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Starlight's PC

  • 34,901

    Starlight booted up the PC...

    OT: Starlight

    Current Party

    Mega Latios Type: Dragon / Psychic Shiny: No Received @ 32,685 Hatch: 32,700 Level 100: 32,910
    Indeedee (f) Type: Psychic / Normal Shiny: No Tag Partner: Devalue Received @ 32,401 Hatch @ 32,416 Lv.100 @ 32,586


    Rainbow Stone
    Regional Stone [5/12]
    Alola Stone [1/6]
    Galar Stone [4/6]

    Gigantamax Band
    Gigantamax Candy [19/11]
    Star Alcremie Sweet [1/0]
    Mega Ring
    Altarianite [0/1]
    Abomasite [0/1]
    Tyranitarite [0/1]
    Salamencite [0/1]
    Gyaradosite [0/1]
    Gengarite [0/1]
    Gardevoirite [0/1]
    Absolite [0/1]
    Charizardite X [0/1]
    Charizardite Y [0/1]
    Audinite [0/1]
    Beedrillite [0/1]
    Heracronite [0/1]
    Kangaskhanite [0/1]
    Lopunnite [0/1]
    Pidgeotite [0/1]
    Pinsirite [0/1]
    Ampharosite [0/1]
    Banettite [0/1]
    Mawilite [0/1]
    Manectite [0/1]
    Medichamite [0/1]
    Sablenite [0/1]
    Slowbronite [1/0]
    Alakazite [1/0]
    Cameruptite [0/1]
    Galladite [0/1]
    Glalitite [0/1]
    Houndoominite [0/1]
    Lucarionate [0/1]
    Sharpedonite [0/1]
    Aerodactylite [0/1]
    Aggronite [0/1]
    Scizorite [0/1]
    Steelixite [0/1]
    Blastoisinite [0/1]
    Blazikenite [0/1]
    Sceptilite [0/1]
    Swampertite [0/1]
    Venusaurite [0/1]
    Garchompite [0/1]
    Metagrossite [0/1]
    Diancite [0/1]
    Latiasite [0/1]
    Latiosite [0/1]
    Mewtwonite X [1/0]
    Mewtwonite Y [1/0]

