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FireRed hack: Pokemon Legend of Fenju

Which Starters should i use and how should the player get them? (multiple Choice)

  • Whihe Pokes: Squirtle, Totodile and Mudkip

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • Which Pokes: Other Pokes (tell me)

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • How: 3 Pokes, choose one of them at the beginning

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • How: 3 Pokes, one at the beginning and two later

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • How: Only 1 Poke

    Votes: 6 11.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


  • 1,516

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    by Neti and the Rom Reaverz Hacking Team

    Hack of: 1636
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    Thread Rules
    - Do NOT ask for Releases
    - Do NOT ask for any ressources
    - Do NOT apply as a beta tester

    Please Note:
    The Alpha was deleted because it had too many bugs!

    Jump to Headline:
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]plot[/a id]

    The Legend of Fenju

    Geographical Information
    You start in the small village Benyuan in the region Binggao which is located on the continent Fenju.
    On that continent there are also 2 other regions, Huoshi and Gaoya.
    Binggao is in the nort of the continent. It is very cold there and it snows all year.
    Huoshi is ruled by a desert enviroment. there are not many places where life is possible, so most cities are at the coast.
    Gaoya is very industrialized. Their technologies are future-like to the citizens of the other two regions.
    But Fenju is no peaceful place: The 3 regions are in war with each other since decades.
    The trigger for that war were legendary pokemon. All People believe that Fenju was created by Legendary Pokemon, but each Region believes in a different group of legendarys and the citizens of each regions belive in different "Leader-Pokemon" who lead that group.
    The most people in Binggao think that Suicune was the "Leader Pokemon", but others trust in Articuno, Kyogre, Lugia or Regice.
    In Huoshi most people belive in Groudon, others think of Entei, Moltres, Ho-Oh and Regirock.
    And the people in Gaoya think that it is Rayquaza, but others believe in Mewtwo, Registeel, Zapdos or Raikou.

    Plot Information
    One day youre outside to help your father Wallace catch some pokemon.
    Suddenly he is trapped and attacked by some spys of Huoshi.
    They run away, but you manage to remember their faces.
    You go to your father, he is heavily injured. He tells you to go to your mother and tell her what happened, she know what to do. Then two people arrive and bring your father to the Pokecenter.
    When you go to your mother she gives you an Eevee to protect you on the way to Shengu, where your father is now. Then she leaves.
    When you arrive in Shengus Pokecenter the two guys who helped your father see you and tell you that you father is dead.
    Your mom tells yout to go search your older brother Archie, who is now the leader of Binggao and tell him what happened.
    He is defending your region, so you have to travel through it in order to find him.

    Thats it for now (Plot of the first [not-released] Beta), The only thing I can spoil for now is that there will be a big twist in the game ;-)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    3 Completely New Regions with stunning tiles, palettes and maps
    Each Region has a different Enviroment, you'll travel through Snow, Deserts and futuristic Towns
    A catching Story of which you only know the boring part so far
    New OW Sprites (Some from Myster Dungeon)
    New Characters and old ones that you all should know in new roles
    A new Hero: You!
    No Gyms and Elite 4, but Village Elder fights instead
    Rom Reaverz Perfection in every aspect

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]screenshots[/a id]




    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]maps[/a id]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]owsprites[/a id]

    These are of course not all new OWs in the game.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]videos[/a id]

    Check the Legend of Fenju Playlist on Youtube for all videos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]team[/a id]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju

    Additional Help:
    XDRules - Story Assistant

    Beta Testers:
    Heartless Sora
    riolu 9
    Platinum Lucario
    Ray Maverick

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]downloads[/a id]

    There will be Beta Releases after each Region and a final one when the hack is fully completed.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]support[/a id]

    At the moment i dont need Any Scripter/Mapper/Spriter/etc. but you can always support me with ideas or by inserting one of my Userbars into your signature.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]userbars[/a id]


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Legend of Fenju
    [a id]credits[/a id]

    dshayabusa -> Ice Palettes
    Fanking Omega -> Ice Tiles
    X-Buster -> Super DP RomBase
    Serg!o -> Desert Tiles
    PHO -> Most of the Huoshi Trees and plants
    Dodo_Cat -> Temple Tiles
    Coronis -> some OW Sprites

    Special Thx to
    My Team for always helping me out
    Lu-Ho for making Advance Map
    Everybody with my Userbar in his sig
    All people I forgot
    Oh see, i didnt list Gamefreak and Nintendo... Maybe because their Mapping Skills suck xD

    If you can't see the Background-image or can't read the white text go update your browser or use another one: Firefox
    It may also be that the image-hosting server is down. In that case, have patience.
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    So the thread's up now ^^
    I already put a userbar into my signature, I love the story, the snow tiles, just EVERYTHING about The Legend Of Fenju ;)

    It's going to be a great hack for sure.
    And...2nd one to post xD
    great that your hack i up, my friend, it looks so great, the tiles look absolutly perfect in your maps, great job. you can count on me if you need any sprites, just tell me how they should look!
    and your story is great! xD (just wanted to say)

    i'll put your banner in my signature now! ^^
    i wanst even completely one with the thread (credits were missin) and already 3 ppl posted? what a nice start^^

    Thx for supporting me! If you have any ideas just let me know
    Whoa! This is awesome, keep it up, the maps are awesome, and the story is original.

    Oh, yeah, by the way, in my opinion the best map there is Route 2.
    Whoa! This is awesome, keep it up, the maps are awesome, and the story is original.

    Oh, yeah, by the way, in my opinion the best map there is Route 2.

    really? i think route 2 needs a makeover xD i like Guaiwan the most^^

    Wow,the hack is awesome!
    Can't wait to see some screen.:D

    Just wait a few minutes, im currently making some, includeing Binggao City which you didnt see yet cause i think posting a mapshot of it is not a good idea since it will take some time til the player can enter it.
    Nice screenshots! I like what you've done with the weather effects there. By the way, are you going to change the main character's graphics? I'm just wondering.

    Anyways, love the maps, and that big blue building seems pretty cool.
    Will you add a new HM for the flame blocking?

    i will probably use watergun for that
    maybe i can manage to show you how the animation of the flames looks like...
    i have no program which lets me make animated gifs, can you tell me where to get one?
    Search online gif animator on google and you can do it online!
    dont mind i just made a short vid:
    the flames wont be there later in the game, they will be found in Huoshi, the Deset Region.
    Just made this Video to test the animation and show it to you
    There is also an animation that appears when you water them^^ they wont just vanish from one moment to the other, that would look crappy xD
    Nice, the flame animation is good, I like the concept.

    As a side note, just thought I might add, that new userbar is pretty damn awesome.
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