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Sierra's MEGA-HUGE XSE Scripting Tutorial

Hey, thanks for the guide! I'm pretty much a rookie hacker, and this has been a huge help!

Here's a quick question:
I'm trying to make a givepokemon script. When I run it in-game, everything works perfectly...except for the nicknaming part. For some reason, when it gets to the part where I should be nicknaming the pokemon that was given, it makes me nickname the first pokemon in my party. Any ideas about why this may be happening?
Hello. I've been having troubles with yet another script that's confusing me quite a bit.

The script I'm trying to make has a man step forward twice, inform the player that they can't leave without a pokemon, have the player step to the right twice to where the pokeball is, have them take it, and leave without the man stopping them. Of course, there's a 'bit' more to it when you read the actual scripts, but that's the gist of it all. If anyone can help, again, I'd greatly appriecate it.

The Movement Script:
#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 goto @done
if 0x0 goto @movement

#org @movement
msgbox @hey 0x2
applymovement 0x00 @move
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0xFF @move2
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @take 0x2
applymovement 0x00 @move3
waitmovement 0x0
setflag 0x1001

#org @done

#org @move
#raw 0x1E
#raw 0x1E

#org @move2
#raw 0x13
#raw 0x13

#org @move3
#raw 0x13

#org @hey
= Hey, you can't leave\nwithout having something\lto protect you!

#org @take
= Take my EEVEE. Raise it\nwell, and let it evolve\linto whatever you wish it\lto become!

The Man's Script:
#dynamic 0x800010

#org @start
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x1 goto @good
if 0x0 goto @omg

#org @good
msgbox @leave 0x2
applymovement 0x00 @move
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @goodluck 0x2

#org @omg
msgbox @takeit 0x2

#org @move
#raw 0x14
#raw 0x0C

#org @leave
= Okay, you may leave.

#org @goodluck
= Goodluck out there!

#org @takeit
= Would you just take it?

The Pokeball's Script:
#dynamic 0x800020

#org @start
checkflag 0x1001
if 0x1 goto @take
if 0x0 goto @done

#org @take
givepokemon 0x133 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
fanfare 0x13E
msgbox @received 0x4
fadescreen 0x1
fadescreen 0x0
hidesprite 0x800F
setflag 0x1000
setflag 0x1002

#org @done

#org @received
= You received EEVEE!

If you see any problems with other parts of what's going on, I'd appreciate it if that was mentioned as well. :)

I think you should make your own level scripting sutorial and add it here. Because
Cooleys was hard to understand for me. (Still learned it :P)
Kinda curious.
When i did a give pokemon script. it just takes me to the last line "so, how´s my old TORCHIC?"

In first place the NPC NEVER gave a pokemon?
No talking or nothing, it just takes me to the last line

Even i tried copying the one in the tut, but the same results.

btw, in-game i´m oing to getm Oaks parcel, so I don´t have a Pokedex. In case you´re wondering if i used that flag
Hey, thanks for the guide! I'm pretty much a rookie hacker, and this has been a huge help!

Here's a quick question:
I'm trying to make a givepokemon script. When I run it in-game, everything works perfectly...except for the nicknaming part. For some reason, when it gets to the part where I should be nicknaming the pokemon that was given, it makes me nickname the first pokemon in my party. Any ideas about why this may be happening?

Hello. I've been having troubles with yet another script that's confusing me quite a bit.

The script I'm trying to make has a man step forward twice, inform the player that they can't leave without a pokemon, have the player step to the right twice to where the pokeball is, have them take it, and leave without the man stopping them. Of course, there's a 'bit' more to it when you read the actual scripts, but that's the gist of it all. If anyone can help, again, I'd greatly appriecate it.

The Movement Script:
#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 goto @done
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x0 goto @movement

#org @movement
msgbox @hey 0x2
applymovement 0xThis should be the People Number of the man. @move
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0xFF @move2
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @take 0x2
applymovement 0xAgain, this should be the People Number of the man. @move3
waitmovement 0x0
setflag 0x1001

#org @done

#org @move
#raw 0x1E
#raw 0x1E

#org @move2
#raw 0x13
#raw 0x13

#org @move3
#raw 0x13

#org @hey
= Hey, you can't leave\nwithout having something\lto protect you!

