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[Challenge] The Date of Birth Challenge

Looks fun!
Name DyingWillFlareon
Game FireRed(although I'm sure I'll do more XD)

#122 Mr Mime
#15 Beedrill
#30 Nidorina(woot)
Rock Type Onix
Purple Haunter
Route 10- ???

I'll update! :D

Going to start this now, sorry it took so long, i need to change the game to Red too instead of firered due to my gba emus both crashing on me thanks.
also brock with just beedrill yay....
Okay, after many years I'll try this too... My birthday: 25. 12. 1996

Name: Janp
Game: Emerald
Pokemon Team:
1) 25 + 12 + 96 = 133 - Lileep (I'll evolve it into Cradily)
2) 25 * 3 = 75 - Machamp
3) 12 * 3 * 3 = 108 - Koffing (I'll evole it)
4) December = Ice - Walrein
5) December = Black - Banette
6) 112 encounter - We'll see

As none of my Pokemon can be obtainted before 3rd Gym, I'll hack Spheal as my starter.

EDIT: I kind of speed run through whole game, so here's my final team and Hall of Fame

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge


[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 54
- Sludge
- Poison Gas
- Destiny Bond
- Explosion

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 53
- Ancient Power
- Confuse Ray
- Acid
- Toxic

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 56
- Cross Chop
- VItal Throw
- Leer
- Focus Energy

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 57
- Waterfall
- Dive
- Double-Edge
- Rollout

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 57
- Aurora Beam
- Body Slam
- Surf
- Rest

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

lvl. 53
- Shadow Ball
- Feint Attack
- Will-O-Wisp
- Curse​
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Seems fun.
I'll sign up and play Pokémon X.
Pokémom i end up with:
33 Coastal, Clawitzer
126 Central, Toxicroak
72 Mountain, Voltorb (not squared because that number is not in the dex)
December Ice, Weavile
December black, Chandelure
And then the first poke on route twelve :)
Alright, I've got a team together to do this on White 2. Let's do this! Birthday: July 23rd, 1999

Name: derrick95
Game: White 2
Pokemon Team:
1 - 23 +7 + 99 = 129, Archeops
2 - 23 * 5 = 115 - Dwebble, will evolve
3 - 7 * 5^2 = 175 - Ferroseed, will evolve
4 - July is Fire, so I'll choose Emboar so I have an early Poke to help Archeops
5 - July is Gray, so Aggron
6 - Whatever I catch on Route 7

EDIT: I've played up to Elesa by now, but i'm really not having much fun at the moment, and the amount of grinding I'll have to do to beat Elesa (judging by my first attempt) is not something I really want to do, so I doubt I'll be finishing this. Who knows, I might really want to play at some point, but I'm putting this on hold for now
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Alrighty, I finally started this.


My Team:

So, yeah. That's what's happening in my game. Although I am kind of upset about the Skitty, I am kind of hoping that it does at least a little bit of work.
I would like to join.
Name: volt5
Game: Black 2
Date of Birth: 7/29/1994
1. 7+29+94= 130: Sigilyph
2. 29x5= 145: Heracross (need to wait later on since Heracross can be encountered in Route 12)
3. 7x52= 175: Ferroseed (will evolve it into Ferrothorn)
4. July- Fire type: Litwick (will evolve into Lampent and then into Chandelure) (need to wait since Litwick can be encountered in the Celestial Tower)
5. July- Gray: Magnemite (will evolve it into Magneton)
6. First Pokemon on Route 7

Going to choose Snivy as my starter Pokemon to help begin creating my challenge team.

