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5th Gen Reusable TMs: Yes or No?

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used Sacred Fire!
  • 35,992
    • Seen Jul 1, 2023
    As some of you may know, in Black and White, you can reuse a TM as many times as you want. However, this comes at a cost. You can only obtain each TM once in the game, which makes certain TMs harder to find.

    So, which do you prefer? The new system of getting every TM only once - with no other chance to get the harder to find ones? Or the past, where you could find every TM easily at least once, but once you used them up, you couldn't reuse them?

    ...I have a feeling my wording is weird, but do you like the idea of reusable TMs?
    (After fans have been waiting so long for something like this)
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    Of course i like the idea of reusable TMs. I really hated the fact that i wasted TMs in previous 4 generations. Now i don't have to worry about them and teach the moves to any Pokemon i want.
    Well, if you can use the Internet or another sorce to locate the TM, then you've found it and you have it forever really, which I think is great because they normally only had one of some TM'S anyway i.e Thunderbolt or Flamethrower.
    I love the idea of reusable TMs, extremely. <3
    It used to be so hard to decide who to give what move to since you could only use the TM once, unless you want to trade constantly or cheat. D:

    I'm fine with paying the extra price for a reusable TM. It's much more convenient and much nicer in the long run. ^.^

    It will be annoying to only have one opportunity to get TMs, but being able to reuse TMs is a fantastic change. I like to experiment with move sets for my team and the ability to use a TM as much as possible will come in really handy.
    I love the idea but... It'll make the games WAY easier. And I don't really know if that's good or not...
    It sounds really easy on paper. The fact is that the TMs are way harder to find, so you don't need to be aware of that. (At least I haven't felt that the game is easier by the reusable TMs.)
    yep, its a big change.
    anyone that thinks its easier, its not. its hard to get them O_o
    not like its hard for me
    I welcome the idea with open arms. I'm glad they decided to do this. I absolutely hate having a limited amount of TM's.
    So I've heard its really difficult to find them, why so, cant you just look it up on the internet, i.e their locations?
    I like the idea. Sometimes I'm just too reluctant to even use some TMs because they're one-use only. This makes perfecting your team's movesets so much easier.
    When I saw this feature on Serebii (when they released it) I read it, then stood up to go use the restroom, but before I could leave the room I ran back to my computer and read it again and had a nerdgasm :S
    How are they so hard to obtain, are they overly priced?

    Okay, never mind, Just been on Serebii..

    70,000 PokéDollars - TM14 Bilzzard and TM15 Hyper Beam - 90,000... Wow, now I get it.
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    How are they so hard to obtain, are they overly priced?
    It just matters where you can find them. They're quite easy to find, but they are given at a later stage of the game than in other games, E.g Ice Beam and Psychic are only obtainable after E4. You also can't trade them.
    Okay, never mind, Just been on Serebii..

    70,000 PokéDollars - TM14 Bilzzard and TM15 Hyper Beam - 90,000... Wow, now I get it.

    It just matters where you can find them. They're quite easy to find, but they are given at a later stage of the game than in other games, E.g Ice Beam and Psychic are only obtainable after E4. You also can't trade them.

    Oh right, makes sence, thanks, I usually like to have them two specific moves Ice Beam & Psychic, FOR the Elite Four.
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    I never found Tms one of the challenges of previous games, more like the annoyance. So I love the permanent TM thing. Plus, they've drastically upped the prices for Tms now anyway.
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