#org @take
= Take my EEVEE. Raise it\nwell, and let it evolve\linto whatever you wish it\lto become!

The Man's Script:
#dynamic 0x800010

#org @start
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x1 goto @good
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x0 goto @omg

#org @good
msgbox @leave 0x2
applymovement 0xAnd again, this should be the People Number of the man. @move
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @goodluck 0x2

#org @omg
msgbox @takeit 0x2

#org @move
#raw 0x14
#raw 0x0C

#org @leave
= Okay, you may leave.

#org @goodluck
= Good luck out there!

#org @takeit
= Would you just take it?

The Pokeball's Script:
#dynamic 0x800020

#org @start
checkflag 0x1001
if 0x1 goto @take
checkflag 0x1001
if 0x0 goto @done

#org @take
givepokemon 0x133 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
fanfare 0x13E
msgbox @received 0x4
fadescreen 0x1
hidesprite 0x800F
setflag 0x1000
setflag 0x1002
fadescreen 0x0

#org @done

#org @received
= You received EEVEE!

If you see any problems with other parts of what's going on, I'd appreciate it if that was mentioned as well. :)
Done. :)

I think you should make your own level scripting sutorial and add it here. Because
Cooleys was hard to understand for me. (Still learned it :P)
I will, just haven't got around to it.

Kinda curious.
When i did a give pokemon script. it just takes me to the last line "so, how´s my old TORCHIC?"

In first place the NPC NEVER gave a pokemon?
No talking or nothing, it just takes me to the last line

Even i tried copying the one in the tut, but the same results.

btw, in-game i´m oing to getm Oaks parcel, so I don´t have a Pokedex. In case you´re wondering if i used that flag
Can you post the script here? And have you already set the Pokemon menu flag? If so, use another flag besides 0x828.
I think I see...and that's what I thought was probably going to be the problem. But, with that, I'm slightly confused. The man's number is 00, because he's the only person on the map. Does that mean I should put 01 not 00?
I think I see...and that's what I thought was probably going to be the problem. But, with that, I'm slightly confused. The man's number is 00, because he's the only person on the map. Does that mean I should put 01 not 00?
Exactly. You have to use the people number, not the event number.
The problem persists, but I think it may have something to do with the release/end commands. You see, the game freezes, but not the music. (I didn't notice this before because I usually have it muted)

So, are any problems apparent with the way I used release/end etc.?
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Can you post the script here? And have you already set the Pokemon menu flag? If so, use another flag besides 0x828.

#dynamic 0x71A290

#org @start
checkflag 0x828
if 0x1 goto @nope
msgbox @2 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0X1
if 0x1 goto @take
msgbox @2 0x6

#org @take
givepokemon 0x255 0x5 0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0
fanfare 0x13e
msgbox @3 0x4
setflag 0x828
msgbox @4 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 gosub @name
msgbox @5 0x6

#org @name
call 0x1A74EB

#org @nope
msgbox @6 0x6

#org @1
= Hala!\nOye, no quieres este TORCHIC?\nEs la cria de mi BLAZIKEN.

#org @2
= No puedes?\nOh, bueno. Supongo que encontrare a alguien mas que pueda.

#org @3
= [red_fr]Recibiste un TORCHIC

#org @4
= Quieres darle un nombre?

#org @5
= Cuidalo bien por favor.

#org @6
= Como te está yendo con el TORCHIC?

