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2nd Gen Shiny Shinies

by the way you can run away from shiny pokemon in en2 , justtry running from gyrados for example and see what happens !!! and I didn't even read this before posting but wow someone else got shiny ekans too , it must be common as a shiny then ?
I got my first shiny pokemon in GSC a few days ago, it was an Elekid. I got her from the egg the daycare man gives you.
Silver was the only game I caught a wild shiny in and kept. It was a Weedle I found in the Bug Park. I had some idea of what a shiny Pokemon was, because this was back before I was always online, so I did catch it. Now it's tucked away on my Pokemon Stadium 2 cart, which is in an unknown location. So maybe I don't have that Weedle anymore!
Haven't seen a wild Shiny yet. So far I only got a Shiny Gyarados which we all knew in Pokemon Gold and a Shiny Pikachu which is an in-game trade in a hack of Pokemon Gold which is Pokemon Christmas 2014.
In my very first Silver save, I encountered a shiny Totodile. I assumed it was a glitch, and since I was trying to collect all of the starters anyway, I threw it onto Pokemon Stadium 2 and restarted the game. I only found out what it was some time later, and was pretty amazed.

I went on to find a shiny Weepinbel while playing my cousin's game (which I cloned for myself), and then a shiny Geodude in Crystal. I played many hours of gen 2, but it was still really good luck!

Have you ever saw those pokemon that come in a different color than normal that's introduced with a 'sparkle'? Those are shiny pokemon! "Shiny pokemon" have been pretty much introduced to the Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal games. These are pokemon that come in alternative colors than their original.

[PokeCommunity.com] Shiny Shinies

For example...

*bulbagarden.net image removed*

Normally, Charizard comes in a red-orangy color. But, as a shiny pokemon...

*bulbagarden.net image removed*

They become dark, red/purplely color. But do note that these sort of pokemon are very rare to find, as they have a really low encounter rate. Nonetheless, have you ever encountered a "Shiny Pokemon" before (other than the red gyarados)? Have you caught any of these Shiny pokemon? What do you think of this aspect as a whole? Feel free to discuss!

Yep, a shiny Zubat in the Burned Tower in Eutreak (Hope I spelled that right) City, I named it Silver, because I thought it was a good name. :P (Yes I did catch it)