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2nd Gen Second Generation Travel Journal

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I remember being in 1st grade and sitting in my neighbors garage for about 7 hours playing through my red version. There was street a little ways away from mine that had about 10 guys on it and we were all really into the games at the time. It was my first time going through the game and it was all their second time. I remember I started at Lt. Surge and by the end the of the day I had beaten Sabrina. Good times....

I also remember once in about 3rd grade I was over at my same friends house. It was a rainy day so we were just kinda sitting around outside waiting for the rain to stop. One of my friends told me that when you beat the game bills backyard opened up and it had every pokemon in the game back there that you could catch. I of course believed them and went home that night to try to figure out how to get into bills backyard. The next day they told me it was a joke -.-

Another story about those guys, they were the first ones to show me how to do the missingno. glitch back in about 3rd grade as well. I thought it was so cool being able to duplicate rare candies and master balls. It made the end of the game too easy >.<

Recently I've been playing through red at school on visual boy advanced when I'm done with all of my work. It's been fun and it's great nostalgia. I've also been listening to a lot of the music from red/blue on youtube lately (the best music IMO). Even though I never kept the volume on when I was younger all that often (I wanted to save batteries), I still remember all of the songs somehow.
I'm just about to get on the S.S. Anne and get cut. Maybe also get Mew and Kadabra a few levels built up :D
Best memory in RED must be first time beating Elite 4. I was a noobie, so all my Pokémon died almost instantly. But, Hitmonlee of all the pokémon out there saved the day! One High-Jump Kick OHKO Dragonite and also killed Blue's Blastoise! Good days. Also i love that i captured all legendaries (except Mew) the same day.

Today i captured the last Pokémon's so i have all 151. Too soon to call it a memory, but it will be.
I beat the E4 easily on my red a few nights ago and have now moved onto Silver. Just got into Goldernrod city on the game.
Just played through Silver again for the first time since I was about 9 years old, amazing game. Haven't been addicted to any of the newer versions like that, even graphically the animations are better than a lot of the newer stuff.
Hmm. I just found a diary on my long dead save file on my Red that got deleted. Here it is:
I just beat the Elite 4 for the 15th time! My PokeDex is almost full. I just need Blue to trade a few Pokemon with me! I was bored, so I went home. Mom made me dinner, asked how I was, I told her I was fine. I dug out a Mr Mime, Kadabra, and Chansey out of the PC to help and keep her company around the house. She thanked me and I went outside. I visited Oak's lab. He congratulated me and told me I was going to finish the PokeDex. I went to Blue to nag him to trade but to no avail. I guess he's pretty pissed off that I beat him w/ a critical hit. I hope we will settle and have a pure battle, no crits, no hax, nothing. Just a fair battle. Well see ya later.
That's how I imagine a life in Red/TYSON (the save's name) Unfortunatley, the save was wiped after my bro kicked the N64 and smacked the controller out of my hand.
I think my first memory from red was in '96 when I played a translated Japanese copy, and I had no idea what the game was about or what I was doing, so I just kept going to the Pokemon center because I liked the music XD

From silver (my favorite version by the way) I remember just loving the whole experience. That was the best game for me at the time, because I liked the way the story kind of advanced after 3 years.
Last week or so I was playing on my Game Boy with my old Blue version, and started over. I was training the Magikarp from the old man.

However, the stupid Jigglypuff kept singing my NidoranM to sleep. Every. Single. Turn.

But I prevailed! Eventually, they would fail at their song and I would knock them out in one turn.

The days before the EXP. Share were painful... T_T
I remember next to nothing about Red, my first Pokemon game, since I was 5 or 6 at the time. I don't remember a lot of specific things about Gold or Crystal, but I sure remember a lot of nostalgic feelings about them!

One unfortunate event that I do remember. I was training my Tyrogue, and I must not have been holding the Gameboy very firmly. It slipped and hit the hard floor, and I think the Gameboy broke AND I lost the save data :( I was so attached to those Generation 2 games.

[PokeCommunity.com] Second Generation Travel Journal
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My fondest memory of Blue is Hydro Pumping my way through the E4. It was so funny, because the attack looked like the opponent's Pokemon had broken a water main underneath it or something, because all these little spouts of water came up underneath it. Out of interest, my Blastoise was my only Pokemon that first playthrough. I never caught anything else. Ever.

Remember the old 'it's super effective' sound? ;; So nostalgic. I'm getting shivers thinking about it.

I got Pokémon Blue when I turn 5 along with a Game Boy color. I couldn't read by the time, much less English :D

The thing I remember the most when playing that game is how hard I pressed A button when trying to catch a Pokemon or inflict more damage :D

I also remember doing the Missingno glitch for hours and hours searching for a Mewtwo, because my uncle always got one :D I just found why this happened last week when reading about the glitch, my name was always BERNARD and my uncle's name was PEDRO, so it was impossible for me to get one that way.
My Pokemon Red memory (the one i can remember) was when i first got the game. I was 9 years old. At 9, a lot of changes happened around me. The day after my 9th birthday, we moved to a bigger house. It was old, it had bugs, but it had 3 bedrooms, so my teenage brother was more than satisfied with not having a baby like me in the room with him. Anyway, like most kids, i went to bed early Christmas Eve. That December i covered my bases. i wanted Toys, Video games, and toys. Anyway, with my bedroom being directly across from the living room, i ran toward the tree. a lot of stuff that i use to this day was probably under there...but the star of the show was Pokemon Red. i played for hours that day....good times...

