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[Essentials Tutorial] PokeMap - Make HGSS-style maps with RMXP


But you can call me Dan :)
  • 42
    • Seen Jul 25, 2012
    PokeMap - Make HGSS-style maps with RMXP (Version 2.0 is out!)

    Read all the post before you ask.

    Version 2.0 is out! Check Thread changelog.

    If you like it, or not, at least comment. Files have more than 30 downloads and only one person did leave a comment.

    Sorry about my english, it isn't my native language.

    [PokeCommunity.com] PokeMap - Make HGSS-style maps with RMXP

    I have seen over the internet some tutorials to make your region's map in HeartGold/SoulSilver-style, and based on that, I took the time (like 2 and a half hours) to make and test a tileset that allows you to create most of the map quickly and easily inside your RPG maker XP. If you like it, feel free to post an screenshot of map you make, and if you want, I may add the image to this post.

    The tileset is based on an image posted by Wario (from pokemonelite2000) precisely for his tutorial to make HGSS-style maps.



    1- Current Version
    2- Why did you say "most of the map"?
    3- Why is this useful?
    4- How do I "install" it?
    5- How should I use it?
    6- What should I do if I find a misplaced route/marker?
    7- Image Galleries
    8- Tileset Guides
    9- Downloads
    10- Thread Changelog
    11- Credits


    1- Current Version

    Current version is 2.0. It adds A LOT of new ways to make your map. Adding a huge variety of routes and markers locations. Now you can make a really improved map. I have added also the same two maps as Version 1 remade in Version 2, improving some things thanks to this new version.

    2- Why did you say "most of the map"?

    Well, that's because making some quite specific stuff, like the background, or lakes (though I've added some pre-made lakes), is something more user-defined, and can't be really adapted to this method. The idea is for you to set all your routes, towns, cities, mountains, caves, dungeons and any other markers, all on a simple made background (you can see example images in the gallery at the end of the post) and then you can take it to, for example, Photoshop, and remove that simply background to add specific details you may want.

    3- Why is this useful?

    If you want to make the map manually, you would have to spend probably more than 1 hour using copy&paste in a photo editing software, trying to make the map look the way you want. You can simply select what you want to add to the map and with 1 click, add it wherever you want it to be. The tileset includes a huge variety of routes (both land and water), and also allows you to choose where you want the markers to be. You may not be able to create everything you may want exactly the way you want it, but the routes can be merged in a WHOLE LOT of different ways, and you can always change 1 or 2 things manually later ;)

    4- How do I "install" it?

    You can either download the tileset image and save it in YourGame\Graphics\Tilesets, making a new map with this tileset to edit it there, or you can just download my game file (Maps) in the Downloads section.

    That file also includes two map examples. The big map is just a test, for you to see how it works in bigger sizes. Normal map is exactly double the size of a normal HGSS map (192x143 pixels), so you make your map using the size you can see in the example, then take a screenshot (scale 1:2), crop it with photoshop, and you will have a 192x143 (or 144) image, which is the actual size of the map in HGSS original games.

    It also includes a third empty map, showing the size you need to make your map to use it in pokemon essentials. Actual size you need to use is 15x10 blocks, but you can't make a map smaller than 20x15 in RMXP.

    To make a Pokemon essential sized map (480x320 pixels) by yourself (without downloading my file), create a 20x15 map on RPXP, and use only 15x10, which means leaving blank 5 blocks in the top and 5 blocks in the right side of your map. Then you will have a map of the exact size Pokemon Essentials currently needs.

    Maps included:

    5- How should I use it?

    As you should know, RPG Maker XP has three layers for the mapping. This is the best way I have found:

    Layer 1: Base colors to define water, land or mountain.
    Layer 2: Routes, Mountain markers.
    Layer 3: Cities, Towns, Trees, Caves, Dungeons and any other markers.

    Believe me, you will want mountains to be in layer 2, that way you can set them behind some other markers. For version 2, you may some times want to use Layer 3 for some specific kind of routes that allow you to connect them to mounts and caves set in Layer 2.