    Points Bank

    Available Points: 43,440

    Earned Points: 91,060
    Used Points: 47,620
    + 50 for Lapras
    + 100 for Advertising
    + 50 for Chimecho
    + 50 for Inkay
    + 50 for Mime Jr.
    + 60 for Yamask
    + 90 for Mew
    + 50 for Victreebel
    + 60 for Weezing
    + 200 for James Challenge - Wobbuffet
    + 100 for Birthday 2019 - Starmie
    + 250 for Community Day - Charizard
    + 60 for Tauros
    + 10 for Primeape
    + 50 for Muk
    + 60 for Snorlax
    + 100 for Advertising
    + 500 for Christmas 2019 - Eiscue & Mega Ring
    + 200 for Ash Kanto Challenge - Sylveon (1)
    + 50 for Bronze Psychic Medal
    + 60 for Glaceon
    + 100 for Celebi
    + 60 for Glalie
    + 60 for Froslass
    + 100 for Sigilyph Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Togekiss
    + 100 for Toxicroak Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Steelix
    + 10 for Arbok
    - 600 for Rainbow Stone
    + 100 for Empoleon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 70 for Mimikyu
    + 50 for Bronze Poison Medal
    + 60 for Forretress
    + 100 for Dragonite Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Espeon
    + 100 for Metagross Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Marshadow
    + 100 for Jolteon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Lopunny
    + 100 for Umbreon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Delcatty
    + 10 for Sudowoodo
    + 60 for Mamoswine
    + 60 for Ambipom
    + 50 for Bronze Ice Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Normal Medal
    + 60 for Togetic
    + 60 for Noctowl
    + 50 for Bronze Flying Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Fairy Medal
    + 100 for Vaporeon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Scizor
    + 100 for Pachirisu Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 50 for Bronze Steel Medal
    + 100 for Jirachi
    + 500 for Sweet Time in Pokeland Gold - Tsareena
    + 200 for Dawn Challenge - Flareon
    + 10 for Dustox
    + 100 for Silver Psychic Medal
    + 60 for Munchlax
    + 100 for Dhelmise Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Weavile
    + 50 for Bronze Ghost Medal
    + 100 Houndoom Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Miltank
    + 100 Carracosta Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Hypno
    + 50 for Bronze Water Medal
    + 100 for Diancie
    + 100 for Electivire Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Kecleon
    + 10 for Frillish
    + 60 for Eevee
    + 100 for Rotom (Frost) Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Aggron
    + 100 for Blastoise Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Silver Normal Medal
    + 60 for Aipom
    + 70 for Politoed
    + 100 for Salazzle Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Meloetta Aria Forme
    + 100 for Magmortar Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 50 for Bronze Fire Medal
    + 1,000 for Legendary Master Challenge (1) - Wartortle
    + 10 for Kingdra
    + 60 for Gourgeist
    + 100 for Cradily Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 200 for Jessie Challenge - Psyduck
    + 100 for Silver Water Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Grass Medal
    + 60 for Leafeon
    + 250 for Eeveelution Master - Corsola
    + 200 for Misty Challenge - Tyranitar
    + 50 for Bronze Rock Medal
    + 60 for Nidoqueen
    + 50 for Bronze Dark Medal
    + 100 for Magearna
    + 100 for Torkoal Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Beautifly
    + 10 for Pikachu
    + 200 for Gary Challenge - Dragapult
    + 60 for Blaziken
    + 200 for Harrison Challenge - Hydreigon
    + 50 for Bronze Electric Medal
    + 100 for Whimsicott Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Venusaur
    + 100 for Crawdaunt Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Golem
    + 100 for Meloetta Pirouette Forme
    + 100 for Primarina Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 200 for May Challenge - Drapion
    + 50 for Bronze Fighting Medal
    + 10 for Typhlosion
    + 60 for Ludicolo
    + 100 for Silver Poison Medal
    + 200 for Brock Challenge - Feraligatr
    + 100 for Silver Grass Medal
    + 60 for Kommo-o
    + 50 for Bronze Dragon Medal
    + 100 for Floatzel Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Salamence
    + 500 for Pseudo-Legendary Master Challenge - Greninja
    + 60 for Meganium
    + 100 for Suicune
    + 60 for Gyarados
    + 150 for Gold Water Medal - Milotic
    + 10 for Goodra
    + 60 for Heracross
    + 50 for Bronze Bug Medal
    + 60 for Donphan
    + 200 for Ash Johto Challenge - Gigalith
    + 50 for Bronze Ground Medal
    + 60 for Swellow
    + 100 for Lurantis Tag-Team w/Fairy
    + 100 for Silver Flying Medal
    + 60 for Sceptile
    + 00 for Ditto! (April Fools 2021)
    + 200 for Ash Hoenn Challenge - Flygon
    + 100 for Raikou
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (1) - Furret
    + 60 for Ninjask
    + 10 for Greedent
    + 60 for Honchkrow
    + 100 for Exeggcute (Easter 2021)
    + 100 for Silver Dark Medal
    + 60 for Gastrodon
    + 200 for Paul Challenge - Linoone
    + 60 for Torterra
    + 60 for Infernape
    + 60 for Staraptor
    + 100 for Entei
    - 1200 for Gigantamax Band
    - 500 for 1x Gigantamax Candy
    + 100 for Gigantamax Grimmsnarl Tag-Team w/Fairy
    + 100 for Silver Fire Medal
    + 100 for Silver Fairy Medal
    + 60 for Garchomp
    + 10 for Raticate
    + 500 for 5 Ribbons - Altaria
    + 60 for Gliscor
    + 200 for Ash Sinnoh Challenge - Bibarel
    + 150 for Gold Normal Medal - Diggersby
    + 200 for The Normal Kids Challenge - Gothitelle
    + 60 for Krookodile
    + 500 for 10 Ribbons - Rotom (Normal)
    + 100 for Silver Ground Medal
    + 100 for Silver Dragon Medal
    + 100 for Shaymin (Land Forme)
    + 60 for Unfezant
    + 60 for Hawlucha
    + 10 for Rotom (Wash)
    + 1,000 for Legendary Master Challenge (2) - Rotom (Heat)
    + 100 for Birthday 2021 - Mismagius
    + 60 for Rotom (Fan)
    + 100 for Silver Electric Medal
    + 100 for Silver Ghost Medal
    + 60 for Rotom (Fan)
    + 300 for Rotom Does Not Compute Challenge - Minior (Red)
    + 100 for Silver Rock Medal
    + 60 for Noivern
    + 150 for Gold Flying Medal - Drifblim
    + 100 for Arceus
    + 100 for Azumarill Tag-Team w/pokemon fan person
    - 600 for Altarianite
    + 60 for Emboar
    + 10 for Minior (Orange)
    + 100 for Silver Fighting Medal
    + 60 for Serperior
    + 60 for Leavanny
    + 200 for Ash Unova Challenge - Minior (Yellow)
    + 60 for Talonflame
    + 200 for Ash Kalos Challenge - Minior (Green)
    + 60 for Minior (Blue)
    + 60 for Minior (Indigo)
    + 60 for Minior (Violet)
    + 100 for Ho-Oh
    + 100 for Shuckle Tag-Team w/Megan
    + 10 for Aegislash (Shield)
    + 350 for Minior Rainbow Challenge - Aegislash (Blade)
    + 60 for Lucario
    + 100 for Silver Steel Medal
    + 75 for Mega Altaria
    - 600 for Abomasite
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (2) - Jynx
    + 75 for Mega Abomasnow
    + 100 for Silver Ice Medal
    + 150 for Gold Grass Medal - Bellossom
    + 60 for Toxtricity (Amped Form)
    - 750 for Tyranitarite
    - 750 for Salamencite
    - 650 for Gyaradosite
    - 650 for Gengarite
    - 600 for Gardevoirite
    - 500 for Absolite
    - 700 for Charizardite X
    - 700 for Charizardite Y
    + 75 for Mega Tyranitar
    + 100 for Lugia
    + 100 for Durant Tag-Team w/Radio
    + 75 for Mega Salamence
    + 10 for Butterfree
    + 100 for Silver Bug Medal
    + 75 for Mega Gyarados
    + 75 for Mega Gengar
    + 75 for Mega Gardevoir
    + 100 for Virtual Pokémon Pride 2021 - Minior (Violet)
    + 75 for Mega Absol
    + 75 for Mega Charizard X
    + 75 for Mega Charizard Y
    + 100 for Delphox Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 100 for Tapu Lele
    + 10 for Carbink
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (1) - Hatterene
    + 150 for Gold Psychic Medal - Gardevoir
    + 60 for Nidoking
    - 4,500 for 9x Gigantamax Candies
    + 80 for Gigantamax Venusaur
    + 80 for Gigantamax Charizard
    - 600 for 1x Alola Stone
    + 100 for Alolan Golem Tag-Team w/Caite-chan
    + 80 for Gigantamax Blastoise
    + 80 for Gigantamax Pikachu
    + 80 for Gigantamax Eevee
    + 100 for VPP Anniversary 2021 - Crystal Onix
    + 80 for Gigantamax Butterfree
    - 3,600 for 6x Galar Stones
    - 3,000 for 5x Alola Stones
    + 100 for Shaymin (Sky Forme)
    + 10 for Magcargo
    + 100 for Alolan Ninetales Tag-Team w/Caite-chan
    + 150 for Gold Rock Medal - Lycanroc (Midday Form)
    + 80 for Gigantamax Hatterene
    + 80 for Gigantamax Lapras
    + 80 for Gigantamax Gengar
    + 10,000 for G-Max Pokemon Collection - Mawile
    + 150 for Gold Fairy Medal - Ribombee
    + 75 for Alolan Marowak
    + 100 for Shadow Rider Calyrex
    + 10 for Hitmonlee
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (3) - Hitmonchan
    + 1000 for Legendary Master Challenge (3) - Hitmontop
    + 150 for Gold Fire Medal - Chandelure
    + 60 for Decidueye
    + 100 for Galarian Rapidash Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 75 for Alolan Sandslash
    + 75 for Alolan Dugtrio
    + 75 for Alolan Raichu
    + 600 for Welcome to Alola Challenge - Togedemaru
    + 100 for Cosmoem
    + 100 for Mr. Rime Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 10 for Druddigon
    + 75 for Cursola
    + 60 for Sableye
    + 100 for Amaura Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 150 for Gold Ghost Medal - Polteageist
    + 60 for Dragalge
    + 60 for Thievul
    + 100 for Gorebyss Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 60 for Liepard
    + 100 for Palkia
    + 100 for Parasect Tag-Team w/Pikaboo
    + 10 for Cacturne
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (4) - Bisharp
    + 60 for Skarmory
    + 100 for Excadrill Tag-Team w/Pikaboo
    + 60 for Duraludon
    + 150 for Gold Dark Medal - Zoroark
    + 60 for Delibird
    + 00 for Dewgong (Holiday Event 2021)
    - 450 for 1x Alola Stone
    - 1,800 for 4x Galar Stones
    - 7,500 for 20x Gigantamax Candies
    - 375 for Audinite
    - 375 for Beedrillite
    - 375 for Heracronite
    - 375 for Kangaskhanite
    - 375 for Lopunnite
    - 375 for Pidgeotite
    - 375 for Pinsirite
    - 413 for Ampharosite
    - 413 for Banettite
    - 413 for Mawilite
    - 413 for Manectite
    - 413 for Medichamite
    - 413 for Sablenite
    - 413 for Slowbronite
    - 450 for Alakazite
    - 450 for Cameruptite
    - 450 for Galladite
    - 450 for Glalitite
    - 450 for Houndoominite
    - 450 for Lucarionate
    - 450 for Sharpedonite
    - 488 for Aerodactylite
    - 488 for Aggronite
    - 488 for Scizorite
    - 488 for Steelixite
    - 525 for Blastoisinite
    - 525 for Blazikenite
    - 525 for Sceptilite
    - 525 for Swampertite
    - 525 for Venusaurite
    - 563 for Garchompite
    - 563 for Metagrossite
    - 600 for Diancite
    - 600 for Latiasite
    - 600 for Latiosite
    - 600 for Mewtwonite X
    - 600 for Mewtwonite Y
    - 01 for Adjustment
    + 100 for Oricorio (Pa'u Style) Tag-Team w/StCooler
    + 150 for Gold Steel Medal - Klefki
    + 100 for White Kyurem
    + 75 for Sirfetch'd
    + 10 for Frosmoth
    + 75 for Galarian Slowbro
    + 150 for Gold Ice Medal - Aurorus
    + 75 for Galarian Slowking
    + 600 for Welcome to Galar Challenge - Tyrantrum
    + 150 for Gold Dragon Medal - Drampa
    + 75 for Mega Beedrill
    + 75 for Mega Venusaur
    + 100 for Cinccino Tag-Team w/StCooler
    + 100 for Articuno
    + 150 for Gold Poison Medal - Roserade
    + 10 for Lanturn
    + 75 for Mega Ampharos
    + 75 for Mega Manectric
    + 10 for Valentine's Day 2022 - Luvdisc
    + 100 for Haxorus Tag-Team w/roni
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (5) - Poliwrath
    + 75 for Mega Heracross
    + 00 Unused Alola / Galar Stones converted to Regional Stones
    + 75 for Mega Blaziken
    + 100 for Turtonator Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 150 for Zapdos
    + 150 for Gold Electric Medal - Ampharos
    + 10 for Quagsire
    + 75 for Mega Medicham
    + 75 for Mega Lopunny
    + 150 for Gold Fighting Medal - Grapploct
    + 75 for Mega Garchomp
    + 75 for Mega Swampert
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (2) - Venomoth
    + 75 for Mega Steelix
    + 150 for Moltres
    + 100 for Vespiquen Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 1000 for Legendary Master Challenge (4) - Ledian
    + 10 for Beedrill
    + 80 for Mega Camerupt
    + 150 for Gold Ground Medal - Palossand
    + 85 for Mega Scizor
    + 150 for Gold Bug Medal - Armaldo
    + 85 for Mega Gallade
    + 85 for Mega Audino
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (6) - Ariados
    + 180 for Manaphy
    + 250 for 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge - Buneary & Exeggcute
    + 10 for Ninetales
    + 100 for Birthday 2022 - Cherrim (Sunshine Form)
    + 85 for Mega Pidgeot
    + 85 for Mega Pinsir
    + 85 for Mega Slowbro
    + 00 for Virtual Pokémon Pride 2022 - Sylveon (2)
    + 190 for MissingNo. (R/G/B) Tag Team w/Megan
    + 85 for Mega Houndoom
    + 85 for Mega Sharpedo
    + 180 for Phione
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (3) - Crobat
    + 85 for Mega Blastoise
    + 10 for Mantine
    + 85 for Mega Aerodactyl
    - 00 for Star Alcremie Sweet (Tanabata 2022)
    + 170 for Clefable (Tanabata 2022)
    + 300 for Platinum Flying Medal - Oricorio (Sensu Style)
    + 85 for Mega Sceptile
    + 85 for Mega Glalie
    + 70 for Squirtle
    + 180 for Keldeo (Resolute Form)
    + 100 for Galvantula Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 00 for Poliwag - Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022
    + 270 for Castform (Rainy Form) - Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022
    + 10 for Poliwhirl
    + 85 for Mega Banette
    + 100 for Mega Aggron Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 85 for Mega Sableye
    - 00 for Scizorite (VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022)
    + 00 for Eternal Flower Floette (VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022)
    + 100 for Dracozolt Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 85 for Mega Mawile
    + 180 for Mega Diancie
    + 110 for Gigantamax Corviknight Tag Team w/Megan
    + 85 for Mega Alakazam
    + 10 for Vileplume
    + 00 for VPP Community GT Event 2022 - Cofagrigus
    + 100 for PC Anniversary 2022 - Tangela
    + 85 for Mega Metagross
    + 00 for Posting Milestone (25,000-55,000) - Wigglytuff
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (4) - Lilligant
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (7) - Tentacruel
    + 70 for Golduck
    + 180 for Mega Latias
    + 70 for Kingler
    + 100 for Mega Kangaskhan Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 00 for Scarlet & Violet Launch Event - Sprigatito
    + 10 for Dugtrio
    + 300 for Platinum Water Medal - Inteleon
    + 70 for Aerodactyl
    + 85 for Mega Scizor
    + 100 for Indeedee (f) Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 00 for Delibird's Postal Roulette 2022 - Rampardos
    + 85 for Mega Lucario
    + 180 for Mega Latias

