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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Question since I'm new to the forum: What counts as a "lost run" in this situation? Clearly, this isn't a nuzlocke where Pokémon "die" when they faint, but before I joined the forum today, I'd been doing a Ground-type only run on Pokémon Sapphire Version, and I lost to Gym Leader Wallace by a hair (his Molitic had a sliver of health), so I had to reload. If this was under these rules, would that have counted as losing the run, or would I be allowed to reload, or would I need to accept the loss of money and continue from the "white out"?

You do not lose the run if you lose a battle. If you lose a hard battle, figure out what you did wrong, and fix your mistakes, then congratulations! You're doing exactly what this challenge was designed for. You can either reset or accept the loss of money, your choice. (If you don't have much money, it may actually be advantageous to white out, since you'll keep your XP.)

In general, the only way to "lose" is to violate the rules somehow, such as by having a non-Ground HM Pokemon deal the final blow to that Milotic.
Thank you for answering.

I was thinking of doing a psychic-type run of Pokémon Ruby Version (except without hacking in/trading for a different starter), but since you're doing that, I might do a water-type run of FRLG. I don't want to be a copycat.
Pokémon Xenoverse (FREE MODE)
Mono-Fairy - Fallen Star Mintaka
Update 5 (Westar City - Route 8)

-Shyleon Xenoversal Form (Pascal), level 56
-Granbull (Diana), level 59
-Grudako (Ranmaru), level 57
-Fatail (Aniceto), level 57
-Mimikyu (El Mimi), level 50

This week I started preparing a final exam that I'll sit in March, so I didn't have much time to keep playing. However, today I finally got out of what I call this game's IDGAF Zone! I beat Caspar for my fifth badge, then boarded the Quasar Express and so much stupidity happened I don't even remember most of it. Perhaps that's a good thing. This was me the whole time during that segment:


Except when the Basterd (who talked about taking my comrade Gengar X back to Hadwarf City as a test subject, how dare he), and Maldi-Tamara (whose Vespiquen nearly locked up my game during my battle with her), at which point I was like this:


That was it for today, but know that I'm extremely eager to get to Hypelion and forget about this mess before the next one. That was way too much.
I actually need to post about the Ground mono type run I'm doing because I need advice. The forum rules do say not to make separate threads for the same challenge, so I can't post it elsewhere. I'll try to provide a TL;DR down below.

This is my team so far. (The levels might be slightly different depending on how I use Rare Candies.)

Swampert Level 52 (Surf/Blizzard/Earthquake/Waterfall)

Camerupt Level 46 (Strength/Eruption/Flamethrower/Earthquake)

Flygon Level 48 (Crunch/Dragon Claw/Fire Blast/Fly)

Claydol Level 46 (Psychic/Shadow Ball/Ice Beam/Flash)

Rhydon Level 46 (Facade/Brick Break/Thunderbolt/Blizzard)

Donphan Level 48 (Return/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Rock Smash)

So, I need to preface this by saying that this is the original Sapphire, so TMs aren't infinitely useable. For example, I used the Earthquake TM on Donphan, so I couldn't teach it to Flygon or Rhydon also. This is also why I'm using Blizzard instead of Ice Beam on two Pokémon (since this isn't FRLG).

My concerns are about Glacia (the Elite Four Member I couldn't beat on my original childhood adventure) ... and Drake... Steven's not going to be a pushover either. I'm getting side tracked. Should I spend my money for Full Restores and Revives or invest in the Flamethrower TM at the Game Corner? I don't think one (or even two) X Accuracy items are going to magically allow Flygon to sweep Glacia's team with Fire Blast since dragon-type Pokémon are weak to ice. It doesn't help that one of her Pokémon knows an actual OHKO move (Sheer Cold).

Also... should I even bother giving Rhydon Rare Candies? Brick Break is nice for Sydney, but... the last time I played this game, Sydney's Pokémon went down like they were cardboard compared to Glacia, Drake, and to a lesser extent Steven. Some of you might be confused to see a Rhydon with special moves in this challenge, but remember: the devs (probably) thought it was awesome for Pokémon like Gyarados, Nidoking, and Rhydon to have a bad*** moveset of Thunderbolt/Thunder, Ice Beam/Blizzard, Flamethrower/Fire Blast, and Surf. Where was I? Oh, yeah, should I bench Rhydon for the Elite Four and Champion? He can still be in the Hall of Fame just for being in the party.

