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Other hack: Pokemblem [Complete] - Fire Emblem 8 Hack

More content has been added & a number of things polished to look nicer and work better!

Here's a video I made for FEE3 over on feuniverse:

This looks incredibly unique, I've never played a FE game but would certainly be interested in trying this out!
loool the "dub exclusive" jelly donut
Updated with various tweaks, new stuff, a few new areas, and difficulty modes.

Encountered a bug, after beating Blue in Cerulean City, the battle is not treated as over. So I can't leave the city, Oak even says "There's no running from a trainer battle"
Pokemblem is now complete! Enjoy!

FEE3 Video:

7:45pm est Stream link from Imported Cheese (starts as of this post):
Last edited:
Added an ingame randomizer option.

Also, video!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemblem [Complete] - Fire Emblem 8 Hack

I've had the old Beta for a while now, and just decided to continue playing after like, a year or so? So I come in here looking for an update and I see it COMPLETED you MADLAD thank you so much for the masterpiece.
Pokemon and Fire Emblem were my two favourite games on the gba, and wow, you blended them masterfully! Having a blast so far, so glad someone pointed out to me this exists. The level of polish is fantastic.
I barely make posts these days but this caught my eye.

I am currently outside the 4th gym and I have not enjoyed a hack more in a long long time, if you like fire emblem and pokemon play this hack. I implore Vesly to do other gens as you have something great here it is a damn shame it's not more popular as you have done a incredible job with this. I was sceptical at first but the maps, the growths the moves it all just works perfectly and on hard difficulty the balance seems just right.

I honestly didn't expect the full region to be in either but somehow you managed it and it surprisingly doesn't feel tedious to explore thanks to the call mechanic and the teleport signs, my only question is can you somehow catch the miniboss pokemon as i'd love a snorlax but not seen one outside the one you wake so far.

Either way thank you for this wonderful hack and I hope to see more from you.
my only question is can you somehow catch the miniboss pokemon as i'd love a snorlax but not seen one outside the one you wake so far.

Either way thank you for this wonderful hack and I hope to see more from you.
Thank you for the kind words! Really appreciate it 😁

You can get a Snorlax for 30k by the Celadon Slots.
Amazing so far I'm having a blast just running from Viridian to Route 1 ...... I'm a bit of a grind whore. 🤣🤣 I pray, hope, and would join a cult knowing that your working on a silver/gold/crystal one. Thank you for this amazing hack.
Is there anythign at all to do post game? How do you enter Cerulean Cave? How do you get the bird trio when you can only damage them a certain amount before they flee somewhere?
Is there anythign at all to do post game?
No, the post game content has not been made yet.

While additional content would be nice, the game is completable without it so I'm not in a rush to make it, sorry. Perhaps next year.
Can you not capture Boss Pokemon's minions? I know you can't capture Bosses themselves but what about their minions? While in Mt. Moon I fought the Clefable and it summoned a Clefairy I wanted. I checked it's skills and it didn't have the skill that disallowed capture like the trainer Pokemon had. When I captured it, however, even though it said I had captured it and it took my money when I got to the save station and tried to look for it I did not have it. Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how everything works?
Can you not capture Boss Pokemon's minions?
You can. There was, however, a bug where if you captured the last pokemon to remove the boss aura at the same time, then the captured pokemon would be lost. I thought I fixed this for v1.06 - can you confirm that your title screen says 1.06?
The game crashed when spawning a Pokemon from the water spawning location in the first area of the Safari Zone.
The game crashed when spawning a Pokemon from the water spawning location in the first area of the Safari Zone.
Fixed this.

Today's release of v1.08 adds the ability to walk around as Red/Green, letting you switch between grid based battles and rpg movement.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemblem [Complete] - Fire Emblem 8 Hack

This was a ton of work. Enjoy!