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So Um I should tell you guys something.......


the princess without voice
  • 6,316
    I've been wanting to make a blog about his for quite some time cause it happened three weeks ago. So i guess it's time I bring this up.

    So three weeks ago on October 17, I kind of sort of told my dad I'm gay. Cause like we just were getting a soda at Quiktrip and he gave me money cause I forgot my wallet at home. And he was like "Don't spend too much time.in there. Don't flirt with any girls" and I was like "I don't flirt with girls." And he was like "Oh so you flirt with guys?" I'm like "Yeah, maybe." And he's like "So you're gay?" And I said "Yeah I guess so." And then he talked about how I can't be too sure and I just don't know yet and I said "I'm sure I know." and I'm thinking. "I'm 22 I know by now. At this point the 'it's just a phase' or the "maybe you're not sure yet' crap is bull." And he was also like "you've never dated anyone. You can't know." And I was like "You don't have to date anyone to know your sexuality." And then followed was me talking how much I love Chris Pratt right now and he was like "People like certain famous people a whole lot, but doesn't mean anything." and then I said "No I like him in that way and I've found more guys than him attractive." and I explained him more about sexuality . And it was simultaneously the best and most awkward car conversation ever. Though I feel good opening up a bit more. But yeah dudes are cool and nice to look at and such.

    But yeah that's all I wanted to say. There's still some parts of my sexuality I'm figuring out. I feel I identify as "aromantic homosexual" Aromantic , if you don't know , means you lack romantic attraction. An aromantic can feel sexual attractions and honestly, I've really only had lust and sexual feelings for men. I never looked at a guy was like "oh boy he's cute/hot and I want to be his boyfriend and date the hell out of him". I was always more like "Oh boy he's cute/hot, I want to **** him and do sexual things to him." But it's been a while since I've had a crush, at least 3 or 4 years. And I rarely develop crushes. Excluding celebrity crushes , I've only had like 2 or 3 crushes in my life. So maybe I'm not aromantic, but demiromantic. Meaning I only experience romantic attraction if I have a bond or emotional connection with the person. My last crush was one of my close friends in my youth group, so maybe I have to be friends with someone and bond emotionally with them before having a romantic attraction. Or maybe I'm grey-romantic, someone who rarely has romantic attraction. I really don't know. , but i definitely know I'm gay. I've had attractions to guys since I was 12, and 10 years later I still have sexual feelings for guys so there's no way "it's just a phase."

    So um yup, that's me. If you have questions feel free to ask on this blog or in my ask me thread in the Member's Encyclopedia. I know not everyone is accepting of homsexuals/LGBTQA, etc, but if you don't support me I guess I understand. But thanks to anyone and everyone who supports me. Thanks for reading this blog guys. <3
    Hey congrats, I know getting that conversation over with is a great feeling, and it seems like your Dad took it pretty well. A lot of parents will initially be skeptical, but most of the time they'll become more comfortable with the idea with time.

    As for your sexuality, don't feel pressured to tack on a label. I know it can be useful in explaining to others, but in the end, you just gotta do you regardless of whether that fits under a certain label.
    Flushed;bt100354 said:
    Hey congrats, I know getting that conversation over with is a great feeling, and it seems like your Dad took it pretty well. A lot of parents will initially be skeptical, but most of the time they'll become more comfortable with the idea with time.

    As for your sexuality, don't feel pressured to tack on a label. I know it can be useful in explaining to others, but in the end, you just gotta do you regardless of whether that fits under a certain label.
    Thank you. I've opened up to many people about it. I posted about it when it happened on facebook. The status now has a privacy setting that lets people I'm comfortable with telling for now see it. When I tell more people, I'll change the settings and share the status with more people as time goes on. I feel in the three weeks though, my dad's getting more open to the idea. :)

    I'm not in a rush to put a specific label, yet, so I'm just saying I'm gay atm. I know I can take time to see if I fit in anything else beside homosexual.
    I always support you buddy, and don't worry if you feel a bit awkward. It happens with a lot of people going through the same thing.
    Hikamaru;bt100357 said:
    I always support you buddy, and don't worry if you feel a bit awkward. It happens with a lot of people going through the same thing.
    Thanks a lot Hika!! I knew you'd always be there for me! :)
    Maybe there are some parts of you that you didn't know, but I'm glad that you have discussed it through with your dad. I hope someday you'll find who you are :)
    Your dad just wants to cling onto any possibility that it might just be a phase, as many dads do. He probably won't take you too seriously until you get into a long-term relationship. That he had a conversation about it at all is positive though; and that must have taken guts on your part, well done.

    As for the labeling, they're there to be a positive thing, so you get a sense of solidarity. Try not to let it turn into something you need to worry about, if you don't know that's fine too.
    Gold warehouse;bt100366 said:
    Your dad just wants to cling onto any possibility that it might just be a phase, as many dads do. He probably won't take you too seriously until you get into a long-term relationship. That he had a conversation about it at all is positive though; and that must have taken guts on your part, well done.

    As for the labeling, they're there to be a positive thing, so you get a sense of solidarity. Try not to let it turn into something you need to worry about, if you don't know that's fine too.
    That may be the case with this. I don't know if I want a romantic relationship with other guys, though, but I may just end up try dating at least once to show to my dad I'm serious about my sexuality,

    Thank you everyone who's showed their love in these comments! I wish I could like all of your comments! I love all of you!!
    Congratulations on coming out, I know it's not the easiest thing to do, hell when I first came out to my parents I was nerve-wracked afterwards.

    But anyways, even though you may not know me all that well, let me just say that as a fellow gay man and an LGBT supporter myself, I support you all the way. :)