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[Pokémon] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

ok the club is already known by much

but ill make some suggestions here

1. Fix the spelling/grammar of the rules, but keep the first line as a club meme. :)
2. Eliminate rule #2 ("The only thing you have to do to join this club is garauntee youll hunt for shinies.")
3. Introduce the owner class woah, are we creating capitalism? (this has already been done in practice, but just needs to be formalized).
4. Eliminate the Paroled Members and New Members classes.
5. Strikes will be given for infractions. Three strikes result in a 6-month ban; a fourth results in a permaban. Strikes expire after 30 days.
6. Eliminate sig requirements.
7. Promote SkinnyGreenMan to Founder status - he was a pretty big part of coming up with the idea for the club and was one of the members who carried the club through its infancy.
8. Promote Latios Master to Co-Owner and demote Yami_Zidane and Lady Demoonica Darkmoon (again, this has already happened) with the understanding that they'll be given back their positions if/when they return.
9. Replace the members list with an auto-updating link: https://www.pokecommunity.com/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=19247
10. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.

If you guys have any other suggestions, feel free to let me know. Getting possession of the first post is possible, and now we're just waiting for a mod to be kind enough to do it.
How about we mark ryan/LDD/Yami as "retired co-owners"-- a designation that indicates they can pick up where they left off should they return.

The active posters list isn't reliable if we need to kick someone out. This can be something I'll look at on the external site. In the mean time, you can edit them into one of your posts and link to it.

We should ease up on the whole truth-telling business. Obsessive compulsive lying is of course disallowed, but being obsessed with proof and witch hunting suspected liars kills the mood. Listing shinies upon joining should be enough, and ensures that they've read the first post.
How about we mark ryan/LDD/Yami as "retired co-owners"-- a designation that indicates they can pick up where they left off should they return.

Great idea!

The active posters list isn't reliable if we need to kick someone out. This can be something I'll look at on the external site. In the mean time, you can edit them into one of your posts and link to it.

How about if I had a list underneath that said: Banned Members/Infracted Members - with a list of banned members/members with strikes below? That would allow us to use the auto-updating list and just keep a running list of the exceptions (that is, the members on the list who aren't members anymore).

We should ease up on the whole truth-telling business. Obsessive compulsive lying is of course disallowed, but being obsessed with proof and witch hunting suspected liars kills the mood. Listing shinies upon joining should be enough, and ensures that they've read the first post.

I agree. I'll also remove the references to being a "good" member, as the landmark Supreme Court of the Shiny Hunters case #6063, shido v. MetalMario, prevents distinction between members. (Interestingly, it also correctly predicted shiny inflation and set the initial provisions for our future server. :cer_laugh:)

Haha, the original first post contained profanity directed at members who don't hunt that much - I'm definitely going to tone down the atmosphere and make it seem more welcoming and friendly. :pink_wink:
boy, this place doesnt get a lot of traffic, does it?

just about 20 minutes ago, a new shiny appeared to me. unfortunately its not the one of the two that i was hoping for (Oddish or Abra), but i dont care!! I had just gotten home from work at 6:30, sat down and started reading the Nintendo Power that had come in the mail and started encountering. about the time i had finished the magazine (id say around 7:30 or so), Kakuna shined for me! was not expecting that! unfortunately, no i didnt count the encounters again.....wish i had, but it took about three days to show (didnt encounter for a few days). let's try some pictures:

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~
[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

Edit: Excellent, now i can provide pictures. now i shall post my past successes:

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

as of this post, all six of these shinies, which also include Mankey and Unown D, have been transferred to Soulsilver, where they wait a second transfer to White at some point in the future. Now i take up my hunt of Charmander in Leafgreen that i left off of a while back and when i get him/her, use a team that i was gonna use in Sapphire until the battery ran dry
[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~
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Finally!! I've been waiting nearly 72 hours to post, and for the first time in 8 posts, someone other than me/MetalMario/Latios Master posted. :) *yells Keruso's name from atop a cliff*

I just recently found out that the R/S internal battery runs even when the game isn't being played, so my 5 (?) month hiatus from Sapphire to conserve the battery was completely useless. I fired it up to start hunting as soon as I found this out, and sure enough, my Sapphire internal battery has run dry. :( I might wait until the R/S remakes to complete my Hoenn quest, or just hunt the non-Regis in HG/SS. Maybe I'll try to hunt on them like FR/LG and resave every once in a while, since that'll probably still be faster than hunting in the 4th gen.

