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LeafGreen hack: Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

For people who say there are tile errors, I feel like you should post screenshots of it so dbzmay can see them and fix them. Cause just saying there are tile errors do not do anything... He does not know where they are, and thus can not fix them

Ummm....welll...look at the first post?
I really didn't want to do this.

i really didn't want to point out his issues publicly in the thread as it deters people from wanting to play it, but it has to be done.

What errors make this game unplayable, care to list? Cuz i highly doubt that not coding signs take away from this game.

In my opinion this game is VERY playable, and a lot of work was put into it, it was in no way rushed.

30 hours of gameplay after I beat the game and I KNEW where to go and how to beat it quickly. Every hour of game play is at least 5 hours of coding. whihc meanings I put at LEAST 150 hours into this game. I feel as if the mapping is good; not perfect and the concept is good. I feel like the scripting is good and overall it is very much playable. THe game doesnt NEED the signs. It is a luxury, everything is explained through other means. assuming I mapped at least 50 maps and at least 3 signs per map, that would be 150 extra scripts I would have to create, compile, apply, test and possibly fix. In my eyes, Im not a professional Gamefreak creator who gets paid for this, Im a university student, It seems too tedious for something so small. Also in my honest opinion, this game does belong in the showcase, seeing as how much effort and work has been put into it. People are making statements, but are not showing me anything.

the only statement made was the Hero's village map, which I COMPLETYE re-did withing the hour.
So please dont leave comments saying its rushed, and came out too quickly, and its sloppy. Be constructive and I will make adjustments. And trust me I put in more work into this than you can POSSIBLY begin to grasp.

Anyways, I want to hear constructive critisism as I am definately willing to make this game better. So please do leave comments; both good and bad, and post screenshots for things that need improvement.

Thanks guys,
You say you want constructive criticism but when you get it you don't want to hear it. You keep making mention of how long it took you to make this. To be honest it's quality over quantity. I've been working on my hack for 3 months and still I'm only at the third gym. That's because I took time to implement new features, make good-looking maps and fix any and ALL errors i ran into. And I truly don't think that being a "university student" is an excuse for sloppiness. I'm in my first year of university too, and while it does slow you down, it gives you time to proof everything in the game.

Also it seems that you just stuffed twelve pokemon of a specific type into a town (which by the way is really not a good ide) and picked that as the name. No type of creativity was put into it. To make it worse there was wild grass EVERYWHERE. There was no was to escape it; attrocious. Not to mention that the trainers ALL say the same thing. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! WHAT THE HECK?! You removed people from the marts, and centers, maybe for to avoid scripting them.. Also why is it that everyone says to me save our town. What do people not have minds and personalities of their own? That's so bizarre.

tl;dr this hack is unpolished and very damn sloppy.

I'm playing this hack,and i have seen a few tons of tile errors. Also,couldn't you think of something more original than "battle me!" "I lost." "You're really tough" "Please SEDA save our town!" trainer quotes?
The storyline seems pointless a bit a lot too. In a second i have to save the world? O_o
It's a bit random.
BTW,i use an Aipom and a Zangoose,not a Pikachu. Will it somehow affect the story?
Yes! This 100x Everyone says the same thing!
But the bottomline is he made a hack.

Some doesn't even finish their Hacks or
don't know How to Hack like me.

dbzmay, you can fix the errors in your spare time
and polish it up. :)
It doesn't matter if he is done with it, some people never finish but their betas are more complete than this. Did you realzie that in each map you can tell what it was originally?

For people who say there are tile errors, I feel like you should post screenshots of it so dbzmay can see them and fix them. Cause just saying there are tile errors do not do anything... He does not know where they are, and thus can not fix them
i'll just showcase the first 8 I ran into. This is far from all.
He claims the mapping improves over time, which it does not.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Advanced Adventure

Alright guys, I don't want to flame the thread or
be off topic.

People have different thoughts and opinions. But
it's nice to know he tried to make a hack for us
to play.

