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Restoring the Pok?mon Community

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Shine On~
  • 2,790
    I am just sad that this happened I mean to hack pokemon forums...... Man some people must have no lives......

    but pokecommunity is hated by many so isn't really that surprising...

    but to hack it? I mean honestly and are you guys going to add anything new to keep this from happening again?
    The RPG on my site got pretty much destroyed by a hacker/cracker/asshole around the first of last month. I wish people would get a life.
    The evil people did something to me! (by using the admin ) :tired: I when I post, it says "thank you for posting thing and then a message that says, "your post will be inspected my a mod"

    Can you kinda fix that please?
    Golden Groudon said:
    The evil people did something to me! (by using the admin ) :tired: I when I post, it says "thank you for posting thing and then a message that says, "your post will be inspected my a mod"

    Can you kinda fix that please?
    It has happened to all of us. Well, here is my diagnosis of what happened, how they hacked PC and how to stop further intrusions like these.

    They used a vBulletin cracker and it uses the includes/config.php file to connect to MySQL and get admin passwords. Now, we should .htaccess protect the includes/ folder like I have on my boards.
    I'll go ask my friend about if he knows anything about this goat clan thing or this vBulletin cracker. They're probably a bunch of noob hackers that use simplistic programs to try and make themselves look cool. lol
    They somehow gotten their hand on the folders (config.PHP, ETC). I think there's one that have the passwords and stuff? I mean there got to have it or vbulletin can't create acounts.
    They used a program called V-Bulls*it! a password cracker! And I found theirt site! it's nasty!
    I'd like to know why my username has been censored. p***nix316...see? Can somebody please fix it because I can't link to my site in my sig because it has the word p***nixgamez and it is reall irritating to see p***nix all of the time.
    I searched on google but no results :\
    Fun, fun, fun. The name changes were quite humorous.
    The logical thing to do would be to do a whois look up, and report them to their local authorities. Either that OR report this to the FBI
    Could someone report them to the FBI? I have thier site URL.
    Err can we do that when we're a fan site?
    DarkLink said:
    Could someone report them to the FBI? I have thier site URL.
    Would you mind PMing the link to me? I would like to check it out. I don't care about any vulgar pictures, jsut want to see how stupid these guys actually are.
    Pfft, reporting them won't do anything. Hacking groups aren't stupid enough to make it easy to find out who they are.
    At least we can tell their host.
    They may have been using a proxy, so it would be much harder to find their true IP.
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