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[Challenge] The Budget Challenge


🦆 quack quack
  • 5,750
    • he, they
    • Seen Feb 23, 2023
    This has been a Spotlighted Challenge. Here's how it works.

    Spotlight period: December 1st, 2022 to February 28th, 2023

    The Budget Challenge

    Feeding and training Pokémon isn't cheap, you know? All that power needs to come from somewhere, there's the Pokecenter tax, and so many other pitfalls that novice trainers might quickly find their wallet running dry come tax season if they don't pay attention!

    So let's do the fiscally responsible thing and plan out our expenses!

    The Rules

    To begin with, pick a budget! We have four options for our financial planning course today: Small (400), Medium (450), Big (500) and Custom (your choice).

    You're taxed the sixth part of the Base Stat Total of each Pokemon you used by the end of the fiscal year rounded up - typically after you're done with the gym challenge, trials and any tournaments - and make sure to use the most up to date table! Although that might not apply if you're in a "hacked" region, so be sure to look for the right table in those situations.

    If any of your Pokemon mega evolved at any time during the fiscal year, it'll be taxed by the Base Stat Total of the mega evolved form and not the base form, so be sure to keep that in mind when you stop to file your taxes.

    E.g.: Let's say you start with a Bulbasaur and keep using it. If you never evolve it, you'll be taxed 53 points (318 / 6), but if you evolve it and use Ivysaur in at least one battle, instead of being taxed 53 points, you'll be taxed 68 (405 / 6) instead. And if it made all to Venusaur, you'd be taxed 88 (525 / 6) if it never Mega Evolved, or 105 (625 / 6) if it did.

    The IRS recognizes that you might sometimes be forced to capture (or be gifted a Pokemon) for travel reasons, to deal with some pushy people, to perform a trade, to combat in double battles, or just to actually be able to capture a Pokemon of your choice. Those Pokemon do not count towards your tax total, so long as you use them in battle the least amount of times possible!

    That said, you absolutely must have a taxable Pokemon before beating a gym (or a trial for my Alolan readers)!

    While the police might care about things like "hacking / trading to get an evolution" or "smuggling Pokemon from outside the region" and stuff like that, the IRS doesn't, so long as you file your taxes the right way (and pay the 50 point smuggling tax per smuggled Pokemon. Yes, they tax illegal stuff. It sounds weird but it ends up being a lot easier and cheaper than serving the full sentence).

    The Forms

    Name: Your username
    Game: Which game will you be playing
    Budget: Which budget course will you be taking, if custom, please say the cutoff mark
    Team: We encourage you to pre-plan your team, to make sure you don't blow your budget, but it's not needed. Just remember to declare all your used Pokemon at the end!

    Here's an example:
    Name: Shooting Star
    Game: Scarlet
    Budget: Small
    Team: Quaxly, Nacli, Charcadet, Tinkaton, Pawmot, Flamigo


    Well, most trainers stop for the year after beating the Elite Four, The Champion's Tournament or something equivalent to that.

    But feel free to stop wherever you want! After all, some want to climb the Battle Facilities, some want to beat reclusive hermits, some want to beat or capture strong legendaries (as a reminder, they won't be taxed if you don't use them in battle).

    And of course, some might want to do contests and not care about battling at all, or want to capture a certain Pokemon, or just beat a certain trainer.

    Hall of Budgeters

    Taxes in Progress

    Taxes Complete

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    This looks like an interesting challenge. I had a hard time building my team. I wanted to use the smallest budget possible, but also use it as much as possible. I started by picking up my possible team members without looking up their BTS and tried to build a valid team with them. My first attempt put me at 386 budget, with the next one to about 420. So I mixed them together and got exactly to 399. Sadly, I couldn't get 6 members, but it might add some difficulty to only have 5 members.

    Name: Janp
    Game: Heart Gold
    Budget: 400
    Noctowl - BST 452 - 76
    Ampharos - BTS 510 - 85
    Quagsire - BST 430 - 72
    Miltank - BST 490 - 82
    Scizor - BST 500 - 84
    76+85+72+82+84 = 399
    Name: Panda280
    Game: ROWE - Open World Emerald
    Budget: Medium
    Team: Calculate on the way

    Pokemon ROWE - open world emerald
    I want 400, but I worried some Pokemon might have their stat change, so I will pick 450 instead. I played on normal difficulty. I will try to aim my budget under 400.


