Is there any danger in patching an edited ROM with a Tilebase?
The only edits are a few trainer scripts, maps and events.
High risk. That's why people usually do the rom base first and then add their things.Is there any danger in patching an edited ROM with a Tilebase?
The only edits are a few trainer scripts, maps and events.
have you checked whackahack? Not sure they're still called that though, but I've seen so many ruby hacks there with a bunch of good rombasesHmmmmm. Just wanted to make sure it WAS high risk. Gives me a reason to start over :P Been using ruby and there's not many good public rombases!
have you checked whackahack? Not sure they're still called that though, but I've seen so many ruby hacks there with a bunch of good rombases
seems like their rombases section disappeared lol... you might want to ask about it on their forum or use the contact us button under Site
Thanks for the research but I'm beginning a new hack on FireRed. The only thing I don't like on the current rombase is the long grass, but that can be changed at a later date.
In an attempt not to flood this thread I'd love to help out someone else, but nothing has come up yet haha xD
I'll ask another. I'm looking to change almost the entire Pokedex gaining sequence. I want it to instead be a collectable item which must be picked up before moving on. Same with the starter pokemon. I want to assume the person playing isn't a child and therefore knows the deal with the dex etc. Wondering how I'd go about this?
Looking at AdvanceMap, how would I change the trainer sprites associated with the index numbers? I tried searching the hex to see if it was a simple table or something, but had no luck finding it.
Okay since my thread hasn't been approved (sorry)... what's the best way to replace all of a trainer's sprites? Overworld, VS, back... all of those?
So I've been trying to edit the water animation in FR using the tile animation editor by Lu-Ho. After exporting every frame and editing in paint, I imported each .bmp file again and everything seemed okay. Animation played like it should in the preview. However, in-game the tiles turned completely black. I did save before closing the tool, so it's not that.
Did anyone have this problem before?
I want to create a locked door, that will later be unlocked. I thought I could just make the door tile's movement permission unpassable, but you still go through the door. Is there a way to disable and then later re-enable a warp?
Bumping this.
Also, another question about the palette of the water animation.. Does the game use Pal4 for this? Or does the animation have its own palette using the same colors as Pal4, and Pal4 is only for the tile itself (not the animation)?