Xairmo and Murderface/Michael, could we try and stay, like, PG in our posts? You're going a bit overboard, even if it's funny. :P
Xairmo and Murderface/Michael, could we try and stay, like, PG in our posts? You're going a bit overboard, even if it's funny. :P
could i please join the clan?...im not sure if im been ignored or my posts not seen.
Sorry..but that's just how I roll T_T
Plus, I just got called a "Flamer" but someone who..actually is one. How do you think I feel? ;_;
I remember I beat NoS that one time with a paralyzed T-Tar at like, 4 HP..overall we must have fought like, 15 times, and I think I won like, twice in total ._.
Seriously, um..you can unblock me now o_o;
I suppose I must join again... o.0
I would like to battle please NoS, it seems you are one of the better battlers here, and the number has been decreasing slowly... :(
I I have to make a team again, get new pokemon etc. Its going to be a good while before i manage to have a team again. Be patient, i promise to play EVERYONE as soon as i have a team ready.
I have a question, as I of course have become very interested in this clan.
Is there any other form of getting in? Unfortunately long story short I can't battle, but I was just wondering any and all possible forms of becoming a member. Thank you!
I thought it was only your DS you were missing? Nevertheless, like to battle you soon
Anyone looking for a battle currently?
Hmmm I guess her update means that's a no. Okay Ill just lurk around here then, might pick up some things for my recent team building. Well, Thanks again... :D