If you dislike it then you can quit playing it. He's also
open to suggestions on how to improving it.

In my opinion this is great because not too many people
can really hack. For instance, like me. I simply admire
all of the hackers here cause for what it's worth, they
really try to make a hack.

We can say that it needs a lot of improvement but hey,
he managed to go this far so it wouldn't be difficult for
dbzmay for improving it.

Anyways, much had been said. Good luck dbzmay!

He's not that open to suggestions at all. We tell hime the issue and he responds with "blah blah blah, it's not important". That my friend is far from open.
Finally something consstructive. No, I am not closed to your opinions. THe only thing i said that I felt was unimportant was the signs. The above post is VERY helpful, and i do respect your honesty. You pointed out the flaws, and of course there will be changes made. I do not want to come out saying its perfect, cuz it isnt.

The mappings will be redone shortly over-time, as well as people in the town beginnging to say different things. The game is comeplete, but it isnt i guess "exquisite" in a sense where everything and everyone has something to say in the hack.

I have taken note of the things you posted and I apprecuate it, and btw im a 2nd year math student so it is quite difficult.

So yeah, what will come is things will begin to be polished up firstly in terms of mapping. Secondly, people will be added in towns with different personalities and different quotes.

It will be a long process, but the main part is that aside from these two flaws the game is very playable.

Please keep posting errors you post, because I will find the time to fix them. Thanks,
Thanks for the support, it's greatly appreciated. Im open to feedback, comments and requests as well!
I agree with the people that just because your in university doesnt mean you can have a sloppy hack, also the mapping is horrible whats with all the flowers, grass and those green things, tone it down a little yeh? for advice go to the map rating thread and post it there and look at others and the replies.
I hope you improve on this hack.
Also did you ask metapod23 for those sprites???
Yes I did ask metapod for the sprites I used from him, he was credited in the thread.
My only suggestion after giving this a quick playthrough is that the game is very easy... I have gotten 5 badges so far and my strongest pokemon is like level 30... And he was one of the tyrant pokemon I caught.

Also, I agree with people who said that they are tired of everyone saying "Thanks for saving us" and etc. That did get tiring very quickly... And a lot of the places are too empty IMO, like the Pokemon Center, Poke Mart, etc. They all only have 1 person

It seems like there is a lot of map space you can utilize better and add more stuff... But hey, this is a hack that you do want to make better so that isn't a problem
Mapping is currently in the process and in a few days the game should be rid of 99% of its tile errors.
Version 4 has been released! 99% of tile errors have been fixed. A big thank you goes out to I make updates!
before I do upload the latest beta, did you change the text of what people say, as people did suggest changing what the people said?

at the moment we havent implemented any new sayings for people to the game but we are writing some and will change them after we do some remapping but we had ti fix the tile errors first and we are currently working on fixing up the insides of the gyms so it not a straight walk to the leader with only 1 or 2 people
at the moment we havent implemented any new sayings for people to the game but we are writing some and will change them after we do some remapping but we had ti fix the tile errors first and we are currently working on fixing up the insides of the gyms so it not a straight walk to the leader with only 1 or 2 people

As a suggestion, before the next release with the map fixes also fix the dialogue then release update #5.
we will fix the dialogue per town progressively. Keep in mind, thewhole game is already coded, so its just a matter of editing the raw text, which wont take long at all.

I am makin a walkthrought of this game reason little bit promotion for this awesome game there are no walktroughts of this game and i fell like i can't make the 1000th ruby destiny walktrought xD
haha sounds good, give me a link and ill add it to the post and credit you.

As for development of the game, it is slowly being worked on, progress is slower than usual cuz of school. Please continue suggesting recommendations
Wow! A fast progressing hack eh?! There's not much I can say.. IT's GOOD! I'm planning to play it in my PSP.. The best LeafGreen hack that I've ever seen and soon to be played and finished.. :D
its complete but far from finished as we are upgrading it and increasing the challange so sometime later this year hopefully before christmas we will be close to finished