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[Challenge] Restarting the Random Challenge

Update 7

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Cacto - Maractus
Chili - Simisear
Pierre - Swanna
Vesperus - Gothitelle
Carly - Emolga
Shayla - Bouffalant

I went to Route 10 to do some training for the Opelucid Gym, and caught a Bouffalant (which I named Shayla), completing the team randomly chosen for me. Once I got everyone trained up, I went through the Opelucid Gym using mainly Shayla, and beat Drayden. I went back through Route 10, fought Cheren, and went on through Victory Road, training everyone for the Elite Four. Once I got everyone trained, I went into the Pokémon League Pokémon Center and called it a day.
Final Update

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Pierre - Swanna
Carly - Emolga
Vesperus - Gothitelle
Shayla - Bouffalant
Cacto - Maractus
Chili - Simisear

I went through the Elite Four, beating them with my different Pokemon. After catching Reshiram since the game forces you to (I just opted to not put it in my party since the game lets you choose not to use it), I struggled through N for a bit, before deciding to train my Pokemon up a bit. This proved to be a worthwhile pursuit, as I had a less difficult time getting past N's Zekrom, and was able to beat N with my Pokemon. After two failed attempts to beat Ghetsis, I was able to beat him after working out a strategy on who to put in the front (Chili), thus beating the game and the challenge.

I had a lot of fun with this! I might do this challenge again in the future!
^ oof these are Pokemon that I have never used before in a run, and would never choose for an actual run. Congrats on the random challenge!
Forum Username: RazorCheeks
Game Version: Liquid Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 5 (+1 HM slave)
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: you may either choose a HM slave for me, or leave it to me instead. Your choice ;)
Forum Username: RazorCheeks
Game Version: Liquid Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 5 (+1 HM slave)
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: you may either choose a HM slave for me, or leave it to me instead. Your choice ;)

not familiar with the romhack but...
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
Forum Username: Captain Gizmo
Game Version: Pokemon White
Number of Pokemon: 4
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: None
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hello! if possible Id like to try this challange

Forum Username: Aior
Game Version: Pokemon White
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None

You get: Staryu, Furret, Carnivine and Cradily

Oh oops, I forgot to remove the NFE restriction. I'll use the evolution line for those Pokemon. Unless you wanna give me new ones.

hello! if possible Id like to try this challange

Forum Username: Aior
Game Version: Pokemon White
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None


Alomola, Unfezant, Throh, Basculin, Stoutland and Jellicent.
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I will be doing a Scramble Pokémon challenge of Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green Version whereby strangers on the internet pick my team. This is NOT randomized, and each user is only allowed to pick one Pokémon for me. I am posting it here because when I asked Janp, they said I should post it here. You can pick the Pokemon yourself, but please mind the "No National Dex" rule and the restrictions down below. If someone suggests a Fire Red exclusive, I'll play Fire Red, and if someone suggests a Leaf Green exclusive, I'll play Leaf Green. If a version exclusive from both games is required, I will probably figure something out with PokéHex.

Name: Reginald Cosmic
Game: Fire Red or Leaf Green
Number of Pokemon: 6 [This does not include any HM Pokémon]
Exclude NFEs: Do not pick a "Not fully evolved Pokemon" which is retroactive meaning if it got an evolution after Gen I or even after Gen III, I will not use it. This includes Golbat and Porygon. (This does not apply to Vileplume, Slowbro, etc. since it's a branching evolution.) I might make an exception if it's something like Rhydon, but don't expect me to play with a Lickitung.
National Dex: No, sadly, I cannot.
Restrictions: No bug-type Pokémon (because the Gen I bugs are all too weak) and fossil Pokémon (because the fossils get brought back at level 5 ... after the sixth gym). No legendary/mythical Pokémon. Ditto is also not allowed. Also, please be reasonable with the team balancing. I will allow a little bit of overlap like a Normal-type and a Normal/Flying-type, but please be reasonable.

Yes, Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, and Gengar are allowed, but I will try to hold off on the trade evolution until an appropriate point in the playthrough, probably level 32.

I guess this only leaves about 50 fully evolved Pokémon. Hopefully the final team is manageable.

Depending on what you guys pick, this might end up in a YouTube video sometime, but I make no promises.
My favorite challenge! I've hit a point again where I'm bored with picking my own teams so I figured I'd start this back up.

Name: GrassN
Game: you can pick! Either FireRed or Sapphire
Number: 6
Excuse NFE: yep
National dex: nope
in either game, I'd like to have a flyer and a surfer (doesn't have to be water type), one Pokemon before the first gym (not going to hack in), and I'll be playing on an emulator so will not be able to use trade evos.
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My favorite challenge! I've hit a point again where I'm bored with picking my own teams so I figured I'd start this back up.

