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News: Rockruff mystery evolution in Anime teased in cliffhanger

Ash-Lycannroc. It's got weird red-and-black gunk on its head and is super weak to Pokemon that are dual Fire/Dragon-types.

If this new "twilight" evolution is any better than the others, and available, and attractive design-wise, then I'd welcome it.
Interesting. If it is obtainable in game (As opposed to being an event Pokemon) I will need to catch another Shiny Rockruff. (I already have a Shiny Midday Lycanroc)
Rockruff turns away from it's two evolutions in the trailer
it's becoming a new form
this hints at a major USUM plot line it seems
On the official art with the games name, there's that same green aura flowing. My guess something like Z Energy and the time of day not being night or day will trigger rockruff to evolve
Could this be some new plot device to explain change to the region?

I'm also betting on a reveal next Tuesday.
I don't think it is a new form. Probably be Midday, Midnight or no evolution at all. I doubt Lycanroc would even get a new form in USUM.
I do believe Rockruff will evolve into his midday form, or the midnight form.
Like I said on the episode discussion thread, it seems like rockruff "reacts" with the sunset in the preview. I believe this will be a third form!
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I don't know about. As far as i know, if the sun is still up even though it is setting then rockruff is likely evolving into Midday form. I just do not see a third form. I think people are making assumptions too quickly. It could easily be a midday form.
Like I said on the episode discussion thread, it seems like rockruff "reacts" with the sunset in the preview. I believe this will be a third form!

As we know, Lycanroc's eyes are blue and red for Midday and Midnight form respectively. Rockruff's eyes were glowing green when it saw that sunset, so I can see where you're coming from.
Like I said on the episode discussion thread, it seems like rockruff "reacts" with the sunset in the preview. I believe this will be a third form!

That is true, I do also have several good explanations on why there can be a third Lycanroc form. The first bit of information is that when Rockruff evolves into Midday Lycanroc, Vital Spirit is replaced with Sand Rush while Midnight Lycanroc replaces Steadfast with No Guard. This hypothetical third Lycanroc would have to have Keen Eye replaced. Another reason that just caught my attention is that the placeholder is listed as Forme 4. For the Pokémon on the Global Link, 0 is the default number and I think that 0 is Midday Lycanroc, 1 is Midnight Lycanroc, 2 is Totem Midday Lycanroc, 3 is Totem Midnight Lycanroc and that 4 is our mystery Lycanroc. The reason I am thinking that is that when we saw Lycanroc jump in the trailer in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, it was day outside and the form was Midday. I think that Lycanroc might be a version exclusive Totem just like it is for Gumshoos and Alolan Raticate with there being a Totem Midday Lycanroc in Pokémon Ultra Sun and a Totem Midnight Lycanroc in Pokémon Ultra Moon. This is all I have to say on the subject.
Rockruff having its eyes glowing green doesn't have to mean anything. It could be an error or the way the sunset light hits its eyes. I am not jumping to conclusion that it is evolving into an alternate form.
Well guys, it looks like the new issue of CoroCoro has confirmed a new Lycanroc form.

[PokeCommunity.com] Rockruff mystery evolution in Anime teased in cliffhanger

Serebii took this picture which was on the cover of the September 2017 issue. It appears to have green eyes, and its body is a light red colour, likely to sit between the Midday Form's beige colour and Midnight Form's dark red.
Now i am starting to be convinced. I wanted more evidence in order to believe in an alternate lycanroc. Hope we get more info on it.
Now i am starting to be convinced. I wanted more evidence in order to believe in an alternate lycanroc. Hope we get more info on it.

Considering the appearance of this Lycanroc form, I think it's likely there will be a news article on US/UM inside.
This is probably the 3rd form, yeah. However this is on the cover and since the photo is a little blurry I gyess it's still considered unconfirmed. However, looking at it, it seems like a mix of midnight and midday Lycanroc
This is probably the 3rd form, yeah. However this is on the cover and since the photo is a little blurry I gyess it's still considered unconfirmed. However, looking at it, it seems like a mix of midnight and midday Lycanroc

I'd say take it with a grain of salt for now, but looking at the picture it does definitely look like a hybrid of the two. Hopefully more scans will show in the coming days.