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FireRed hack: Pokemon Wave

Should I rename Eevee to Eeveon?

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Thanx to X-Buster, the finished title screen:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Wave

It will be on th first post too.
I like the titlescreen of Pokémon Wave! It's kind of cool. :)
Good News :) & Bad News :(
Bad News:
My maps r all messed up so I have to start over...(I'm using a different ROM Base now)
Good News:
I'm not gonna quit this hack, I'm just having it closed for a short while.
I'll ask to re-open it when I'm ready to release an alpha or may be before that.

But before I ask to close it...
Could a MOD move this to Hacks Showcase? Then close?
If not, just close it here.
Nvm, I don't want this closed.
May a mod plz move this to the hacks showcase?
i somehow like your hack and thats why i wouldn like to support you with inserting tiles. check out my application in your team thread

Diddent neti apply for Tile Editing + Interting?

Me-Mapper(making scripts on my com. don't work)
fiery chimchar-scripter
neonat2-beta tester
megiddo-adv. scripter
yunghove-beta tester
ShineGreyMon-beta tester
X-Buster-title screen editor/world map editor
Neti-mapper/ow editor
Both of u!
I'm working on adding screens.
So, I'm making some maps.

@Neti: I'm using a the normal tiles, but I'll use those snow tiles for a snowy area. K?
Eeveon, I suggest you to plan a bit more the first post, and post some screenshots (not the full maps) of the game. That way it'll probably be more fittable to be moved to the Hacks Showcase. Until then the moving probably wont happen.

Well, good luck with the restart. It seems you really have the determination, so dont give up! ;)
Hey guys! ^^
How come no ones been posting? :\
Well, anyways:


Well, it's not really an update, but I think it'll be better to use a progress meter.
Hope u don't mind DJG if I use the one u made. ^^
Well, check my sig to see how progress is going, but first, I have to make one...
Well Hmm Good Luck With This Very Nice Hack i Wish though you wont Quit~~ It's a very nice than my hack Haha~ Well See Yah~ Be happy =)

Rocks And Mountains is My Home~
Hey eeveon, If you need help with scripting, i can help if Chimchar doesnt do any.
Alright cool!

Well Hmm Good Luck With This Very Nice Hack i Wish though you wont Quit~~ It's a very nice than my hack Haha~ Well See Yah~ Be happy =)

Rocks And Mountains is My Home~
Thanx for the comment! ^^


I'm finally happy to announce that my thread is finally in the hacks showcase! ^^
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