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Sierra's MEGA-HUGE XSE Scripting Tutorial

hey thanks bra, every one says use boxset but u had that other thing i dont wann look right now and now it works thanks man also the whole 0x0 at the end of the msgbox also helped so thanks alot good tutorial im book markign this **** cause no way ima remeber it all
Also when using the callasm after inserting the shiny data you need to have the offset as the same on that you used.
this is the biggst tut I've seen for xse!! It covers tons of stuff!!
Diago you should've explained this more
do you even know half the scripts that your writing?
I am having problems scripting with xse. I made the script using this tutorial for a sign and when I go to compile it, it says that there is a missing parameter on line 5 msgbox@sign. So I wondered what that was about.
I must thank you for compiling this guide. I have just started my 'pursuit' in learning how to hack a pokemon game (A friend and I are starting with FireRed) and this tutorial will be a great help.

Thanks to thethethethe, you, and of course HackMew. :)
how might one check the pokedex progress?
Just inspect the Oak script in FR/LG or the Birch script in R/S/E.

I must thank you for compiling this guide. I have just started my 'pursuit' in learning how to hack a pokemon game (A friend and I are starting with FireRed) and this tutorial will be a great help.

Thanks to thethethethe, you, and of course HackMew. :)

wow this tutorial is incredible! i now understand how to script thank you! now if only i knew how to use connection points in advance map lol

hey thanks bra, every one says use boxset but u had that other thing i dont wann look right now and now it works thanks man also the whole 0x0 at the end of the msgbox also helped so thanks alot good tutorial im book markign this **** cause no way ima remeber it all

this is the biggst tut I've seen for xse!! It covers tons of stuff!!
You're all welcome! :)

I am having problems scripting with xse. I made the script using this tutorial for a sign and when I go to compile it, it says that there is a missing parameter on line 5 msgbox@sign. So I wondered what that was about.
Replace that line with:
msgbox @sign 0x3
And if you have a boxset under that, delete it.
First of all: Great that you compiled this :D

But I have a question.... I set a flag in my script, 0x01. It's for a script that i'm testing. When you talk to someone you get something and if you talk to them again you won't get it. That's what the Flag is for. Now when I leave the room where the event happens and come back in, I get the item again... So that must mean that the flag is unchecked again. Why does this happen?

Using FireRed.

EDIT: Nvm... seems that using flag 0x01 doesn't work but other flags like 0x200 do work...
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Hello, I've been having some troubles with a script I wanted to start out with. What I want the script to do is:

Yes or no ask if I would like a pokemon
give the pokemon
set flags so it doesn't repeat.

I've tried various different circumstances for this, but everytime something goes wrong. One time, it was in a whole bunch of symbols. Another, it was all placed wrong (even though I used XSE's Text Adjuster) and wouldn't even give the pokemon.

If anyone could offer some help or advice, it'd be greatly appreciated for my first script. :) Thank you.

This is the one that seemed to come closest to working, but still failed.

#dynamic 0x80000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 call @given
msgbox @yesno 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @yes
msgbox @no 0x2
setflag 0x1000

#org @given
msgbox @given2

#org @yes
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 call @full
givepokemon 0x4 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
msgbox @thanks 0x2

#org @full
msgbox @full2 0x2

#org @yesno
= Yes or no?

#org @given2
= I gave you it already.

#org @full2
= Your party's full.

#org @no
= Okay.

#org @thanks
= Thanks.
Hello, I've been having some troubles with a script I wanted to start out with. What I want the script to do is:

Yes or no ask if I would like a pokemon
give the pokemon
set flags so it doesn't repeat.

I've tried various different circumstances for this, but everytime something goes wrong. One time, it was in a whole bunch of symbols. Another, it was all placed wrong (even though I used XSE's Text Adjuster) and wouldn't even give the pokemon.

If anyone could offer some help or advice, it'd be greatly appreciated for my first script. :) Thank you.

