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[Challenge] Restarting the Random Challenge

Update 1: Roark Defeated

So I started my journey by picking Piplup so that my rival (who I named Ralph. idk why) would have Turtwig to make my life slightly harder. Just cuz. From there I went and quickly grabbed my first two mons available before Jubilife - Chum the Bidoof and Coin the Starly. I then proceeded to switch train em up a bit before tossin Piplup into the box and making my way forward. Grabbed Psyduck shortly after reaching Jubilife in Ravaged Path, and I'm realizing as I type this that I left the trainers on Route 204 untouched. I just forgot about em XD But from there I took my new bud Nugget and brought him with me to fight Ralph. The fight was a bit harder than I remembered, but was still easy, and from there I made my way to Oreburgh.

After dragging Roark outta the mines, I went ahead and challenged him immediately afterwards. I did wipe on my first try cuz I was ... kind of under leveled, but I beat him on my second try. I used his Geodude and Onix to switch train Coin a bit, and then left Nugget out for his Cranidos. Water Gun was just barely not a 2-shot, so I had to bring Chum in to take some hits while I healed Nugget back up, and when Chum went down, I was able to send Nugget back in and secure the win. I think this is the first time I've actually gone against Roark with my Ace for the battle being under at least lvl 12. so that was pretty cool. Good job Nugget.

Time to polish my new badge and keep movin~

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Nugget the Psyduck - ♂ Lv 12
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Chum the Bidoof - ♂ Lv 10
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Coin the Starly - ♀ Lv 11
Update 2

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Chili - Pansear
Slave - Oshawott

After trying and failing to defeat N outside the Nacrene City gym, I trained Chili up a few levels by fighting the trainers in Pinwheel Forest. After successfully defeating N, I promptly challenged the gym, though it took quite a few tries to defeat Lenora. After finally defeating her, I did the thing where you fight Team Plasma in Pinwheel Forest, then went through Skyarrow Bridge to get to Castelia City. There, I acquired a Fire Stone and an Eviolite. I gave Chili the Eviolite (I intend to evolve him after he's learned some stronger level-up moves), and leveled him up a bit on the trainers in the Battle Company. After that, as well as starting the part where you have to fight Team Plasma to get Bianca's Munna back, I healed up in the Pokémon Center, saved, and called it a day.
Last Update!

My Team!

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Primeape - Level 44 - Relaxed
Brick Break, Strength, Cross Chop, Rock Slide
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Jigglypuff - Level 50 - Naïve
Attract, Psychic, Shockwave, Hyper Voice
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Hypno - Level 47 - Naïve
Headbutt, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Psychic
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Flareon - Level 42 - Rash
Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Bite, Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Dodrio - Level 42 - Gentle
Uproar, Steel Wing, Tri Attack, Fly
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Golduck - Level 48 - Modest
Surf, Disable, Confusion, Ice Beam
Update 3

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Vesperus - Gothita
Carly - Emolga
Cacto - Maractus
Chili - Pansear
Slave - Oshawott

After beating Team Plasma in the building and getting Bianca's Munna back, I went and challenged Burgh's gym, which was pretty easy using Chili. I beat Bianca and went into Route 4, beating Cheren and the other trainers on my way to the Desert Resort. There, I caught a Maractus, then left and continued my way to Nimbasa City. After beating the Team Plasma grunts and getting Strength, I went to Route 16 and caught a Gothita, then went into Lostlorn Forest and caught an Emolga. I will be training all my Pokemon to level 25 before challenging Elesa's gym.
Update 4

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Pierre - Ducklett
Cacto - Maractus
Carly - Emolga
Vesperus - Gothita
Chili - Pansear
Slave - Oshawott

After fighting N and getting all my Pokémon up to level 25, I went into the Nimbasa Gym and defeated Elesa using Carly and Cacto. I went through Route 5, fighting Cheren and the other trainers, then went through Driftveil Bridge and caught a Ducklett, which I named Pierre. I went to the Driftveil Pokémon Center and saved, calling it a day.
Forum Username: Devalue
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: Yes
Restrictions: None