    Challenge Data

    Team Rocket James: Chimecho, Inkay, Mime Jr., Yamask, Victreebel & Weezing
    Ash (Kanto): Lapras, Tauros, Charizard, Primeape, Muk & Snorlax
    Dawn: Togekiss, Empoleon, Lopunny, Mamoswine, Ambipom & Pachirisu
    Legendary Master (1): Mew, Celebi, Marshadow, Jirachi, Diancie & Meloetta (Aria Forme)
    Team Rocket Jessie: Arbok, Dustox, Frillish, Gourgeist, Wobbuffet & Mimikyu
    Eeveelution Master: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Leafeon, & Sylveon (1)
    Misty: Starmie, Politoed, Corsola, Kingdra, Togetic & Psyduck
    Gary: Blastoise, Umbreon, Nidoqueen, Magmortar, Scizor & Electivire
    Harrison: Miltank, Hypno, Kecleon, Houndoom, Weavile & Blaziken
    May: Beautifly, Glaceon, Venusaur, Wartortle, Munchlax & Delcatty
    Brock: Steelix, Golem, Forretress, Ludicolo, Sudowoodo & Toxicroak
    Pseudo-Legendary Master: Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Hydreigon, Kommo-o & Dragapult
    Ash (Johto): Meganium, Typhlosion, Heracross, Feraligatr, Noctowl & Donphan
    Ash (Hoenn): Sceptile, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Glalie & Aipom
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1): Sigilyph, Metagross, Tsareena, Dhelmise, Milotic & Flygon
    Paul: Ninjask, Drapion, Aggron, Froslass, Honchkrow & Gastrodon
    Ash (Sinnoh): Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Garchomp & Gliscor
    The Normal Kids: Raticate, Furret, Linoone, Bibarel, Diggersby & Greedent
    Legendary Master (2): Magearna, Meloetta (Pirouette Forme), Suicune, Raikou, Entei & Shaymin (Land Forme)
    Rotom Does Not Compute: Rotom, Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom & Mow Rotom
    Ash (Unova): Leavanny, Gigalith, Krookodile, Unfezant, Emboar & Serperior
    Ash (Kalos): Goodra, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern, Greninja & Pikachu
    Minior Rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2): Eiscue, Exeggcute, Gothitelle, Shuckle, Aegislash (Blade) & Lucario
    Pokémon Mega-thon (1): Mega Altaria, Mega Abomasnow, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Salamence, Mega Gyarados, Mega Gengar, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Absol, Mega Charizard X & Mega Charizard Y
    G-Max Pokemon Collection: Gigantamax Grimmsnarl, Gigantamax Venusaur, Gigantamax Charizard, Gigantamax Blastoise, Gigantamax Pikachu, Gigantamax Eevee, Gigantamax Butterfree, Gigantamax Hatterene, Gigantamax Lapras & Gigantamax Gengar
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3): Bellossom, Toxtricity (Amped Form), Durant, Carbink, Gardevoir & Mawile
    Legendary Master (3): Arceus, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Tapu Lele, Shaymin (Sky Forme) & Shadow Rider Calyrex
    Welcome to Alola: Alolan Golem, Alolan Ninetales, Alolan Marowak, Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Dugtrio & Alolan Raichu
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4): Hitmontop, Decidueye, Polteageist, Dragalge, Gorebyss & Liepard
    Welcome to Galar: Galarian Rapidash, Mr. Rime, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Galarian Slowbro & Galarian Slowking
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5): Excadrill, Zoroark, Klefki, Drampa, Roserade & Luvdisc
    Pokémon Mega-thon (2): Mega Beedrill, Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos, Mega Manectric, Mega Heracross, Mega Blaziken, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Mega Garchomp & Mega Swampert
    Legendary Master (4): Cosmoem, Palkia, White Kyurem, Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6): Poliwrath, Turtonator, Ampharos, Grapploct, Beedrill & Palossand
    Pokémon Mega-thon (3): Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, Mega Scizor, Mega Gallade, Mega Audino, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Pinsir, Mega Slowbro, Mega Houndoom & Mega Sharpedo
    Pokémon Mega-thon (4): Mega Blastoise, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Sceptile, Mega Glalie, Mega Banette, Mega Aggron, Mega Sableye, Mega Mawile, Mega Diancie & Mega Alakazam
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7): Buneary, Exeggcute (2), Sylveon (2), Oricorio (Sensu Style), Cofagrigus & Tangela

    Ribbon Cabinet

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Best Friend Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    VPP Staff

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Collected 5 VPPs

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    First Shiny

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    First Legendary

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    5 Master Challenges

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tag-Team Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    100 VPPs

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eeveelution Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Just The Way You Are

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Birthday Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arceus Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    PC Anniversary Ribbon

    Bronze Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Bug Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ground Medal

    Silver Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ground Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Bug Medal

    Gold Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Bug Medal

    Platinum Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Platinum Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Platinum Water Medal

    Welcome to the

    Pokémon Storage System


    Box 1

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lapras Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 318-468 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Chimecho Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 470-620 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Inkay Type: Dark / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 621-771 Challenge: James Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mime Jr. Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 772-897 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Yamask Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 898-1,073 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mew Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 1,074-1,324 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Victreebel Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 1,329-1,479 Challenge: James Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Weezing Type: Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 1,480-1,655 Challenge: James Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wobbuffet Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: James Challenge Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Starmie Type: Water / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday Challenge: Misty Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Charizard Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Community VPP Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tauros Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 1,656-1,831 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Primeape Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Muk Type: Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 1,832-1,982 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Snorlax Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 1,983-2,158 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eiscue Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: Christmas 2019 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: White Kyurem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sylveon (1) Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Kanto Challenge Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Glaceon Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2,159-2,259 Challenge: May Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Celebi Type: Psychic / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 2,260-2,500 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Glalie Type: Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 2,501-2,601 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Froslass Type: Ice / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 2,602-2,727 Challenge: Paul Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sigilyph Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 2,604-2,804 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togekiss Type: Fairy / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 2,728-2,888 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Toxicroak Type: Poison / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 2,805-3,005 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Steelix Type: Steel / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 2,889-3,049 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arbok Type: Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Empoleon Type: Water / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,007-3,207 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mimikyu Type: Ghost / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 3,050-3,210 Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Forretress Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 3,211-3,371 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragonite Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,211-3,411 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: White Kyurem

    Box 2

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Espeon Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 3,372-3,532 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Metagross Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,413-3,613 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Marshadow Type: Fighting / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 3,533-3,773 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jolteon Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,628-3,828 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lopunny Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 3,774-3,934 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Umbreon Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,829-4,029 Challenge: Gary Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delcatty Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 3,935-4,095 Challenge: May Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sudowoodo Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Brock Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mamoswine Type: Ice / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,096-4,256 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ambipom Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,257-4,332 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togetic Type: Fairy / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 4,334-4,494 Challenge: Misty Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Noctowl Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 4,495-4,655 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vaporeon Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 4,525-4,725 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Scizor Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,656-4,816 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Pachirisu Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 4,748-4,949 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jirachi Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 4,818-5,058 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tsareena Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Sweet Time in Pokeland Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Flareon Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Dawn Challenge Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dustox Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Munchlax Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 5,061-5,221 Challenge: May Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dhelmise Type: Ghost / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,079-5,279 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Weavile Type: Dark / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 5,223-5,383 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Houndoom Type: Dark / Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,291-5,491 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Miltank Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,384-5,544 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Carracosta Type: Water / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,496-5,696 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hypno Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,545-5,705 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Diancie Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 5,706-5,946 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Electivire Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,709-5,909 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kecleon Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,947-6,107 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Frillish Type: Water / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    Box 3

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eevee Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 6,108-6,268 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Frost) Type: Electric / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,108-6,308 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aggron Type: Steel / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: 6,269-6,429 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,385-6,585 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aipom Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 6,430-6,590 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Politoed Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 6,591-6,766 Challenge: Misty Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Salazzle Type: Poison / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,597-6,797 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meloetta (Aria Forme) Type: Normal / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 6,798-7,038 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magmortar Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,825-7,025 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wartortle Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (1) Challenge: May Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kingdra Type: Water / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Misty Legendary: Mega Latios

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gourgeist Type: Ghost / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 7,039-7,199 Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cradily Type: Rock / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,079-7,279 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Psyduck Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Jessie Challenge Challenge: Misty Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Leafeon Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 7,200-7,360 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Corsola Type: Water / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Eeveelution Master Challenge Challenge: Misty Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tyranitar Type: Rock / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Misty Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Nidoqueen Type: Poison / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 7,361-7,521 Challenge: Gary Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magearna Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 7,522-7,762 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Torkoal Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,618-7,818 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Beautifly Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 7,763-7,923 Challenge: May Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Pikachu Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragapult Type: Dragon / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Gary Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Blaziken Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 7,924-8,084 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hydreigon Type: Dark / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Harrison Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Whimsicott Type: Grass / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,938-8,138 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 8,085-8,245 Challenge: May Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crawdaunt Type: Water / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,145-8,345 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Golem Type: Rock / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 8,246-8,406 Challenge: Brock Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meloetta (Pirouette Forme) Type: Normal / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 8,407-8,647 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    Box 4

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Primarina Type: Water / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,518-8,718 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drapion Type: Poison / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: May Challenge Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Typhlosion Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ludicolo Type: Water / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 8,648-8,808 Challenge: Brock Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Feraligatr Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Brock Challenge Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kommo-o Type: Dragon / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 8,809-8,969 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Floatzel Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,931-9,131 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Salamence Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 8,994-9,154 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Greninja Type: Water / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Pseudo-Legendary Master Challenge Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meganium Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 9,155-9,315 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Suicune Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 9,316-9,556 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gyarados Type: Water / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 9,557-9,717 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Milotic Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Water Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Goodra Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Heracross Type: Bug / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 9,724-9,884 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Donphan Type: Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 9,885-10,045 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigalith Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Johto Challenge Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Swellow Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 10,046-10,206 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lurantis Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Fairy 10,158-10,358 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sceptile Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 10,207-10,367 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ditto Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: April Fools 2021 Challenge: N/A Legendary: N/A

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Flygon Type: Ground / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Ash Hoenn Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Mega Latios

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Raikou Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: 10,368-10,608 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Furret Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (1) Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ninjask Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 10,609-10,769 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Greedent Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Honchkrow Type: Dark / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 10,770-10,930 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Exeggcute (1) Type: Grass / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Easter 2021 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gastrodon Type: Water / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 10,931-11,091 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Linoone Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Paul Challenge Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    Box 5

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Torterra Type: Grass / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,092-11,252 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Infernape Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,253-11,413 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Staraptor Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,414-11,574 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Entei Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: 11,575-11,815 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Grimmsnarl Type: Dark / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Fairy 11,304-11,504 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Garchomp Type: Dragon / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 11,816-11,976 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Raticate Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Altaria Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Five Ribbons Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gliscor Type: Ground / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,977-12,137 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bibarel Type: Normal / Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Ash Sinnoh Challenge Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Diggersby Type: Normal / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Normal Medal Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gothitelle Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: The Normal Kids Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Krookodile Type: Ground / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 12,138-12,298 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Normal) Type: Electric / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Ten Ribbons Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shaymin (Land Forme) Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 12,299-12,539 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Unfezant Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 12,540-12,700 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hawlucha Type: Fighting / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 12,701-12,861 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Wash) Type: Electric / Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Heat) Type: Electric / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mismagius Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Fan) Type: Electric / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 12,862-13,022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Mow) Type: Electric / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,023-13,183 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Red) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Rotom Does Not Compute Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Noivern Type: Flying / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 13,184-13,344 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drifblim Type: Ghost / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Flying Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arceus Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 13,345-13,585 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Azumarill Type: Water / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/pokemon fan person 13,382-13,582 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Emboar Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,586-13,746 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Orange) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Serperior Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,747-13,907 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    Box 6

