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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

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Or maybe, if I'm crazy, would the switch remakes still count as Gen IV, even though they are more in-line with Gen 8 mechanics?

Late, but yes, they would.

We consider the region, not mechanics as the relevant criterion. So remakes, difficulty hacks, etc. all count as long as they have the proper region, gym leaders and so forth.

Also, OP should be updated with everybody so far
User: Lugiafan123
Type: Ghost
Game(s): Soulsilver
Single/Ultimate: Single

So I decided to try something a little different. After growing tired of attempting an Ultimate run I decided to try what I like to call the reverse ultimate.
Instead of running through every generation with one type, I run through a single game 17 times. One for each type. I decided on Soulsilver because it's not only my favorite game in the series, but my favorite game overall.
I'm starting the run with the ghost type for no particular reason.
User: Lugiafan123
Type: Ghost
Game(s): Soulsilver
Single/Ultimate: Single

So I decided to try something a little different. After growing tired of attempting an Ultimate run I decided to try what I like to call the reverse ultimate.

A while ago, I had asked if there was actually something official for that. As official as it is for this thread, at least. Glad someone is trying it! I honestly would have preferred to do each Gen, one by one. But since there wasn't something in place to track that, oh well. Maybe we petition for a third category?

Good luck on your Soulsilver "All Types" run! I'm excited to see how you apply knowledge from each run to the next one.

As for me, I wanted to have lots of options on my Gen 6 Bug, so I decided to have one of every final evolution. And then, since Gen 5 was all about training to make my team hit super hard, Gen 6 is a test of what happens when I make my team able to tank hits. I am doing super training on all of them to get 252 Def, 252 SpDef, and the remaining 6 in HP. If it wasn't a bag from those, or a reset bag, I threw it away.

So...unfortunately, there are a LOT of Bugs at the beginning. I've only just made it to Lumiose and saved at the Pokemon Center, but it took me the entire weekend to get here.

I picked up a Caterpie, Weedle, Scatterbug, and four Burmy (3 female, 1 male) before reaching the first Gym. I got them all to level 10...after probably causing myself a lot of hand cramps doing the super training. By the time I finished all of that, I was 20 hours into the game, and my party looked like this...with names from one of my favorite Let's Players who does stupid stuff, GrayStillPlays.

L10 Butterfree - FloridaMan
L10 Beedrill - Spleens
L10 Spewpa - Ellis Dee
L10 Burmy (M) - Tim Horton
L10 Burmy (F) - FULL (Will be /Ground)
L10 Burmy (F) - LIQUOR (Will be /Grass)
L10 Burmy (F) - BAR (Will be /Steel)

I chose a team of Butterfree, Beedrill, Spewpa, and a random Burmy to go after the first gym. Bug vs Bug wasn't too bad. I quickly got rid of all the trainers, and Surskit wasn't a problem when fighting Viola. However, her Vivillon was a bit of a pain. It was a bit of a slog, because it hit really hard. Spewpa and Butterfree went down before I knocked Vivillon out with my Beedrill. Wasn't too hard, and it's early game.

Now the game opens up a bit because the second gym is a bit away, but it's also the Rock gym. The amount of time before I go after that gym is gonna be even higher, but at least it'll be worth it.

Before Lumiose City, I get to pick up three more Pokemon, although everyone might be like "why that one?" The three are a Ledyba (Tonsils), a male Combee (Tom Hardy), and a female Combee (Bab Ross). Yes, they also were all trained to 252/252/6 as the others were.

So, after that, I was happy to have the Exp. Share. Now that they have all the EV training done, I don't have to worry about random EVs sneaking in. But, I'm at 25 1/2 hours, so while I'm happy to be able to train them out of the gate in the way I want to, it's also very much a pain in the butt. Gen 7...I'll probably ignore training and just play it straight.

But, gotta explore options if I want to do another ultimate run in the future.
A while ago, I had asked if there was actually something official for that. As official as it is for this thread, at least. Glad someone is trying it! I honestly would have preferred to do each Gen, one by one. But since there wasn't something in place to track that, oh well. Maybe we petition for a third category?

We used to have something like that years and years ago, but somewhere along the way they removed it from the OP because nobody really did them.

I think it's a cool concept though, so I'm not opposed to listing it in the OP if y'all want it.
Ultimate Bug Monotype
Pokemon X, 2nd Entry

There are so many Bug type Pokemon. And I've trained every one to 6 HP, 252 Def, 252 SpDef. It feels so slow, until I made it to the point I have a few Pokemon with Sweet Scent, and I looked up some Hordes. This post covers all the way through the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gyms, so I'm able to have a Horde of Hoppip on Route 7 to boost Special Defense, and then once I make it to Reflection Cave, I can cap out both Defense and Special Defense from Hordes (Roggenrola and Mime Jr., respectively). It feels like it's super slow, which it is until I remembered about Hordes, but it did work in my favor.