(Also, no, I did not bother with Geodude because I didn't feel like trade evolving on this playthrough for something that isn't an Alakazam... and I can confirm Nincada is dead weight in a Ground mono type run of Ruby & Sapphire. You really are better off soloing Hoenn with Marshtomp until Wattson says you're allowed to catch Numel).

TL;DR Version Do I have to buy the Flamethrower TM for Glacia, and is Rhydon worth it?
Alright, I think there's a few ways you could go about this... but first of all, I don't feel like Flamethrower for Glacia is a good idea. First, her 2 Sealeo and Walrein all have Thick Fat, which means Fire moves are resisted. Second, Flamethrower is a downgrade from Fire Blast in terms of power. And third, trying to sweep Glacia with a Flygon feels very risky and difficult to pull off in those conditions, since it takes just one well placed Ice Beam or Blizzard and it's likely over.

Rhydon has some decent moves to deal with Glacia, namely Brick Break and Thunderbolt (I guess). Maybe even Rock Blast if you can still get access to it... but those stats and that typing sure doesn't help there. If you want to go on the offensive and set up with X items, for example, you could probably do it with Rhydon instead of Flygon as long as you can keep it healthy at the start of the battle. Still pretty unreliable I admit...

A move that might help there could be Light Screen on Claydol, since it already has a nice Sp. Def. stat to compensate for the Ice weakness. If you can get it to use Light Screen and faint on the next turn, you could have a chance to set up with a Pokémon. That, however, may also help for a different strategy, which is just...

Trying to resist Glacia's hits (even by using a lot of healing items) and retaliating! Swampert, being part Water, could help with that, and iirc in Victory Road you can find a second Water-Ground in Whiscash (also gets Earthquake by level up and is pretty bulky). I'm not sure if you still have access to the Toxic TM but if you do, that strategy could also be worth a shot (as scummy as it is). Doesn't make for the best match-up against Sydney, true - it has two Grass-types - but his Pokémon are pretty frail like you said, and you could just brute-force your way through some of them. You have Camerupt, Flygon, and Swampert for Sharpedo since it's not weak to Water.

[bit of a tangent but wow, the fact that Rock Slide isn't even a TM is so inconvenient in this case... it would be super effective on the Walrein line after all!]

Drake is likely to get swept with Claydol and Swampert's Ice moves, if you avoid Crunch on Claydol. Steven has a pretty high level advantage on you with the levels you have, but I feel like you do have a good chance of beating him with your team!

Hope this helped and good luck with your run! ♥
Wow, thanks for all the helpful advice.

I have a lot to consider. I feel like a jerk removing the very first Pokémon ever created from my team, but ... that championship crown! If I go the route of catching a Whiscash, what should I teach it besides Earthquake and Toxic? Would Amnesia be worth the investment of a turn against Glacia?

I will probably go the Move Deleter to remove Flash from Claydol's moveset, and teach it Light Screen by TM. I feel like it would be inherently more useful than HM move Flash at this point (because I don't want to win by cheesing it with Flash spam, assuming that's even reliable).

Good ol' Water/Ground-type Pokémon, nothing beats that. [Opponent sends out Sableye with Wonder Guard] Wait. That's illegal.
Amnesia would be a great option for it. For a fourth move, I'd go with another Ice Beam if you happen to have a second TM13 for whatever reason, or just Surf if you don't. Ice Beam would be very good against Drake and Surf is good against half of Steven's team.
Thanks so much. I don't normally use status moves in playthroughs with some exceptions like Thunder Wave or Hypnosis/Sleep Powder, but I felt like Amnesia was a good move. (I know in Gen I, it's bonkers.)

Now to spend a half-hour trying to catch a level 40-something Whiscash on Victory Road. Wait. Is this that game where you have to do a mini game to encounter a Pokémon with the Rod? Oh, dear. It looks like I got my work cut out for me.
Pokémon Xenoverse (FREE MODE)
Mono-Fairy - Fallen Star Mintaka
Update 6 (Route 8/Hypelion City - Vega City)

-Shyleon Xenoversal Form (Pascal), level 65
-Granbull (Diana), level 67
-Grudako (Ranmaru), level 65
-Fatail (Aniceto), level 65
-Mimikyu (El Mimi), level 65

Better run through the jungle... but which jungle are we talking about? A real jungle, or an urban one? Either way, I got my sixth badge, and ventured into Cluster Jungle to foil yet again the robotudos' plans. All this code and they never learn their lesson? Bah.

