Classification: Mesmerizing Pokemon

These Pokemon spray a very pleasant aroma when threatened. The target will be mesmerized by the scent and Velepu can make their escape. Most Velepu prefer to avoid contact with humans, but some have been known to mesmerize a human they like and have them tend to their needs. The aroma becomes addicting when exposed to it for long periods of time.

Classification: Cuddling Pokemon

These Pokemon will flock to anyone who is asleep so that they can nap next to them for the warmth. Higel don't generate enough body heat for themselves on their own, so they cuddle up to others to generate the body heat they lack. The flames of a Fire type Pokemon tend to be too warm for their preferences however. They often prefer the people and Pokemon that live in towns.
updated for the newly renamed potle region list :3

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Normal-Dog-Plush-Pokemon-pomtuta-989500942 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

evolves from pomtuta at level 26


normal/ice type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/vaniido-999595391 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


ground type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Ground-Type-Lion-Plush-Pokemon-lokni-990066042 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Bear-Plush-Pokemon-ducub-995944489 *given a pokedex entry by me*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

normal type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Bunny-Plush-Pokemon-thumple-996180270 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

water type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Cat-Plush-Pokemon-YaKote-996200626 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal/ground type

1 stage of 2

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/Plush-Dog-Pokemon-ambiro-997520517 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


ground type

evolved & final form of ambiro at lv 26
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/chockura-997762537 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help


normal/fairy type

https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/jenkita-998659291 *done*

[PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help

the evo of jenkita

fairy/ground type
https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/fairy-ground-Dog-Plush-Pokemon-Pecarro-1009341688 *done*


  • [PokeCommunity.com] pokedex entries help
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Classification: Fascination Pokemon

This Pokemon has a tendency to become completely enthralled by something. It will notice nothing else except for that which caught it's attention. It will follow the object of it's fascination wherever it may go. If what it's fascinated by is a Pokemon or person and they try to interact with it, Pomtuta will get flustered and run away as far as it can.

Classification: Jealous Pokemon

These Pokemon will try to get close to anyone or anything they like and try to attract their attention. If their target gives them any attention they will want more and more of it.
Although this Pokemon is extremely loyal to those who have given them attention, they are also extremely jealous if the object of their affection interacts with any person or Pokemon aside from them.

Classification: Tunnel Lion Pokemon

A happy-go-lucky Pokemon that likes to dig around and regularly ends up digging into people's homes and gardens. It is an excellent digger and has the stamina to spend all day digging around.
These Pokemon bond with other Pokemon very easily and are known to be followed by all manner of small Pokemon throughout the tunnels they dig.
Classification: Caring Pokemon

These Pokemon generally live in forests near human towns. They scavenge for berries in the forest, but if they can't find food they will head to the nearby town and try to barter for food by bringing human objects they've found in the forest. They are very easygoing and caring and are often seen trying to console other Pokemon and even human children.

Classification: Dancing Cat Pokemon

YaKote are very fast and can run across the water if they run at full speed. They like bathing a lot so they spend most of their time in the water and rarely leave it.
These Pokemon mainly live off of fish Pokemon, but if they can't find any they will leave the water and try to get some food from humans by putting on a little dance show by the waterside.