Leaving from Lumiose City, I'm off towards the Rock Gym, but along the way, I do the stuff at the Parfum Palace, but to get there, I pick up a Nincada and a Venipede on Route 6. After getting the Snorlax out of the way, I can go through Route 7 which allows me to pick up both Volbeat and Illumise. I remember having lots of fun with these in Gen 3. At this point, I hoped they would still be somewhat viable.

I do the whole thing at Glittering Cave, then remembered I could get Rock Smash backed in Ambrette Town. Went ahead and went back to the cave and got Dwebble.

At Cyllage City, it's a quick run up to the gym. I focused solely on my Vespiquen, and the one thing that renewed my faith desire to keep doing the 6/252/252 EV training happened: I managed to quickly get rid of Amaura, but Tyrunt knocked me down to 2 HP from Rock Tomb before I took it down. I was fully expecting to be knocked out, but I'm very certain the extra defense training saved it. Sure, I had five others in backup, but it's always nice to see something like that work out in my favor.

In Route 10, I triggered a Horde battle and caught a Yanma. On to Geosenge, where I used my now-Whirlipede and Defense Curl/Rollout to defeat both of Korrina's Lucario. Reflection Cave was relatively easy, but there is one trainer that stinks for bug types: Hedvig has a Hawlucha that took out my entire team (so I skipped her on the third way through).

At Shalour City, the gym isn't too hard since a lot of my available Pokemon are mid-20s and have Gust. I basically took a random selection of my Bug/Flying out and just went in with that. There were two exceptions: Shedinja and Whirlipede. I let my Nincada evolve and took the Shedinja in there, figuring that most of the trainers wouldn't be able to touch it. Most didn't. I went ahead and put it away for the leader battle. Cue a few Bug Bite and Gust, and Mienfoo is down and Machoke knocks out some of my team due to Rock Tomb. (I hate that move...) So, to end the battle, I pull out Whirlipede and do a Defense Curl and set off Rollout. It gets close, but I do manage to knock out Machoke with a single hit, and then Hawlucha in a couple of hits.

From there, Route 12 lets me pick up a Pinsir...a Bug-type who knows...lots of Fighting moves. Okay, so I don't get Heracross this time, but I guess I can deal with Pinsir. A quick training session and time to move on. I pick up the Lapras, teach it Surf, Strength, and Rock Smash. Quickly push through the rest of the route, and I'm out to Coumarine City, where I get the next badge, which should be easy for me because it's Grass. I was training Dwebble and Pinsir, so I put Dwebble in front for the Serena fight, and it doesn't last long. Bug Bite on Meowstic and Absol, and then I switch over to Pinsir for Braixen. Pinsir knows Dig, and one Dig knocks it out (it was either one or barely needing two). I like calculating my IVs and I'm almost certain it's a 19 ATK IV.

Shedinja back out to go as far as possible through the Grass Gym, but it goes down to the Simisage from the first trainer...because it knows Lick. Of course, it took a while to get hit with Lick, since it spent four turns using Leer on a Pokemon with 1 HP. Well, the rest of the gym was nothing but Volbeat sweeping everything. Two uses of Tail Glow means I'm doing 400% damage with Signal Beam. Nothing survives that. Until I get to the leader. Jumpluff two-shots Volbeat due to Acrobatics, even though I was attempting to set up Double Team. I pulled out Dwebble and used Rock Slide a couple times to knock out Jumpluff, then just spammed Bug Bite until I knocked out Weepinbell. I switched one final time to Shedinja for Gogoat...and it was hilarious. Gogoat couldn't hit me. So, I spammed Leech Life. Got near the end, and then Ramos used a Hyper Potion. Okay, so now I need to use Fury Swipes. Get close and...Hyper Potion. So, I check and notice I have a single X Attack. Use that, and then go back to Fury Swipes and...finally win. Sheesh.

Well, the next thing to do is train up my Pokemon some more. Get some more levels on them so we're ready for the Lumiose Gym. I'm aiming to get them to 34, since that's what level Dwebble becomes Crustle, and that's the last one I currently have that can evolve. I currently have 18 available to me, so I have quite the choice...though many are Bug/Flying.

As of right now, I've got:
Ninjask, Vespiquen, 3 Wormadam (one of each Cloak), Illumise, Scolipede, Volbeat, Yanma, Sedinja, Vivillon, Butterfree, Dwebble, Beedrill, Mothim, Combee (M), Ledian, and Pinsir.
HM Slave: Lapras
Next ones I'll be able to pick up are Karrablast, Shelmet, and Skorupi on Route 14...after Lumiose. There are only 6 more Bugs to get!
Ultimate Bug Monotype
Pokemon X, 3rd Entry

Picked up two new badges!