    Mauville and Rustboro

    Last member and almost tax evasion

    Dewford and Lavaridge

    Mossdeep and Sootopolis
    Name: Panda280
    Game: ROWE - Open World Emerald
    Budget: Medium
    Gogoat 530 (89)
    Whiscash 468 (78)
    Crobat 555 (93)
    Mageneton 465 (78)
    Mega Sableye 520 (87)
    Final Tax: 425

    Ok, this is the final part. I managed to beat wally, barely. He was a double battle match. I hope the elite 4 is not double battle. I made my way through victory road. Again, the cave feels so nice to walk through when everything is revealed to you. Unfortunately, the elite 4 was double battle. The elite 4's pokemon was around 70-80. Sydney was fine, but Pheobe, though, she took me several tries. Glacia was a nightmare. I can still remember it. Although my magneton has flash cannon and sturdy, it is too slow, and it was a double battle. The only supereffective move on my team was rock slide by whishcash.

    I decided to grind until I got to level 90, and challenged Glacia again. I attempted to use dragon dance on whiscash, then sweeped her team with rock slide, but she sent in cryogonal, outspeeded my dragon dance whishcash, used freezes dry and ko it. After so many save state later, I was able to safely max atk and spd my whiscash, thanks to confuse ray prankster sableye (I use hidden ability capsule I bought in Oldale town. They sold it in this game!). That took so long! Onto drake, he was bit difficult. However, since his dragalgae has draco meteor, it sp atk droped and did not hurt my team as much. I left dragalgea alive until it he sent in his last pokemon, and beat him. Finally, Wallace. I lost a few time, but because I have mageton and gogoat, it was not that difficult. However, I was running out of max revive and max potion, which was so worrying. Wallace surprised me by sending out mega swampert. I knocked out croba, so I sent in my whiscash. Swampert did not consider Whiscash as a threat, and took out my other pokemon instead. Whiscash was able to knock out mega swampert with 3 liquidation and fainted. I won against Wallace, and with that I completed this budget challenge!

    Screenshot of final team:
    Number of losses is not 1! XD
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    Name: Devalue
    Game: Yellow
    Budget: Medium (450)
    Team: Pending...

    Plans to play Yellow, as listed above. Would that use Generation 1 base stat totals divided by 5?
    Name: Devalue
    Game: Yellow
    Budget: Medium (450)
    Team: Pending...

    Plans to play Yellow, as listed above. Would that use Generation 1 base stat totals divided by 5?

    The division by 6 was more about team size than the number of stats, but I suppose that's the easiest way.
    Some alternative ways, if you want:
    - Double the special and then divide (assume same SpA and SpD)
    - Use Gen 2 values for SpA and SpD and Gen I values for everything else

    But yeah, do whatever is more convenient
    The division by 6 was more about team size than the number of stats, but I suppose that's the easiest way.
    Some alternative ways, if you want:
    - Double the special and then divide (assume same SpA and SpD)
    - Use Gen 2 values for SpA and SpD and Gen I values for everything else

    But yeah, do whatever is more convenient

    Likes the method of doubling Special, then dividing by six. Benefits from it on offense and defense. Makes sense to double-count it. Jacks up the cost of Special-based Pokemon, though.

    (Stats in this order: HP, Atk, Def, Speed, SpAtk, SpDef. Yes, kind of weird. Always rounded up tax numbers.)

    Pikachu: 35 + 55 + 30 + 90 + 50 + 50 = 310.
    310 / 6 = 52
    Victreebel: 80 + 105 + 65 + 70 + 100 + 100 = 520.
    520 / 6 = 87
    Starmie: 60 + 75 + 85 + 115 + 100 + 100 = 535
    535 / 6 = 90
    Sandslash: 75 + 100 + 110 + 65 + 55 + 55 = 460
    460 / 6 = 77
    Dodrio: 60 + 110 + 70 + 100 + 60 + 60 = 460
    460 / 6 = 77
    Hitmonlee: 50 + 120 + 53 + 87 + 35 + 35 = 380
    380 / 6 = 64

    52 + 87 + 90 + 77 + 77 + 64 = 447

    Affords a cheap Hitmonlee, thanks to the Special double-count. Works both ways.

    Accepted the horror of Pikachu versus Brock. Did not want the speedrun all-star (Nidoran Male). Played with Mankey enough. Leaves Butterfree (the back-up plan in Hitmonlee's place for 65), Nidoran Female, Rattata, and Pidgey.