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Leavanny Type: Bug / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,908-14,068 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Yellow) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Unova Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Talonflame Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,069-14,229 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Green) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Kalos Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Blue) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,230-14,390 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Indigo) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,391-14,551 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Violet) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,552-14,712 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ho-Oh Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,713-14,953 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shuckle Type: Bug / Rock Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 14,667-14,867 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aegislash (Shield) Type: Steel / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aegislash (Blade) Type: Steel / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Minior Rainbow Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lucario Type: Fighting / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,954-15,114 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Altaria Type: Dragon / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 15,115-15,315 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jynx Type: Ice / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Abomasnow Type: Grass / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 15,316-15,516 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bellossom Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Grass Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Toxtricity (Amped Form) Type: Electric / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 15,517-15,677 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Tyranitar Type: Rock / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 15,678-15,878 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lugia Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 15,879-16,119 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Salamence Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 16,120-16,320 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Butterfree Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Durant Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Radio 16,016-16,216 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gyarados Type: Water / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: 16,321-16,521 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gengar Type: Ghost / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 16,522-16,722 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gardevoir Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 16,723-16,923 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Violet) * Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Virtual Pokémon Pride 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Absol Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 16,924-17,124 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Charizard X Type: Fire / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 17,125-17,325 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Charizard Y Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 17,326-17,526 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delphox Nickname: Inari Type: Fire / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 17,389-17,589 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Cosmoem

    Box 7

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tapu Lele Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 17,527-17,767 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Carbink Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hatterene Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Cosmoem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gardevoir Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Psychic Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: Cosmoem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Nidoking Nickname: Caelum Type: Poison / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 17,768-17,928 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 17,929-18,154 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Charizard Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,155-18,380 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Golem Type: Rock / Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Caite-chan 18,157-18,357 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 18,381-18,606 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Pikachu Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,607-18,832 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Eevee Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,833-19,058 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crystal Onix Type: Ice / Rock Shiny: N/A Obtained: VPP Anniversary 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Butterfree Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 19,059-19,284 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shaymin (Sky Forme) Nickname: Angelica Type: Grass / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 19,285-19,525 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magcargo Type: Fire / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Ninetales Type: Ice / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Caite-chan 19,350-19,550 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lycanroc (Midday Form) Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Rock Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Hatterene Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 19,526-19,751 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Lapras Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 19,752-19,977 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Gengar Type: Ghost / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 19,978-20,203 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mawile Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: G-Max Pokemon Collection Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ribombee Type: Bug / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Fairy Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Marowak Type: Fire / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 20,204-20,404 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shadow Rider Calyrex Type: Psychic / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 20,405-20,645 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmonlee Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmonchan Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (3) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmontop Type: Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (3) Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Chandelure Type: Ghost / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Fire Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Decidueye Type: Grass / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 20,646-20,806 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Rapidash Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 20,740-20,940 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    Box 8

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Sandslash Nickname: James Type: Ice / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 20,807-21,007 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Dugtrio Type: Ground / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 21,008-21,208 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Raichu Type: Electric / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 21,209-21,409 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togedemaru Type: Electric / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: Welcome to Alola Challenge Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cosmoem Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 21,410-21,650 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mr. Rime Type: Ice / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 21,372-21,572 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Druddigon Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cursola Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 21,651-21,851 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sableye Type: Dark / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 21,852-22,012 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Amaura Type: Rock / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 21,913-22,113 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Polteageist Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Ghost Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragalge Type: Poison / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,013-22,173 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Thievul Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 22,174-22,334 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gorebyss Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 22,182-22,382 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Liepard Type: Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,335-22,495 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Palkia Type: Water / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 22,496-22,736 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Parasect Type: Bug / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Pikaboo 22,538-22,738 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cacturne Type: Grass / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bisharp Type: Dark / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Skarmory Type: Steel / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 22,739-22,899 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Excadrill Type: Ground / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,786-22,986 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Zoroark Type: Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Dark Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Duraludon Type: Steel / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 22,900-23,060 Challenge: ??? Legendary: White Kyurem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delibird Type: Ice / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 23,061-23,221 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dewgong Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Holiday Event 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Klefki Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Steel Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    White Kyurem Type: Dragon / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 23,222-23,462 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sirfetch'd Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 23,463-23,663 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Frosmoth Type: Ice / Bug Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Slowbro Type: Poison / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 23,664-23,864 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    Box 9

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aurorus Type: Rock / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Ice Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Oricorio (Pa'u Style) Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/StCooler 23,086-23,286 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Slowking Type: Poison / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 23,865-24,065 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tyrantrum Type: Rock / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Welcome to Galar Challenge Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drampa Type: Normal / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Dragon Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Beedrill Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 24,066-24,266 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 24,267-24,467 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Articuno Type: Ice / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 24,468-24,708 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Roserade Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Poison Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lanturn Type: Water / Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Ampharos Type: Electric / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 24,709-24,909 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cinccino Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/StCooler 24,216-24,416 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Manectric Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: 24,910-25,110 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Luvdisc Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Valentine's Day 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Haxorus Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/roni 25,055-25,255 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwrath Type: Water / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (5) Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Heracross Type: Bug / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 25,111-25,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Blaziken Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 25,312-25,512 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Zapdos Type: Electric / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 25,513-25,753 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ampharos Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Electric Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Quagsire Type: Water / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Medicham Type: Fighting / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 25,754-25,939 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Turtonator Type: Fire / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 25,319-25,519 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Lopunny Type: Normal / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 25,940-26,125 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Grapploct Type: Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Fighting Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Garchomp Type: Dragon / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,126-26,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Swampert Type: Water / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,312-26,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Venomoth Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Steelix Type: Steel / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 26,498-26,683 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Moltres Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,684-26,924 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    Box 10

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ledian Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Beedrill Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Camerupt Type: Fire / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 26,925-27,110 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Palossand Type: Ghost / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Ground Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Scizor Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,111-27,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Armaldo Type: Rock / Bug Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Bug Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gallade Type: Psychic / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 27,312-27,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Audino Type: Normal / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,498-27,698 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vespiquen Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 26,701-26,901 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ariados Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (6) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Manaphy Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 27,699-27,939 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Buneary Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Exeggcute (2) Type: Grass / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ninetales Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cherrim (Sunshine Form) Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Pidgeot Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,940-28,125 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Pinsir Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 28,126-28,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Slowbro Type: Water / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 28,312-28,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sylveon (2) Type: Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Virtual Pokémon Pride 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Houndoom Type: Dark / Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: 28,498-28,683 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sharpedo Type: Water / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 28,684-28,869 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Phione Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 28,870-29,095 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crobat Nickname: Roni Type: Poison / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 29,096-29,281 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mantine Type: Water / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Aerodactyl Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,282-29,482 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Clefable Nickname: Orihime Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 29,483-29,658 (Tanabata 2022) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Oricorio (Sensu Style) Type: Ghost / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Platinum Flying Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sceptile Type: Grass / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,659-29,829 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Glalie Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,830-30,000 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    Box 11

    MissingNo. (R/G/B) Type: Bird / Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 28,324-29,324 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Squirtle Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,001-30,146 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Keldeo (Resolute Form) Type: Water / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,162-30,372 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwag Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galvantula Type: Bug / Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,261-30,446 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwhirl Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Castform (Rainy Form) Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,373-30,533 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Banette Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,534-30,719 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Aggron Type: Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,560-30,770 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sableye Type: Dark / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 30,720-30,905 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eternal Flower Floette Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dracozolt Type: Electric / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,867-31,052 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Mawile Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,906-31,076 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Diancie Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 31,077-31,302 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Corviknight Type: Flying / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 31,125-31,350 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Alakazam Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,304-31,474 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: Mega Latias

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vileplume Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cofagrigus Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: VPP Community GT Event 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tangela Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: PC Anniversary 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Metagross Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,475-31,645 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wigglytuff Type: Normal / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Posting Milestone (25,000-55,000) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lilligant Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tentacruel Type: Water / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (7) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Golduck Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 31,646-31,791 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Latias Type: Dragon / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,792-32,017 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kingler Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 32,018-32,163 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    Sprigatito Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Scarlet & Violet Launch Event Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Kangaskhan Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 32,025-32,235 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dugtrio Type: Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Inteleon Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Platinum Water Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    Starlight booted up the PC...

    OT: Starlight

    Current Party

    Aerodactyl Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Received @ 32,164 Hatched: 32,179 Level 100: 32,324
    Mega Kangaskhan Type: Normal Shiny: No Tag Partner: Devalue Received @ 32,025 Hatched @ 32,040 Lv.100 @ 32,235


    Rainbow Stone
    Regional Stone [5/12]
    Alola Stone [1/6]
    Galar Stone [4/6]

    Gigantamax Band
    Gigantamax Candy [19/11]
    Star Alcremie Sweet [1/0]
    Mega Ring
    Altarianite [0/1]
    Abomasite [0/1]
    Tyranitarite [0/1]
    Salamencite [0/1]
    Gyaradosite [0/1]
    Gengarite [0/1]
    Gardevoirite [0/1]
    Absolite [0/1]
    Charizardite X [0/1]
    Charizardite Y [0/1]
    Audinite [0/1]
    Beedrillite [0/1]
    Heracronite [0/1]
    Kangaskhanite [0/1]
    Lopunnite [0/1]
    Pidgeotite [0/1]
    Pinsirite [0/1]
    Ampharosite [0/1]
    Banettite [0/1]
    Mawilite [0/1]
    Manectite [0/1]
    Medichamite [0/1]
    Sablenite [0/1]
    Slowbronite [1/0]
    Alakazite [1/0]
    Cameruptite [0/1]
    Galladite [0/1]
    Glalitite [0/1]
    Houndoominite [0/1]
    Lucarionate [1/0]
    Sharpedonite [0/1]
    Aerodactylite [0/1]
    Aggronite [0/1]
    Scizorite [1/1]
    Steelixite [0/1]
    Blastoisinite [0/1]
    Blazikenite [0/1]
    Sceptilite [0/1]
    Swampertite [0/1]
    Venusaurite [0/1]
    Garchompite [0/1]
    Metagrossite [0/1]
    Diancite [0/1]
    Latiasite [0/1]
    Latiosite [1/0]
    Mewtwonite X [1/0]
    Mewtwonite Y [1/0]