Took me two attempts on Lumiose. First attempt, I start off with Pinsir, up against Emolga. Feels like Gen 5 all over again with Aerial Ace, which takes out about half of Pinsir's HP. I swap to Crustle. Aerial Ace does a bit, but then Emolga Volt Switches out to Magneton. I decide to switch out to Trash Wormadam. Unfortunately, no matter what I do, Thunderbolt is overpowered against my team. It takes my Trash Wormadam down to 9, then I switch for Beedrill...who drops to 20ish from Thunderbolt...and then faints. Pinsir comes out to deal some damage with Brick Break, but it still goes down. Thunderbolt basically continues to take my team down one at a time, but they were only around level 35.

The second attempt, I come back around level 38. Things go a bit different this time. Same start of Pinsir v Emolga. Pinsir uses X-Scissor, though takes a slightly less damaging Aerial Ace this time. I then choose Storm Throw which does more damage, but another Aerial Ace brings me down to 1/5 health. I swap over to Trash Wormadam, and let Emolga Volt Switch to Magneton. I used Hidden Power, which as it turns out is 46 power Fighting. It ends up fainting, but I can bring out Crustle to knock out Magneton. Heliolisk comes out and knocks out Crustle. I bring out Yanmega who drops easily. I have Beedrill do some Poison Jab, which takes out Heliolisk, but I'm really low on health. Emolga is only at 50% hp, but Beedrill gets knocked out with Aerial Ace. I throw out Illumise, use a Charge Beam, and proceed to just spam alternating Charge Beam and Super Potions, which ends up winning me the battle over time as my Special Attack reaches the point where it knocks it out from about 40% health.

The sixth gym is relatively nearby, but I do pick up a Shelmet, Karrablast, and Skorupi. I give Skorupi the Eviolite, and evolve Shelmet and Karrablast by trading them via my wife's game. For the moment, I'm holding off from using them - if I decide I want to, I will. However, the gym goes rather easily. 6 turns and it was over.

First up is Mawile, so Pinsir's out. One Bulldoze knocks Mawile down to half, but I get a Crunsh to take me to 80%. Second turn Bulldoze has Mawile faint. Mr. Mime comes out instead. I use X-Scissor, knocking Mr. Mime down to 30%. Getting a Psychic to the face brings Pinsir down to 30%. Fourth turn X-Scissor knocks out Mr. Mime, and out comes Sylveon. A Bulldoze only does about 10% damage, and one Dazzling Gleam to the face knocks out Pinsir. I bring out Beedrill, which throws a single Poison Jab and takes out the rest of Sylveon's health. Relatively short and sweet.

I've made my way since then to Dendemille Town, but haven't got far in the Frost Cavern. That's for next time.
Ultimate Bug Monotype
Pokemon X, 4th Entry

Frost Cavern sucked because there are a few trainers that kept hitting me with some very powerful moves near the entrance. Even though I've maxed out my team's Def and SpDef effort values, Bugs are still super squishy.

It doesn't take me long to reach the seventh gym, but I sort of quickly went through it since it was the Psychic gym. However, there are a few Psychic types out there that can easily do a lot of damage to me...namely Sigilyph. Any time I fight one, I generally started to lose team members left and right due to Flying moves. What I ended up having to do for those is do as much damage as I can, then switch in Illumise, as it knows Charge Beam. I only managed to get out of the battle with Olivia with just my Scolipede, but I did survive the first attempt.

Doing the Team Flare hideout can be relatively easy for Bug Types, since many of them learn Psychic-type moves. That allowed me to push through fairly quickly since their teams generally consisted of Liepard (weak to Bug) and Golbat (weak to Psychic). Sometimes, there was a Houndoom, which I could take down in a couple of turns from using a Ground move with Scolipede.

The final gym wasn't that hard either. Boost up my defenses a bit with some status items at the beginning with Scolipede, and then Rollout. And then more Rollout. Relatively easy.

The one battle I had trouble with getting up to the Elite Four was Serena. My levels were around hers (mine average around 60), which is usually a bad thing, and that sort of proved itself to be an accurate statement here. I lost a lot of my Pokemon very early on, and found myself in a cycle of Revive/Hyper Potion to somewhat stay alive. I finished the fight with my Butterfree, who fired off a Sleep Powder/Quiver Dance combo to get powerful enough to outlast the rest of her team. While there were a few more fights to reach the end of Victory Road, they weren't anywhere near as bad as Serena's fight.

The one thing I don't like about Gen 6 is that you can have a string of battles without having the chance to save in between, but then you can also have a battle that pops up out of nowhere and you don't have the chance to save or heal before fighting.

I did make it to the Elite Four, and attempted the one I figured wouldn't be bad just as a test run: Siebold (Water). I got through Clawitzer...but then I lost every one of my team to Barbaracle's repeated use of Stone Edge. It looks like the Elite Four are around 65, while my current team is L61 Scolipede, L59 Mothim, L58 Illumise, L64 Vivillon, L64 Butterfree, and L60 Beedrill.