    Will begin in a few days or so.
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    Name: Kostucha
    Game: Sapphire
    Budget: Small (400)
    Swellow (76)
    Swalot (78)
    Grumpig (79)
    Cacturne (80)
    Whiscash (78)
    (391 total)
    Tried composing the team of pokemon I've never used or used very little. Let's see how it goes.
    Budget Challenge - Scarlet
    ~ Spoilers ~​

    Hey there. Been a while.

    Update #1 - (3 / 18)
    Update 1
    Chose "Luca" for the protagonist, after Luca Pacioli. Was a famous accountant. Named the rival "Auditor".

    Hmph. Tried to pick Eevee. Was shoved aside by Auditor. Cost too much for the team, apparently. Accepted Oak's trash (Pikachu). Named it "Write-off".

    First battle: Crit with Write-off. Get critted by Eevee. What a start to battling. Notes 10/18 hitpoints to be yellow health, also.

    Oh yikes, that Chansey overworld sprite. Interprets its mouth as a nose, and its arms as its mouth. Looks like some giant, nasty dog. Appreciates the animation of Pikachu jumping on the counter in the Pokemon Center to get healed.
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Oak: "How is my old Pokemon?" ...Do you mean this Pikachu you caught literally one minute before handing it over?

    Beat Auditor west of Viridian City with Write-off at level 8. Never attacked with Eevee in the ~7 rounds to take it down.

    Pulled off three straight criticals in Viridian Forest (not all in the same fight). Bases criticals off Speed this generation. Should be interesting. Kept that in mind when picking Pokemon.

    Grinded up to level 15 for Brock. Faced a tough move choice: Tail Whip or Double Team? Needs Tail Whip to even dent Geodude and Onix. Deals with Generation 1 evasion, on the flip side (66% hit chance for 1 Double Team versus 75% elsewhere). Expected Tail Whip to ultimately help more. Deals pathetic damage otherwise.

    Spoiler: Brock

    Turn 1: Write-off: Tail Whip / Geodude: Tackle (miss)
    Turn 2: Write-off: Tail Whip / Geodude: Tackle (32/38)
    Turn 3: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, 20%) / Geodude: Tackle (26/38)
    Turn 4: Write-off: Quick Attack (20%) / Geodude: Tackle (14/38)
    Turn 5: Write-off: Potion (heal to 34/38) / Geodude: Tackle (28/38)
    Turn 6: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, 15%) / Geodude: Tackle (22/38)
    Turn 7: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, 15%) / Geodude: Tackle (16/38)
    Turn 8: Write-off: Potion (heal to 36/38) / Geodude: Tackle (30/38)
    Turn 9: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, the rest) / Geodude: Tackle (26/38)
    Turn 10: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Screech (miss)
    Turn 11: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Bind (miss)
    Turn 12: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Screech
    Turn 13: Write-off: Quick Attack (10%) / Onix: Bide
    Turn 14: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Idling...
    Turn 15: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Idling...
    Turn 16: Write-off: Tail Whip / Onix: Bide (miss)
    Turn 17: Write-off: Quick Attack (20%) / Onix: Tackle (22/38)
    Turn 18: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, 5%) / Onix: Bind (18/38)
    Turn 19: Write-off: Potion (heal to full) / Onix: Continuing attack (34/38)
    Turn 20: Write-off: Quick Attack (20%) / Onix: Bind (critical, 30/38)
    Turn 21: Write-off: Inaction / Onix: Continuing attack (26/38)
    Turn 22: Write-off: Inaction / Onix: Continuing attack (22/38)
    Turn 23: Write-off: Inaction / Onix: Continuing attack (18/38)
    Turn 24: Write-off: Quick Attack (critical, 5%) / Onix: Bide
    Turn 25: Write-off: Thunder Wave (immune) / Onix: Idling...
    Turn 26: Write-off: Tail Whip (ineffective) / Onix: Idling...
    Turn 27: Write-off: Tail Whip (ineffective) / Bide (miss)
    Turn 28: Write-off: Quick Attack (20%) / Onix: Screech
    Turn 29: Write-off: Quick Attack (the rest)

    Nearly got the full Generation 1 experience there: critical hits ignoring stat changes and no action during Bind. Only lacked the Generation 1 miss chance to complete the trifecta.

