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[T] A Rocket's Diary [OOC/SU]

As for Ewery1, you need to talk about how and he got into the endowed eight. Really funny past though xD

Okay. I'm editing it now! Curse you 25 character requirement! xD

P.S. Okay it's done. Just re-read my original post please, I just edited it. I realized something that would be really cool! If since Steven hates grass-types, Steven is assigned with Roselia! Too bad Roselia is already taken...

P.P.S. When will the IC thread start?
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Even though the personality part is shorter, It'll have to do! Accepted! I'll edit the thread later.

The IC will start when lines, sooper and claws' done with their SU, and Skymin's accepted the thread.
I think in a few days, and we don't have to rush either. We still got reservations x3

And I really need to make this clear - you get your first starter in chapter one and not before that. Under the Warden's command, even if you DID have pokemon before, they would be donated to other members in order for you guys to start anew.

Also, line's reservation has been cancelled due to the time limit being surpassed for almost 1 day extra. The reservation is now shifted to Gimmepie, but since he's unsure of joining, anyone else that fills in the SU soon would get the spot. Sooper's also quit due to being busy these days. Two spot are now open.
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Yeah, unfortunately we don't have enough people :/ I might still run if nobody joins after a while.
I would like to reserve Litwick. Here is the character description:

Name: Juanito Ernest Gordito, but most people call him Ernest.

Age: 18

Appearance: Ernest stands at 5' 5" (~1.65 meters) and weights about 195 pounds (~90 kg). He is Hispanic in terms of skin tone, but has no ties to the culture. He like to wear suspenders, but since Team Rocket disapproves of them, has to hide them underneath his bulging uniform. His outfit is constantly stained with various foods, which he calls his "scratch-n-sniff stickers". Although he grooms himself, he never shaves his favorite mustache which he affectionately calls "Little Fuzz". He has short, black hair and dark brown eyes that he usually keeps half-closed.

He lumbers when he walks, and often clumsily knocks over things in his stupor. He seems unable to sit up straight, since he has never been seen doing it (and he's sitting down all the time).

He has no discernible features, at least in the way of scars or markings, but is usually pretty memorable (appearance-wise) because he is surprisingly gifted in making unusual facial expressions to throw people off their guard.

History: Ernest was born into an impoverished family with his loving mother and father. While growing up in a world of poverty and crime, the child quickly realized that the world was not always a happy place, especially for those in the working class.

When he was 13, Ernest got an under-the-table job as a toilet scrubber in his neighborhood bar, even though he had difficulty getting into some stalls. He worked there for half a month before striking his fortune. It just so happened that a Team Rocket administrator came there when he was off-duty. The man accidentally left his wallet behind in the bathroom, which was promptly picked up and stripped of any cash by Ernest himself. After discovering enough money to feed his family for several weeks, he realized his best chances were in Team Rocket.

Leaving his then-aloof parents behind (they stopped loving him a short while before), he set off to Goldenrod City with his parents' retirement fund. Ernest was not wise with his stolen money though, so he ended up wasting the whole thing on snacks by the time he reached the headquarters.

As an overweight 13-year old, Team Rocket was very hesitant to allow him to join. However, he was able to prove that he could imitate several Pokémon cries with his armpits, even without any sweat. Believing they could use him to draw out Pokémon, they immediately hired him.

But because he was slow and clumsy on the field, was placed on permanent kitchen duty where he peeled potatoes for twelve hours a day. He was never trusted with a Pokémon or a sharp knife, so he had to use his own teeth to peel the potatoes- at least when the boss was watching. Otherwise, he would use a knife, eventually mastering the art of both using and concealing short blades.

There he worked for four years, supposedly strong-arming the local restaurants for food whenever he needed it. The truth is that the restaurant owners felt sorry for him, because although he was a thief and criminal, they believed that he was doing what he did for good reasons.

Last year though, he was accidentally promoted to one of the E8 thanks to a misprint of Juanito Ernesto Gordon, an administrator with a much more noteworthy record. No one ever realized the error until it was too late.

But Ernest doesn't mind, in fact he enjoys the fact that he's making at least minimal cash now. He still "steals" from restaurants, but now has enough leftover money to buy suspenders and a few kitchen utensils of his own.

Oh, did I mention that his parents are dead? Yup, they are. It's just that no one has bothered telling him yet.

Personality: Ernest love eating- plain and simple. He has a stomach of steel and a bottomless pit for a digestive track. He is not, however, lazy by any means. He is a hard worker, and will dutifully carry out any orders given to him. Because of this, he doesn't make for a very good "leader", but can be a role-model for those just trying to get by.