I need to do some training and then come back when my lowest is 65, and see what happens then.
Ultimate Bug Monotype
X / Final Entry

I gave another attempt at defeating the Water Elite member, and got a little closer. I beat it on the third attempt using Butterfree and a combination of Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, and Bug Buzz. A combo you'll hear repeatedly.

For Steel, I had Scolipede use Dig to knock out Klefki. I managed, somehow to knock out Probopass with Hurricane after putting it to sleep. Most battles against the Elite Four are going to be just like this, where I use Sleep Powder, then switch to do damage. The rest of the battle was the same.

For Dragon, Dig took out Dragalge then it was back to Butterfree for Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz.

Fire was a cheap method, because I was certain I would have to be ways overleveled. Dig takes out the first two easily enough, but Talonflame is a matter of letting it knock itself out from Brave Bird and Flare Blitz. Getting Poison Point from Scolipede helps as well. I tried to keep my Scolipede up as much as possible for that and Chandelure. I won because I was constantly reviving myself as every Fire or Flying move was a one shot. In a few turns, Talonflame knocked itself off. Chandelier eventually used up all Flamethrower uses and then I could put it to sleep and finish it off.

Diantha lost her Hawlucha to a few Poison Jabs from Beedrill, then Pin Missile did a bunch of damage to Tyrantrum before going down. Scolipede finished it off before Aurorus knocked it out. Mothim also fainted to Aurorus.

I wanted to push as far as I could so, back to Butterfree doing the Sleep/Quiver/Buzz again. That took out Aurorus, though it ate a Blizzard in the process. Goodra went down to a couple of Bug Buzz, but a Fire Blast did a bit of damage. One Bug Buzz for Gourgeist and two for Gardevoir, and I am now the champion.

Final team was 63 Beedrill, 62 Mothim, 63 Scolipede, 60 Illumise, 66 Vivillon, and 68 Butterfree.

The Looker Sidequest is long and boring, but in order to get there, I had to win against Serena and her Delphox. To do so, I did a few runs at the 3* restaurant to gain some levels. Everything was now 66 or higher, and I managed to win but that was still brutal.

The battles against Essentia where.you have to fight four back to back were a bit of a pain. The first two fights both left me with a downed Mothim and Scolipede, but I had enough Revives and Hyper Potions to bring them back. The sidequest is just so much running around, and just sort of...ends. I'd never done it before, but I don't really feel like I was missing much.

On to gen 7.
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Ultimate Bug Monotype
Sun / 1st Entry / Melemele Island Complete

[I'm trying not to hog the entire board, honest. I just am super hyped to keep pushing to complete the Bug ultimate.]

Welcome to Gen 7, I guess. Gen 6 had 24 total, but here in Sun, I only get a max of like 11 or 12. After picking Rowlett, I finally got the chance to start picking up party members. Thankfully, it was near nighttime, because on Route 1, I get the chance to collect Caterpie and Grubbin at any time, but also Ledyba during the day and Spinarak at night. The biggest problem starting out is that Bugs are weak and a majority of the first battles that show up are Pikipek...which just sucks being Bug type. I ended up having to train on just Caterpie...and then eventually also on Ledyba/Spinarak.

I had no real problems until the Trainer's School. The battle against the Teacher was a problem at first due to Magnemite. I ended up training my team to Level 8. This gave Grubbin Mud-Slap (L7) and Spinarak Infestation (L8). At first, I thought Magnemite was going to have Levitate, but I ended up using Mud-Slap and it was enough to knock out Magnemite. Then it was a matter of Infestation to finish up the battle. The Bug team I had at this point (Grubbin, Metapod, Ledyba, and Spinarak) went down quite fast to Magnemite's moves.

One interesting thing that happened just after this is that I got really confused trying to figure out my IV only to realize my stats weren't lining up. I didn't even think about Pokerus until I got the message at a PokeCenter. I was completely caught off guard by it, especially this early in the game. I guess this is the game telling me to stop trying that and just enjoy the process.

Rushing my way through Hau'oli City, I finish off the Zubat that hte Team Skull Grunt has, and then have to deal with Ilima and the Smeargle that has an attack with a move able to dish out damage to my Bugs. I use Grubbin to Mud-Slap the Yungoos a few times, then continue to deal more damage with Vice Grip. I attempt to do as many Mud-Slap to Smeargle as possible, but end up going down. I use Metapod and just spam Tackle...and end up winning and being rewarded with a nice new Butterfree evolution.

Before Ilima's trial, I pick up a Cutiefly around the PokeCenter. The trial itself was fairly straightforward. I spam Gust with Butterfree, as it's a Special attack and Butterfree is a special attacker. Deals a lot more damage at this point. I hate to mention it, but this is also what ends up happening for the Grand Trial, as it's a Fighting trial and although Fighting is not strong against Bug, I don't want to take too much damage if I can help it.