My team also learned some moves they had been awaiting for a while! I had Ranmaru learn Dragon Claw, which was of great help against the Sound-type Gym, as well as Sacred Sword - the Fighting-type coverage I needed in light of Mimikyu's inability to learn Drain Punch in this game. Speaking of Mimikyu, El Mimi learned Leech Life - a much needed recovery move - as well as Play Rough, which means almost all my team members but Pascal know that move now. Lastly, Diana had Outrage temporarily in her moveset for the aforementioned Sound-type Gym, but then I removed it in favor of... Earthquake, hell yeah!

Once I arrived in Vega City, I obtained the Odysseum-H, which allows me to call upon Lapras to Surf as well! Looks like Pascal won't be the only one running a Special moveset for long, because I'm already back in Newtron City to happily reunite with Ginger, at long last! catch a Popplio! I ran into a funny glitch involving the music and maps in the area leading to the Newtron Library while searching for one, but thankfully nothing game-breaking so far. Hey, I was right in thinking that this university had something out of this world about it! Aside from him, of course.

Hope we find that Popplio soon, so our quest to remove Team Dimension as well as Aster from the picture can proceed.
Administrative stuff regarding the current thread, for Explorer of Time. Contains S/V spoilers.

I guess this also reminds me I need to finish the Electric Ultimate at some point or another, huh
I guess I'll change the final games (Black and Ultra Sun -> White and Sun)

(My previous username was - among others - Shooting Star, that's the name that will be marked in the challengers section)
So "the original thread" you linked is actually the fifth overall (in this section, at least sixth across PokeCommunity) and this one is the ninth overall (there was one between The Undisputed Era and Volga).

I do apologize for not correcting the credit situation when I was editing the thread though, since I was aware this wasn't the original thread, I just thought that it was used as a base for that thread. But still, if you still want to credit - and I'd recommend you doing so, as it's a neat piece of history from our community - I'd suggest linking to the first thread in section (myrrhman), the last thread (TUE) and mention the other editor in that thread (me) when linking the last thread.

If there was only one between Volga (Fifth) and The Undisputed Era (Seventh), doesn't that make mine the eighth? Am I missing a thread somewhere?

I edited everything, but I'm not sure how to change the thread title. Could you change the "v3" in the title to "v8" or "v9", as appropriate?
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If there was only one between Volga (Fifth) and The Undisputed Era (Seventh), doesn't that make mine the eighth? Am I missing a thread somewhere?

I edited everything, but I'm not sure how to change the thread title. Could you change the "v3" in the title to "v8" or "v9", as appropriate?

Oops, my bad. I did a math mistake. I did change the title, but for future reference, you can edit a thread's title by going into the Full Editor on the first post of the thread (there should be a white button to the left of "Save Edits").

Then after scrolling past the preview, you should see an option to change the thread's title and/or tag.
Pokémon Xenoverse (FREE MODE)
Mono-Fairy - Fallen Star Mintaka

Well... my computer just up and died. Most likely a power issue - it just won't turn back on, and the charger was creepily blinking before I plugged it off. That means I won't be able to continue my Mono-Fairy run for the time being, if I even can. I'll try to have my save file recovered when I take my computer to its final resting place the repair shop next week, but if I can't, this run is done.

I'm hopeful that worse won't come to worse, though. If anything, I'll start over and build more or less the same team I had in this run. I love this game with all my heart (even if it doesn't seem to love me back sometimes), and I would like to prove that it's possible to complete at least one challenge in it.

Hang in there Pascal, Diana, Neto, Ran, Mimi and Marius. I'll get back to you one way or another.
Pokémon Ruby Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Psychic - Stargazer Astrid
Update 3 (Slateport City -> Mauville Gym)

It's been a while since my last update, but I had the chance to finally get to Mauville. All three of my Pokemon are now at their second stage of evolution. Metang learned Metal Claw and Confusion via level up, and Rock Tomb via TM. Kirlia learned Calm Mind, and I initially taught it Thief to give it a move that could actually damage dark type Pokemon like Poochyena, though I immediately swapped it for Shock Wave once I beat Wattson. I initially taught my Abra Thief as its first attacking move, and did some grinding with it near Slateport until it evolved. It has an entirely new moveset, which has a Psychic and Electric move like Kirlia, but has Thief and Disable as well since I can't teach it Calm Mind.

