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The concept of people's individual sleep schedules


  • 3,816
    Honestly I don't like how people are so used to the idea "sleep is for the nighttime" ._.

    Like when I said I wanted to try writing and literature, my dad the other day went on me and said like "if you really want to write something then don't just put them in you head and act it out."

    ***** please my story ideas mostly came to me when everyone is ****ing asleep and you don't approve of me turning on the lights during that time of the day. And by morning I was already forced to deal with school and thus everything just went down the drain inside my brain.

    Sometimes people don't get the concept of being nocturnal...

    And with this blog post, I'm gonna be a bad girl and stay up to type 'cause my brain is pumping out a whole lotta ideas right now. At least, until I accidentally fall asleep. :T
    ★Raziel;bt104133 said:
    Being nocturnal can **** up your cycle of everything and your organism, just sayian.
    Uh... no.
    I would like to point out to people with night shifts if that is the case.
    Well there is an element of truth to it, some things have to happen during the day, since not everything is 24 hours :x (shops, etc.).

    But as long as you're getting enough rest and not becoming some recluse who only comes out at night you're probably fine :L.

    Just because shift workers work regularly at night doesn't mean they're doing it without a cost. My advice would be to do the research and compare the costs and benefits to see if it's worth it for you. If you're worried about the credibility of the website, you shouldn't be. It's a Canadian non-profit, funded by the government, to research and make ideas to protect workers' health. Their job is to care about us.