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FireRed hack: Pokemon Vega Fairy Edition EX Minus V1.4 Balance updates and Skarmory evo....

Actually I still prefer Vega Minus, difficulty not hard. That also has fairy type and BW2 repel system, that's enough. About infinite TMs, I modified it by myself haha֍
Actually I still prefer Vega Minus, difficulty not hard. That also has fairy type and BW2 repel system, that's enough. About infinite TMs, I modified it by myself haha֍

I made that very same fairy patch for Vega minus that you're talking about years back also the difficulty is on par with Vega minus in my minus patch....
Also it not currently being updated for Vega minus anymore it's an older one I think?..... so basically it doesn't have the fairy type included in the latest version...
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I managed to fix the bloated BSTs using HexManiac but unfortunately I couldn't find the official values for Leucothea and Fruitius. The effort values were also incorrect, but I don't really consider those as gamebreaking as the base stats were.

The only issue now is the quite bad party screen UI, I tried to make use of a FR Patch to see if it would work but it just made the game break whenever I tried checking the party. Since this is not a gamebreaking issue either I'll just leave it as is.
I managed to fix the bloated BSTs using HexManiac but unfortunately I couldn't find the official values for Leucothea and Fruitius. The effort values were also incorrect, but I don't really consider those as gamebreaking as the base stats were.

The only issue now is the quite bad party screen UI, I tried to make use of a FR Patch to see if it would work but it just made the game break whenever I tried checking the party. Since this is not a gamebreaking issue either I'll just leave it as is.

U can send me ur fixed version via dm I really don't have time to work on this anymore unfortunately
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a patch to make this game work on an everdrive? Game keeps crashing before the logo. Thanks!
Hi, How to get past this ? (Sphere Ruins Postgame)

Game Screenshot Here : https://prnt.sc/t9DyjMXA9Fkl

I've done all the tutorials on the internet but nothing:
- Caught All Unown
- Rematch Psychic GYM Leader she pokemon up to lv100 in DH Hideout Lapizula City
- Rematch Champion lv100
My NUPS is saying that the patch doesn't match my fire red file? I've tried two different fire red downloads. One from emulatorgames, one from visualboyadvance.

Has anyone else had this issue?
Moon stone😀

Yes i have to edit the national dex evo table again to include the stone evos i was strugiling to find it via hex
Cause right now only normal level evos can evolve without the national dex being required sorry but other then that nothing else seems bugged.....
Gonna release it soon its also going to have skarmory's evo as well

Came here to ask about the moon stone evo too. Glad you're already on it.

I hadn't seen anything about a skarmory evo, sounds cool! Thanks for all your work!
Hey everyone I'm back to just updating this for the last time. I've fixed several things that were bugging me.
I've made major balance fixes so you can get even more pokemon before the sphere ruins, and I've also made sure you can't really miss any pokemon on your playthrough. I've also fixed the national dex evolution problem by making all new pokemon evolve by levelling p, and also i finally added Skarmory's evolution, fixed visual bugs, and much more. Also, thanks to LuMoss for fixing the broken stats. I also rebalanced the gym leaders and scraped the harder version, so it just uses Vega minus as a base in terms of level curve and difficulty. Sorry to the people who liked the original difficulty.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Vega Fairy Edition EX Minus V1.4 Balance updates and Skarmory evo....
I've patched the game using NUPS and ignoring the checksum, but nothing got changed. The patched ROM still plays vanilla FireRed for some reason. I'm using mGBA, by the way.
What's the compatible Fire Red rom to patch for the latest ups?

Hey peeps you have to click ignore on the nups patcher and you have to use the 1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels) rom...
and if it still doesn't work for you then you can grab it at external site a few sites posted the updated version.....
Hey peeps you have to click ignore on the nups patcher and you have to use the 1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels) rom...
and if it still doesn't work for you then you can grab it at external site a few sites posted the updated version.....

I did exactly as you said and it still didn't work. I even had to download the same ROM from multiple sites and all of them gave the same result when patched.
Is there any location for new Pokemon or some Pokemon that's like, the starter of other region, or is it still on the same part which is the locked part of Safari Zone?
Hello! Seems great work! What are the gym leaders levels and pokemon for 1.4 Version?
i've spent an hour trying to make this ROM function. changing the save type, different emulators, direct porting, nothing has worked at all.
Hi, the game crashes for me when I try to move the boulder at the beginning of Sphere Ruins.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Vega Fairy Edition EX Minus V1.4 Balance updates and Skarmory evo....
So has anyone made any attempts on changing the godawful Pokémon UI or fix the missing stats text from the UI? Or any QoL patches like reusable TM or repels prompts whenever it runs out?