I also have a Yellow memory,(A short one) I was at walmart, or kmart, and i went to the videogame section. my brother was there and my mom too. back then, i had to go to a certain section with somebody, but we all went. I saw Yellow edition. Back then, i watched the tv show too, so i thought it was the tv show edition if pikachu is the starter. I begged my mom to get it. my bro chimed in and said "its just like the other one you have", in a non-helping nature. i said it had differences. my mom saw they eye of the tiger...or maybe that i was going to throw a fit...so she bought it for me....also, i was stuck on brock for a month or 2 before i realized i needed a butterfree.

G/S memories are kinda sad. i was in middle school around this time. i remember the egm magazine with Ho-Oh on the cover. i was so into the game. i remember i even had Pokemon magazines with articles about it, and on the back, showed the starters and there evolutions. another good thing was that my good friend was into it too. so when he would spend the night, we would battle, and trade and stuff. one of my favorite moments was when i got to goldenrod city. it is my all time favorite city! i love everything about it, and i remember falling in love with the Olivine music. and a WTF moment, when some random guy gave me HM Strength. the sad part comes from when i let some guy borrow my Gold. he never returned it. i asked and asked every day. i even asked a friend to interrogate him about it...but it was no use. i bought Silver sometime after and then it was taken also...
Pokemon Silver, This may be a bit too late but in 2006 my adventure started, it was really fun I enjoyed it, Just like GSC I have enjoyed HG&SS FR&LG B&W!
Played Red ever since I was 3 or 4. It was a gift from my grandmother's friend. My cousin (2 years older than me) and I shared it. I remember the days we fought over the cartridge. Squirtle is my first pokemon. Although my first level 100 is Snorlax, I didn't train it. I remember finding a way to get into the room where Lt. Surge was. I didn't knew how to get in there and I skipped Gyms. After weeks of finding a way, my cousin helped me get the 3rd badge and we are off to Saffron City. However, we didn't knew how to past through the Saffron Guards. We were stucked there like a few months till I bought a fresh water and walked through there and walah! After that, my cousin took the cartridge from me and I never saw it again.
Until last year, I asked my cousin for the cartridge and he gave it to me. However, the game save was deleted (well, after not playing for like 7 years?) and I started it since than and my first level 100 of that run was Snorlax. (again :))
All those memories, I missed them. :)
I started playing yellow wen I was 7 n man was I mad when my haunter didn't evolve lol. Then came yellow and I couldn't beat Brock lol. Then came silver and I didn't know how to move the two people battleling on the way to go get your first badge lol. Really good times
I was four when I received my first ever video game, Pokemon Yellow. I was so awesome at it, even though I couldn't read half the words. In fact, I was SO AWESOME at it that I trained my Pikachu (and only my Pikachu) to level 70, had my brother evolve it through a trade, and then sobbed when Blue sent out his Sandslash at the Indigo Plateau. Ah, youth.

Pokemon Gold turned out slightly better (but not really). I kind of scrambled through the game until the Lake of Rage, where I captured the Red Gyarados and spent the better part of two years getting to level 100. I then proceeded to own everyone in the game. Obviously, I didn't have much skill (come on, I was six), but me and Gyarados are best buddies. I even traded a clone to Crystal to preserve him for eternity, because my save battery is due to die any minute now.

Yeah, I know this is a huge tl;dr. Sorry. :l
I have begun playing Blue again and I am at Vermilion ( Haven't beat Lt.Surge yet) with this Team:

Wartortle Lv.30
Bubblebeam-Water Gun

But since Lt. Surge is an electric leader and every time I try to catch a wild Pokemon I One-hit it, I am stuck.
My most recent run through Gold brought some of my favorite moments in the game in awhile. First off, I raised my Eevee into an Umbreon. I'm very glad I did, because that is not only my first Umbreon, but it really impressed me in battle, even before it evolved. And another thing I loved about this was my battle against Lance- I haven't had this close a match in awhile.

It started off with Ampharos against his Gyarados. Gyarados used Rain Dance, Ampharos used ThunderPunch, down. Then he sent out his first Dragonite, used Blizzard, took down a lot of health. But then I got lucky with a critical ThunderPunch that was further boosted by Rain Dance. Second Dragonite, I switch to Furret who does little damage before being taken down. Then I sent out Kadabra, who I was expecting to be a major staple in this match. Wrong, one Psybeam, one Hyper Beam. Then I sent out Umbreon, who only needed one Take Down to defeat it, thanks to being weakened from the previous two Pokemon. It managed to get in a Twister before, which in addition to Take Down recoil, left Umbreon with little over half HP. Aerodactyl, I send out Ampharos. It took Ampharos a Thunder Punch and an Iron Tail to defeat Aerodactyl, and he was left with red HP. Lance sent out his last Dragonite who easily took down Ampharos, and to my surprise, my Red Gyarados. Still, my Gyarados put up an impressive fight before being taken down, leaving Dragonite with less than half HP. I send out Typhlosion and use RollOut, which takes out Dragonite by turn 2, but its Outrage attack did a number. Lance sent out Charizard, but it got taken down in one hit by Typhlosion, and I won the match.

That was a good match in my opinion.
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