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Red hack: Pokemon Red 151

Hello, your romhack pokemon red 151 is being used in the bizarrely popular twitch plays pokemon livestream (twitch (dot) tv/twitchplayspokemon). I was hoping you could provide a more through list of the changes you made so we can (try) to guide things more effectively.

For example, we recently beat the fighting dojo and received hitmonlee... who we accidentally released when we tried to retrieve him from the PC. After that there was a lot of debate about whether or not we could go back for hitmonchan as well.

I downloaded the rom, but the documentation you included doesn't explain much except for some new wild pokemon locations and stat total changes. It would be great if you could provide details about other changes.

Thank you,
Neiromaru and the whole TPP audience (85,000 people at the moment!)

P.S. Praise the almighty Helix Fossil.

This is wrong, the title screen is different on this one. Bleh. If anyone knows which one IS being played, please message the mods on reddit.com/r/twitchplayspokemon. Thanks.
Ohai there.

First of all, nice hack. Some of the levels jumped like crazy from one area to another but nothing a lil' power leveling couldn't fix.

Twitch plays pokemon doesn't have the increased difficulty of this game, it's really noticeable.

Just finished beating the rival and caught Mewtwo, however I did not find Mew anywhere. Is Mew indeed catchable? I'll try look a bit harder in the Cerulean Cave, maybe it has an insanely lower rate than the others (similar to starters).

edit: Found it by mistake trying to look for a Parasect ^^ Thanks.
edit2: What, it transformed into my Lapras and after i caught it, it became a Ditto. I have no words for this, it was clearly a Mew, as shown in Pokedex.
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edit2: What, it transformed into my Lapras and after i caught it, it became a Ditto. I have no words for this, it was clearly a Mew, as shown in Pokedex.

This is a known bug in Gen I and II . . .

Check Bulbapedia . . . I would post a link, but I can't yet . . .
Nice hack! the increased diff is a plus definitely... I lost to Blue's Evee (though I clearly saw him get a bulbasaur, but hey what evs) on our first fight and lol'd pretty hard when brock threw a lvl 17 aerodactyl at me.
Nice to see some interesting pokes in the starter areas too.
kuddos & thanks
Ohai there.

First of all, nice hack. Some of the levels jumped like crazy from one area to another but nothing a lil' power leveling couldn't fix.

Twitch plays pokemon doesn't have the increased difficulty of this game, it's really noticeable.

Just finished beating the rival and caught Mewtwo, however I did not find Mew anywhere. Is Mew indeed catchable? I'll try look a bit harder in the Cerulean Cave, maybe it has an insanely lower rate than the others (similar to starters).

edit: Found it by mistake trying to look for a Parasect ^^ Thanks.
edit2: What, it transformed into my Lapras and after i caught it, it became a Ditto. I have no words for this, it was clearly a Mew, as shown in Pokedex.
Was it just a random encounter or is he hidden somewhere, i've got the same issue :/
Any way to get this to work with the Lameboy Emulator on the DSTWO?

Edit: Doesn't read the .ips format, only takes .gb, is there another emulator I could grab instead, perhaps?

EDIT2: Got it working! Many thanks
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What ROM did you base this hack off of? I'd love to play it but can't get the patch to work!
Hi there! Absolutely newbie to pokemon here giving it a try thanks to TPP. So don't be mad at me.
I used the lunar ips and the log says it's patched OK. My pokedex stops at 133. Is that normal or should it show 151 slots from the begging? Thanks.

Edit: Ok. I checked a walkthrough and Blue should have used one of the starting pokemons against me instead of Eevee. So I guess the pokedex will update itself later. Am I right?
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Great hack. Haven't had this much fun playing a rom in a long time.

For everyone thinking this is the rom Twitch Plays Pokemon is using, it was originaly supposed to be so. The guy in charge just screwed up and accidentally loaded the regular Red.
I'm not sure if the author is still around, but there is a slight bug on the first Giovanni battle in the Game Corner secret hideout. It appears his pokemon weren't updated, so they are all level ~24 when the minions around are level ~48. Other than that it has been flawless, great job.

And to play with this hack, you will need:
a) The .ips file that contains the patch (included in the attachment here)
b) The "Lunar IPS.exe" program that applies said patch (included in the attachment here)
c) The original Pokemon Red ROM file (extension ".gb", around 1kb, easily found by googling).
d) An emulator to run the game (I suggest VisualBoyAdvance)

Once you have the ingredients, you have to apply the patch and start the emulator with the patched ROM:
1) Apply the patch (.ips) to the ROM (.gb) by running "Lunar IPS.exe" and selecting those files as requested. This will result in a patched ROM. You only need to this once.
2) Run "VisualBoyAdvance.exe" to start the emulator.
3) File -> Open and select the patched ROM (new .gb file) or drag the file into the emulator.