By this point, I'm around level 15, and ready to move onto the next island. I'm assuming Akala is going to be much harder due to having both the Fire and Rock trials. However, I will be lucky enough to get Surskit, Dewpider, and Paras at Brooklet Hill. Then there's also Pinsir at Lush Jungle and Wimpod at Route 8. I'll have options, at least. In the past, I've sort of picked a team and just stuck with it, even with other options. Perhaps, I'll swap my team around as I go for once.
Update 6

Gyms Completed:
Lt. Surge

Current Team:
Suki - Ninetales
Magnus - Charizard
Rusty - Flareon
Slave - Ratatta
Slave - Pikachu
Slave - Lapras

I went through Route 19, the Seafoam Islands, and Route 20, reaching Cinnabar Island. After going through the Pokémon Mansion and acquiring the Secret Key, I went into Blaine's gym, and fought him once I reached him using Rusty and Magnus. After beating Blaine, I skipped out on going to the Sevi Islands with Bill (that's for after I beat the Elite Four), and flew to Viridian City. I went into Giovanni's gym, and once I reached him, I fought him primarily using Rusty and Magnus. I called it a day and saved in the Viridian Pokémon Center after a failed attempt to beat my rival at Route 22.

Apologies for the hiatus!
User: Explorer of Time
Type: Flying
Game(s): Red (Shin Pokemon Red romhack)
Single / Ultimate: Single

First and Final Update



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Ultimate Bug Monotype
Sun / 2nd Entry / Akala Island Complete

I was actually worried about Akala, because half of the trials suck for me. You get the three starter type trials and then a Rock one. Rock and Fire suck against Bugs, proven by the fact each one took me a second attempt, while Water and Grass were straightforward.

Before attempting the Water trial, I picked up a Paras, a Surskit, and a Dewpider in the main area of Brooklet Hill. Normally you can't catch stuff during a Trial, but I was able to get to the first patch of grass and pick those up. I went ahead and got them to around level 25, so all my Pokemon at this point were at their final evolutions (save for Charjabug, since I can't get it to Vikavolt yet).

For the Trial itself, just a quick blurb. I put Paras out there due to its Grass typing. This was a very stupid one - first round was Fury Cutter on the Totem, then Fury Cutter on the ally that it called on turn two, then final round was a Critical Fury Cutter on the Totem. Works for me.

The second trial required the use of two Pokemon to take it down: Masquerain and Araquanid. Araquanid basically spammed Bubblebeam until the Totem Pokemon knocked it out, and then I switched over to Masquerain to clear out the last bit of the Totem's HP. It sort of irks me that Surskit loses it's Water typing upon evolving and just becomes another Bug/Flying, but at least it has the ability to learn a Water type move. I debated on keeping it Surskit until 30 so it could learn Aqua Jet, but decided against it. My Masquerain has higher Special than Attack, so Aqua Jet wouldn't be a very powerful option in the end.

I was able to pick up a Wimpod on the way to the third trial, which, being a Grass trial, was fairly easy. Once that was done, I went back in and picked up a Pinsir. Not much to say about moving from that trial to the Rock one. I notice I spend a lot of time fighting trainers, not really to clear them out, but just as quick experience.

The final trial on Akala wasn't bad, either. I have Araquanid with Bubble and Bubble Beam, Masquerain with Bubble Beam, Pinsir with lots of Fighting-type moves, and Ledian with Mach Punch. I did end up having to use Mach Punch, as Araquanid was able to take out much of Olivia's team. Her Nosepass was first and it took two turns to take down due to it having Sturdy. Lycanroc was sent out second and Araquanid took quite a beating but had single-digit HP after getting the Z-Move in its face. Lycanroc hung on with a small bit of health before it took Araquanid out. That's when I let Ledian use Mach Punch. Boldore was more like Bol-snore after Lycanroc.

So, now I have a selection of ten Pokemon, and I believe this is all that I can get before beating the Elite Four. I believe I can pick up a Scyther after that in postgame on my way to the Battle Tree, but with that being a bit of a ways off, I'm happy I don't have to try and catch anything else. Got a little burned out on that during Gen 6.

My plan is to level everything up to 30 (as that's the level Wimpod evolves), and then move on from there.
User: Explorer of Time
Type: Ground
Game(s): Gold
Single / Ultimate: Single

Veteran George, Update 1 (New Bark Town to Violet City):

Time for my next monotype. I started off by using the Version Exclusive clause to hack in a Level 5 Phanpy, which I'm treating as my starter. (My actual starter, Totodile, is boxed for now but will eventually be used for HMs.) My Phanpy defeated my rival's Chikorita, and I caught a Geodude and moved on to the first gym. None of the trainers up until the gym gave me any trouble, but Falkner spammed Mud Slap a lot and I had a hard time hitting him. By the end of the battle, my Geodude had fainted and my Phanpy was close to fainting as well, though I still had one potion in my bag. Then, after beating the gym, I went up to Sprout Tower. I had to go back to the Pokemon Center after each trainer, as my Phanpy was a high enough level to tank one Bellsprout trainer, but not enough to fight consecutive trainers. Finally, I went south and caught a Wooper! I haven't had the time to train it yet, but it fainted one of my Pokemon while I was trying to catch it, so I think it's going to go places.