This is the script that´s giving me problem.
I also tried with the one in your tutorial but the result is the same
The problem persists, but I think it may have something to do with the release/end commands. You see, the game freezes, but not the music. (I didn't notice this before because I usually have it muted)

So, are any problems apparent with the way I used release/end etc.?
[CENTER]The Movement Script:
#dynamic 0x800000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 goto @done
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x0 goto @movement

#org @movement
msgbox @hey 0x2
applymovement 0xThis should be the People Number of the man. @move
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0xFF @move2
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @take 0x2
applymovement 0xAgain, this should be the People Number of the man. @move3
waitmovement 0x0
setflag 0x1001

#org @done

#org @move
#raw 0x1E
#raw 0x1E

#org @move2
#raw 0x13
#raw 0x13

#org @move3
#raw 0x13

#org @hey
= Hey, you can't leave\nwithout having something\lto protect you!

#org @take
= Take my EEVEE.  Raise it\nwell, and let it evolve\linto whatever you wish it\lto become!

[CENTER]The Man's Script:
#dynamic 0x800010

#org @start
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x1 goto @good
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x0 goto @omg

#org @good
msgbox @leave 0x2
applymovement 0xAnd again, this should be the People Number of the man. @move
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @goodluck 0x2

#org @omg
msgbox @takeit 0x2

#org @move
#raw 0x14
#raw 0x0C

#org @leave
= Okay, you may leave.

#org @goodluck
= Good luck out there!

#org @takeit
= Would you just take it?

[CENTER]The Pokeball's Script:
#dynamic 0x800020

#org @start
checkflag 0x1001
if 0x1 goto @take
checkflag 0x1001
if 0x0 goto @done

#org @take
givepokemon 0x133 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
fanfare 0x13E
msgbox @received 0x4
fadescreen 0x1
hidesprite 0x800F
setflag 0x1000
setflag 0x1002
fadescreen 0x0

#org @done

#org @received
= You received EEVEE!
Lol. You were using release when you weren't using lock.
Okay, I think I figured it out. Thanks for all your help. lol
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I have an annoying problem... I made this very long script but it just doesn't work. You just walk right over it, it doesn't freeze or anything. Help!
And here's yet another issue...xD My give pokemon code isn't working correctly. First, the nicknaming: it just keeps asking "Would you like to nickname EEVEE?" over and over until I say no. Also, it's not an eevee. I entered the number for eevee, and yet, it's giving me a Breloom. Also, I put in "hidesprite" so that it'd disappear, but that's not working either. When I step away, it reappears.

Anyway, here's the code:
#dynamic 0x800020

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 goto @give
msgbox @notyours 0x2

#org @give
givepokemon 0x133 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
msgbox @received 0x2
setflag 0x828
msgbox @nickname 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 gosub @name
hidesprite 0x02

#org @name
call 0x1A7FEB

#org @notyours
= This isn't your POK\h06MON,\nyou shouldn't even be\llooking at it!

#org @received
= You received EEVEE!

#org @nickname
= Would you like to nickname\nEEVEE?
Of first of all your hidesprite command isn't working because you need to put 828 in the persons flag no.
Secondly the number for Eevee isn't wht you think it is.
Youu have to confert it into hex
I see... I was trying to make it a pokeball that'd disappear, as noticed. lol Thanks for the help.
However, now it's an eevee and not a Breloom and it disappears. But, I still don't have the option to give it a nickname and I can continue to say "yes" over and over. In fact, I don't even have the popup asking for "Yes" or "No" come up. It's either I press "A" or "B". It continues to give me eevees so long as I continue to press "A" and won't stop until I press "B". How would I go about stopping this so it works correctly?
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can someone please tell me the script in fire red in xse where when the prof. gives
you the pokedex,it is in the national pokedex mode already.

can someone please tell me the script in fire red in xse where when the prof. gives
you the pokedex,it is in the national pokedex mode already.


Activating the pokedex requires a flag. For the national, it's a special. The flag for Pokedex, I think, is 0x829 and the special for national would be 0x1F3. I'm just about positive that all of this is in this tutorial, though.
Activating the pokedex requires a flag. For the national, it's a special. The flag for Pokedex, I think, is 0x829 and the special for national would be 0x1F3. I'm just about positive that all of this is in this tutorial, though.
You're right... only problem is... I think he wants someone to right the script for him... X|