    After you have finished your map, just press F4 key while you are on any of those 3 layers, and you'll be able to see the whole map instead of different layers separately. If you want, you can change Layer one to, for example, the pink-ish color I use to fill unused spaces. That way it will be easier for you to select it (with a selection wand) and delete it in a photo editing software.

    Then take a screenshot. You can do it using Print Scr key (a.k.a Print Screen, Prt Scr). It's usually located right above Insert key, and it will a "screenshot" (saving the image to your clipboard) from whatever you're seeing in your screen, and that way you can paste in most photo editing softwares. Or you can simply use an external software for it, like Screenshot Captor, which is free, to take and automatically save your screenshots from your current workspace or active window.

    When you have your screenshot, take it to any editing software to add background (you can check Wario's tutorial link at the beginning of this post for that) and any other specific stuff you may want. When you take the screenshot, remember to set the scale as 1:1 (unless your map is really big).
    I seriously recommend Photoshop, because it allows you to resample your image when you resize it (if you don't know what it is, CLICK HERE), but you can always look for free softwares to edit your photos (a lot of people uses GIMP).

    6- What should I do if I find a misplaced route/marker?

    If you find, for example, a route misplaced, causing it to not perfecly connect to any other routes, simply post an screenshot here clarifying exactly which one it is, and I will fix it as soon as possible.

    7- Image Galleries:
    Version 1: https://imgur.com/a/U9Flu/
    Version 2: https://imgur.com/a/BIFxK/

    8- Tileset Guides
    This is a little help for Version 2, which is a little more complicated to understand. Here are some images specifying exactly what is every thing you see. No image for water routes because it is essentially the same as land routes, in the same order.


    9- Downloads

    Version 1.0 (old and easy):
    Tileset: https://www.mediafire.com/?029ypdx4566fd2a
    Maps: https://www.mediafire.com/?qv18z6o4t7e12ci

    Version 2.0 (new and complex):
    Tileset: https://www.mediafire.com/?bi5qg8b3q36j7k2
    Maps https://www.mediafire.com/?c6wrpqqkx3woqkr

    Version 2.0a (new and complex):
    Tileset: https://www.mediafire.com/i/?cd80pq3tf24sdao
    Example map: https://www.mediafire.com/?poqp0ncmaawvma3

    10- Thread Changelog

    February 2nd: Initial post
    February 3rd: Added new Essentials-sized map
    February 4th: Added Summary and Changelog (lol)
    February 6th: Added Version 2.0 and small corrections to Version 1. Added 4 new sections: Current Version, Downloads, Tileset Guides and Image Galleries sections.
    March 17th: Added Versión 2.0a with lake-like routes, so you can make big water surfaces. Added a a quick example map about it.

    11- Credits
    Wario (from pokemonelite2000) for the base image used for this.

    Last edited:
    So what size should I make my map so I can make it essentials compatible?
    (480 x 320)
    You can make a map which is the EXACT size of a pokemon essentials map (480x320) by making a 20x15 map (minimum RPXP can handle) and using only 15x10 of it like this:


    I have added this map size to the mediafire file in the "how to install" section and also some details about what size is needed for current version of Essentials.

    EDIT: I have added a summary and changelog to the thread, in case I keep updating it (as I said, if people shows interest on it)
    This is pretty good! Thanks!

    Thanks for the comment! :)

    I'm working on it anyway, to make it better by giving more possibilities.

    Right now it's pretty limited in some ways, but making it better will require a pretty big tileset (probably double than the current one) and could be a little more complex to use, precisely because of the high amount of options, but it will be A LOT better to make the map exactly the way you want.

    Anyway, I'm trying to set an easy-to-use order for it , so people will be able to easily find what they need.


    EDIT: Added Version 2.0
    As I said, this one is highly improved. You can access to downloads and tilesets in the first post, and also the v2 gallery: https://imgur.com/a/BIFxK/ showing the same two example maps remade and improved with v2. It's a little more complicated because of the high variety of routes and markers.

    Also, I've added an small correction for the first version. Some routes were misplaced and I added 4 more connections for them too. That way if v2 is too complicated you can still use v1.
    Map Help

    I made a map and was wondering how i could fix it b/c the towns and routes don't match the point markers.


