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Professor Bob's Breeding Center

Though there is already a rate system, i'm curious: How would you rate my thread?

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Computer Tech
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    Welcome to Professor Bob's Breeding Center!




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    I will take an Eevee egg, How does a Combee sound?
    ok. and Eevee Egg for a Combee works! ~offer noted~
    lol what do you have? you never know. i may have missed a Pokémon (seeing as how there's almost 500 Pokémon now! can't wait to see what they come up with next). go ahead and make an offer (its not that hard to breed). besides, these are just wants, anyway. these aren't a set in stone kind of thing.
    lol sounds good. what did you want?
    Growlithe Egg for your Lapras Egg?
    Deano, sounds good. ~offer noted~
    ok, 03sho. ~offer is noted~
    And as a reminder, I won't be getting the Nintendo WiFi Adapter until Wednesday of next week (I hate getting money every two weeks, it sucks). Once I have acquired the WiFi Adapter, I will notify you by PM's (should've noted that in the head post, oh well. lol).
    You are most very welcome! :D
    Are the nature of your Aerodactyl(s) Adamant?
    You get paid bi-weekly? Me too! You work at Wal-Mart? Thats where I work.
    Thanks again for the Eevee!
    MegaDitto, not sure, they're all still eggs.

    Datriot: Bulbasaur sounds good. ~offer noted~

    and HaunterMaster, i currently work at a local gas station, though i wouldn't mind working at Wal-Mart (it would beat working at the gas station, lol).
    I'll trade you a combee for a charmander. If you still have some left.
    trust me. i've only had four offers. i have plenty. so LucarioPower, sure. i can do that. and in case you missed the earlier post, i won't have my Nintendo WiFi Adapter until Wednesday of next week. so if you can be patient with me, you'll have one then. everyone who reserves will get a PM when i have it (makes me feel like GameStop/EBGames lol).
    ~offer noted~
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