I'll split them into traded and caught myself, cause the majority of what i have has been traded to me
Traded over wifi with sppf members
Toritodon, roserade, rampardos, taillow, Drifloon, machamp, Bronzong, Volbeat, Illumise, Kangaskahn, monferno, hariyama, Emuritto, Yuxie, Azelf, Shinx, Bibarel, Deoxys, Slowking, Manaphy(not sure if this is legit, seems to be), Aruseus( from that giveaway a while back), Rotom, Floatzel, Sableye, Sheildon, Starapor.
Traded with sppf members at an event
Exeggutor, steelix, corsola, snorunt, smeargle, groudon, gardevoir, relicanth, pikachu, pellipper, unown n, Mewtwo, linoone, Golem, Ludicolo, crobat, bellosom, Aron.
Pokemon i caught myself.
Rapidash-i caught this as a ponyta on leaf green on mount chimney about a month or so after i'd got the game, i'd picked up a magazine from my local shops and i had a fr/lg pokedex in it detailing the locations of the pokemon in both games, once i'd found out that magmar had been moved to mount chimney i headed off to find one cause magmar have long been a favorite pokemon of mine and started looking, after about twenty minutes i had found no magmar and i'd gotten fed up but i'd forgotten to bring a flyer with me so i had to walk down, then i bumped into a pokemon while i'd set down my gba to drink out of a glass of water and heard the shine, i briefly thought "what the hell was that" before looking down at my gba and seeing the blue flames, i tried to shout yes! at the top of my voice while still drinking( don't do that) and choked, so i threw the masterball at it, because i was terrified of killing it.
Sandshrew-I was looking at the new shiny pokemon lovers club on sppf, and looking at all the shinies people had whilst i only had one was extremely depressing, so i switched on my sapphire and started looking fiery tunnel for a shiny, After i'd encountered about six pokemon, i got bored and decided to look in the desert and see what i could find, after three trapinch I bumped into a sandshrew and i heard the stars shine, i didn't even shout out when i found it, i just grinned like an idiot ad threw a greatball at it and caught it.
Wurmple-Nothing special about this one, my friend had recently found a shiny wurmple which his brother had deleted, and one sunday whilst playing on sapphire, i bumped into this little darling whilst thinking how my friend would feel if i found one, i caught it in an ultraball and nicknamed it silentwing.
Sneasal, i was given a sneasal to use in a scramble challenge on sapphire, so i was breeding eggs on ruby, and i was talking to my friend while it was hatching, and looked down and saw the colours.
Alakazam-I'd been trying to get this at the game corner for ages without success, so i gave up for a while, but one boring sunday afternoon i decided to do just a few more resets, this was in the third lot of resets, i Ran out of my room screaming to show my sister what i'd found, then saved it many time to be sure.
Ekans-found this while i was breeding a female ekans so i could breed poison fang onto it.
Eevee, i was breeding eevee on emerald to get all pokedex entries, and this was on the fourth egg.
Totodile-I soft resetted to get this at birchs lab, can't remember how many resets i did for it though.
Latios-I'd gotten the eon ticket at an event i went to from a kind sppf member i met there, then i left it on my emerald for a month or so without using it, one night i was bored stiff so i decided to do some softresetting for latios, and on the second reset i remember thinking, "that latios is a funny col.... no way!!!" and there it was shiny latios, not taking anychance i threw my one masterball to capture it.
Minun-This minun was the first pokemon i bumped into immediately after catching shiny latios, i know what you're all thinking but i swear it's the truth, i caught it in an ultraball.
Paras-I had borrowed my friends fire red, and i was hoping i could piss him off by finding a shiny on his game, and lo and behold, the 10 paras i found whilst stealing mushrooms was shiny! i kinda panicked and threw my masterball at it though.
Glingling-I'd gotten a text message from my friend telling me he'd caught a shiny swablu on diamond, after calling him all of the names under the sun i decided to vent frustration by levelling up my etebossu so it could learn treasure, using the poketore to kill solrock for experience i saw a patch of grass with an irregular shine, with my heart in my mouth i approached it, all the while hoping to god i wasn't seeing things, Luckily i wasn't seeing things, and glingling has become my lastest D/P shiny capture.
Extremespeed zigzagoon-i hatched this on friday after finding four eggs in my emerald and wondering what the hell they were, i wanted to restart my emerald so i used pokemon box to put them on sapphire and started to hatch them, this was the third egg of the bunch to hatch and my jaw dropped when i saw it, This is my latest shiny capture to date.
I'm currently working on getting game corner coins, and when i max them out i plan to go for a shiny clefairy
And if anyone wants to see pics of most of my shinies, just click on my sig.