Pokemon Birth Date Challenge Updates 1 and 2
Update 1:
- Recieved Snivy as my starter Pokemon and evolved it into Servine.
- Defeated Cheren and got the Basic Badge
- Caught a Magnemite at the Virbank Complex
- Defeated Roxie with only Magnemite and got the Toxic Badge
- Fought some Team Plasma grunts near Virbank City and Route 20.
- Went to Castelia City to challenge Burgh at the gym and it turns out that Burgh wasn't there. Iris arrived and told that Burgh is at the Castelia Sewers. So, I headed there and met up with my rival, Phil. The two of us traversed through the area and battled two Plasma Grunts. After the battle, Burgh appeared and requested a gym battle. Colress then appeared and had a brief chat with us. Afterwards, Burgh requested a gym battle with him.
- I went to the Castelia Gym, challenged a few Harlequins, and faced off against Burgh. I won at the end and received the Insect Badge. During the battle, my Magnemite evolved into a Magneton.
- After the battle, I headed north to Nimbasa City for my fourth Gym badge. On my way, I encountered Colress again, who requested a battle with him. I've won the battle and Colress let me through.
- I went to the Desert Resort to catch a Sigilyph as an additional member to my challenge team.
- I arrived at Nimbasa City and encountered my game counterpart, Rosa, with the Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet. She requested me to have a tag battle against the two, which I agreed. The two of us emerged victorious and promised to meet up with each other some time.
- I went to the gym to find out from a person that Elsa is busy right now. So, I went to the old Nimbasa Gym, defeated some trainers, and was able to enter the new Nimbasa Gym. There, I defeated Elesa and recieved my Bolt Badge.
- Afterwards, I decided to head towards Driftveil City to challenge the gym leader for my fifth gym badge.

Update 2:
- I arrived at Driftveil City, encountered some Plasma Grunts, who didn't challenge me to a fight, and met up with Phil again. Afterwards, I went to the Driftveil gym and won my battle against Clay, and earned the Quake Badge. My Servine also evolved into a Serperior
- Afterwards, I competed in the Pokemon World Tournament with Phil, Cheren, and Colress.
- After that, I battled alongside Phil and Cheren against a few Team Plasma grunts on board their battle ship.
- Later, after the battle, I traveled through Chargestone Cave and caught a Ferroseed as my third member for my challenge team.
- I arrived at Mistralton City and met up with Professor Juniper, while encountering Skyla for the first time. After a brief chat, Juniper headed towards the Celestial Tower and Skyla told me to either train or immediately challenge her at the gym. Before doing so, I deposited my Serperior into my PC at the Pokemon Center.
- I went to Route 7 to get the first Pokemon I immediately see, which is a Tranquill. I am also going to evolve it to an Unfeazant. I trained my Tranquill to level up and it evolved into Unfezant.
- After that, I went to the Celestial Tower and caught a Litwick as an addition to my challenge team. I then trained it a few levels higher.
- After grinding some levels for my team, I headed to the Mistralton gym and challenged Skyla. I won the battle and earned the Jet Badge.
- After the battle, I did a mini side quest and obtained the TM Aerial Ace, which I taught to Unfezant.
- I spoke with Professor Juniper at the Celestial Tower. She was surprised that I won my gym battle against Skyla and agreed to meet me at the Mistralton city Airport.
- After arriving at the Airport, I met up with Bianca again who offered to travel with us to Lentimas Town.

My team so far:

Sigilyph (Lv. 36)
- Light Screen
- Tail Wind
- Air Cutter
- Psybeam

Ferroseed (Lv. 30)
- Metal Claw
- Pin Missile
- Gyro Ball
- Iron Defense

Litwick (Lv. 37) (M)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flame Burst
- Hex
- Imprison

Magneton (Lv. 37)
- Thunder Wave
- Electro Ball
- Flash
- Mirror Shot

Tranquill->Unfezant (Lv. 35) (M)
- Roost
- Detect
- Taunt
- Air Slash
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Pokemon Birth Date Challenge Updates 3 and 4
Update 3:
- I headed to the Strange House east of Lentimas Town. There, I obtained the TM Shadow Ball outside of the building and both a Dusk Stone and Shadow Tag inside of the building.
I went through Reversal Mountain and encounter Bianca, who offered to temporarily join me in order to traverse through the area. I also battled some trainers and did some grinding, managing to level up my team members to at least level 40. I finally reached the end of the area and parted ways with Bianca.
- I arrived at Undella Town and battled my rival before heading north.
- I evolved my Litwick into a Lampent, using the Dusk Stone I've obtained in the Strange House.
- I arrived at Lacunosa Town where I've learned about the history of Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem.
- I went to Route 12 and caught a Heracross as the final addition to my challenge team. I trained it to level 40.

