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Pokespecial Theme Collab 2009

Hahaha I know.... hmm.. I wonder who will take it :3
When I wake up somoene hopefully will have taken Agatha. Then it will be complete :D
:D And then you can start an all new collab! xD

no, that would be way too many collabs in way too little of time ;p
Wow, this was really popular. I'm glad my timezone let me get in early! :D

lol I'm now inspired to do my own theme collab XD
These are...absolutely AMAZING! Are requests still going on? You have no idea what I'd give if you could make me a Misty Pokespec theme collab. Pretty please? =D
Whoops I forgot to say thank you for the theme Gavvy. :3

I was planning on getting the Pearl one if you couldn't find this one LOL. XDDDD


*Stamps BEST BLOG onto Blog post*

Well cosidering I said I'm no longer doing no requests and that Agatha is the only one left, I'll have to decline I'm afraid.
Sorry guys!
I'll make a new blog just stating that it's over~
Abnegation;bt28837 said:
Well cosidering I said I'm no longer doing no requests and that Agatha is the only one left, I'll have to decline I'm afraid.
Sorry guys!
I'll make a new blog just stating that it's over~

Just in case you missed it~