Current Team:

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Been a while since I've posted an update on here, but my mono dragon run is still going strong.

To make a long story short: I've traveled through a large portion of Hoenn, picking up some new friends along the way. The second rival fight gave me more trouble than most gyms, mostly because I only had Eldes on my team at the time. Right now I'm about to go hunting down Team Aqua.

Current team:
Ultimate Bug Monotype
Sun / 3rd Entry / Ula'ula Island Complete

Hey, let's go look at the Aether Paradise. Wow, that was fun. Nothing much to say here. Back to the Island Challenge.

Ula'ula wasn't too hard, honestly. I did find that I'm a little unbalanced not because of my Pokemon, not because of my moves or stats, but because of my strategies. For the most part, I can redo a battle and use the same tactic and win a second time (which happened in both of the Trials on the island). I've basically settled on my team of Ribombee, Pinsir, Parasect, Araquanid, Golisopod, and Masquerain...so I know I'm getting XP focused on just them. However, I'm finding that I'm just barely keeping up with the trainers I'm facing...and that becomes very obvious when I return to Aether Paradise.

A quick run down on the trials. The Electric trial at the Observatory wasn't too bad. Vikavolt, one of my favorite Bug types in the game, kinda stinks though. I only just realized that Vikavolt has a boost in stages to all of its stats...and it is the first one of the Totems to do that. Which explains why the first time I got my Pokemon handed to me. I got it down to about 20%, but then had to rush back to the nearby Center. A second pass, however, let me fly by, only losing a couple of my mons in the Process. For me, it was just a matter of doing as much damage as possible. The first round, I had tried to be semi-smart by using Smack Down to negate Levitate, and then spam Bulldoze to do some damage before going on. Because of how Electric and Bug interact, though, I ended up making the decision to brute force this battle instead.

The second trial, the Ghost trial at the supermaket...was quick to get through to the Totem. The problem here is that I didn't think I really had any good moves...until I did some research and realized my decently high attack stat Golisopod can learn Shadow Claw. So...it learned Shadow Claw, and the second time through, I pulled off the victory focusing on using that. After Golisopod had to use Emergency Exit, I just focused on doing as much damage as possible. Wasn't that hard, just a nice bit of damage and then back to chipping away.

The Skull Hideout was kind of...meh. It wasn't hard. I healed up at their center once after finishing the initial set of battles just to get in, but then I quickly went through the whole hideout in one shot...skipping most of the trainers. In hindsight, this is why trainer Pokemon have caught up to my level. Something to keep in mind going forward. Being a Bug type trainer, Guzma was relatively easy. No second attempt needed here.

Heading off to leave the Island, Nanu is all like "c'mon, dude, fight me". Fortunately, I had the chance to heal after the fight with Gladion...which I barely managed to survive. This was the sort of wake-up call to start fighting everything to gain levels. Nanu sucked because his Sableye and Persian spammed Power Gem, and our levels were about the same. If his Pokemon weren't weak to Dark moves, I probably would have lost, but I did make it through.

And then the return to Aether Paradise...which is literally me fighting every single trainer possible. It's not a hard set of battles at all; just a lot of them, which is good due to the fact I needed levels. Lots of story and dumb moments of "we need to get rid of you kids, but if you beat us, we won't, so yay you win". Finishing that and letting Gladion take me to Poni Island, I end this post with where my team is now, since I haven't really done that this gen:

Bacon, the L39 Pinsir
Smack Down / Bulldoze / Storm Throw / X-Scissor

Mayo, the L45 Ribombee
Draining Kiss / Bug Buzz / Dazzling Gleam / Pollen Puff

Portabella, the L41 Parasect
Hidden Power (Ice) / Spore / Slash / Fury Cutter

Pickles, the L42 Araquanid
Crunch / Hidden Power (Electric) / Leech Life / Bubble Beam

Onion, the L41 Masquerain
Silver Wind / Quick Attack / Bubble Beam / Air Slash

Patties, the L42 Golisopod
Sucker Punch / Shadow Claw / Leech Life / Venoshock
Pokemon Gold: Mono-Ground
Veteran George, Update 2 (Violet City -> Azalea Town):

