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Step your blog game up!


Master of the Elements
  • 7,828
    Y'all have been as exciting as my bowel movement lately. I don't want to read a droll entry about your supporter history, user title changes or your latest theme. I want to read about family drama or an awesome thing that happened at your school or the alien parasite that's slowly taking over your brain and causing you to devolve into a mindless drone that will eventually be set forth to infect others and assassinate the world leaders and prepare the human race for alien enslavement that will give them the workforce needed to build a giant Taco Bell in space that can serve races of all kinds and maybe it'll be one of those Taco Bells that have a KFC inside of it too and some uncultured alien will be like "I didn't know these existed" which will offend a nearby alien which will then start an intergalactic war that'll eventually come down to some plucky human saving the day and freeing the human race from slavery while ending the war which will lead to him become ruler of Earth in which he'll first be a benevolent ruler who will eventually be brought down by his wife dying and his alcoholism ruining his career so he'll retreat to his parent's basement and join a Pokemon forum and join a group of friends with group signature themes and talk about Sylveon and he'll eventually get in a debate with a person on the forum who turns out to be the disgraced general from the alien war and they'll start dating and star in a sitcom that focuses on the human's upbeat personality clashing with the alien's grumpy personality and it'll be number one in the ratings for three seasons before the quality of the show declines along with the ratings and they'll be featured on the cover of US weekly about them adopting two babies but it'll be panned as a publicity stunt and the marriage is ruined (did I mention they got married because they did) so they divorce and he returns to alcoholism which causes him to crash his car into a Taco Bell where all of his troubles began so he bursts into the kitchen and douses his face in grease but unbeknownst to him the grease is magical and he becomes Taco Man and goes around saving the day again like he used to and makes him feel alive again until he accidentally kills a woman in front of her child and the grief overtakes him so he flies to the mega KFC/Taco Bell in space and hurtles it to earth to end everything but in a twist of fate the building collides with earth and everything is taco. The end.
    omg nice story

    ill post one like dat tom, if possible, my brain doesnt work well
    I do post quality **** on my blog but lately I haven't been receiving any comments and that's what I look forward to the most when writing up a blog - the feedback. Then you have the scrubs who post garbage or nonsense crap and all the other scrubs go and comment the **** out of those blogs and it just discourages me from making new blog entries cause I feel that people are only interested in reading and talking about the stupid blog entries.
    Ok, this blog deserves a standing ovation.
    I was going to make a blog like this last night, but yours is a lot better than what I would've made.

    Drakow;bt85218 said:
    I do post quality **** on my blog but lately I haven't been receiving any comments and that's what I look forward to the most when writing up a blog - the feedback. Then you have the scrubs who post garbage or nonsense crap and all the other scrubs go and comment the **** out of those blogs and it just discourages me from making new blog entries cause I feel that people are only interested in reading and talking about the stupid blog entries.
    That's pretty much how it seems to work around here. The stupid blogs get the most comments, and that's how it's worked since blogs came out. Right?
    Drakow;bt85218 said:
    I do post quality **** on my blog but lately I haven't been receiving any comments and that's what I look forward to the most when writing up a blog - the feedback. Then you have the scrubs who post garbage or nonsense crap and all the other scrubs go and comment the **** out of those blogs and it just discourages me from making new blog entries cause I feel that people are only interested in reading and talking about the stupid blog entries.

    It really is discouraging because blogs could be a place to discuss things that may not fit in any of the forums. But instead we get three pages dissecting an user title that says "like the wind <3"
    I do post quality **** on my blog but lately I haven't been receiving any comments and that's what I look forward to the most when writing up a blog - the feedback. Then you have the scrubs who post garbage or nonsense crap and all the other scrubs go and comment the **** out of those blogs and it just discourages me from making new blog entries cause I feel that people are only interested in reading and talking about the stupid blog entries.

    I think it also has to do with who your friends are too, cause usually if someone makes a dumb blog, that person's friends feel inclined, for whatever reason, to comment them. I agree with Nick and Luke as well too. It's a shame, really. :/