    Appreciates Write-off suppressing the critical urge for the gym a bit. Pulled off another triple crit during the trainers east of Pewter City.

    Uh. Found a Sandshrew on the first encounter, and the highest level possible (10) to boot. Missed two Sand Attacks on Write-off. Says 100% accuracy on the move. ...Did it just get double Generation 1 miss chance'd? Is this Pokemon cursed? (Looked it up. No. Imposed a 1/4 chance of missing status moves on the AI. Weird.)

    Named it Default. Chose Sandslash for fun more than power. Handles okay as a Ground-type, though. Notes zero Ground moves in its level-up moves, annoyingly. Picks up Dig in Cerulean City, at least.

    Grabs Slash at level 17, however. Learned it against a Hiker in Mt. Moon. Unleashed a string of four straight criticals against them. Sirslash evolution when?

    Defeated Auditor at Nugget Bridge without any issues. Caught a Bellsprout in the route ahead. Nabbed three more after seeing a combined 8 DVs between Attack, Defense, Special, and Speed on the first. (Did not use the first one in a fight. Should have compared Sandshrews too. Rolled poorly there. Too late on that one.) Decided to take the all-arounder, rather than the one with maximum Special + minimum Speed. Named it "Nominal".

    Tried out the Generation 1 special while training Nominal: Wrap + PoisonPowder. Deals poison damage on every turn of immobilization. Improves with Toxic. Ultimately prefers a Sleep + Growth set, however.

    Leveled up to 21 for Misty (already had 22 on Write-off.) Evolved Nominal in Weepinbell. Should be an easy win.
    Spoiler: Misty

    Turn 1: Staryu: Tackle (59/64) / Nominal: Sleep Powder (miss)
    Turn 2: Staryu: X Defend / Nominal: Sleep Powder
    Turn 3: Staryu: Asleep / Nominal: Growth
    Turn 4: Staryu: Asleep / Nominal: Growth
    Turn 5: Staryu: Asleep / Nominal: Vine Whip (100%)
    (Level up.)
    Turn 6: Starmie: Harden / Nominal: Vine Whip (75%)
    Turn 7: Starmie: Tackle (52/66) / Nominal: Vine Whip (the rest)

    Yeah. Underestimated the trainer experience from the route up north. Helped to evolve too, of course.

    Evolved Default into Sandslash on the Rocket Grunt just afterwards. Spiked up further in power with the Dig TM from said trainer. Ought to enjoy this power while able. Chose pretty late Pokemon for the other three slots.

    Speaking once again of power spikes: those crits. Ripped up trainers north of Vermillion with nine consecutive criticals on Default's Slash.

    Rolled over Auditor on the SS Anne. Held several levels over everything on their team.

    Faced Lt Surge next. Wanted to do Pikachu versus Raichu. Forgot to put Write-off back in front.
    Spoiler: Lt Surge log

    Turn 1: Raichu: X Speed / Nominal: Sleep Powder
    Turn 2: Nominal: Switch to Write-off / Raichu: Woke up.
    Turn 3: Raichu: Growl / Write-off: Thunderbolt (15%)
    Turn 4: Raichu: Mega Kick (0/60)
    Turn 5: Raichu: Growl / Default: Dig
    Turn 6: Raichu: Mega Kick (miss) / Default: Dig (the rest)

    Kind of like the anime.

    Went up and back through Rock Tunnel. Exited with no Digs or Vine Whips left. Throws so many low level Pokemon at you. Ran from the wild encounters too.

    Demolished more pointless trainers. Made it to Celadon. Offers such cheap TMs at the Department Store. 1000 for a TM? Entered the store with 66677 Pokedollars on-hand. Might want that Reflect eventually. Bought Nominal's Leaf Stone for later.

    Cannot decide on Razor Leaf or a Growth + Mega Drain strategy. Criticals with Slash ridiculously often. Could go nasty with Sleep Powder, Double Team, Growth, and Mega Drain. Requires being able to set up. Looked ahead. Seems grim on that front. Lacks both Leftovers and debuffs. Hates living with 10 PP too. So, Razor Leaf.

    Back on the topic of cheap TMs: the roof vending machine TMs. Remembered Ice Beam up here. Did not recall Rock Slide or Tri Attack. Finds it interesting that no one learns Rock Slide by level-up. Congratulations to Default for a good new attack, at any rate.