    Also the botem gets cut off in the game.

    Make sure to add https://
    I made a map and was wondering how i could fix it b/c the towns and routes don't match the point markers.


    Also the botem gets cut off in the game.

    Make sure to add https://

    If you mean, for example, the towns next to the water, you should try using the left or right version of the town. If you see the tileset, you have 9 small towns like this:

    T T T
    T T T
    T T T

    You could try using the bolded ones to make sure your town is the closest it can be to the coast. Also, some times using a route slightly moved in the direction of the town/city marker helps a lot. I'm not in my PC right now to set an example, but you could try seeing the way I did it in the example maps, checking wich routes and towns did I use.

    Or you could simple upload your map file to mediafire, so I fix it for you and then you can compare both of them and see how to do it next time.

    About it gets cut off, you should post a game screenshot showing that, so I can see exactly what can it be.
    Last edited:
    I'll try using these, I'm not comenting it good/bad yet, but it does sound Easier/Faster.
    I'll try using these, I'm not comenting it good/bad yet, but it does sound Easier/Faster.

    It is kinda triky to get used to where everything is, but once you do, it is indeed easy xD even more than I thought it would be.
    I've been using your Map Maker and it's awesome! Thanks! :-) Here's a Canada I made with it:

    [PokeCommunity.com] PokeMap - Make HGSS-style maps with RMXP

    I should mention I used white routes over water to signify bridges and I ignored the size restraints as I just wanted a big base. But it was super easy to use, do you plan on updating it again?

    For a suggestion, it'd be nice if you could make it possible to make wider routes and water routes. An example of which would be the surfing area on the Johto map between Olivine and Cianwood.

    It's an interesting map tileset, thanks a lot for posting it.
    I'm using version 2, because I like my game proyects to look more "official", and also I see that version 1 is more limited with the construction of the maps.

    Seriously, thank you a lot, and to all the staff that made it possible.
    I've been using your Map Maker and it's awesome! Thanks! :-) Here's a Canada I made with it:

    [PokeCommunity.com] PokeMap - Make HGSS-style maps with RMXP

    I should mention I used white routes over water to signify bridges and I ignored the size restraints as I just wanted a big base. But it was super easy to use, do you plan on updating it again?

    For a suggestion, it'd be nice if you could make it possible to make wider routes and water routes. An example of which would be the surfing area on the Johto map between Olivine and Cianwood.
    Thanks! and well I have added a v2.0a with a start for this border-less routes. Now, to mention that it wouldn't be a good idea to make them in all the sizes, because most of them will be useless, instead I have added a space to connect them with 3 different routes, from both, either top or a side. You should check it and give it a try to tell me what you think.

    It's an interesting map tileset, thanks a lot for posting it.
    I'm using version 2, because I like my game proyects to look more "official", and also I see that version 1 is more limited with the construction of the maps.

    Seriously, thank you a lot, and to all the staff that made it possible.
    Of course, v1 is more like "for fun maps" but v2 is to make them look more "professional", like the ones you would uses in a game.

    Thanks for your comment btw :D
    Region map making?

    Hello everyone. I'm new here and I'm trying to create a region map for pokemon essentials. I created one with the resources I got from this thread but when I implemented into the game the small towns were off with the selector in the game itself and off with the townmapgen.html I got with pokemon essentials. How do I fix that and where do I get a good tool for making the region map? I really want one created myself but it never works. Can somebody help me with this? Oh yeah, the points are off in like a way that the points in townmapgen.html are at the corners of for example the small town on top
    Last edited by a moderator:
    First off how big is your map it should be no bigger than 480x320 in defualt essentials unless you changed your reselution.
    My PC is unable to download the tileset file. Am I doing something wrong? It download's fine on my Mac but I cant transfer that file to my PC and that's the only device I can use RPG Maker XP and Pok?mon Essentials
    I've used the townmapgen.html to type out a few places and then copied it to my townmap.txt but nothing is appearing on my map. Is there a way to change the map size in the scripts to accommodate my 8x8 towns? My map is the correct size but the intrinsic size is 561x380 if that helps.