    Points Bank

    Available Points: 42,990

    Earned Points: 90,610
    Used Points: 47,620
    + 50 for Lapras
    + 100 for Advertising
    + 50 for Chimecho
    + 50 for Inkay
    + 50 for Mime Jr.
    + 60 for Yamask
    + 90 for Mew
    + 50 for Victreebel
    + 60 for Weezing
    + 200 for James Challenge - Wobbuffet
    + 100 for Birthday 2019 - Starmie
    + 250 for Community Day - Charizard
    + 60 for Tauros
    + 10 for Primeape
    + 50 for Muk
    + 60 for Snorlax
    + 100 for Advertising
    + 500 for Christmas 2019 - Eiscue & Mega Ring
    + 200 for Ash Kanto Challenge - Sylveon (1)
    + 50 for Bronze Psychic Medal
    + 60 for Glaceon
    + 100 for Celebi
    + 60 for Glalie
    + 60 for Froslass
    + 100 for Sigilyph Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Togekiss
    + 100 for Toxicroak Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Steelix
    + 10 for Arbok
    - 600 for Rainbow Stone
    + 100 for Empoleon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 70 for Mimikyu
    + 50 for Bronze Poison Medal
    + 60 for Forretress
    + 100 for Dragonite Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Espeon
    + 100 for Metagross Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Marshadow
    + 100 for Jolteon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Lopunny
    + 100 for Umbreon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Delcatty
    + 10 for Sudowoodo
    + 60 for Mamoswine
    + 60 for Ambipom
    + 50 for Bronze Ice Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Normal Medal
    + 60 for Togetic
    + 60 for Noctowl
    + 50 for Bronze Flying Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Fairy Medal
    + 100 for Vaporeon Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Scizor
    + 100 for Pachirisu Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 50 for Bronze Steel Medal
    + 100 for Jirachi
    + 500 for Sweet Time in Pokeland Gold - Tsareena
    + 200 for Dawn Challenge - Flareon
    + 10 for Dustox
    + 100 for Silver Psychic Medal
    + 60 for Munchlax
    + 100 for Dhelmise Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Weavile
    + 50 for Bronze Ghost Medal
    + 100 Houndoom Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Miltank
    + 100 Carracosta Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Hypno
    + 50 for Bronze Water Medal
    + 100 for Diancie
    + 100 for Electivire Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Kecleon
    + 10 for Frillish
    + 60 for Eevee
    + 100 for Rotom (Frost) Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Aggron
    + 100 for Blastoise Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Silver Normal Medal
    + 60 for Aipom
    + 70 for Politoed
    + 100 for Salazzle Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 100 for Meloetta Aria Forme
    + 100 for Magmortar Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 50 for Bronze Fire Medal
    + 1,000 for Legendary Master Challenge (1) - Wartortle
    + 10 for Kingdra
    + 60 for Gourgeist
    + 100 for Cradily Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 200 for Jessie Challenge - Psyduck
    + 100 for Silver Water Medal
    + 50 for Bronze Grass Medal
    + 60 for Leafeon
    + 250 for Eeveelution Master - Corsola
    + 200 for Misty Challenge - Tyranitar
    + 50 for Bronze Rock Medal
    + 60 for Nidoqueen
    + 50 for Bronze Dark Medal
    + 100 for Magearna
    + 100 for Torkoal Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Beautifly
    + 10 for Pikachu
    + 200 for Gary Challenge - Dragapult
    + 60 for Blaziken
    + 200 for Harrison Challenge - Hydreigon
    + 50 for Bronze Electric Medal
    + 100 for Whimsicott Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Venusaur
    + 100 for Crawdaunt Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Golem
    + 100 for Meloetta Pirouette Forme
    + 100 for Primarina Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 200 for May Challenge - Drapion
    + 50 for Bronze Fighting Medal
    + 10 for Typhlosion
    + 60 for Ludicolo
    + 100 for Silver Poison Medal
    + 200 for Brock Challenge - Feraligatr
    + 100 for Silver Grass Medal
    + 60 for Kommo-o
    + 50 for Bronze Dragon Medal
    + 100 for Floatzel Tag-Team w/Roni
    + 60 for Salamence
    + 500 for Pseudo-Legendary Master Challenge - Greninja
    + 60 for Meganium
    + 100 for Suicune
    + 60 for Gyarados
    + 150 for Gold Water Medal - Milotic
    + 10 for Goodra
    + 60 for Heracross
    + 50 for Bronze Bug Medal
    + 60 for Donphan
    + 200 for Ash Johto Challenge - Gigalith
    + 50 for Bronze Ground Medal
    + 60 for Swellow
    + 100 for Lurantis Tag-Team w/Fairy
    + 100 for Silver Flying Medal
    + 60 for Sceptile
    + 00 for Ditto! (April Fools 2021)
    + 200 for Ash Hoenn Challenge - Flygon
    + 100 for Raikou
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (1) - Furret
    + 60 for Ninjask
    + 10 for Greedent
    + 60 for Honchkrow
    + 100 for Exeggcute (Easter 2021)
    + 100 for Silver Dark Medal
    + 60 for Gastrodon
    + 200 for Paul Challenge - Linoone
    + 60 for Torterra
    + 60 for Infernape
    + 60 for Staraptor
    + 100 for Entei
    - 1200 for Gigantamax Band
    - 500 for 1x Gigantamax Candy
    + 100 for Gigantamax Grimmsnarl Tag-Team w/Fairy
    + 100 for Silver Fire Medal
    + 100 for Silver Fairy Medal
    + 60 for Garchomp
    + 10 for Raticate
    + 500 for 5 Ribbons - Altaria
    + 60 for Gliscor
    + 200 for Ash Sinnoh Challenge - Bibarel
    + 150 for Gold Normal Medal - Diggersby
    + 200 for The Normal Kids Challenge - Gothitelle
    + 60 for Krookodile
    + 500 for 10 Ribbons - Rotom (Normal)
    + 100 for Silver Ground Medal
    + 100 for Silver Dragon Medal
    + 100 for Shaymin (Land Forme)
    + 60 for Unfezant
    + 60 for Hawlucha
    + 10 for Rotom (Wash)
    + 1,000 for Legendary Master Challenge (2) - Rotom (Heat)
    + 100 for Birthday 2021 - Mismagius
    + 60 for Rotom (Fan)
    + 100 for Silver Electric Medal
    + 100 for Silver Ghost Medal
    + 60 for Rotom (Fan)
    + 300 for Rotom Does Not Compute Challenge - Minior (Red)
    + 100 for Silver Rock Medal
    + 60 for Noivern
    + 150 for Gold Flying Medal - Drifblim
    + 100 for Arceus
    + 100 for Azumarill Tag-Team w/pokemon fan person
    - 600 for Altarianite
    + 60 for Emboar
    + 10 for Minior (Orange)
    + 100 for Silver Fighting Medal
    + 60 for Serperior
    + 60 for Leavanny
    + 200 for Ash Unova Challenge - Minior (Yellow)
    + 60 for Talonflame
    + 200 for Ash Kalos Challenge - Minior (Green)
    + 60 for Minior (Blue)
    + 60 for Minior (Indigo)
    + 60 for Minior (Violet)
    + 100 for Ho-Oh
    + 100 for Shuckle Tag-Team w/Megan
    + 10 for Aegislash (Shield)
    + 350 for Minior Rainbow Challenge - Aegislash (Blade)
    + 60 for Lucario
    + 100 for Silver Steel Medal
    + 75 for Mega Altaria
    - 600 for Abomasite
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (2) - Jynx
    + 75 for Mega Abomasnow
    + 100 for Silver Ice Medal
    + 150 for Gold Grass Medal - Bellossom
    + 60 for Toxtricity (Amped Form)
    - 750 for Tyranitarite
    - 750 for Salamencite
    - 650 for Gyaradosite
    - 650 for Gengarite
    - 600 for Gardevoirite
    - 500 for Absolite
    - 700 for Charizardite X
    - 700 for Charizardite Y
    + 75 for Mega Tyranitar
    + 100 for Lugia
    + 100 for Durant Tag-Team w/Radio
    + 75 for Mega Salamence
    + 10 for Butterfree
    + 100 for Silver Bug Medal
    + 75 for Mega Gyarados
    + 75 for Mega Gengar
    + 75 for Mega Gardevoir
    + 100 for Virtual Pokémon Pride 2021 - Minior (Violet)
    + 75 for Mega Absol
    + 75 for Mega Charizard X
    + 75 for Mega Charizard Y
    + 100 for Delphox Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 100 for Tapu Lele
    + 10 for Carbink
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (1) - Hatterene
    + 150 for Gold Psychic Medal - Gardevoir
    + 60 for Nidoking
    - 4,500 for 9x Gigantamax Candies
    + 80 for Gigantamax Venusaur
    + 80 for Gigantamax Charizard
    - 600 for 1x Alola Stone
    + 100 for Alolan Golem Tag-Team w/Caite-chan
    + 80 for Gigantamax Blastoise
    + 80 for Gigantamax Pikachu
    + 80 for Gigantamax Eevee
    + 100 for VPP Anniversary 2021 - Crystal Onix
    + 80 for Gigantamax Butterfree
    - 3,600 for 6x Galar Stones
    - 3,000 for 5x Alola Stones
    + 100 for Shaymin (Sky Forme)
    + 10 for Magcargo
    + 100 for Alolan Ninetales Tag-Team w/Caite-chan
    + 150 for Gold Rock Medal - Lycanroc (Midday Form)
    + 80 for Gigantamax Hatterene
    + 80 for Gigantamax Lapras
    + 80 for Gigantamax Gengar
    + 10,000 for G-Max Pokemon Collection - Mawile
    + 150 for Gold Fairy Medal - Ribombee
    + 75 for Alolan Marowak
    + 100 for Shadow Rider Calyrex
    + 10 for Hitmonlee
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (3) - Hitmonchan
    + 1000 for Legendary Master Challenge (3) - Hitmontop
    + 150 for Gold Fire Medal - Chandelure
    + 60 for Decidueye
    + 100 for Galarian Rapidash Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 75 for Alolan Sandslash
    + 75 for Alolan Dugtrio
    + 75 for Alolan Raichu
    + 600 for Welcome to Alola Challenge - Togedemaru
    + 100 for Cosmoem
    + 100 for Mr. Rime Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 10 for Druddigon
    + 75 for Cursola
    + 60 for Sableye
    + 100 for Amaura Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 150 for Gold Ghost Medal - Polteageist
    + 60 for Dragalge
    + 60 for Thievul
    + 100 for Gorebyss Tag-Team w/ReKoil
    + 60 for Liepard
    + 100 for Palkia
    + 100 for Parasect Tag-Team w/Pikaboo
    + 10 for Cacturne
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (4) - Bisharp
    + 60 for Skarmory
    + 100 for Excadrill Tag-Team w/Pikaboo
    + 60 for Duraludon
    + 150 for Gold Dark Medal - Zoroark
    + 60 for Delibird
    + 00 for Dewgong (Holiday Event 2021)
    - 450 for 1x Alola Stone
    - 1,800 for 4x Galar Stones
    - 7,500 for 20x Gigantamax Candies
    - 375 for Audinite
    - 375 for Beedrillite
    - 375 for Heracronite
    - 375 for Kangaskhanite
    - 375 for Lopunnite
    - 375 for Pidgeotite
    - 375 for Pinsirite
    - 413 for Ampharosite
    - 413 for Banettite
    - 413 for Mawilite
    - 413 for Manectite
    - 413 for Medichamite
    - 413 for Sablenite
    - 413 for Slowbronite
    - 450 for Alakazite
    - 450 for Cameruptite
    - 450 for Galladite
    - 450 for Glalitite
    - 450 for Houndoominite
    - 450 for Lucarionate
    - 450 for Sharpedonite
    - 488 for Aerodactylite
    - 488 for Aggronite
    - 488 for Scizorite
    - 488 for Steelixite
    - 525 for Blastoisinite
    - 525 for Blazikenite
    - 525 for Sceptilite
    - 525 for Swampertite
    - 525 for Venusaurite
    - 563 for Garchompite
    - 563 for Metagrossite
    - 600 for Diancite
    - 600 for Latiasite
    - 600 for Latiosite
    - 600 for Mewtwonite X
    - 600 for Mewtwonite Y
    - 01 for Adjustment
    + 100 for Oricorio (Pa'u Style) Tag-Team w/StCooler
    + 150 for Gold Steel Medal - Klefki
    + 100 for White Kyurem
    + 75 for Sirfetch'd
    + 10 for Frosmoth
    + 75 for Galarian Slowbro
    + 150 for Gold Ice Medal - Aurorus
    + 75 for Galarian Slowking
    + 600 for Welcome to Galar Challenge - Tyrantrum
    + 150 for Gold Dragon Medal - Drampa
    + 75 for Mega Beedrill
    + 75 for Mega Venusaur
    + 100 for Cinccino Tag-Team w/StCooler
    + 100 for Articuno
    + 150 for Gold Poison Medal - Roserade
    + 10 for Lanturn
    + 75 for Mega Ampharos
    + 75 for Mega Manectric
    + 10 for Valentine's Day 2022 - Luvdisc
    + 100 for Haxorus Tag-Team w/roni
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (5) - Poliwrath
    + 75 for Mega Heracross
    + 00 Unused Alola / Galar Stones converted to Regional Stones
    + 75 for Mega Blaziken
    + 100 for Turtonator Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 150 for Zapdos
    + 150 for Gold Electric Medal - Ampharos
    + 10 for Quagsire
    + 75 for Mega Medicham
    + 75 for Mega Lopunny
    + 150 for Gold Fighting Medal - Grapploct
    + 75 for Mega Garchomp
    + 75 for Mega Swampert
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (2) - Venomoth
    + 75 for Mega Steelix
    + 150 for Moltres
    + 100 for Vespiquen Tag-Team w/Eleanor
    + 1000 for Legendary Master Challenge (4) - Ledian
    + 10 for Beedrill
    + 80 for Mega Camerupt
    + 150 for Gold Ground Medal - Palossand
    + 85 for Mega Scizor
    + 150 for Gold Bug Medal - Armaldo
    + 85 for Mega Gallade
    + 85 for Mega Audino
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (6) - Ariados
    + 180 for Manaphy
    + 250 for 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge - Buneary & Exeggcute
    + 10 for Ninetales
    + 100 for Birthday 2022 - Cherrim (Sunshine Form)
    + 85 for Mega Pidgeot
    + 85 for Mega Pinsir
    + 85 for Mega Slowbro
    + 00 for Virtual Pokémon Pride 2022 - Sylveon (2)
    + 190 for MissingNo. (R/G/B) Tag Team w/Megan
    + 85 for Mega Houndoom
    + 85 for Mega Sharpedo
    + 180 for Phione
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (3) - Crobat
    + 85 for Mega Blastoise
    + 10 for Mantine
    + 85 for Mega Aerodactyl
    - 00 for Star Alcremie Sweet (Tanabata 2022)
    + 170 for Clefable (Tanabata 2022)
    + 300 for Platinum Flying Medal - Oricorio (Sensu Style)
    + 85 for Mega Sceptile
    + 85 for Mega Glalie
    + 70 for Squirtle
    + 180 for Keldeo (Resolute Form)
    + 100 for Galvantula Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 00 for Poliwag - Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022
    + 270 for Castform (Rainy Form) - Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022
    + 10 for Poliwhirl
    + 85 for Mega Banette
    + 100 for Mega Aggron Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 85 for Mega Sableye
    - 00 for Scizorite (VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022)
    + 00 for Eternal Flower Floette (VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022)
    + 100 for Dracozolt Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 85 for Mega Mawile
    + 180 for Mega Diancie
    + 110 for Gigantamax Corviknight Tag Team w/Megan
    + 85 for Mega Alakazam
    + 10 for Vileplume
    + 00 for VPP Community GT Event 2022 - Cofagrigus
    + 100 for PC Anniversary 2022 - Tangela
    + 85 for Mega Metagross
    + 00 for Posting Milestone (25,000-55,000) - Wigglytuff
    + 10,000 for Pokémon Mega-thon (4) - Lilligant
    + 400 for Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (7) - Tentacruel
    + 70 for Golduck
    + 180 for Mega Latias
    + 70 for Kingler
    + 100 for Mega Kangaskhan Tag Team w/Devalue
    + 00 for Scarlet & Violet Launch Event - Sprigatito
    + 10 for Dugtrio
    + 300 for Platinum Water Medal - Inteleon
    + 70 for Aerodactyl