Name: GrassN
Game: you can pick! Either FireRed or Sapphire
Number: 6
Excuse NFE: yep
National dex: nope
in either game, I'd like to have a flyer and a surfer (doesn't have to be water type), one Pokemon before the first gym (not going to hack in), and I'll be playing on an emulator so will not be able to use trade evos.
Your game is Sapphire, and your team is: Gardevoir, Vileplume, Skarmory, Spinda, Seaking, Dodrio

In addition, your starter will be Torchic, which you will use before your opportunity to catch Ralts, and may use up until you beat the Team Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel. (This is because Ralts starts off not knowing an attack move, and can't hit Poochyena without Struggle or unavailable TM moves. There are three trainers with Poochyena in Sapphire prior to the point where you get both Oddish and a TM that would let Ralts hit Dark-types.)

If you want to do a FireRed run after, I'll gen a team for you right now, too: Fearow, Primeape, Arbok, Poliwrath, Kabutops, Rapidash, and your starter before getting the Pokedex and Mankey/Spearow will be Squirtle.
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Your game is Sapphire, and your team is: Gardevoir, Vileplume, Skarmory, Spinda, Seaking, Dodrio

In addition, your starter will be Torchic, which you will use before your opportunity to catch Ralts, and may use up until you beat the Team Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel. (This is because Ralts starts off not knowing an attack move, and can't hit Poochyena without Struggle or unavailable TM moves. There are three trainers with Poochyena in Sapphire prior to the point where you get both Oddish and a TM that would let Ralts hit Dark-types.)

If you want to do a FireRed run after, I'll gen a team for you right now, too: Fearow, Primeape, Arbok, Poliwrath, Kabutops, Rapidash, and your starter before getting the Pokedex and Mankey/Spearow will be Squirtle.
Sapphire confirmed!

Can I possibly get a re-role on Primeape for FireRed? I just finished a playthrough using it so would prefer to mix it up :)
Sapphire confirmed!

Can I possibly get a re-role on Primeape for FireRed? I just finished a playthrough using it so would prefer to mix it up :)
Uh... I'd like to, but it doesn't qualify under the challenge's reroll rules. You can reapply with a new set of rolls after you're done with Sapphire if you want, though.

(The reroll would've given you a Pokemon from your Sapphire team, though, so it's probably for the better.)
Finished the sapphire run!

Wasn't my favorite random run, as I often use many of these guys in normal play throughs (Gardevoir, Skarmory, and Vileplume are constants for me). I tended to rely on Gloom/Vileplume throughout the run, especially being sapphire against all the water types on team aqua. Spinda was fun to use. Never really tried using it before but it's got a nice move pool that's uncommon (I loved confusing everything all the time). I've used dodrio in a random run before and am always impressed with how good it tends to be. If I liked the design more, it may have been my go to flying type. I'm kinda bored with Gardevoir since I use it so much so I found myself not using it too often toward the end of the run. Plus, it's typing isn't great for the Elite Four. Same thing with Skarmory - just use it too often. Seaking was . . . An HM member for the most part. Also was the last one I ended up getting so I was less inclined to train it up.

Gardevoir - lvl 40
Shock wave
Light screen

Vileplume - lvl 52
Sludge bomb
Giga Drain

Dodrio - lvl 47
drill peck
Hyper beam
Tri attack

Skarmory - lvl 39
Air cutter
Steel wing
hidden power

Spinda - lvl 48

teeter dance
Dizzy punch
Faint attack

Seaking - lvl 34
Horn attack

Think I'm going to switch to a different challenge before I come back to the random fire red.
Since we made this the Spotlighted Challenge, I'm going to go ahead and apply for a run here.

Forum Username: Explorer of Time
Game Version: White 2*
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Do not give me Ditto, Unown, Wobbuffet, or Smeargle

*With a very basic romhack to make trade evos accessible and HM moves forgettable.
Since we made this the Spotlighted Challenge, I'm going to go ahead and apply for a run here.

Forum Username: Explorer of Time
Game Version: White 2*
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Do not give me Ditto, Unown, Wobbuffet, or Smeargle

*With a very basic romhack to make trade evos accessible and HM moves forgettable.
Alright, just generated a team for you. Buen provecho!

Popping in a request to join these shenanigans!

Forum Username: oopart.
Game Version: Ruby
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: Please no Ditto, Smeargle or Shuckle. Would also appreciate not having repeat 'main Types' (I.E no Grass/Poison duos, but having a Grass/Poison and a Water/Poison is alright)