Update 4:
- I headed to Opelucid City to challenge Drayden for my 7th gym badge. However, before doing so, I did extra grinding to level up my team to 45.
- I went inside the gym, battled a few trainers, and challenged Drayden. I won at the end and earned the Legend Badge and the TM Dragon Tail. After the battle, Drayden asked me to go to his house. There, he told me a brief history of Kyurem. However, Team Plasma started attacking Opelucid City with a barrage of modified ice. So, me and Drayden fought off the Plasma Grunts until the two DNA splicers Drayden kept hidden were stolen.
- I headed to Humilau City to challenge the gym leader for my last badge. Upon arriving there, I met up with Phil and encountered Marlon, the Gym leader of Humliau City, for the first time.
- I then went inside the Gym, battled some trainers, and finally faced off against Marlon in our last gym battle. After the battle, I earned the Wave Badge and the TM Scald.
- Afterwards, I met up with Phil and Marlon and we decided to investigate what Team Plasma is doing. So, I headed to Route 22 to investigate.
- Before doing so, I flew back to Castelia City and obtained an eviolite, which I gave my Magneton to hold.

My current team:

Magneton (Lv. 50)
- Thunder Wave
- Electro Ball
- Flash
- Flash Cannon

Litwick->Lampent->Chandelure (Lv. 45) (M)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flame Burst
- Inferno
- Shadow Ball

Ferrothorn (Lv. 48) (M)
- Metal Claw
- Pin Missile
- Gyro Ball
- Iron Defense

Heracross (Lv. 47) (M)
- Counter
- Brick Break
- Close Combat
- Take Down

Sigilyph (Lv. 45) (M)
- Light Screen
- Tail Wind
- Air Cutter
- Psybeam

Unfezant (Lv. 45) (M)
- Roost
- Detect
- Fly
- Aerial Ace
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Pokemon Birthday Challenge Updates 5 and 6 (Chal

Update 5:
- Leveled up all of my Pokemon to at least lv. 40.
- Evolved my Tranquill into Unfezant
- Won a gym battle against Skyla and earned the Jet Badge.
- Did a side quest in Mistralton City and earned the TM Aerial Ace; taught Unfezant the TM.
- Arrived at Lentimas Town and obtained the TM Charge Beam inside one of the houses.
- Obtained TM Shadow Ball outside of Strange House and taught it to Litwick. Went inside Strange House and obtained both a Spell Tag and Dusk Stone.
- Went through Reversal Mountain and encounter Bianca, who offered to temporarily join me in order to traverse through the area. Battled some trainers and did some grinding. Finally reached the end of the area and parted ways with Bianca.
- Arrived at Undella Town. Battled my rival before heading north.
- I evolved my Litwick into a Lampent, using the Dusk Stone I've obtained in the Strange House.
- Arrived at Lacunosa Town where I've learned about the history of Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem.
- Went to Route 12 and caught a Heracross. Trained it to level 40.
- I defeated Drayden at the Opelucid Gym and earned the Legend Badge
- I encountered Team Plasma again and defeated some grunts.
- I flew back to Undella Town and headed to Humilau City to get my final badge.
- I defeated Marlon and earned the Wave Badge.

Update 6:
- I met up with Phil and the both of us stormed Team Plasma's ship for the second time. Before doing so, I headed to Route 22 to catch a Marill in order to be my HM Slave. I battled some grunts underneath the ship and made my way to Colress for a second battle.
- I battled three Shadow triads and made my way to the interior of the Giant Chasm where I confronted Kyurem and Ghetsis and faced off against Kyurem's fused form. Later, I challenged Ghetsis to a full battle.
- Afterwards, I headed to Victory Road and traversed through it to the Pokemon League. While at the Victory Road, I spend hours grinding my team to at least level 60.
- I deposited my Marill and retrieved my Ferrothorn in the Pokemon center PC.
- I challenged the Elite 4, challenged the Champion Iris, and manage to win.

