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Pokespecial Theme Collab 2009

  • 10,674
    • Seen May 19, 2024
    I'm not the best Graphic artist around and I'll admit it!

    But with that said, I welcome you to my first theme collab!

    Pokespecial Theme Collab

    Characters You May Choose!

    I haven't made them all yet as some may go to waste if I do. So the linked names are already done. I will make the new themes when they are requested!

    I am also offering CSS to be made. So if you have a request for CSS to be in your theme just ask!

    → Taken by Lady Gaga
    Yellow → Taken by Sublime
    Blue 1 (Old Style) → Taken by Misheard Whisper
    Blue 2 (New Style) → Elite Overlord LeSabre™
    Sapphire → Taken Gerri Shin
    Sabrina → Taken by Wish
    Ruby → Taken by Yuyuko
    Wallace → Taken by The Jack Of Hearts
    Gold → Taken by Went
    Red → Taken by Hiiro
    Silver → Taken by Samme (SO sorry S3 ;;)
    Crystal → Taken by Donavannj
    Steven → Deviation
    Giovanni → Taken by Lucaslucario
    Maylene → Taken by Haruhi-Chan
    Byron → Taken by Seth.
    Brock → Taken by Aerokuragari
    Diamond & Riley → Taken by Netto Azure
    Falkner → Taken by Abnegation
    Kotone → Taken by Kaori
    Pearl → Matteron (96)
    Agatha → Available
    Emerald → Taken by Mizaki
    Need an avatar, just ask (Just let me know the size).

    Members Signed Up

    Memers: 22 → Themes: 22
    Time Spent: 20hrs 4minutes approx

    Abnegation → Finished
    Sublime → Finished
    Yuyuko → Finished
    Went → Finished
    The Jack Of Hearts → Finished
    Misheard Whisper → Finished
    Hiiro → Finished
    Elite Overlord LeSabre™ → Finished
    Wish → Finished
    Samme → Finished
    Deviation → Finished
    Netto Azure → Finished
    Donavannj → Finished
    Gerry Shin → Finished
    Lady Gaga → Finished
    Kaori → Finished
    Haruhi-Chan → Finished
    Mizaki → Finished
    Lucaslucario → Finished
    Aerokuragari → Finished
    Seth. → Finished
    Matteron (96) → Finished

    If you have any other characters you want me to do, just request! I'll do all I can to make it just like you want XD
    Dibs on Ruby :3

    Thought I'd say Gold, didja? XD


    Depending on how long it'll take, I might get a name change (October 28 is when I can change, though who knows how long it'll take ><').

    150x150 for avvie, too, please :3 And I would like the CSS I have now to go with the tag, so...
    Last edited:
    Okay everyone you can have them!
    I'll get to work on those other ones now. I'll try get them up within the next few hours.
    And CSS etc. You can PM/VM/MSN me if you want, might be easier I giess. Up to you though.
    I cant find any images to use for the newer characters.
    You caan provide some if you like, I have no problem doing extra requests :D
    Oh, I so call Red. These are looking nice!

    An avatar would be nice though, 120x120 please.
    Okay done, I hope you dont mind a crop.

    CSS is no problem, let me know what you want whenever!
    Yuyuko;bt28548 said:
    Dibs on Ruby :3

    Thought I'd say Gold, didja? XD


    Depending on how long it'll take, I might get a name change (October 28 is when I can change, though who knows how long it'll take ><').

    150x150 for avvie, too, please :3 And I would like the CSS I have now to go with the tag, so...

    Just seen your edit now. I may redo your request I dont know. I rushed it a little. Let me know if you want it redone.
    Well since Netto can't seem to decide, I'll take Silver please then Gav, 140x140 Avatar please also?
    I kinda would like it redone, actually ^^'

    Feel free to put mine off as much as possible ><'
    @Netto - Vm's ^^
    @Samme - Yeah sure I'll get to work asap
    @Yuyu - Yeah sorry I'll do that again XD
    Thank you so much Gav :> They look awesome so far~
    Gav, I'll just steal Sabrina then, k? -shot'd-

    I'm also requesting a 120 x 120 avatar and a css signature (because I'm such a big n00b when it comes to that)