    Challenge Data

    Team Rocket James: Chimecho, Inkay, Mime Jr., Yamask, Victreebel & Weezing
    Ash (Kanto): Lapras, Tauros, Charizard, Primeape, Muk & Snorlax
    Dawn: Togekiss, Empoleon, Lopunny, Mamoswine, Ambipom & Pachirisu
    Legendary Master (1): Mew, Celebi, Marshadow, Jirachi, Diancie & Meloetta (Aria Forme)
    Team Rocket Jessie: Arbok, Dustox, Frillish, Gourgeist, Wobbuffet & Mimikyu
    Eeveelution Master: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Leafeon, & Sylveon (1)
    Misty: Starmie, Politoed, Corsola, Kingdra, Togetic & Psyduck
    Gary: Blastoise, Umbreon, Nidoqueen, Magmortar, Scizor & Electivire
    Harrison: Miltank, Hypno, Kecleon, Houndoom, Weavile & Blaziken
    May: Beautifly, Glaceon, Venusaur, Wartortle, Munchlax & Delcatty
    Brock: Steelix, Golem, Forretress, Ludicolo, Sudowoodo & Toxicroak
    Pseudo-Legendary Master: Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Hydreigon, Kommo-o & Dragapult
    Ash (Johto): Meganium, Typhlosion, Heracross, Feraligatr, Noctowl & Donphan
    Ash (Hoenn): Sceptile, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Torkoal, Glalie & Aipom
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1): Sigilyph, Metagross, Tsareena, Dhelmise, Milotic & Flygon
    Paul: Ninjask, Drapion, Aggron, Froslass, Honchkrow & Gastrodon
    Ash (Sinnoh): Torterra, Infernape, Staraptor, Floatzel, Garchomp & Gliscor
    The Normal Kids: Raticate, Furret, Linoone, Bibarel, Diggersby & Greedent
    Legendary Master (2): Magearna, Meloetta (Pirouette Forme), Suicune, Raikou, Entei & Shaymin (Land Forme)
    Rotom Does Not Compute: Rotom, Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom & Mow Rotom
    Ash (Unova): Leavanny, Gigalith, Krookodile, Unfezant, Emboar & Serperior
    Ash (Kalos): Goodra, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern, Greninja & Pikachu
    Minior Rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2): Eiscue, Exeggcute, Gothitelle, Shuckle, Aegislash (Blade) & Lucario
    Pokémon Mega-thon (1): Mega Altaria, Mega Abomasnow, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Salamence, Mega Gyarados, Mega Gengar, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Absol, Mega Charizard X & Mega Charizard Y
    G-Max Pokemon Collection: Gigantamax Grimmsnarl, Gigantamax Venusaur, Gigantamax Charizard, Gigantamax Blastoise, Gigantamax Pikachu, Gigantamax Eevee, Gigantamax Butterfree, Gigantamax Hatterene, Gigantamax Lapras & Gigantamax Gengar
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3): Bellossom, Toxtricity (Amped Form), Durant, Carbink, Gardevoir & Mawile
    Legendary Master (3): Arceus, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Tapu Lele, Shaymin (Sky Forme) & Shadow Rider Calyrex
    Welcome to Alola: Alolan Golem, Alolan Ninetales, Alolan Marowak, Alolan Sandslash, Alolan Dugtrio & Alolan Raichu
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4): Hitmontop, Decidueye, Polteageist, Dragalge, Gorebyss & Liepard
    Welcome to Galar: Galarian Rapidash, Mr. Rime, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Galarian Slowbro & Galarian Slowking
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5): Excadrill, Zoroark, Klefki, Drampa, Roserade & Luvdisc
    Pokémon Mega-thon (2): Mega Beedrill, Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos, Mega Manectric, Mega Heracross, Mega Blaziken, Mega Medicham, Mega Lopunny, Mega Garchomp & Mega Swampert
    Legendary Master (4): Cosmoem, Palkia, White Kyurem, Articuno, Zapdos & Moltres
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6): Poliwrath, Turtonator, Ampharos, Grapploct, Beedrill & Palossand
    Pokémon Mega-thon (3): Mega Steelix, Mega Camerupt, Mega Scizor, Mega Gallade, Mega Audino, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Pinsir, Mega Slowbro, Mega Houndoom & Mega Sharpedo
    Pokémon Mega-thon (4): Mega Blastoise, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Sceptile, Mega Glalie, Mega Banette, Mega Aggron, Mega Sableye, Mega Mawile, Mega Diancie & Mega Alakazam
    Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7): Buneary, Exeggcute (2), Sylveon (2), Oricorio (Sensu Style), Cofagrigus & Tangela