My current Team:

Sigilyph (Lv. 59) (M)
- Cosmic Power
- Tail Wind
- Air Slash
- Psychic

Magneton (Lv. 60)
- Discharge
- Electro Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon

Chandelure (Lv. 60) (M)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball

Ferrothorn (Lv. 58) (M)
- Iron Head
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball
- Iron Defense

Heracross (Lv. 58) (M)
- Strength
- Bulldoze
- Megahorn
- Close Combat

Unfezant (Lv. 57) (M)
- Roost
- Detect
- Fly
- Aerial Ace
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Back on PokéCommunity after over a year and decided to try out a challenge, so I chose this one.

Name: JelloItUp
Game: Pokémon Polished Crystal
Pokémon Team: In the spoiler tag
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Here I go:

Here's my update after having beaten the first gym:
The only member of my team is currently Gastly because that's the only Pokémon I can find for now. Man, was it a pain to beat Falkner with just a Gastly. I had to use 'Curse' on the opponent and keep using potions while he took damage from the move's aftereffects.

My current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
(Gastly) - Level 14 - ♂

  • Hypnosis
  • Lick
  • Curse
  • Mean Look

- - - Updated - - -

Time for another update! So I've gotten most of my team ready, just gave Amphardos the medicine and I keep losing to Jasmine because my Pokémon are underleveled, so I'll have to train to level them up. I was able to get a Porygon2 through Wonder Trade and I then put it in the daycare with a ditto and then hatched a Porygon egg so that I could name it.
My Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
(Gengar) - Level 37 -

  • Shadow Ball
  • Shadow Claw
  • Curse
  • Fire Punch
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
Bud (Vileplume) - Level 34 -

  • Acid
  • Leech Seed
  • Mega Drain
  • PoisonPowder
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
(Rhyhorn) - Level 23 -

  • Magnitude
  • AncientPower
  • Horn Attack
  • Stomp
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
(Psyduck) - Level 21 -

  • Water Gun
  • Surf
  • Confusion
  • Water Pulse
[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge
(Porygon) - Level 10

  • Psybeam
  • Teleport
  • Shadow Ball
  • Swift
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I completely screwed up my last post to here so I will redo it.

Name: Raysawesome1
Game: Red
Pokemon Team:
Weedle [Beedrill]
Bulbasaur [Venusaur]
Route 1
Well now, this is an unusual challenge. All right, I'll bite.

Name: Swyn
Game: Black
Pokemon Team: See below

I'll sin up for this challenge:


Route 35


*Recieved Cyndaquil
*Captured Zubat
*Defeated Elder Li
*Defeated Falkner- spammed ember with Cyndaquil and used many potions
*Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava
*Entered Union Cave

My Team

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Quilava Lvl. 15

[PokeCommunity.com] The Date of Birth Challenge

Zubat Lvl. 11
So I have somehow managed to beat the elite four in one go only 3 srs and that was the psychic e4. And now I am grinding for N fight. I need my last pokemon and forgot that I can't get eevee until after I beat the game so can I ask for a different Pokemon this one will be Hydreigon?

I still need to get my last Pokemon which is supposed to be a black colored one. So is it ok if I change it to Hydreigon? I can't get an Eevee or Umbreon until after I complete the game.
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Name: Phelsuma
Game: Sapphire
Team: Sneasel, Shellder, Blastoise, Lapras, Umbreon, Route 101
DOB: 30/01/1991
Hopefully I am correct
Challenge Accepted!

Name: KimbosUnova
Pokemon Team: Rhydon/Butterfree/Charizard/Ninetails/Magneton











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Name: Bob
Game: Pok?mon Emerald
Team: Lotad, Swellow, Whismur, Treeko, Makuhita and route 112.