I made my way down to Union Cave. Most of the trainers here were easier than Sprout Tower, so I took the opportunity to train my Wooper up to the level of my other Pokemon. Once at Union Cave, I caught a Sandshrew and Onix and started training them up as well. Onix has been extremely useful at this point of the game, with most normal-type moves only doing one point of damage to it, and Screech has been amazing against my opponents' Pokemon. Union Cave's trainers were pretty easy, but Hiker Anthony on Route 33 was very tough. His Geodude went down quickly to my Wooper, but his Machop fainted my Wooper, my Sandshrew, and nearly fainted my Phanpy. Afterwards, I went down to Slowpoke Well, fighting Team Rocket there. I mostly used my two new Pokemon, my Sandshrew and Onix, to level them up more. I didn't have much trouble, so I went straight to the Gym. Again, I used the early trainers to level my weakest Pokemon. Amy and May's Spinarak actually fainted my Sandshrew, but the other trainers were mostly pushovers. For Bugsy, I immediately went all-out with Geodude because I did not want Scyther to get the chance to build up Fury Cutter. Rock Throw 2HKOed all three of his Pokemon, and I got my second Gym Badge.

Current Team:

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Ultimate Bug Monotype
Sun / 4rd Entry / Poni Island Complete

Poni Island is very short, when you think about it.

The quick rundown:
- Push through plot, and head out to Poni Wilds
- Grind a little on all the trainers here
- Go back to Seafolk Village and pick up all of the TMs
- Do Hapu scene with her running off to the Ruins of Hope
- Get Machamp in Ride Pager
- Watch Hapu cutscene in Ruins of Hope
- Go to Exeggutor Island and got Flute
- Swapped Masquerain for Charjabug
- Defeated the Team Skull Grunts and picked up the Poisonium Z
- Defeated Hapu thanks to Bubble Beam on Araquanid and Liquidation on Golisopod, and her Gastrodon went down to Parasect's Giga Drain
- Charjabug evolved to Vikavolt
- Got the Fairium Z from Mina
- Fought the Dragon Totem and picked up the Dragonium Z
- Did the whole flute thing and brought Lusamine back
- Backtracked to get the Flying and Psychic Z-Crystals
- Pushed through Mount Lanakila, fighting both Gladion and Hau

And thus, that's the quick version to get me to the Elite Four. First up, Hala. Why? He's the easiest to beat because I can throw Ribombee at him. Which I did. Hariyama comes out and I have Ribombee use Quiver Dance. Next turn, I try a Dazzling Gleam, but it's not doing all that much, so I do two more turns of Quiver Dance. I'm getting hit by Close Combat, but doesn't really matter. Next attack I did was Draining Kiss, and it crit. So, that's 2/3 of Hariyama's HP and I'm back to full health. From there, it's a one shot for each of the remaining four Pokemon.

I know I'm going to be likely having a hard time against Rock and Flying, so if I have to grind on the E4, I know who is first each time.

I head to Acerola's Ghost team next, and start with Golisopod. Her Sableye goes down to a couple of Liquidation, but I do get confused and do a bit of damage to myself first. Dhelmise comes out and I smack a good Sucker Punch, but get taken down below half so Emergency Exit kicks in. Since it's weak to Ice, I bring in Parasect for Hidden Power. It's not doing a lot but I got it down to red health. Parasect gets knocked out, so I bring Pinsir in and start slamming it with Brutal Swing. Obviously, the first Brutal Swing came after a Full Restore, but I did manage to take it out. Froslass comes out and knocks Pinsir out. I switch to Araquanid since it does have Crunch, so I'm gonna give that a try. I get hit by a Confuse Ray, and in return Froslass still gets hit by Crunch, taking it down to just above half. Next turn, Shadow Ball hits Araquanid to bring it down to about 2/3 health, and then Crunch takes it out. Palossand comes out, and takes a Crunch, lowering the Defense, just in time for it to use Iron Defense and up it instead. Same thing turn after. Next turn was another Crunch, but a Z-move in response from Palossand. I bring Ribombee out for Dazzling Gleam, and it does a bit of damage, but so does Shadow Ball. I misclick, and hit another Dazzling Gleam. Was hoping to use Draining Kiss. Darn. So, I start the attack against Drifblim with Draining Kiss. It fires off Amnesia. I risk Quiver Dance. It uses Focus Energy. Another Draining Kiss...and I realize I've more than likely won. It can only fire off Ominous Wind, and unless it crits, I win. I do go ahead and bump up a couple more Quiver Dance to hopefully avoid red health, which does happen, thankfully. Two E4 down. Now it's a question of Rock or Flying.