Should be able to hack in any latecomers or trade evolutions (with the proper items in hand). Never messed with hacking stuff in before. Tested it out a little while ago. Seemed to work okay.
Update 5

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Pierre - Swanna
Cacto - Maractus
Carly - Emolga
Vesperus - Gothorita
Chili - Pansear
Slave - Oshawott

I did some training in the Cold Storage, fighting Team Plasma. I then went through the Driftveil Gym, using mainly Pierre and Cacto. After a few attempts, I managed to defeat Clay. I also acquired the HM for Fly. I went through Route 6 and reached Chargestone Cave. I did more training in there, fighting N and Team Plasma. During this, Pierre evolved into Swanna, and Vesperus evolved into Gothorita. I soon reached Mistralton City, and did some more training in Route 7 and Celestial Tower. After returning to Mistralton City, I went and fought through the Gym, which was a breeze using Carly. After defeating Skyla, I went to the Mistralton Pokemon Center and called it a day.
Forum Username: DarkChibimon
Game Version: Fire Red
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No restrictions.
Forum Username: DarkChibimon
Game Version: Fire Red
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No restrictions.
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

A very Water-heavy team.
Forum Username: Obichu
Game Version: Black
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No restrictions.
Forum Username: Obichu
Game Version: Black
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: No restrictions.

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

A surprisingly diverse team. Also quite blue.
Team confirmed. I see lots of evolutions at high levels, early-midgame is going to be fun.
Forum Username: MayorOfPie
Game Version: Crystal
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None
I'd like to try this one. It seems to be a nice starting point for challenges!

Forum Username: _confused_piplup_
Game Version: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None

EDIT: Not sure if I needed to write that in "restrictions", but I decided to catch all my team members in PokéBalls. It's not a restriction indeed, but an additional rule that I wanted to add.

I am about to start the League and I decided that I am going to keep the HM in the Pokémon movesets. While some of those are good, some others really do nothing but occupy a place. It kinda adds some layer of difficulty, I guess.
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I rolled and got those for you:

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

Imo a very nice team to try!

These are all ones I haven't really used before, and been wanting to use. Ditto is my favorite pokemon of all time, and been really wanting to try out a Jumpluff lately for a playthrough so shall be fun. Confirming this team
I'd like to try this one. It seems to be a nice starting point for challenges!

Forum Username: _confused_piplup_
Game Version: Emerald
Number of Pokemon: 6
Exclude NFEs: Yes
National Dex: No
Restrictions: None

Here's what I rolled for you:

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

If you want anything re rolled, just let me know
Here's what I rolled for you:

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Restarting the Random Challenge

If you want anything re rolled, just let me know

hmmm I was hoping for something different from Swampert because I have always used it. I used Exploud on my last playthrough in ORAS. However the team is not bad and it has some pokemon I have never used, so I guess I'll confirm it!
Update 6

Gyms Completed:

Current Team:
Vesperus - Gothitelle
Pierre - Swanna
Carly - Emolga
Cacto - Maractus
Chili - Simisear
Slave - Oshawott

I went through Route 7, fought Charon, and acquired Surf. I then went through Twist Mountain, training my Pokémon up. I made it to Icirrus City and beat Brycen mainly using Chili. I went through Dragonspiral Tower, training up on the Team Plasma members. Then, I went through Route 8, fought Bianca, then went through the Tubeline Bridge, Route 9, and Shopping Mall Nine, training my Pokémon up all the while. At one point, Chili reached Level 43 and learned Crunch, so I used a Fire Stone on him to evolve him into Simisear. At another point, Vesperus reached Level 41 and evolved into Gothitelle. When I made it to Opelucid City, I went into the Pokémon Center and called it a day.
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