This is the one that seemed to come closest to working, but still failed.

#dynamic 0x80000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 goto @given
msgbox @yesno 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @yes
msgbox @no 0x2
setflag 0x1000

#org @given
msgbox @given2

#org @yes
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 goto @full
givepokemon 0x4 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
msgbox @thanks 0x2

#org @full
msgbox @full2 0x2

#org @yesno
= Yes or no?

#org @given2
= I gave you it already.

#org @full2
= Your party's full.

#org @no
= Okay.

#org @thanks
= Thanks.
Changes in bold.
Hello, I've been having some troubles with a script I wanted to start out with. What I want the script to do is:

Yes or no ask if I would like a pokemon
give the pokemon
set flags so it doesn't repeat.

I've tried various different circumstances for this, but everytime something goes wrong. One time, it was in a whole bunch of symbols. Another, it was all placed wrong (even though I used XSE's Text Adjuster) and wouldn't even give the pokemon.

If anyone could offer some help or advice, it'd be greatly appreciated for my first script. :) Thank you.

This is the one that seemed to come closest to working, but still failed.

#dynamic 0x80000

#org @start
checkflag 0x1000
if 0x1 call @given
msgbox @yesno 0x5
compare LASTRESULT 0x1
if 0x1 goto @yes
msgbox @no 0x2
setflag 0x1000

#org @given
msgbox @given2

#org @yes
compare LASTRESULT 0x6
if 0x1 call @full
givepokemon 0x4 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
msgbox @thanks 0x2

#org @full
msgbox @full2 0x2

#org @yesno
= Yes or no?

#org @given2
= I gave you it already.

#org @full2
= Your party's full.

#org @no
= Okay.

#org @thanks
= Thanks.

Okay, nothing much wrong with this script.
You missed a msgbox sort once:
#org @given
msgbox @given2
But that's about all the mistakes I could find. I personally don't use call, but I only use goto.

This is how I'd script it:


Anyway hope this helped ;)
Thank you both kindly. :) And yeah, I'm not completely surprised I missed the msgbox pointer. I typed it up fairly quickly. I'm glad to see everyone here is so helpful, though.

So, is it better to use the 0x2 for messages or the 0x6?
Thank you both kindly. :) And yeah, I'm not completely surprised I missed the msgbox pointer. I typed it up fairly quickly. I'm glad to see everyone here is so helpful, though.

So, is it better to use the 0x2 for messages or the 0x6?
Nothing is better or worse. It's just what you like. I use 0x6 because I'm used to using it and I like seeing the lock and release command xD.
Also while using pokescript It didn't have the 0x2 so I was used to using the 0x6. But 0x2 is fine as well.
I am having trouble making a trainerbattle.
Every time I click "Open Script" on A-Map, the srcipt that I made is gone.
This is the script, but I didn't see anything wrong with it.

And isn't the dynamic value the same as the script offset?
I was wondering... You know how in Ruby/Saphire when you beat the elite 4, latios and latias are released into the game. I was wondering if someone could explain how to do that. I was looking at the script at the end of the elite 4 and there were lots of flags that have been set and there was also a special that I didn't see in this guide. special 0xA9. If someone could help me with this that would be great!
I was wondering... You know how in Ruby/Saphire when you beat the elite 4, latios and latias are released into the game. I was wondering if someone could explain how to do that. I was looking at the script at the end of the elite 4 and there were lots of flags that have been set and there was also a special that I didn't see in this guide. special 0xA9. If someone could help me with this that would be great!
I'm sorry, but I can't help you. Maybe you should go to the Simple Questions thread.

I am having trouble making a trainerbattle.
Every time I click "Open Script" on A-Map, the srcipt that I made is gone.
This is the script, but I didn't see anything wrong with it.

And isn't the dynamic value the same as the script offset?
Sometimes, it's not. You know the box that pops up saying that the script got compiled? Well, use the offset next to @start for the script offset.
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