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That Charm is Hardly Charming - Hard Charm 119/146 XY

  • 22,954
    It's that time of week again! This week's card is Hard Charm from XY!


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    It's ok by itself I guess. But without a good supporting trainer or pokemon power this is nothing more than a mild annoyance.

    It's one of those cards that looks good at a glance, but really is easily overcome, especially with Tool Scrapper being in widespread use in Modified. In casual play, where not as many people have Tool Scrappers, it's more likely to have staying power, but coming up with 20 extra damage is still pretty easy in casual play.
    This card was pretty great in the pre release. It also really shines in tool drop. As it can be added into a deck along with evolites to increase the amount of defensive tools you can have in play. Only really useful for the sigilyph. But being able to ignore 80 damage and have 90 hp is pretty huge. You basically have to hit it with 170 to OHKO it or continually do over 80 damage to even dent its health.

    Unfortunately that deck is soon to die with the release of the next set.