*still seeks Rayquaza, the greatest shiny of all time*

Most of the mods have been either ignoring me or incredibly busy, so the first post issue still hasn't been resolved yet. I'm getting conflicting reports on what's possible now, so if worst comes to worst I could just write a new first post and ask a mod to edit it in.

Chikorita. Shiny Meganium is liek t3h best shiny of all time! I'm going to get one.

Good idea. I think I will, too. :pink_laugh:

*needs to avenge lost Chiko*

Did you like read the entire thread or something? That's from 2006!

Yes, I was a lurker back then! I read it in real time, and then I went back and reread it back in January or February of this year after taking a 2 1/2 year break from Pokemon.

boy, this place doesnt get a lot of traffic, does it?

No, it doesn't get as much as we'd like. Go recruit people!! :cer_wink:

Kakuna shined for me!

Congrats!! You've had so much shiny luck lately - are all of those shinies recent!? :pink_eek:
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Shiny Kyurem just appeared on my black version!!!! :D

It appeared after 2477 SRs.

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

EDIT: Naive synch worked! Here are its IVs:
HP: 6 - 7
Attack: 20 - 21
Defense: 2
Sp. Attack: 26
Sp. Defense: 8 - 9
Speed: 18 - 19

hmm not too bad where it matters :)
Congrats!! You've had so much shiny luck lately - are all of those shinies recent!? :pink_eek:

those are the ones that i got in this club, but as you know, G, i hunted in *ahem* another club's chatroom for a few months and had other shiny successes, so i DO have more pics of other shinies, but unless you want them shown, that would be a real long post.

Congrats on the ice dragon, Abhi. there's a hunt i gotta do sometime in the future
I always love seeing shiny pics. Those are cool, but the pics are so tinyyyyy it's hard to see. I can't even tell the Kakuna is shiny, and it took me a while to tell what the Wooper was. =/

Nice job with the Kyurem, abhi123! Personally, I find Kyurem uninteresting since not much changes, but, being the only member of the Unova trio you can actually get shiny, it's a worthwhile target.

The cards were a major draw.
sorry, i didnt want to have gigantic pictures blowing up the room, so let me try this again:

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

to be honest, i wasnt completely sure i had a shiny Kakuna either. i knew i had heard the shiny sound, but wasnt quite sure i had a shiny, as Kakuna, at least until you transfer it to the 4th gen games, looks the same.

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

and for good measure:

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~

this would be where a picture of Unown D would be, but i cant seem to find it in my Photobucket albums.........

Edit: Found it!!

[PokeCommunity.com] ~>{*Shiny Hunters Club}<~
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sorry, i didnt want to have gigantic pictures blowing up the room

A good way around this is to put them in spoilers - that way, everyone can see your pictures but they don't take up space in the thread. Your posts were fine, but just in case you were worried about that in the future, feel free to post as many/as large pictures as you want, and they'll be fine in spoiler tags.

MetalMario, I wouldn't mind making some cards if you recreated the template. I probably won't have the time to do all of them, but I could certainly make a few (and given the number of active members, that's probably the whole club, "lol").

EDIT: SHINY HITMONCHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST SHINY SINCE JULY!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a shiny Hitmonchan!!!! I love the blue boxing gloves!! This is really great!!!

*shiny euphoria*


I was using MetalMario's FR/LG method of saving every 25 SRs or so (I was actually switching targets, too, between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan), and it worked beautifully!!!

It has an Impish nature, which is actually really great!! You can always use more Defense, and Hitmonchan doesn't really need SpA (at least I don't think it does, since it's a fighting type).

