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LeafGreen hack: Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

Well, to be honest, I'm finding it hard to find reasons to keep this in the showcase. Yeah, sure, it's completed but the screenshots are full of tile errors and distasteful mapping. So yeah, I think I'll move this into Progressing Hacks until your hack appeals to me as showcase material (quality wise).


(Wow, it's hard to type with a broken finger.)
Excuse me this is the first hack i want to download... Do I have to have a greenleaf rom on my pc?
Engine: Pokémon Leaf Green V 1.0 (U)

Creator: dbzmay
Language: English

General plot summary.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


Project Overview
Some general information.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


Game Features
Check out what the game has in store!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


Screenshots & Media
An in-depth look into the actual game itself.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


Thanks to...
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


Let`s Play!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure


*The beginning maps have been remapped and recoded
*Version 2 is out!

nice, i think the storyline is awesome, so the 8 tyrant pokemon kinda serve as Gym Leaders?
The 8 tyrant pokemon are extra, the 8 subordinates are kind of like the gym leaders.
Bumped out of the showcase? This has got to be a first.

There are a lot of errors that make this game somewhat unplayable to me. Also there are little things (signs) that it wouldn't hurt to change. This hack seems rushed. It's done but far from complete.
lmfao you already got the mewtwo??
and as you can see from the screens the first map has been completely been redone. Also all the scripting has been redone as well. Enjoy and post the bugs please.

Yeah i beat the game in like an hour thinks to the speed thing on vba...

the game is kinda easy through the first half of the game all pokemon where like
lvl 25 or lower....

I played it again with AR codes and beat it even faster.

And heck yeah... i had to catch mewtwo...it was lvl 100.
Bumped out of the showcase? This has got to be a first.

There are a lot of errors that make this game somewhat unplayable to me. Also there are little things (signs) that it wouldn't hurt to change. This hack seems rushed. It's done but far from complete.

What errors make this game unplayable, care to list? Cuz i highly doubt that not coding signs take away from this game.

In my opinion this game is VERY playable, and a lot of work was put into it, it was in no way rushed.

30 hours of gameplay after I beat the game and I KNEW where to go and how to beat it quickly. Every hour of game play is at least 5 hours of coding. whihc meanings I put at LEAST 150 hours into this game. I feel as if the mapping is good; not perfect and the concept is good. I feel like the scripting is good and overall it is very much playable. THe game doesnt NEED the signs. It is a luxury, everything is explained through other means. assuming I mapped at least 50 maps and at least 3 signs per map, that would be 150 extra scripts I would have to create, compile, apply, test and possibly fix. In my eyes, Im not a professional Gamefreak creator who gets paid for this, Im a university student, It seems too tedious for something so small. Also in my honest opinion, this game does belong in the showcase, seeing as how much effort and work has been put into it. People are making statements, but are not showing me anything.

the only statement made was the Hero's village map, which I COMPLETYE re-did withing the hour.
So please dont leave comments saying its rushed, and came out too quickly, and its sloppy. Be constructive and I will make adjustments. And trust me I put in more work into this than you can POSSIBLY begin to grasp.

Anyways, I want to hear constructive critisism as I am definately willing to make this game better. So please do leave comments; both good and bad, and post screenshots for things that need improvement.

Thanks guys,
Just curious... what legendaries are excluded? And when you say all pokemon, do you also mean DP pokemon? And if so... will they have DP moves or no?
you can obtain jirachi, ho-oh, lugia, mew, mewtwo, deoxy's and celebi at the moment. And DP are not in the game but all others from all other generations are.
Ah okay that makes sense. And I gave it a quick playthrough (Got only the first badge) and I had no problem with the game at all... Thought it was pretty good although I don't understand the rival stealing the pokemon when he is supposed to be this crazy bad*** guy...

I do like how you have all the generation pokemon available to catch
LOL yeahh I might change how that, have any suggestions of how I should implement him?
I'm playing this hack,and i have seen a few tons of tile errors. Also,couldn't you think of something more original than "battle me!" "I lost." "You're really tough" "Please SEDA save our town!" trainer quotes?
The storyline seems pointless a bit a lot too. In a second i have to save the world? O_o
It's a bit random.
BTW,i use an Aipom and a Zangoose,not a Pikachu. Will it somehow affect the story?
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It's a great Hack dbzmay! you can just fix the bugs that will be
found and implement some more things!

I love how much you put effort into it! Unlike others who say it's
rushed. They don't even have a proof cause they didn't even see
you make it.

Again you can polish it up and it'll be an epic game!

Good Luck dbzmay! :)
It's a great Hack dbzmay! you can just fix the bugs that will be
found and implement some more things!

I love how much you put effort into it! Unlike others who say it's
rushed. They don't even have a proof cause they didn't even see
you make it.

Again you can polish it up and it'll be an epic game!

Good Luck dbzmay! :)
But what we DID see, was the end result, full of tile errors, other peoples privvate sprites, and....more tile errors. Oh and laziness too.
I liked it alot...It was to easy for me though...
Only thing that slowed me down was the mazes. -_-

Oh Is there any missions after you beat Gary??
I love how much you put effort into it!
I don't think i'll finish this hack if those trainers that only say "Battle me!" citizens that say "SEDA save our town!" will pop up constantly.
Dzbmay,seriously,you could just keep the original quotes. I'm getting furious of the trainers that say the same things.
There are also no signposts,lots of people are deleted for laziness for no editing text and there are heaps of tile errors.
I haven't see a trainer without the set: "Battle me!" "I lost." "You're really tough."
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Alright guys, I don't want to flame the thread or
be off topic.

People have different thoughts and opinions. But
it's nice to know he tried to make a hack for us
to play.

If you dislike it then you can quit playing it. He's also
open to suggestions on how to improving it.

In my opinion this is great because not too many people
can really hack. For instance, like me. I simply admire
all of the hackers here cause for what it's worth, they
really try to make a hack.

We can say that it needs a lot of improvement but hey,
he managed to go this far so it wouldn't be difficult for
dbzmay for improving it.

Anyways, much had been said. Good luck dbzmay!
For people who say there are tile errors, I feel like you should post screenshots of it so dbzmay can see them and fix them. Cause just saying there are tile errors do not do anything... He does not know where they are, and thus can not fix them