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Pokemon Xenon and Yttrium


  • 11,676
    ...oh, no themes? I figured we'd be doing elements next since we did colors and crystals already, I dunno, seemed logical. Oh well, X and Y it is.

    Anywho, it's way to early to make an opinion. But from what I'm seeing of off Serebii, there are some good and bad stuff that are obvious. To me anyways.

    First off, the starters. My opinion? Meh. They aren't terrible. Definitely not the beauties Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur were. But Nintendo did a decent job. I have a small issue with them though, and it's that I feel as if the designs have been, well, reused. The grass starter, Chespin, seriously feels like a grass typed Oshowatt. The water type, while not reused (at least, I dont think) reminds me a lot of the Tympole series from Gen 5. It's not exactly a bad thing that it reminds me of it, but I figured it'd be worth knowing. The fire starter's my favorite by far, although it sorta reminds me of a mutated Flareon. Also, odd name. I wonder what Fennekin was derived from.

    If I had to grade the starters, I'd give Nintendo a (B). Solid attempt, and considering that this is generation 6, I'm surprised that they managed to create starters that weren't different colors bricks or something

    Next, the two legends. Now, I have to be honest, but if Bambi and tapeworm are the two legends for this generation, then Nintendo... OK. The one I dislike would have to be the deer legendary, Bambi as I referred it too. It's too, I dunno what the word is, plain? It seems more fit to be part of the legendary trio/foursome from Gen 5 whose names I fail to remember. Nintendo could have worked a little harder to create something a little more unique. As for the tapeworm dragon, I'll admit, he's badass looking. I little on the flatside, hence the nickname I gave him, but he appeals to me far more then Bambi. I kudos Nintendo on that.

    I'd give Nintendo a (B-) for these legends, which I'm going to assume will be the cover Pokemon for X and Y. Tapeworm would make a fine Y mascot, given its good appearance and Y shaped body. Bambi, on the other hand, doesn't live up to the expectations, in my opinion, of what a legendary should be. I could blame Nintendo, for having made a trend of having legendaries be dragons, which I assume tapeworm will be. But that's another story.

    I'll end it with the visuals. And holy crap, Nintendo annihilated this category, again in my opinion. I know there's only a Youtube video out, along with a few pictures which I'm going to guess are from Coro Coro, but from what I'm seeing, the gameplay looks amazing. To embrace the 3D function of the 3DS was obviously a must do, and they really excelled at making it working. Turning it into a 3rd person over the shoulder RPG looks incredible. You can call me biased (FPS are crap compared to games like Dead Space and RE4, sorry!). But the change from birds eye to over the shoulder really works, and it brings out what the team at Nintendo can really do in terms of visuals. Trees, buildings, even the character you play all look stunning. AND THE BATTLES. Holy crap, this is what excited me the most. Background scenery with the battles basically showing Pokemon going at it fluidly with grace is amazing, and a real step up. Visually, this will probably be the best game within the series without a doubt.

    A rating? From what I'm seeing, I have no problem giving Nintendo an (A+). If I give kudos for making tapeworm looks awesome, I'd have to give every member of the team who put this game together a bear hug. I know we're only seeing advertisements so far, but you can't deny that this a radical change from previous Gens, and without a doubt, the change was for the better. I am simply in love with the visuals.


    Oh! I forgot to say one more thing, and that's the logos they're using for X and Y. Now, I know it's hard to make solitary letters look appealing, and I know the designs were to match the legendary. But they don't appeal. Not to me anyways. But that's nitpicking, I'm only mentioning it since I'm covering everything that's been announced so far (that I know) [/Edit]

    To finish this pseudo review off, I'd have to say that this game is giving me jitters that haven't felt since Gen 3. The only thing that sucks, aside from Bambi, is the fact that I'm going to have to blow money to get a 3DS to play this. It's smart of Nintendo, obviously, to make this a 3DS exclusive, since 3DS sales have been lackluster for a while, and a hit series like this, especially this game, is sure to ramp up sales. Nintendo, you be slyyyyyy.

    That's the end of my review. Feel free to comment or critic as you see fit. I actually put a lot of time into this, so please read it! D=

    Alright, October 2013. So I got 9 months to make enough money. Lessgoooo
    The only objection I have so far (not that it matters what I object to u_u) is, well, more deer Pokemon. Seriously people, stop it with the deer already >_>
    @Kura, oh that makes sense. And I dunno what Princess Mononoke is D;

    @PEDRO, agreed.

    Err, anyone know the names of the two legendaries by the way? I like the names Bambi and Tapeworm, but knowing their real names would be cool. I know they've been announced, but I'm too lazy to check, Hehe D;