This is awesome! And Hitmonchan is a pretty rare shiny, too - I don't know of too many people who have one.

*saves about 10 times*

Haha, I was actually expecting to get a Johto starter since I've seen so many of them and you see three per SR, but I got something even rarer!! (I was dual SRing.) Yay Hitmonchan! Only one more FR target left before I can finish the game, get the legendaries, and start over so I can get shiny Charizard, one of the greatest shinies of all time!!
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i dont bother with the GTS at all. i mean, who wants shinies they havent captured themselves, and may or may not be hacked? i think it's pointless to "shiny hunt" in there. the only time ive gone in it was to look around and find myself a foreign Ditto. just my opinion..........
Congrats on the shinies, Keruso!

Congrats on the shiny Kyurem, abhi123!

Congrats on the shiny Hitmonchan, G-Money! It's great to see your drought is over.

This week's random hunt is... Squirtle!

Litwick: 2,686
Axew: 228
Gastly: 150 (done)
Woah, again it has been too long Shiny club! Life gets so busy but I've recently picked up my Platinum game again once I beat White version so I'm hoping to start shiny hunting again (especially since this week has Squirtle!). It seems I've missed a lot with the club and so I had a lot of reading to try and do. I almost fell over with the page count until I realized the pages for both threads were merged. XD

So, hello to everyone again! (New and the familiar people I see still active here) Good luck to everyone hunting and hopefully you all see some shinies soon! I haven't had a shiny for months now despite my on and off play so maybe hunting for Squirtle will put me back on the right track. I just love Blastoise shiny. *_*
i dont bother with the GTS at all. i mean, who wants shinies they havent captured themselves, and may or may not be hacked?

I completely agree with this, and I even turn down shinies that other people offer me in trades. Personally, I see the entire value in getting them yourself; however, I respect other people's opinions. GTS hunting sounds pretty fun, and if you guys want to do it, go ahead!! It's definitely a valid hunting method.

Congrats on the shiny Hitmonchan, G-Money! It's great to see your drought is over.


You really should get that Litwick soon. You're probably holding up someone's luck line or something! I went to a different window, but there are people standing behind you in line. Just take your shiny Litwick and move to the next station!! Those people behind you have been waiting all day (and since May, "lol")!

*imagines 5 windows where you can pick up packets of luck, and people waiting in 3 of the lines while Latios Master is taking a ridiculously long time ordering and the people behind him are mad while Keruso keeps going through the same line over and over again because no one else is using that one*

I almost fell over with the page count until I realized the pages for both threads were merged. XD

Welcome back, Raichu!! Please proceed to Window #3 to pick up your shiny Squirtle.

Haha, I would've loved to have seen the look on your face when you thought we filled up 752 pages since March, "lol." That would be really awesome, though, to have that many pages in such a short amount of time.

*hopes for more activity*

I think I created the most annoying sig ever. 24 hours of User Title praise to the first person who discovers the secret message. :cer_laugh:
i cant believe i opened them all just to see "for shiny things!!" x.x
congrts on all the shinies guys and girls ^.^

as for me I got a shiny teddiursa and a shiny axew before my DS broke.
It's a sad day when the first answer to "I'm bored..." is "LET'S SR!" So I restarted emerald again and am SRing for a shiny torchic. I stopped early last night because I got depressed but I am sitting pretty at over 100 SRs as we speak (Just started up for the day.) And every female I SR over kills me inside a little. So I hope it'll sparkle soon. XD

Shiny torchic hunt:
105 SRs
93 males SRed over
12 females SRed over
AHHHH DON'T SR ON EMERALD!! The random calculation is busted in that game so you may never find a shiny ever!

Boldore has been EVed and evolved. I forgot to make a UT clone. I guess nothing lost in this circumstance, beyond some possible Boldore shiny dex opportunities.
Next up, I need to re-EV Emboar, and hopefully find some random shinies in the process. He has a shiny-esque Bold nature, so I might try a mixed set...