Right now, Metang is easily my best physical defender and only physical attacker, and is very good all around with type coverage, being able to hit everything that's not another Steel type (plus Skarmory and the Aggron line) for at least neutral damage. It doesn't have any non-attack moves, though. Kirlia is pretty defensively weak to start off with, but has both Double Team and Calm Mind for boosting its own evasion, special defense, and special attack really high if I can keep it safe during the start of a battle. It also doesn't have the best coverage, and can't really do much to Cacturne, Baltoy/Claydol, Nuzleaf/Shiftry, or Magnemite/Magneton without doing a lot of Calm Minds first. Kadabra is my best special attacker if I don't have a chance to set up Calm Mind, and can hit all the Pokemon for neutral damage that Kirlia can, and do super-effective damage to other Psychic types.

The battle against Brendan happened too long ago for me to remember it well. He had a Combusken as his starter since I had Treecko for early HMs. I didn't have my Beldum evolved yet, but had evolved my Kadabra and Kirlia. Wattson, however, happened recently enough for me to recap. I stacked Double Team and Calm Mind on my Kirlia, while he paralyzed his own Magnemite by triggering Synchronize. I healed up occasionally whenever he hit with two Sonicbooms, but even though every single move I knew was not very effective against Steel types, quadrupling Kirlia's Special Attack made it strong enough to easily sweep his entire team.

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Pokémon Xenoverse (FREE MODE)
Mono-Fairy - Fallen Star Mintaka

Well... my computer just up and died. Most likely a power issue - it just won't turn back on, and the charger was creepily blinking before I plugged it off. That means I won't be able to continue my Mono-Fairy run for the time being, if I even can. I'll try to have my save file recovered when I take my computer to its final resting place the repair shop next week, but if I can't, this run is done.

I'm hopeful that worse won't come to worse, though. If anything, I'll start over and build more or less the same team I had in this run. I love this game with all my heart (even if it doesn't seem to love me back sometimes), and I would like to prove that it's possible to complete at least one challenge in it.

Hang in there Pascal, Diana, Neto, Ran, Mimi and Marius. I'll get back to you one way or another.

Oof. I'm so sorry and I hope you can get your save back. If you can't, and you know how to save edit in Xenoverse, I give you permission to hack in your old team at their previous levels/movesets, and still count it as part of the same run.
Oof. I'm so sorry and I hope you can get your save back. If you can't, and you know how to save edit in Xenoverse, I give you permission to hack in your old team at their previous levels/movesets, and still count it as part of the same run.

Aw, thank you! Unfortunately I don't know how to hack the game and it doesn't even come with a debug mode like in Reborn, so my only hope is to recover my save file at the repair shop and keep playing once I have a new computer, or start over with (more or less, barring gender and nickname changes and me potentially using Sylveon like I planned) the same team. Don't worry though, I do enjoy running through this game even if I complain a lot about it, so I'll likely be at the same point I had left in no time.
Been looking to play ORAS again but wanted to do something different than just a normal play through, so going to do a monotype again. Have done it before with grass, so going to switch it up.

User: GrassN
Type: Psychic
Game(s): Alpha Sapphire
Single / Ultimate: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode
User: Captain Gizmo
Type: Steel
Game(s): Diamond
Single / Ultimate: Single
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard

Hello, I'm back ;~;
I dont recognize anybody in the challenge section tho :^)
Good news, people! This morning, I managed to recover all the data from my bricked laptop by removing the hard drive and inserting it in my desktop computer. That also includes my Xenoverse save file, so once my new computer gets here (should be tomorrow), I'll be able to continue my Mono-Fairy run!

Pokémon Ruby Cross (Standard Mode)
Mono-Psychic - Stargazer Astrid
Update 4 (Route 111 -> Lavaridge Gym)

A fourth update, this time taking me from Route 111 to Lavaridge. First off, I spent most of my money on coins for the Game Corner to get myself the TM for Psychic, which gave me a strong STAB move across my entire team. I also learned Secret Power, which is a decent physical attack that also has a chance to inflict status moves. Kadabra also learned Reflect, giving it a way to compensate for its poor Defense. In Meteor Falls, I caught a Solrock, a Rock/Psychic dual type that gives me a Pokemon that resists Fire and is immune to Ground, both very valuable since I'm playing Ruby. Solrock is an excellent physical attacker and defender, but not so great at using Special moves. I also caught a Spoink in Jagged Pass, which isn't really great, but will stay on as a spare member of my team until I reach the Safari Zone and can catch a Xatu. (I also have a Wynaut, but I'm not going to bother listing it because I've never used it in battle, and it'll be immediately boxed the second I head over to catch a Baltoy.)

The battle against Maxie was a very close battle, and he fainted every Pokemon of mine except Kadabra. Flannery, in contrast, was a pushover. My Solrock soloed her entire team with Rock Throw.


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