He has no problem with acting dubiously, nor with committing any crime that's assigned for him to complete. Though the spirit is willing, his body is weak, so he rarely sees any use for Team Rocket beyond grunt work. But after becoming an E8 and escaping the curse of being a permanent peon, he has gotten a lot more confidence and dexterity, at least enough to seem more normal. His weight though, has not changed since his younger days, and in fact has grown worse. While he can't run or do any physically demanding activities, he can certainly try.

When dealing with other people, he's friendly, but generally not very memorable in his personality. He doesn't really make lasting friendships, but rarely has any enemies because of his generally docile nature.

To many, he's rather annoying, since he never knows when to shut up. His monologues can last for hours at a time, with no chance of escape for those who make eye contact with him. One unfortunate Team Rocket Grunt once asked him for directions. He was found several days later, crawling in the sewers, muttering to himself about mashed potatoes and suspenders.

Starter Pokémon: Litwick

Gender: Female

Starter Description: Litwick looks indiscernible from any other Litwick, except for the constant sneer she has on her face. She has a sadistic nature, and enjoys dripping hot wax on her fainted victims. The smell of burning flesh is soothing to her, or any other signs of delivering pain, really.

She has very little respect for Ernest, but sees no reason to demonstrate this, since he's her steady meal ticket. She's naturally clever, at least when it comes to using her moves and abilities, but sometimes miss the "big picture" when it comes to understanding relationships and other people.

Other info: Ernest like to say "yuppers" a lot.
Accepted, now if nobody joins in 24 hours, I will still start this nonetheless. Please try to get as much people as you can! If that really does happen, I'll find a way to go around it.
Ah, please reserve me for Golett, then.
Thanks ^^

When do you think you will start the RP?
When your SU is complete, then we can begin :)

A few little notes -

1. The RP is yes, still in Phases, while one Phase is made of probably two to three tasks plus a diary entry at the end. When a phase is close to its end with the missions completed, the E8 would go to their respective rooms, write down their thoughts and others in their diary (hence the name). Then they rest till the next day, where the next phase commences.

2. This RP I think is relatively short, as I want to make this a short yet successful/memorable RP. It will end in about Four Phases.

3. There really IS a killer among them. Always remember to think about that, as they might accuse YOU instead...

4. You begin your first chapter by waking up in your room and going to the cafeteria. There, you will see a row of Pokeballs on a large rectangular table. You pick one and sit down in a semicircle with the others, listening to the Warden's instructions. I will post mine first so you'll have a picture of what's going to happen :) IF you have any questions, do feel free to ask!
Name: Karmacine "Karma" Posh
Age: 18
Appearance: Karma is a fairly tall young woman, rather skinny without being creepy. At least not because of that. She is pale and her hair is so blonde that it almost looks white, reaching down very straight all the way to her waist. Her eyes are narrow with icy blue irises and her nose is very pointy and almost a bit large. Her lips are large too and she most often wears purple lipstick for whatever reason, making her look even more pale than she already was. Her nails are also usually painted in a matching purple color. Her body language tells others that she has a lot of confidence and is a bit mad, something that is spurred on by her constant smiling. She seriously never stops smiling.

For clothing, Karma prefers stylish black jeans leggins and high boots with small heels. She is already rather tall, so high heels would just be redundant and impractical. When she is at the Goldenrod base, she usually wears a white labcoat over her usual long sleeved brightly colored t-shirts, just to strengthen the impression that she is no mere grunt but rather one of the real brains of the organisation. Or at least, that she plans to become one in the future. When out in the field, she does change the labcoat for a dark gray grunt-like jacket though. For the sake of subtlety. Also, she often wears a pair of pointy darkglasses when outdoors.

History: Karmacine Posh grew up in Ecruteak City with two very religious parents, one which worked at a temple and one which was a waitress at a café. They were not exactly a wealthy family. Growing up, Karmacine was often bullied for being poor and skinny. One day, she bit another girl in class and was sent home. She still had the other girl's blood on her teeth as she smiled at her parents when they tried to get her to explain herself. The town eventually got over the incident though, and life went on normally - almost. Karmacine kept smiling her mad smile as soon as someone tried to bully her. Eventually, the other kids started to grow afraid of her and she was left alone. Her madness had saved her.

But it went further. As she became a teenager, she didn't want to put up with her humble, poor parents anymore. They had no ambitions in life and all they said to Karmacine when she asked why people didn't like her was that it was their problem and that she should just be nice to everyone and everything would be alright. She twisted those words and brought them with her in life; if someone had a problem with her, then it was her problem and she wouldn't hesitate to do something about it.