I choose Rock, since I have Parasect's Giga Drain and the Water moves of Golisopod and Araquanid. Parasect takes a Yawn but does Spore against Relicanth. Next turn, it falls asleep after OHKO with Giga Drain. Lycanroc comes out and one shots with Stone Edge. Pinsir comes out for a Storm Throw, which does decent damage, but Stone Edge knocks it out. I put Vikavolt out, and I get hit with the Z-Move. So much for that. Araquanid goes out and is one shot. You see where this is going...or do you? Golisopod is apparently faster than I thought, and takes the rest of Lycanroc's health out with Liquidation. Carbink goes down in two hits of Liquidation, but threw up Reflect...then uses Power Gem. A couple of turns later, I've brought back Parasect, and we're in a circle of Spore and Giga Drain to take out Carbink. Probopass gets put to sleep, and I switch back over to Golisopod. Liquidation takes it down to low yellow, and then Power Gem knocks out Golisopod. Back to Parasect, and I Spore again, then bring Golisopod back, and then heal it up. One more Giga Drain and then Probopass takes Parasect out. Rest easy. Back to Golisopod, and Liquidation finishes Probopass off. Golem is the last one left. I do Liquidation. It did Thunder Punch. We are both barely above half...and it wins the battle with like 2 HP left.

The good news is that this proves I can grind on the E4. Next post, hopefully, will be the final one for the main game, and then it's just a matter of getting to the second end, which I believe is getting access to the Battle Tree. But we'll get there. Time to grind.
And, finally, the completion of Sun!

I ended up training against Hala and Acerola, since I could reliably get through them for the E4. Eventually, I was able to start using Vikavolt to take out a few of the Flying team, and then I reached a point where I could get all the way through everyone except Olivia's team. Bit by bit, I managed to work my way through her team, but the problem here is the Lycanroc. Relicanth goes down easy to Giga Drain, and everything else is pretty easy with Liquidation. Eventually, I manage to level up enough to get through Lycanroc.

So, it's on to the final battle with Kukui to become Champion. This was a bit of luck. I died a couple of times, and even my son joined in on trying to come up with some level of plan that would be consistent. The winning run went like this:

Start with Golisopod and I use Liquidation to one shot Lycanroc, but after Stealth Rock. Braviary comes out and it uses Tailwind and I hit it with a Liquidation that takes it just below half. Next turn starts and I out speed somehow and knock it out with a second Liquidation. Magenzone is next, and I manage to hit a Liquidation as it Thunder Waves me, then Golisopod goes down. I bring out Parasect and get another Thunder Wave, but Magnezone gets put to sleep. I swap to Pinsir and continue spamming Storm Throw, which knocks out Magenzone. Incineroar comes out, and I lose my Pinsir to the Z-move, but I bring in Ribombee and use Draining Kiss. It does a LOT of damage (about 70%), so I manage to take out Incineroar with that. Snorlax is next, and I use the time to sacrifice a few mons to bring Pinsir back to full health. I swap to Parasect, using Spore on Snorlax, and then I use Storm Throw. Snorlax does do a Body Slam and somehow I survive with a couple HP, and I do enough damage to get to Ninetales, I go ahead and heal up to full on Pinsir and use a couple more Storm Throw. I lose Pinsir, but a switch to Ribombee and a single Draining Kiss wins me the title!

But we're not done yet - time to do the Ultra Beasts and the battle to get into the Battle Tree.

Ultra Beasts are stupidly easy - go into area, save game, throw balls. The fight with Nanu was easy, but Mina was a little hard. Granbull is a wall, but I outlasted Stone Edge firing off Revives, but then I got through the rest. I taught Sludge Wave to Golisopod as super-effective damage, which did help.

I caught the final Ultra Beast, but to ensure I didn't backtrack much, I went ahead and got to the Battle Tree and chose to defeat Red. Pikachu knocked itself out due to repeated Volt Tackle. Charizard comes out and I have Vikavolt out so I'm able to use Thunderbolt to take it out. Venusaur comes out next, and I try to use some Bug Buzz on it, but I end up having to sacrifice a few more to finally get to Lapras. Lapras gets the pleasure of facing my Araquanid...which was interesting because Psychic was a 4HKO on me. So, I took the opportunity to bring my entire team back and to full health. Best thought ever. Lapras goes down to a bunch of Hidden Power Electric, and Snorlax comes out. I try to Spore it, but Snorlax is pulled out immediately and Blastoise comes out. Okay, fine - so I spam Giga Drain. Blastoise, at one point, tried Hydro Pump, which is kinda silly since my Parasect still has Dry Skin. Ice Beam knocks out Parasect, but I switch to Pinsir and start another Storm Throw and X-Scissor run. Eventually, it's just a matter of continuing to fire off moves. To end it all, I bring in Ribombee, this run's MVP, and a Dazzling Gleam ends the battle.

To end the run, I go and turn in the final UB mission, and then get my P1,000,000. A nice save after the cutscene, and the run is complete.

Oh jeez, what a way to end the weekend. Scared my wife when I went "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!" beating Kukui. Perfect.

This means I've now completed Gens 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 now!

I'm going to end up doing Gen 4 on the Switch since I think my DS cart has proven I shouldn't even try there a third time. It might get switched from Diamond to Shining Pearl, or it might still be Brilliant Diamond. Either way, I'll next post after I've finished the first two gyms. Hopefully, I'll have a decent team! One more game! Exciting!
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