You will know it is working if your rival duels you with an Eevee instead of one of the starters. Because it is an emulator you can do stuff like speeding up (called Emulator Throttle), smoothing out the pixels when you resize (Filters) and saving/loading anywhere. Enjoy!
Funny thing that this rom gets attention through the twitch-game. I got here because of that as well, but was aware that its a different hack.
I hope the Maker will read this. This is my Feedback. (My English is not perfect though. It's not my first language. )
I have to say: wow, its SO much fun! Most of the depressing time leveling through boring rattatas and pidgeys is exchanged with exciting new pokemon you can catch. Bulbasaur in the first Forest? Freaking AWESOME. That's what let's you keep playing!
Also faster leveling because of stronger pokemon. I needed to train for at least 30 minutes before I could go more than 10 meters in Mt Moon. Brock was the only Trainer, who slayed me once in the whole game, because it caught me by surprise that he has a Aerodactyl lvl 26 and it bashed easily my Ivysaur with wing attack.
What I don't like is that the random training >lvl 55 takes too much time because of the huge experience steps. I gathered a lot of EVs of course, so I could beat lvl 70 with level 60, but I get not enough EXP for all my pokemon. So I used some rare bonbons for the end-game just to get to 70, with them I could defeat the game because of EV-Bonuses. In the end everything was 74/73 in my team and a lvl 85 Slowpoke and a lot of max revives and full restores. I like it that the last trainer has only lvl 100s. Thats a Rival!
Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are VERY rare. Also, its very annoying to search on that Bike-route. I would like to see some other fields where I can get it.

And I think its barely possible to get anything in the Safarizone, because all the pokemon there have a very low catchrate, but on the other hand it's nice to see so many cool pokemon there. I was there for a Porygon, its good that its possible to get by trading. You have done a really good job minimizing the annoying parts of the game (e.g. hours of Safari-searching and gambling for Porygon)

Cheats I used:
-Emulator was constantly on 200% Speed, by default. Pressing Speed-Button to get 5000-10000% Speed (speeding up battles, leveling and big textblocks)
-After the 5th Badge I surfed to the Cinnabar Island, for the Missigno-Cheat:
-> I used 5-10 Rare Candy on each pokemon, just to safe some time, but the trainers in the silph Co. had still a higher level then me. And Later I used Rare Candys to get the last pokemons (Kabutops e.g.). It would be just senseless leveling at that point. You could exchange some of the Golbats in the caves with that, so people dont have to level these things to get it.
-> My PC was full with Items, because I want to have every TM, so I made me some max revives and full restores and threw the rest (Potions, revives, Heals) away
-> Yea I made myself some Masterballs later, but I still used other balls sometimes. At least until my inventory was full again and I had to toss the other balls.
- I caught the Porygon at the Cinnabar Coast. Glitch Abuse.
I also played through this mod and now I have to express my gratitude to the creator! Really nice work and some nice refreshments made to that old game. It was like I was a young kid again, diving into this well known world - but this time with a challenge!

Just to let you know how I played: I avoided any cheating (Missigno, other glitches) but used the speedup basically for the entire game. It was kind of hard to hand out all those nice TMs without duplicating though but it felt good afterwards ;-)

One question remains for me: Where is the Mew? I caught most of the other Pokémons but that one is still missing. I wandered around in the Mewtwo-cave for quite some time but couldn't find it. Anyone found it except blinf616 who doesn't appear to follow this thread any more?
One question remains for me: Where is the Mew? I caught most of the other Pokémons but that one is still missing. I wandered around in the Mewtwo-cave for quite some time but couldn't find it. Anyone found it except blinf616 who doesn't appear to follow this thread any more?
I caught one in the mewtwo cave. But I guess its not in that last part where mewtwo is - its one layer above it. That's where I found it. :) I think it was here or here (click the links).
Ah, that's it! Thanks for your help! It appeared quite fast in the first area (I searched on the last "island" with the eight rocks on it) - maybe after 20-30 other Pokémon!
With this hack, mew glitch doesnt work (tried method 1 and 2 from bulbapedia) :( I always get arbok or magneton :(

EDIT: nvm, ditto method works :D
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With this hack, mew glitch doesnt work (tried method 1 and 2 from bulbapedia) :( I always get arbok or magneton :(

EDIT: nvm, ditto method works :D
When you read how the mew glitch works it says something like it depends on the "Special"-value of the last fought pokemon. This hack changes the Trainerbattles, so the values are changed and you get a dirrerent pokemon. ;)

I caught my mew legit, but of course its only possible after you beat the game :D
Has anyone found Charmander in the wild? The locations.docx says Route 6, however I found Squirtle there. is it possible Charmander/Squirtle are actually switched (such that Charmander is found on Route 7 instead)?

Any way this could work with DannyE33's pokemon red color patch? This would be great to implement, as sort of like a "final update", to give it color, if there is no way to do it ourselves!
So does your rival have an eevee even though he chooses another pokemon? I want to know if I applied the patch corrently.