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Research: [Scripting] Command Database Naming

What do you think about the current command names?

  • Good enough

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • I would change some of them

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Honestly I don't care a lot

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Mewtwo Strikes Back
  • 1,314
    • Seen Oct 26, 2011
    While working on XSE, I decided to eventually adjust the commands names so they would fit better with yourselves.
    Command names should be standardized from now on, but choosing a good name isn't a trivial job.
    So, if you think you have a better name for an existing command, suggest it here as long as it wasn't suggested already.

    Few notes: the fact your suggested a shorter name doesn't mean it's automatically better than an existing, longer one.
    Names need to be concise yet descriptive so you don't type to type too much and, at the same time, you can grasp the meaning easily.
    Whenever you suggest anything, try argumenting your choice(s).
    Don't forget that you shouldn't suggest anything about a command you don't even know how it works. Especially for the unknown ones, of course.

    Below you can find the full, actual list:


    Thanks for your time.
    How about checknewday for cmd2D? Since you couldn't come up with a name, maybe this will work.
    Oh, and it might be a good idea to explain warpelevator a little better in the next version's Command Help. 'Cause the way it is now, you'd think it is a normal warp command.
    Is it alright if I tell you(them, everyone) a name for cmdC3?

    Yeah, sure. That's what this thread is for ;)

    How about checknewday for cmd2D? Since you couldn't come up with a name, maybe this will work.
    Oh, and it might be a good idea to explain warpelevator a little better in the next version's Command Help. 'Cause the way it is now, you'd think it is a normal warp command.

    And what about checkdailyflags ?
    Also, what would you suggest for the warpelevator description?
    I would like to know what really cmdC3 does, and how it's used in a script.. :D

    About this, it's a great command database. The naming is good. Isn't warpelevator a normal warp command, but gives the elevator animation only?
    About this, it's a great command database. The naming is good. Isn't warpelevator a normal warp command, but gives the elevator animation only?
    No it's different. I haven't done any scripting lately, but from what I remember, it doesn't actually warp you anywhere. It just changes where the warp on the map will warp you to.

    Since I'm posting I could rattle off some things that I use.
    3A - warpmuted
    CA - signmsg
    CB - normalmsg
    'tif' and 'fif' as aliases for 'if 0x1 goto 0xFF', and 'if 0x0 goto 0xFF' respectively.
    'tcompjump 0x800D 0x1 0xFF' which was 'compare 0x800D 0x1: if 0x1 goto 0xFF'.
    No it's different. I haven't done any scripting lately, but from what I remember, it doesn't actually warp you anywhere. It just changes where the warp on the map will warp you to.

    Since I'm posting I could rattle off some things that I use.
    3A - warpmuted
    CA - signmsg
    CB - normalmsg
    'tif' and 'fif' as aliases for 'if 0x1 goto 0xFF', and 'if 0x0 goto 0xFF' respectively.
    'tcompjump 0x800D 0x1 0xFF' which was 'compare 0x800D 0x1: if 0x1 goto 0xFF'.

    Oh ok, thanks thethethethe.
    There is also warpteleport, and warpteleport2, that always confuses me. I tested them, but they didn't work. What is the difference between them?
    And what about checkdailyflags ?
    Also, what would you suggest for the warpelevator description?

    I think that's even better :P
    And your second question, what about:
    Sets where warps that lead to warp 127 of map 127.127 warp the player.

    For an example of the warpelevator command, check the green "S" in the Inside of Truck in R/S/E, and check the warps there, too.
    Okay, well in my hack...There's a way that I removed the Pokemon...But the command I discovered was #raw 0xC3. My name would be removefirstpokemon but I think it's too long, anyone?

    I do think it needs a bit more reversing to do though :\
    I think 'nop' is kind of random for a name. I don't have a suggestion on what it could be, but I just thought I'd put it out there. That is okay, right?
    @snowfield34 - Um, what's the point of making XSE if you want to decompile a script in #raws. That wold make no difference at all -.-.
    Sorry, but I forgot to mention this earlier. There's no point. Just open up your hex editor and look at it. Why do you need a scripting tool to decompile the hex, into hex?

