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Completed Event The Great Egg Swap XVI: Swapping in Paradise

Scoreboard has been updated!
And that's a wrap!

The winners are Alex_Among_Foxes with 4, tsutarja with 2 and a joint third of TwilightBlade and LeGoldenWolf with 1.

There's a few things to take away from this swap. Firstly, the long form two week format works. Secondly, friend codes are no longer needed to trade (I know this has been the case for a while but it's very apparent now). Thirdly, the room on the Discord server is effective!

I usually play in the swaps as well to give activity a boost - I didn't this time because I was on vacation. But I'm happy there was enough players and activity that had I'd been available I would have been able to pick up the activity, which is encouraging. This means Egg Swap will survive until at least next year.

Thank you guys for playing!