    Ribbon Cabinet

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Best Friend Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    VPP Staff

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Collected 5 VPPs

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    First Shiny

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    First Legendary

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    5 Master Challenges

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tag-Team Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    100 VPPs

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eeveelution Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Just The Way You Are

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Birthday Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arceus Ribbon

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    PC Anniversary Ribbon

    Bronze Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Bug Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bronze Ground Medal

    Silver Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ground Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Silver Bug Medal

    Gold Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Water Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Normal Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Grass Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Psychic Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Rock Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fairy Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fire Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Ghost Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Dark Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Steel Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Ice Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Dragon Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Poison Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Electric Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Fighting Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gold Bug Medal

    Platinum Medals

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Platinum Flying Medal

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Platinum Water Medal

    Welcome to the

    Pokémon Storage System


    Box 1

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lapras Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 318-468 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Chimecho Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 470-620 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Inkay Type: Dark / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 621-771 Challenge: James Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mime Jr. Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 772-897 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Yamask Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 898-1,073 Challenge: James Legendary: Mew

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mew Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 1,074-1,324 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Victreebel Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 1,329-1,479 Challenge: James Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Weezing Type: Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 1,480-1,655 Challenge: James Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wobbuffet Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: James Challenge Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Celebi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Starmie Type: Water / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday Challenge: Misty Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Charizard Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Community VPP Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tauros Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 1,656-1,831 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Primeape Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Muk Type: Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 1,832-1,982 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Snorlax Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 1,983-2,158 Challenge: Ash Kanto Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eiscue Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: Christmas 2019 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: White Kyurem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sylveon (1) Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Kanto Challenge Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Glaceon Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2,159-2,259 Challenge: May Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Celebi Type: Psychic / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 2,260-2,500 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Glalie Type: Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 2,501-2,601 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Froslass Type: Ice / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 2,602-2,727 Challenge: Paul Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sigilyph Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 2,604-2,804 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togekiss Type: Fairy / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 2,728-2,888 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Toxicroak Type: Poison / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 2,805-3,005 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Marshadow

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Steelix Type: Steel / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 2,889-3,049 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arbok Type: Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Empoleon Type: Water / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,007-3,207 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mimikyu Type: Ghost / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 3,050-3,210 Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Forretress Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 3,211-3,371 Challenge: Brock Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragonite Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,211-3,411 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: White Kyurem

    Box 2

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Espeon Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 3,372-3,532 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Jirachi

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Metagross Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,413-3,613 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Marshadow Type: Fighting / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 3,533-3,773 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jolteon Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,628-3,828 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lopunny Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 3,774-3,934 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Umbreon Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 3,829-4,029 Challenge: Gary Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delcatty Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 3,935-4,095 Challenge: May Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sudowoodo Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Brock Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mamoswine Type: Ice / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,096-4,256 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ambipom Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,257-4,332 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togetic Type: Fairy / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 4,334-4,494 Challenge: Misty Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Noctowl Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 4,495-4,655 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vaporeon Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 4,525-4,725 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Scizor Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 4,656-4,816 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Magearna

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Pachirisu Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 4,748-4,949 Challenge: Dawn Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jirachi Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 4,818-5,058 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tsareena Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Sweet Time in Pokeland Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Flareon Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Dawn Challenge Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dustox Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Munchlax Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 5,061-5,221 Challenge: May Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dhelmise Type: Ghost / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,079-5,279 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Weavile Type: Dark / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 5,223-5,383 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Houndoom Type: Dark / Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,291-5,491 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Miltank Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,384-5,544 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Arceus

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Carracosta Type: Water / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,496-5,696 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hypno Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,545-5,705 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Meloetta (Aria Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Diancie Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 5,706-5,946 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Electivire Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 5,709-5,909 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Raikou

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kecleon Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 5,947-6,107 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Frillish Type: Water / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Jessie Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    Box 3

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eevee Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 6,108-6,268 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Frost) Type: Electric / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,108-6,308 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aggron Type: Steel / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: 6,269-6,429 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,385-6,585 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aipom Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 6,430-6,590 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Politoed Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 6,591-6,766 Challenge: Misty Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Salazzle Type: Poison / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,597-6,797 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meloetta (Aria Forme) Type: Normal / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 6,798-7,038 Challenge: Legendary Master (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magmortar Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 6,825-7,025 Challenge: Gary Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wartortle Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (1) Challenge: May Legendary: Suicune

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kingdra Type: Water / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Misty Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gourgeist Type: Ghost / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 7,039-7,199 Challenge: Jessie Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cradily Type: Rock / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,079-7,279 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Psyduck Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Jessie Challenge Challenge: Misty Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Leafeon Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 7,200-7,360 Challenge: Eeveelution Master Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Corsola Type: Water / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Eeveelution Master Challenge Challenge: Misty Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tyranitar Type: Rock / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Misty Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Nidoqueen Type: Poison / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 7,361-7,521 Challenge: Gary Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magearna Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 7,522-7,762 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Torkoal Type: Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,618-7,818 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Entei

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Beautifly Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 7,763-7,923 Challenge: May Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Pikachu Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragapult Type: Dragon / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Gary Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Blaziken Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 7,924-8,084 Challenge: Harrison Legendary: Meloetta (Pirouette Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hydreigon Type: Dark / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Harrison Challenge Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Whimsicott Type: Grass / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 7,938-8,138 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 8,085-8,245 Challenge: May Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crawdaunt Type: Water / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,145-8,345 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Golem Type: Rock / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 8,246-8,406 Challenge: Brock Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meloetta (Pirouette Forme) Type: Normal / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 8,407-8,647 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    Box 4

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Primarina Type: Water / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,518-8,718 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drapion Type: Poison / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: May Challenge Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Typhlosion Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ludicolo Type: Water / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 8,648-8,808 Challenge: Brock Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Feraligatr Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Brock Challenge Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kommo-o Type: Dragon / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 8,809-8,969 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Floatzel Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Roni 8,931-9,131 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: Manaphy

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Salamence Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 8,994-9,154 Challenge: Pseudo-Legendary Master Legendary: Mega Latias

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Greninja Type: Water / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Pseudo-Legendary Master Challenge Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Meganium Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 9,155-9,315 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: Shaymin (Land Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Suicune Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 9,316-9,556 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gyarados Type: Water / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 9,557-9,717 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Milotic Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Water Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Goodra Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Heracross Type: Bug / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 9,724-9,884 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Donphan Type: Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 9,885-10,045 Challenge: Ash Johto Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigalith Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Johto Challenge Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Swellow Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 10,046-10,206 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Articuno

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lurantis Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Fairy 10,158-10,358 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sceptile Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 10,207-10,367 Challenge: Ash Hoenn Legendary: Shaymin (Sky Forme)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ditto Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: April Fools 2021 Challenge: N/A Legendary: N/A

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Flygon Type: Ground / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Ash Hoenn Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (1) Legendary: Mega Latios

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Raikou Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: 10,368-10,608 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Furret Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (1) Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ninjask Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 10,609-10,769 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Greedent Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Honchkrow Type: Dark / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 10,770-10,930 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Exeggcute (1) Type: Grass / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Easter 2021 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gastrodon Type: Water / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 10,931-11,091 Challenge: Paul Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Linoone Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Paul Challenge Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    Box 5

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Torterra Type: Grass / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,092-11,252 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Infernape Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,253-11,413 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Staraptor Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,414-11,574 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Entei Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: 11,575-11,815 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Grimmsnarl Type: Dark / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Fairy 11,304-11,504 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Garchomp Type: Dragon / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 11,816-11,976 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Raticate Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Altaria Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Five Ribbons Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gliscor Type: Ground / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 11,977-12,137 Challenge: Ash Sinnoh Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bibarel Type: Normal / Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Ash Sinnoh Challenge Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Diggersby Type: Normal / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Normal Medal Challenge: The Normal Kids Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gothitelle Type: Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: The Normal Kids Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: Tapu Lele

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Krookodile Type: Ground / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 12,138-12,298 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Normal) Type: Electric / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Ten Ribbons Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shaymin (Land Forme) Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: 12,299-12,539 Challenge: Legendary Master (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Unfezant Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 12,540-12,700 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hawlucha Type: Fighting / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 12,701-12,861 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Wash) Type: Electric / Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Heat) Type: Electric / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Ho-Oh

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mismagius Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Shadow Rider Calyrex

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Fan) Type: Electric / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 12,862-13,022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rotom (Mow) Type: Electric / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,023-13,183 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Red) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Rotom Does Not Compute Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Noivern Type: Flying / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 13,184-13,344 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drifblim Type: Ghost / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Flying Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Arceus Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: 13,345-13,585 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Azumarill Type: Water / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/pokemon fan person 13,382-13,582 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Emboar Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,586-13,746 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Orange) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Serperior Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,747-13,907 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    Box 6

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Leavanny Type: Bug / Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: 13,908-14,068 Challenge: Ash Unova Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Yellow) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Unova Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Talonflame Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,069-14,229 Challenge: Ash Kalos Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Green) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Ash Kalos Challenge Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Blue) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,230-14,390 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Indigo) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,391-14,551 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Violet) Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 14,552-14,712 Challenge: Minior Rainbow Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ho-Oh Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,713-14,953 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shuckle Type: Bug / Rock Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 14,667-14,867 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aegislash (Shield) Type: Steel / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aegislash (Blade) Type: Steel / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Minior Rainbow Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lucario Type: Fighting / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 14,954-15,114 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Altaria Type: Dragon / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 15,115-15,315 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Jynx Type: Ice / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Lugia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Abomasnow Type: Grass / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 15,316-15,516 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bellossom Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Grass Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Toxtricity (Amped Form) Type: Electric / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 15,517-15,677 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Tyranitar Type: Rock / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 15,678-15,878 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lugia Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 15,879-16,119 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Salamence Type: Dragon / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 16,120-16,320 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Butterfree Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Moltres

