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Pokespecial Theme Collab 2009

Wow. Way to hassle the genius at work here Ryan ;p
Oh, okay XD
Yeah, it's a pretty nice image, the one I found so you're lucky :D
I'll have it done once I do the others.
Thanks Abnegation. Really cool avatar and signature and I love the simple CSS done to it. Thanks again, and great collab idea.
Wow, these are coming along really nicely. Can I please claim Diamond and Pearl if you don't mind. As for CSS, I wouldn't mind what Went and Hirro has: Paired to Break & Theme by Abnegation.

Thank you.
Pearl maybe? Diamond was taken :X
And yupp, that's fine with me!
If you'd like to change your mind and choose someone else that's okay. Or you can ask for someone not on the list and I'll look :D

Anyways, Samme yous is done.
Need CSS?

Wow. Just Wow. I absolutely love it Gav. Thank you so much!

And no CSS for me now.. still to noobish to deal with that kind of thing, but will let you know if I end up wanting it (8
Well you dont need to be an expert, I'll be doing it for you XD
But yeah do, let me know if you nee dit!
Glad you like it!
Now, on to Steven.
Pearl is fine with me alone I saw Diamond and Pearl together, so I thought it came together, but that was a misunderstanding on my part. I'll gladly accept Pearl though, please.
Yeah Sorry about that, that's my bad!
I may have trouble finding good Pearl images but I'll do my best :D
Okay guys, an artist must sleep.
I'll get back to this in the morining! Dont worry I'll get round to posting the new themes!
OMG! I missed it. I was sleeping, and I missed it! Dx

Oh well, I guess I should cut my losses. Could I have Morty?
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Didn't have time to thank you earlier, Gav, but it's amazing. Thank you very much indeed!

<3 Blue <3

Oh God, this makes me want to go read Special again. :3
Agh, sorry Zet >< at least the organisation theme collab is still going :D
I missed it =[
Okay guys I'll get these finised off today. As for Morty, I'm not sure I seen him but I'll have a look!