    Decided to count Default's Slash crits at the Rocket Hideout. Ignored type match-ups. Just hit Slash. Critted on all 20. Hmm. floor((65 + 76) / 4) * 8 = 280. Either criticals or gets Generation 1 miss'd. Broke the critical hit chance so hard in this game. Swapped back to the others for experience.

    Blah blah blah time for Erika. Planned to let see how far Default would get with Dig. Decided on Nominal instead. Fared really well against all the gym trainers. (Only did that for experience. Overleveled, thanks to having a team of three. Levels 36, 35, and 33 versus Erika's 32, 30, 32.)
    Spoiler: Erika log

    Turn 1: Nominal: Acid (55%, -1 Defense) / Tangela: Bind (101/104)
    Turn 2: Nominal: Immobilized / Tangela: Continuing (98/104)
    Turn 3: Nominal: Immobilized / Tangela: Continuing (95/104)
    Turn 4: Nominal: Acid (the rest)
    (Level up.)
    Turn 5: Nominal: Acid (50%) / Weepinbell: Acid (82/107, -1 Defense)
    Turn 6: Nominal: Acid (49%) / Weepinbell: Super Potion (heal to 60%)
    Turn 7: Nominal: Acid (50%, -1 Defense) / Weepinbell: Acid (55/107)
    Turn 8: Nominal: Acid (the rest)
    Turn 9: Nominal: Acid (50%) / Gloom: Acid (34/107, -1 Defense)
    Turn 10: Nominal: Switch to Default / Gloom: Petal Dance (56/120)
    Turn 11: Default: Dig / Gloom: Petal Dance (miss)
    Turn 12: Default: Dig (the rest)

    Lists Weepinbell first on Serebii. Was surprised to see Tangela first. Was caught off-guard by that late Super Potion too. Wonders if the AI changed their move after the switch, also. Shrugs.

    Breezed through Saffron City on the way to Lavender Town. Did not think you could challenge the Fighting Dojo until after Sabrina. Appears not. Fought an actual even-level battle with Default. Won Discount the Hitmonlee (at a respectable level 30). Will be utterly useless against the upcoming ghosts, but whatever.

    Scratch that. Met Auditor at the Pokemon Tower. Used Discount for fun. Easy peasy.

    How good is Discount? ...Oh wow. 15 (maximum) in Hitpoints and Defense. 13 in Special and Speed. 7 in Attack. Nice.

    Grabbed the Poke Flute. Beelined to the Super Rod, then headed off to Cycling Road for Fellowship the Doduo. Caught four and picked the best-looking one.

    Does not end there, however. Skipped past all the trainers to also fish up Luxury the Staryu south of Fuchsia City. Opted for the Staryu with better Special and Speed over Defense. Pins a lot of hopes on Luxury. Powered it up immediately with Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. Wandered through the Safari Zone for Surf. Evolved it into Starmie as well.

    Fun sidenote: Saw a Chansey along the path to Surf. Chucked a ball. Caught it in one ball.

    Finally assembled the full team. Went off to train everyone. Suffered two faints on Luxury. Occurred once against a higher level Dodrio who crit the first attack on a five-hit Fury Attack. Causes all five hits to crit. Happened a second time versus a Mirror Move Thunderbolt.

    Discovered a new bit of weirdness: "not very effective" Fighting moves on Pidgey. Hits for neutral damage. Displays the message because of its second typing.

    Almost challenged Koga (levels 44-50) with a team of 35-39s. Unlocked Silph Co since last going through.

    Grumbles at some Zubat. Had a Generation 1 miss against it. Used Confuse Ray against Fellowship. Hit itself three times straight. Fine. Sent in Luxury. Hit itself three times straight too. Nonsense. Must be the luckiest Zubat in existence.

    Ends this update midway through Silph Co. Just learned Razor Leaf on Nominal. Evolved it to Victreebel. Marks the last evolution on the team.

    Spoiler: Team

    Write-off the Pikachu
    Level: 37
    Stats: 84 HP/59 Atk/41 Def/88 Speed/55 Special
    Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Agility, Thunder Wave

    (Keep those stats in mind when looking at the others.)

