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[Developing] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

i always wanted this as a feature for a pokemon game where starters have brach evolutions it would be the first game that ever had it if you put it in and the other is to have 2 different sets of starters and for badges you dont actually need a design for them for now you could just say the number
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i always wanted this as a feature for a pokemon game where starters have brach evolutions it would be the first game that ever had it if you put it in and the other is to have 2 different sets of starters and for badges you dont actually need a design for them for now you could just say the number
Awesome! I came up with badges a while ago. I should probably update the first post aside from whenever I update the game, huh? >>
This is exactly the kind of game I always wanted as a kid. Going to give this a try!
Also awesome!
I downloaded at the link provided and opened it on joiplay, but whenever I try to open it, I'm just met with a black screen. Am I missing something or is it just my phone?
hi, i dont know if im the only one with this glitch but i cant play at all, when i start the game and try to borrow the pokeball at the start of the game
this Error message appears

i select trainer 2
She/her pronouns

and when i tried to take the pokeball for the introduction scene this appears when i try to take it.
( im new, i dont really know how to post images, im really sorry)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)
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I downloaded at the link provided and opened it on joiplay, but whenever I try to open it, I'm just met with a black screen. Am I missing something or is it just my phone?

I have no idea. I didn't know that this game could be played on the phone until somebody told me about Joiplay. I don't make my game with the intention of it to be played on the phone (I don't know how) so I can't fix whatever problems the game have with that app. Sorry.

hi, i dont know if im the only one with this glitch but i cant play at all, when i start the game and try to borrow the pokeball at the start of the game
this Error message appears

i select trainer 2
She/her pronouns

and when i tried to take the pokeball for the introduction scene this appears when i try to take it.
( im new, i dont really know how to post images, im really sorry)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

That problem seems to come up 50% of the time. I'm just going to move that to a dresser you'll never actually have to interact with. That's about as much as I can do considering that the script is old and the script writer isn't around the community anymore. (I don't think.)
At least that way you can play the game. You just won't be able to dress up.

Could you make a .zip file of this download? i always have trouble extracting it from the .rar file and I would love to play this game.

I cannot. I tried. Sorry.
can i ask you something is there like an evolution chart to know how each of the pokemon evolves and kiana lab pokedex giveaway gliched daily and cant go through the cave next to the second gym and could you put in a quest log or something cause i dont remember what pokemon i need to trade with the canidate
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do you always put what changed in game in the front page?
Yes, but I always replace the previous changes with the current ones on the front page. But the posts of what changed in the game are all still on the blog, if you're curious!

can i ask you something is there like an evolution chart to know how each of the pokemon evolves and kiana lab pokedex giveaway gliched daily and cant go through the cave next to the second gym and could you put in a quest log or something cause i dont remember what pokemon i need to trade with the canidate

1. I have the evolution methods of all of the added Pokemon on the blog. Links for those pages are under the "Pokemon" section of the first post (I took the easy route since I didn't want to make an effort to talk about them all over again) or you can just go to the blog directly from the link that I moved from the bottom of the "features" list to the top of the post.
2. I don't understand what you mean by this. My best guess is that you mean that you're getting a letter daily? I made a cutscene happen after getting that letter when you step inside of the lab so you can't miss the Pokedex. The letters should stop once you have the Pokedex since the switch to turn it off is in both events and if it doesn't that just means that RPG Maker XP is being a dumb old man again. (I'd have to switch the switches.)
3. I swear I had to fix that cave so many times before. If it messes up again I'm going to have to remove all ladders and make it all one level.
4. I would love to do that! But I can't. I don't have the skills to make items that aren't just copies of other items. (Not in a Pokemon fan game at least.) BUuUuUut I did make it so if you check the board again it will actually tell you what Pokemon they want now. Which is something that I should've done in the first place. Thank you for pointing out that I didn't! I doubt I'd ever catch that on my own.
i actually made it through that cave but i had to glitch through the outside of it of that second floor but the pokedex thing i will have to restart cause i think i did something wrong early in but oh well can you put in ecounter thing where it shows what you can get per area and i think it would be cool to have an event at the end if you trade pokemon with your spose and you made it to the league and win it with there pokemon it should make them very happy depending on who it is
i actually made it through that cave but i had to glitch through the outside of it of that second floor but the pokedex thing i will have to restart cause i think i did something wrong early in but oh well can you put in ecounter thing where it shows what you can get per area and i think it would be cool to have an event at the end if you trade pokemon with your spose and you made it to the league and win it with there pokemon it should make them very happy depending on who it is

1&2: Did you download the latest download? (Or the one before this one, rather.) The changes won't be there unless you download the latest version of the game. (Though I'm still not understanding what's wrong with the Pokedex.)
3. That's what the Pokedex is for.
4. That would be really cool! But that's unfortunately impossible. I can make the game see if you have a certain species in your party but not if it's the specific Pokemon you got from a trade.
No, it's nothing to do with your end, it's my end that's the trouble. Tumblr just doesn't want to load on my computer, and I do want to see the guide, but unless Tumblr loads on my computer I won't be able to see it.

Well, that's weird. I had very little interest in copying the pages from the blog and pasting them elsewhere but after certain events started happening overseas I might just do that anyway whenever other certain events start happening.
Y'see, it's hard for me to focus on writing while paying attention to something in the background at the same time, (even music with lyrics will throw me off,) so if there's something I want to see live I usually switch to doing graphics that I'll need to do for this game in the future anyway. I think I probably rant out of those things so I might just copy and paste some of the blog pages onto docs the next time I'm watching something live.
That problem seems to come up 50% of the time. I'm just going to move that to a dresser you'll never actually have to interact with. That's about as much as I can do considering that the script is old and the script writer isn't around the community anymore. (I don't think.)
At least that way you can play the game. You just won't be able to dress up.

I cannot. I tried. Sorry.

I'm having the exact same issue. Avatar 6, They/Them. No drawer in sight in the room, and I cannot leave it at all, so I can't even get started.

I'm having the exact same issue. Avatar 6, They/Them. No drawer in sight in the room, and I cannot leave it at all, so I can't even get started.


I changed it so you can't play as any of the characters besides the first two at all until you interact with your dresser later. Even then there's a chance that you'll get a syntax error when you go to bed. It's explained when you interact with the dresser. You just have to download the game again for the changes to happen.
At least I made the pronouns a separate thing so you'll still be called they/them even while playing as the "male character" if you chose that option.