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Durant Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Radio 16,016-16,216 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gyarados Type: Water / Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: 16,321-16,521 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gengar Type: Ghost / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 16,522-16,722 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gardevoir Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 16,723-16,923 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Minior (Violet) * Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Virtual Pokémon Pride 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Absol Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 16,924-17,124 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Charizard X Type: Fire / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 17,125-17,325 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Charizard Y Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 17,326-17,526 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delphox Nickname: Inari Type: Fire / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 17,389-17,589 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Cosmoem

    Box 7

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tapu Lele Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 17,527-17,767 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Carbink Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hatterene Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (1) Challenge: ??? Legendary: Cosmoem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gardevoir Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Psychic Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: Cosmoem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Nidoking Nickname: Caelum Type: Poison / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 17,768-17,928 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 17,929-18,154 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Charizard Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,155-18,380 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Golem Type: Rock / Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Caite-chan 18,157-18,357 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 18,381-18,606 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Pikachu Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,607-18,832 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: Zapdos

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Eevee Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 18,833-19,058 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crystal Onix Type: Ice / Rock Shiny: N/A Obtained: VPP Anniversary 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Butterfree Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 19,059-19,284 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shaymin (Sky Forme) Nickname: Angelica Type: Grass / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 19,285-19,525 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Magcargo Type: Fire / Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Ninetales Type: Ice / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Caite-chan 19,350-19,550 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lycanroc (Midday Form) Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Rock Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Hatterene Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 19,526-19,751 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Lapras Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 19,752-19,977 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Gengar Type: Ghost / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: 19,978-20,203 Challenge: G-Max Pokemon Collection Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mawile Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: G-Max Pokemon Collection Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ribombee Type: Bug / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Fairy Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Marowak Type: Fire / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 20,204-20,404 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Shadow Rider Calyrex Type: Psychic / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 20,405-20,645 Challenge: Legendary Master (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmonlee Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmonchan Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (3) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Hitmontop Type: Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (3) Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Chandelure Type: Ghost / Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Fire Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Decidueye Type: Grass / Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 20,646-20,806 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Rapidash Type: Psychic / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 20,740-20,940 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    Box 8

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Sandslash Nickname: James Type: Ice / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 20,807-21,007 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Dugtrio Type: Ground / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 21,008-21,208 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Alolan Raichu Type: Electric / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 21,209-21,409 Challenge: Welcome to Alola Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Togedemaru Type: Electric / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: Welcome to Alola Challenge Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cosmoem Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 21,410-21,650 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mr. Rime Type: Ice / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 21,372-21,572 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Druddigon Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: Palkia

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cursola Type: Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 21,651-21,851 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sableye Type: Dark / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 21,852-22,012 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Amaura Type: Rock / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 21,913-22,113 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Polteageist Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Ghost Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dragalge Type: Poison / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,013-22,173 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Thievul Type: Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 22,174-22,334 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gorebyss Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/ReKoil 22,182-22,382 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Liepard Type: Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,335-22,495 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Palkia Type: Water / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 22,496-22,736 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Parasect Type: Bug / Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Pikaboo 22,538-22,738 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cacturne Type: Grass / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Bisharp Type: Dark / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Skarmory Type: Steel / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 22,739-22,899 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Excadrill Type: Ground / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 22,786-22,986 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Zoroark Type: Dark Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Dark Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Duraludon Type: Steel / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 22,900-23,060 Challenge: ??? Legendary: White Kyurem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Delibird Type: Ice / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 23,061-23,221 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dewgong Type: Water / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Holiday Event 2021 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Klefki Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Steel Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    White Kyurem Type: Dragon / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: 23,222-23,462 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sirfetch'd Type: Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 23,463-23,663 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Frosmoth Type: Ice / Bug Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Slowbro Type: Poison / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 23,664-23,864 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    Box 9

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aurorus Type: Rock / Ice Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Ice Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Oricorio (Pa'u Style) Type: Psychic / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/StCooler 23,086-23,286 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galarian Slowking Type: Poison / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 23,865-24,065 Challenge: Welcome to Galar Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tyrantrum Type: Rock / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Welcome to Galar Challenge Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Drampa Type: Normal / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Dragon Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Beedrill Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 24,066-24,266 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Venusaur Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: 24,267-24,467 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Articuno Type: Ice / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 24,468-24,708 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Roserade Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Poison Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lanturn Type: Water / Electric Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Ampharos Type: Electric / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: 24,709-24,909 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cinccino Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/StCooler 24,216-24,416 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Manectric Type: Electric Shiny: No Obtained: 24,910-25,110 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Luvdisc Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Valentine's Day 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (5) Legendary: Phione

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Haxorus Type: Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/roni 25,055-25,255 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Mega Latias

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwrath Type: Water / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (5) Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Heracross Type: Bug / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 25,111-25,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Blaziken Type: Fire / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 25,312-25,512 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Zapdos Type: Electric / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 25,513-25,753 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ampharos Type: Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Electric Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Quagsire Type: Water / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Medicham Type: Fighting / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 25,754-25,939 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Turtonator Type: Fire / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 25,319-25,519 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Lopunny Type: Normal / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 25,940-26,125 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Grapploct Type: Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Fighting Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Garchomp Type: Dragon / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,126-26,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Swampert Type: Water / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,312-26,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Venomoth Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (2) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Steelix Type: Steel / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 26,498-26,683 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Moltres Type: Fire / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 26,684-26,924 Challenge: Legendary Master (4) Legendary: ???

    Box 10

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ledian Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Legendary Master Challenge (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Beedrill Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Camerupt Type: Fire / Ground Shiny: No Obtained: 26,925-27,110 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Palossand Type: Ghost / Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: Gold Ground Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (6) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Scizor Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,111-27,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Armaldo Type: Rock / Bug Shiny: No Obtained: Gold Bug Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Gallade Type: Psychic / Fighting Shiny: No Obtained: 27,312-27,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Audino Type: Normal / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,498-27,698 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vespiquen Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Eleanor 26,701-26,901 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ariados Type: Bug / Poison Shiny: Yes Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (6) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Manaphy Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 27,699-27,939 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Buneary Type: Normal Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Exeggcute (2) Type: Grass / Psychic Shiny: Yes Obtained: 2022 Easter Community Pair Challenge Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Ninetales Type: Fire Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cherrim (Sunshine Form) Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Birthday 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Pidgeot Type: Normal / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 27,940-28,125 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Pinsir Type: Bug / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 28,126-28,311 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Slowbro Type: Water / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 28,312-28,497 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Sylveon (2) Type: Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Virtual Pokémon Pride 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: Mega Diancie

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Houndoom Type: Dark / Fire Shiny: Yes Obtained: 28,498-28,683 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sharpedo Type: Water / Dark Shiny: No Obtained: 28,684-28,869 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Phione Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 28,870-29,095 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Crobat Nickname: Roni Type: Poison / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (3) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Blastoise Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 29,096-29,281 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: Keldeo (Resolute Form)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mantine Type: Water / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Aerodactyl Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,282-29,482 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Clefable Nickname: Orihime Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 29,483-29,658 (Tanabata 2022) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Oricorio (Sensu Style) Type: Ghost / Flying Shiny: Yes Obtained: Platinum Flying Medal Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sceptile Type: Grass / Dragon Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,659-29,829 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Glalie Type: Ice Shiny: Yes Obtained: 29,830-30,000 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    Box 11

    MissingNo. (R/G/B) Type: Bird / Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 28,324-29,324 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Squirtle Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,001-30,146 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Keldeo (Resolute Form) Type: Water / Fighting Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,162-30,372 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwag Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Satoshi Tajiri's Birthday 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Galvantula Type: Bug / Electric Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,261-30,446 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Poliwhirl Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Castform (Rainy Form) Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,373-30,533 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Banette Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,534-30,719 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Aggron Type: Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,560-30,770 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Sableye Type: Dark / Ghost Shiny: No Obtained: 30,720-30,905 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Eternal Flower Floette Type: Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: VPP Anniversary Community Event 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dracozolt Type: Electric / Dragon Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 30,867-31,052 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Mawile Type: Steel / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: 30,906-31,076 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Diancie Type: Rock / Fairy Shiny: No Obtained: 31,077-31,302 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Gigantamax Corviknight Type: Flying / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: Tag Team w/Megan 31,125-31,350 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Alakazam Type: Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,304-31,474 Challenge: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Legendary: Mega Latias

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Vileplume Type: Grass / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Cofagrigus Type: Ghost Shiny: Yes Obtained: VPP Community GT Event 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tangela Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: PC Anniversary 2022 Challenge: Shine Bright Like a Diamond (7) Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Metagross Type: Steel / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,475-31,645 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Wigglytuff Type: Normal / Fairy Shiny: Yes Obtained: Posting Milestone (25,000-55,000) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Lilligant Type: Grass Shiny: Yes Obtained: Pokémon Mega-thon (4) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Tentacruel Type: Water / Poison Shiny: No Obtained: Shine Bright Like a Diamond Challenge (7) Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Golduck Type: Water Shiny: No Obtained: 31,646-31,791 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Latias Type: Dragon / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 31,792-32,017 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Kingler Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: 32,018-32,163 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    Sprigatito Type: Grass Shiny: No Obtained: Scarlet & Violet Launch Event Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Kangaskhan Type: Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 32,025-32,235 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Dugtrio Type: Ground Shiny: Yes Obtained: Master Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Inteleon Type: Water Shiny: Yes Obtained: Platinum Water Medal Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    Box 12

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Aerodactyl Type: Rock / Flying Shiny: No Obtained: 32,164-32,324 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Scizor Type: Bug / Steel Shiny: No Obtained: 32,329-32,499 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Indeedee (f) Type: Psychic / Normal Shiny: No Obtained: Tag Team w/Devalue 32,401-32,586 Challenge: ??? Legendary: Mega Latios

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Lucario Type: Fighting / Steel Shiny: Yes Obtained: 32,500-32,685 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Rampardos Type: Rock Shiny: No Obtained: Delibird's Postal Roulette 2022 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    Mega Latios Type: Dragon / Psychic Shiny: No Obtained: 32,685-32,910 Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC
    NAME Type: TYPE Shiny: ??? Obtained: OBTAINED Challenge: ??? Legendary: ???

    Last edited:


    Here's your first ribbon to celebrate your first friend and first VPP. Don't worry, there's more to come!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC


    Here's your ribbon to commemorate your work as either current or former VPP Staff or Crew! Thanks for all your hard work!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Starlight's PC