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Prettiest Profile Contest!


  • 4,262
    { Prettiest Profile Contest }
    by Synchronous, Sora, and acatfrommars
    [PokeCommunity.com] Prettiest Profile Contest!

    The Prettiest Profile Contest
    The Prettiest Profile Contest, also known as PPC, is a Get-Together competition in which contestants design and submit their magnificent profiles, doing their best to match the selected theme. There will be both a Supporter/Staff and non-Supporter bracket, and winners and runners-ups of each bracket will receive a specially designed banner for their signatures, and all contestants will receive an emblem for participation. A Prettiest Profile has a great color scheme and a great profile picture. Participants in the Supporter/Staff bracket may also enhance their profiles with a wallpaper. The Prettiest Profile will be determined by you, PCers! So make sure you cast your vote! Good luck participants, and may the Prettiest Profile win!

    Theme: Technology/Music
    This year, our theme will be Technology and Music. This idea could be taken in many ways! Shiny pastel on dark, black-on-creme, circuits, and headphones! Don't worry if you can't do one or the other. But if you can, go for both! After all, who wouldn't like to be both high-tech and musical? Be creative, and don't be afraid to express yourself!

    All General PC Rules apply to this contest and this thread. Make sure you don't do anything offensive.

    Make sure that your profile theme matches the theme of this contest. Any entries that do not match the theme cannot be judged and will, unfortunately, be disqualified.

    To submit your profile, simply post in this thread and indicate that you wish to do so. Participants can change their profiles in any way before the voting period.

    During the voting period, submitted profiles may not be changed.

    Please enter during the entry period. Submissions cannot be made once the voting period starts.

    For participants, voting is mandatory. Participants who do not vote will be disqualified.

    acatfrommars is our votemaster. To vote, send your ballot to acatfrommars via PM.

    Please, do not bother acatfrommars about the results. He will be doing his best to count the votes with utmost accuracy.

    Voters must nominate at least 2 Supporters/Staff and 2 non-Supporters. An optional third vote is allowed. Should an optional vote be used, both brackets must be given three votes.

    Participants should only be judged by the appearance of their profile pages. Therefore avatars and signatures should not be taken into consideration when judging a profile.

    Entry Period
    From: The posting of this thread.
    To: 12:00 AM Wednesday, July 9, Eastern Daylight Time

    Voting Period
    From: 12:00 AM Wednesday, July 9, Eastern Daylight Time
    To: 12:00 AM Saturday, July 12, Eastern Daylight Time

    Results will be posted on Saturday, July 12 at 12:00 PM, Eastern Daylight Time.

    Eastern Daylight Time Clock

    Note: Eastern Daylight Time is Eastern Standard Time with Daylight Savings.

    Please submit your votes in this format.



    Send your ballot to acatfrommars via PM.

    The participants are listed below. Please view the profiles using the vBulletin Default Skin so that your decision may be neutral. You can switch back to another skin afterwards. Click here to change your skin to the default skin.



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    eh.. I'll give it a shot! Seeing some profiles on here, I dont know how well i'll do. lol
    I'll give this a shot :P it's about time that I change my profile, and this will give me all the inspiration I need. Good luck to everyone!
    Yo I'd like to participate in this as well. That theme is too amazing pass up x)
    I would like to join as well, just hoping we don't have to change the avatar .3.
    Hmm... I guess I'll join. Couldn't hurt. :3 And redesigning my profile should be fun!

    I'll just change back afterward...

    Edit: Do I have to change my entire theme? Including my avatar and signature? Or just my profile picture?
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    Ooh I found the perfect image for this! I'll try to have it up as soon as possible ^^
    Hmm... I guess I'll join. Couldn't hurt. :3 And redesigning my profile should be fun!

    I'll just change back afterward...

    Edit: Do I have to change my entire theme? Including my avatar and signature? Or just my profile picture?

    I don't think you need to change your avatar/sig, as stated in the OP it's mainly the profile you have to worry about here.

    I'm not entering (I'm terrible at designing profiles lol), but I do wish good luck to everyone participating!
    Just to clarify, profiles should not be judged by one's avatar or signature. The only quality that should be considered is the appearance of one's profile (page), therefore voters should not let avatars or signatures affect their decisions.

    I'll add this detail to the main post.
    I'll be participating! Just wondering though can the music theme include an artist you like?

    Cause I can come up with an amazing Owl City theme.
    Yes, it can be an artist you like if you wanted. Just as long as it is related to music or technology in some way!
    Im joining, pls dont kill my profile once i make it *wimpers in corner*
    also, to confirm, we do not have to change prof pic and siggy when were done? i hope not *gulpins*

    jk no clue how to do this >.<
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    Just noticed that you've got the wrong link for my profile in the participants list :)
    I think I'll sign up for this before it's too late. Never mind, my name was changed before anyone here noticed
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    Okay, just to be clear since others still seem to be confused.

    Anything that you change for this page are what you are changing for this contest.

    Not your avatar.
    Not your signature.
    Yes your Profile Picture so it matches the theme. Especially important to non-supporters as it's the only place where you can put an image on your profile as you cannot use images in your background.

    I hope that clears things up!