By chance, she ran into a couple of Team Rocket thugs as they had kidnapped a rich lady's Eevee one night. She was in a bad mood and when the thugs dared to blame her for standing in their way, she threw herself over them and overwhelmed them completely, taking the Eevee for herself. By the time TR sent more people after her to retrieve the stolen, uh, stolen Eevee, she had researched them for a bit and was ready. She let them know that she wanted to join their forces. That would allow her to grow stronger and exert her revenge on the stupid world around her, doing Team Rocket's selfish biddings. And so, she was recruited without much ado. She said goodbye to her parents without letting them know where she went - she didn't feel remorse or sadness or anything for it

It wasn't many years before Karmacine had climbed to the ranks with her intimidating - or in some cases just repulsive - ways and become one of the endowed eight. She took on the nickname Karma, to let people know that if they crossed her, Karma would get back at them. And if people were stupid enough to not let her have her ways... they would be punished for it when she forcefully did what she wanted.

But... how did a little blonde girl get this mad to begin with? Why had she snapped like that and bit a girl in elementary school? Through her life up until then, she had been plagued by strange voices inside her head. Not real voices and not real words, but it was as if she could hear things that didn't make sense and that she didn't understand where they came from. When she told her parents, they believed that she was marked by spirits, religious as they were. They encouraged her to listen to the voices, but she was scared of them and didn't want to. That day in school, she had told others about the voices and they had laughed at her. Then, a teacher's pet pokémon had strolled by and looked straight at her. And Karma could hear its thoughts. She understood, there and then, what the voices were. She wasn't marked by spirits, she was just special. Specially endowed. She bit the girl with her newfound resolve and ever since that day, she tried to listen and talk to pokémon as often as she could. But she never disclosed to any more people what she could do, until she became part of the E8, where she told TR and proved that it was true just to impress and intimidate others.

Personality: Karma is a strange human being. She seemingly always smiles, showing off her wide rows of teeth in between her purple lips. She also never seems to get sad or feel remorse, only anger at times but then she still might smile. Things she says don't always make sense because she likes to surprise people and loves to be surprised herself. Another thing she loves is when things get complicated, even when it puts herself in tricky positions. A good example is the current situation with the murder; the whole thing is thrilling to her even though she knows very well that she might get in trouble if she shows this feeling too well.

Due to her never getting complimented in early life, apart from her pathetic parents, she will immediately take a shine to anyone who compliments her or talks well of her, and might favor that person for a while. If the opposite happens though, that someone talks bad of her or insults her, her smile will get even wider and she will not hesitate to harm that person at the first chance she gets, taking pleasure doing so. Despite this apparent grimness, her smile can be a genuinely happy one at times too. She enjoys jokes and humor, even bad jokes (like her own).

She pretends that she doesn't have any real parents and that TR are her only family. She cares a lot about the success of the organization, as she strongly believes in their ideals and think their network of operations are gloriously intricate. She loves complicated things, remember?

Also, she retains the strange ability she was born with, an ability to mentally hear the voices of pokémon even if she can't see them. Sometimes it overwhelms her when she is in places with many pokémon and have too many things to think about to be able to concentrate and sort one voice from another. This is probably the only thing she really ponders in life: why does she have this ability?

Starter Pokemon: Golett

Starter Name: Argoyle

Starter Gender: Male

Starter Description: It's shiny, but it doesn't glitter or anything. Karma wasn't meant to be given a shiny pokémon, it was a mix-up. But at the time it will be discovered, she will already have influenced it with her madness to the point where TR don't want to take the pokémon back again... It's hardy and not really playful, but it does enjoy the weird things that Karma says and does and she adores his strength and powers so they go well together.

Any other info: I hope her minor ability to somehow hear the thoughts of pokémon is all right. I will certainly restrain myself and not make her overpowered in comparison to the other players. I just thought it would be interesting to play with this, plus it would be a reason for her turning slightly mad :> The shiny Golett is not necessary, if you don't like letting players use shiny pokémon. I just like those colors a bit better, and it'll make him unique in a simple enough way.
Accepted! Just remember that this pokemon's new so you wouldn't have talked/socialized with it before. :) I'll come up with my first post soon. Also, since we only have 6 RPers out of E8 (one's dead but one's empty), let's just ignore that one for now xD I have other plans
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I think I'll wait with posting again until the rest of the E8 have entered the cafeteria. :>