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Roll For Initiative!

  • 22,954
    Okay, so, Sonata and myself are starting a club over in Fan Clubs & Groups! Its name? Roll For Initiative! - The Tabletop Gaming Lounge. It's about everything not video gaming related in gaming, be it tabletop, role-playing, board or card gaming; you name it, the club is for it! And this club doesn't require the usual formal sign-ups most clubs require, either! You can come and go as you please as long as you stay on the club topic!

    Our first event will be a Cards Against Humanity event held on Saturday, March 14th! Club approved or not, we will be going forward with this particular event! If the club is not up, room details will be posted by me to my blog. Keep checking back for further details!

    In the future, we hope to eventually spawn a D&D gaming group that uses the club as its meetup area, as well as eventually branching out to a few other traditional games! If you all show enough interest in it we might even host weekly game nights!

    Hope to see you all this weekend!

    EDIT: Tabletop Gaming Lounge is now open!
    Are you going to have a Skype call up for the CAH match or nah?
    donavannj;bt101966 said:
    Personally, I don't like Skype (consistently been a PITA at syncing conversations for me over the last two years), but I don't see why we couldn't have one up.

    Either way this'll be awesome! Are you gonna do a.. like.. announcement or anything when you guys start? I just don't wanna forget this is going on tomorrow.
    Larry;bt101968 said:
    Either way this'll be awesome! Are you gonna do a.. like.. announcement or anything when you guys start? I just don't wanna forget this is going on tomorrow.

    Sonata or myself will probably throw up a blog post tomorrow. We might actually both throw out blog posts.

    I may well run a room most of whatever time I happen to be on for it.
    Larry;bt101965 said:
    Are you going to have a Skype call up for the CAH match or nah?

    I might be able to get a skype call going depending on if anyone else wants to hop on it. And I'll be posting a blog entry tomorrow and maybe one tonight depending on if this one gets buried or not. I'll for sure make one tomorrow and I should be on for a good portion of the day so we can CAH as much or as little as participants would like. I'll most likely also be on Pokemon Showdown throwing around some announcements for it whenever we start playing for those that hang around there. And depending on the turnout tomorrow we may also do this again on Sunday and see if we can't get some more people into it.