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[Developing] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

I changed it so you can't play as any of the characters besides the first two at all until you interact with your dresser later. Even then there's a chance that you'll get a syntax error when you go to bed. It's explained when you interact with the dresser. You just have to download the game again for the changes to happen.
At least I made the pronouns a separate thing so you'll still be called they/them even while playing as the "male character" if you chose that option.

Yep, that works now! So far I've been enjoying the game, but I'm gonna report a few issues I've noticed (apologies in advance if they've already been brought to your attentino but I honestly don't feel like scrolling through 4 pages of messages to make sure, and didn't see anything relating to them in the OP) :
-Items will disappear from your inventory. When trying to plant my starter berries, one of the seed packets disappeared from my inventory, and I've only been able to plant the two I've been left with
-No Pokémon cries, at all, in battle is this normal ?
-Graphic displays issues. The trainer sprite selection screen was only a fourth of the screen, and stayed stuck for a little while until I got the starter Tauros. Similarly, the starters sprites wouldn't appear when selecting one.
-The fairy type matchups seem to be coded incorrectly, as fairy type moves deal neutral damages to dark types (unless the type chart has been modified ?)
Yep, that works now! So far I've been enjoying the game, but I'm gonna report a few issues I've noticed (apologies in advance if they've already been brought to your attentino but I honestly don't feel like scrolling through 4 pages of messages to make sure, and didn't see anything relating to them in the OP) :
-Items will disappear from your inventory. When trying to plant my starter berries, one of the seed packets disappeared from my inventory, and I've only been able to plant the two I've been left with
-No Pokémon cries, at all, in battle is this normal ?
-Graphic displays issues. The trainer sprite selection screen was only a fourth of the screen, and stayed stuck for a little while until I got the starter Tauros. Similarly, the starters sprites wouldn't appear when selecting one.
-The fairy type matchups seem to be coded incorrectly, as fairy type moves deal neutral damages to dark types (unless the type chart has been modified ?)

Most of those are a "whoops" on my part. Just me forgetting to do some things. I have no idea why the cries aren't working in battle though. They work outside of battle. They work outside of the game maker, even.
I (think I) fixed everything else, but that I'm going to have to put in the "known glitches" list.
i genuinely cannot wait till marriage is a possibility

That genuinely makes me really happy to read! Unfortunately I've been really busy trying to play catch-up since COVID is finally starting to peter out. (Which is mostly a good thing, but it still does mean that I'm not getting as much free time as I used to.)
I'll be uploading any significant changes that aren't hidden to the player whenever there's even a single change because of this. (Or several small changes.) I'm also going to upload the next actual build after doing minimal-to-no testing and continue doing testing after the upload. (Like, I'll marry two people to see if the marriage and polygamy works before uploading the build with marriage in it.)

I have five and a half candidates left to make post-marriage schedules for so far.
That genuinely makes me really happy to read! Unfortunately I've been really busy trying to play catch-up since COVID is finally starting to peter out. (Which is mostly a good thing, but it still does mean that I'm not getting as much free time as I used to.)
I'll be uploading any significant changes that aren't hidden to the player whenever there's even a single change because of this. (Or several small changes.) I'm also going to upload the next actual build after doing minimal-to-no testing and continue doing testing after the upload. (Like, I'll marry two people to see if the marriage and polygamy works before uploading the build with marriage in it.)

I have five and a half candidates left to make post-marriage schedules for so far.

if you're not dead by the time youve finished what you want to do for this game, and you wanna add more, you could have interactions between characters (or at least the ones that are familiar with each other, like stuff between jayce and umeko, too much work to do something for everyone
when meeting withyour rival for the firstbattle as soon as the diolouge ends and it goes to the battle the game crashes
Been awhile since I've posted anything. Finally got my pc fixed I downloaded the newest version. I keep encountering an error when trying to battle the first gym leader https://imgur.com/a/VYOU0H5

Managed to get by 1st gym by using an older version save file, but went to second gym and cannot battle the leader. I could go back to the old file and try to circumvent again but I really don't want to have to do this for each gym leader. Regular trainer battles, so far, have run fine though.
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Been awhile since I've posted anything. Finally got my pc fixed I downloaded the newest version. I keep encountering an error when trying to battle the first gym leader https://imgur.com/a/VYOU0H5

Managed to get by 1st gym by using an older version save file, but went to second gym and cannot battle the leader. I could go back to the old file and try to circumvent again but I really don't want to have to do this for each gym leader. Regular trainer battles, so far, have run fine though.
Oh. You're playing on a much older save file. I added the missing graphics so it should work if you download the latest version now.

Btw can I play it on mobile have you test it
Becus I really want to play like really
There have been people who said that they were able to play it on their phone, but I won't ever be testing it on mobile.

There's no point in me testing the game on mobile because even though it might work well on mobile today, I'll be constantly adding things to the game. Not only would it be incredibly tedious to have to playtest the game twice every time I make a major update. Even if I add so much to the game where it's practically unplayable on mobile I'm not going to go back to remove things for mobile only players. I'm not at all making this game with mobile play in mind.
Odd, but redownloading did fix it ( I thought I had the newest update, could have just been a faulty download since my normal extraction program doesn't like to download EO, ended up using new program that extracted without any problems).

I might be missing something but I had the Ceres building built but when I go talk to the clerk that's supposed to sell the upgrades(not the one who sells crafting supplies) I get a message that I can't ( a message says "You wont actually be able to use this. Sorry.) so I can't do any upgrades to my farm.
Odd, but redownloading did fix it ( I thought I had the newest update, could have just been a faulty download since my normal extraction program doesn't like to download EO, ended up using new program that extracted without any problems).

I might be missing something but I had the Ceres building built but when I go talk to the clerk that's supposed to sell the upgrades(not the one who sells crafting supplies) I get a message that I can't ( a message says "You wont actually be able to use this. Sorry.) so I can't do any upgrades to my farm.
I added Character Customization a while ago. The customization script is outdated and I barely made it so it will work for the version of Essentials that I'm using so it only looks for the first two characters and I had to go through some hoops to find it in the first place. The game you might be playing on is updated but your save file is based on a version that didn't have character customization. If you restart the game you can customize your character. With your current save file you cannot. You will still be allowed to use they/them pronouns and you should be able to use one of the other four characters, but you'll have to look at your dresser first since the other four characters are just customized versions of the first two. (The game explains this more in detail. The script is old, like I said, so it might not work for you anyway.)

With that said, the reason why you couldn't upgrade your farm is because I'm an idiot who forgot to delete the two extra pages for that Event where I made those conditions separately. If character customizations doesn't work for you then you won't be able to use some things in your farm to make clothes, but if you download the latest version once it's updated (the date should say 1/12/24 or 13 when it's ready) it should at least let you upgrade your farm otherwise.
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No. I have to test the game out first. I don't even have the characters with the new dialogue set in place yet.
Things came up so I'm not able to work on the game like I used to.
Hey ho.^^

I hope, that you don't get too much stress from so many sides in your life.
When you can't work on the game for the time being, then - I can only write from my point of view - everyone can wait a little longer. ;-)

I like the concept of the game and would love to play it, when you finish it, so I can test the whole feeling of everything.^^ (And let some of my viewers play it too, because I think many of them would love it.^^)

If you want, I'll send you some energy from me. :-)

Have a nice day!^^