    Nominal the Victreebel
    Level: 38
    Stats: 124 HP/98 Atk/73 Def/72 Speed/94 Special
    Moves: Razor Leaf, Growth, Acid, Sleep Powder

    Default the Sandslash
    Level: 40
    Stats: 132 HP/96 Atk/105 Def/71 Speed/61 Special
    Moves: Dig, Slash, Rock Slide, Sand Attack

    Fellowship the Dodrio
    Level: 37
    Stats: 102 HP/103 Atk/69 Def/89 Speed/57 Special
    Moves: Drill Peck, Growl, Fury Attack, Fly

    Luxury the Starmie
    Level: 37
    Stats: 99 HP/74 Atk/77 Def/108 Speed/95 Special
    Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Tackle

    Discount the Hitmonlee
    Level: 39
    Stats: 104 HP/109 Atk/63 Def/88 Speed/47 Special
    Moves: Double Kick, Meditate, Strength, Jump Kick
    ~Final Update~

    That was a pretty good playthrough. Pokemon were fun to use and it was quite smooth-sailing with a few hiccups up until the league. I didn't feel like grinding so I just powered through E4 with Leech Seed/Yawn/Calm Mind and a bunch of healing. Also it took me up until the champion fight to realize that stockpile doesn't raise defenses in Gen 3 :P

    Hall of Fame:

    Update 2 (End)

    Was quite a trip replaying Generation 1, also. Remembered some shortcomings beforehand, like the dominance of Psychic types and repetitive enemy Pokemon. Had forgotten about other bad things: really limited bag space, out-of-control criticals, going to the menu for HM moves, terrible level-up movesets, the huge experience shortfall, a set trainer Pokemon order, and locking Pokemon into a super effective status move. Mentions the positive of good sprites and fairly low HM usage. Is not eager to replay this generation again, though.
    Last edited:
    Budget Challenge - Scarlet
    ~ Spoilers ~​

    Update #2 - (8 / 18)

    The Budget Challenge in Pokémon Heart Gold

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge


    Oh God, it's already January. That means I was chilling at Team Rocket HQ for more than 5 month. Yeah, I quickly started and got all my Pokémon without any problems and the run went fairly easy. Morty's Gengar was annoying to deal with as always, but nothing out of ordinary. I was lucky and got Metal Coat on my first Magnemite encounter.

    But then, I got to the Team Rocket segment and lost interest in the game. Not because of this challenge, I just hate this Team Rocket segment. Whole Team Rocket is a pushover in this game and it only prolongs the game with unnecessary battles. And so, my character just stayed there, while I was slowly picking up a motivation to get past it.

    Once I did, I quickly beat the rest of the game and decided to beat Red.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Overall, it was great run. I don't feel like the limit to 5 party members mattered that much, because I had some strong Pokémon on my team. Ampharos basically solo'd most of the game by himself. If there was something he couldn't beat, Quagsire usually took care of it. I've barely used Noctowl after Morty. It was good in early game, but then there weren't really that many Pokémon Noctowl could take on. Miltank was nice tank and I usually used her to heal up my party. But she had quite a punch. And finally Scizor was fine. Setting up Swords Dance meant it could cut through anything the game had to offer. Combine it with his speed, he saved me few times in this run.

    In the end, it was nice to do a casual challenge run like this. I should return to it soon. I'll just sign up for another run ocne I decide my new team and game...


    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Ula, Lax Male Quagsire
    lvl 75, Damp
    - Earthquake
    - Waterfall
    - Yawn
    - Surf

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Ala, Bold Male Ampharos
    lvl 74, Static
    - Thunder Bolt
    - Signal Beam
    - Power Gem
    - Cotton Spore

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Ola, Relaxed Female Noctowl
    lvl 71, Insomnia
    - Hypnosis
    - Extrasensory
    - Air Slash
    - Shadow Ball

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Yla, Adamant Female Miltank
    lvl 73, Thick Fat
    - Return
    - Milk Drink
    - Rock Slide
    - Swagger

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Budget Challenge

    Ela, Rash Male Scizor
    lvl 74, Technician
    - Bullet Punch
    - X-Scissor
    - Aerial Ace
    - Swords Dance​
    Budget Challenge - Scarlet
    ~ Spoilers ~​

    So basically, my brothers fucked up my savefile over the holidays and I decided to just start over.

    - Gholdengo
    - Mabosstiff
    - Garganacl
    - Flamigo
    - Quaxly

    (550 + 505 + 500 + 500 + 310) / 6 = 394.16

    Update #j - Final

    The Team