    @snowfield34 - Um, what's the point of making XSE if you want to decompile a script in #raws. That wold make no difference at all -.-.

    Blame Hackmew.... If he hadn't came up with all those needed functions, I could come up with some...

    No, But Basicly when People need help with Pokescript and stuff, and then I just would like to know what happen in my scripting tool.... Kind of when Jason just showed me, the zero's in the applymovement, I had no idea about them...
    No it's different. I haven't done any scripting lately, but from what I remember, it doesn't actually warp you anywhere. It just changes where the warp on the map will warp you to.

    Since I'm posting I could rattle off some things that I use.
    3A - warpmuted
    CA - signmsg
    CB - normalmsg
    'tif' and 'fif' as aliases for 'if 0x1 goto 0xFF', and 'if 0x0 goto 0xFF' respectively.
    'tcompjump 0x800D 0x1 0xFF' which was 'compare 0x800D 0x1: if 0x1 goto 0xFF'.

    Well, yeah. setwarpplace would be a better name. What do you people think about it?

    warpmuted, signmsg and normalmsg are fine with me. I'll see what the others will say about them.

    Talking about the others... Too many ifs may be a bit confusing...

    Oh ok, thanks thethethethe.
    There is also warpteleport, and warpteleport2, that always confuses me. I tested them, but they didn't work. What is the difference between them?

    Whish I knew that... those are still kinda mysterious...
    From what I saw, the first one is used in R/S/E while the latter is used on FR/LG.
    On FR/LG it's always used together with specials, so that would act more like a trigger.
    Probably something similar to warpelevator - soon to become setwarpplace.

    I think that's even better :P
    And your second question, what about:
    Sets where warps that lead to warp 127 of map 127.127 warp the player.

    For an example of the warpelevator command, check the green "S" in the Inside of Truck in R/S/E, and check the warps there, too.

    Yeah, something similar may be good.

    Okay, well in my hack...There's a way that I removed the Pokemon...But the command I discovered was #raw 0xC3. My name would be removefirstpokemon but I think it's too long, anyone?

    I do think it needs a bit more reversing to do though :\

    Sadly cmdC3 is a multi-purpose command...
    It is used for sure in:

    • Pokémon Contests
    • Daycare Center
    • Pokémon Center
    • Berry Trees

    I would say it's something like comparehiddenvar which is used in FR/LG though I'm not sure. BTW... cmd96 is quite similar too...
    I'll need to reverse more I guess :P

    I think 'nop' is kind of random for a name. I don't have a suggestion on what it could be, but I just thought I'd put it out there. That is okay, right?

    NOPe, it's anything but random. The name comes directly from assembly language, meaning No OPEration. For further info, see this.
    Also, did you know the nop1 command is used for the #reserve directive as a place-holder (to be replaced by active commands later on) ?

    May I then suggest and other Feature?
    Raw Decompiling, Like Instead of [...]

    Something like this, right?

    #raw 0x4F word 0xFF  pointer 0x834AA70
    #raw 0x51 word 0x0

    Well, "raw decompiling" defeats the whole purpose of decompling...
    Decompiling is translating those apparently meaningless numbers into something human beings can (or at least should) undestand.

    Anyway, please stay on topic. This is not a feature request thread.
    If you're willing to suggest something, my Tools Factory in the Toolbox is the right place.
    Last edited:
    Sadly cmdC3 is a multi-purpose command...
    It is used for sure in:

    • Pokémon Contests
    • Daycare Center
    • Pokémon Center
    • Berry Trees

    I would say it's something like comparehiddenvar which is used in FR/LG though I'm not sure. I'll need to reverse more I guess :P
    I'm not sure if you've seen this, but in a couple of the interviewer's events in RSE it is used aswell. I think it was used to store what you're input was into a buffer, but I can't remember totally. I did that a while ago. I'm sure it's used by the interviewer at the Contests in Lilycove.
    thethethethe said:
    I'm not sure if you've seen this, but in a couple of the interviewer's events in RSE it is used aswell. I think it was used to store what you're input was into a buffer, but I can't remember totally. I did that a while ago. I'm sure it's used by the interviewer at the Contests in Lilycove.
    Um, it is also used by the guy at dewford for the things that are Hip and Trendy.