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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

I just got back from a trip out of town for my birthday. Garfield was really funny!
Pokemon Fire Red Flying Type (Standard Mode) update #1:
Spoiler: Too Much Information

Team notes:
Spoiler: Team notes
Pokemon Legends: Earth Plate, Pt 2

Short posts for this run. The Switch Era is so strange. The trainer battles are so rare, and that's where the real challenge of a mono-run comes in. Most of PLA is just running around, throwing Pokeballs; not worth blogging. At this point, I would not recommend playing PLA as a monotype challenge. It's just not different enough from a regular playthrough. I'm debating whether to play into the postgame just for the final Volo fight.

Spoiler: Gameplay

Spoiler: Coronet Highlands Team
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Pokemon Legends: Earth Plate, Pt 3

Sorry for the double-post, but I finished this run on Legends Arceus. Having done a monotype run on the three non-remake Switch games, I would say...save your time and play the older games. I'm not 100% knocking the new games, but I had a much more engaging experience with Gens 1-7.

The MVP in this game would probably be Onix / Steelix. Granted, I replaced it twice, but that's a Pokémon that's consistently good, start to finish, and it's easy to catch higher-level versions to skip some grinding, as you gain more stars. Steelix is especially strong in this game because DPP was not designed with fairies in mind, and the inclusion of them in this game can be hard to deal with, if you don't have a strong Poison or Steel monster on your roster. Gliscor racked up a lot of kills too, but that's probably because I tend to lead with my lowest-level Pokémon, and it struggled to keep up, level-wise with the other guys. The inverse of this is Torterra, which probably would have been very strong, but was relegated to the back of my rotation from the moment I caught it. The other monsters all performed adequately, and they all had roles to play in critical battles near the end. I'm a little sad that I abandoned my Wormadam so early on, but once I had committed to all-alphas, there was no going back, and farming up an alpha Wormadam sounds like a nightmare.

Side note, I was watching Ronin with my wife, and playing this game during commercial breaks or English-heavy portions. That's a fun experience!

Spoiler: Gameplay

Spoiler: Coronet Highlands Team
Pokemon Platinum QOL (Standard Mode)
Mono-Steel - PI Justin
Update 3 (Galactic Eterna Building -> Hearthome Gym)

I got my third badge in Platinum. After beating Gardenia, I went and got the Thief TM first thing, got a pair of Metal Coats from the wild Bronzor, and evolved Onix into Steelix.

I then went and beat Jupiter with mostly the same movesets I had against Gardenia. Probopass 2HKOed her Zubat with Rock Throw (taking damage from two Giga Drains), then I switched Wormadam out into a Smokescreen and Thiefed her Skuntank's Sitrus Berry. I swapped around a lot while Jupiter spammed Smokescreen and Screech, waiting for her to pick Night Slash, which she finally did on Probopass. I then used Rock Smash to bring Skuntank's Defence down three stages, then switched out right as Probopass was about to faint. Wormadam then KOed Skuntank with two Bug Bites.

On my way to Fantina, I got a bunch of new held items, and taught Earthquake to Steelix, Bronzor, and Probopass, Secret Power to Steelix and Probopass, Confusion to Wormadam, and Extrasensory to Bronzor.

Since Hearthome is Shieldon's last gym, I also replaced his normal and ground type moves with Attract and Double Team, but he never actually saw battle. I'm going to replace him with Scizor as soon as I make it to Solaceon Town, and don't plan on using him in any of the Route 209 battles. All in all, I barely used him.

Fantina's battle went better than I was expecting, since half my team is still relying on normal or ground moves for damage dealing and her entire team is made up of Ghost-types with Levitate. Prinplup started off by 3HKOing Duskull with Bubblebeam, getting burned and hit by Shadow Sneak.

Fantina switched to Mismagius, fainted her with Magical Leaf, and confused the Wormadam I sent out afterwards. Wormadam hurt herself in her confusion once, but 4HKOed Mismagius with Thief and tanked a lot of Shadow Balls, including one crit for both my Pokemon and Fantina's.

Haunter then put Wormadam to sleep and nearly KOed her with a few Shadow Claws, but she woke up the turn before she fainted and brought it down to slightly above half HP with Confusion. After Wormadam went down, I switched to Bronzor, tanked a Shadow Claw, and nearly KOed Haunter with Extrasensory. Fantina healed, then Bronzor hit with another Extrasensory, then its Quick Claw activated and it KOed with a third, winning me a third badge.


Happy belated birthday Reginald Cosmic! And congrats on the completed run Smotemotem, I eventually planned on doing a Ghost run in PLA so I'll have to see how that goes as that game does indeed focus on catching more than anything. And ExplorerofTime, that QOL hack letting you finally use trade evos and Steelix is soo good, I plan to use one in my Renegade Platinum mono-Ground run, rip Shieldon, Bastiodon really needs a boost.

It's been a bit, sadly the past few weeks have not been the greatest, I'm really low on energy most of the time so sorry for lack of updates. Volt White mono-Bug is now up to Castelia city about to fight Burgh. Chili wasen't easy BUT man did I underestimate these bugs, specifically Flutterjam who has Compound Eyes and Struggle Bug, by lowering all the opponents sp.atk so much their fire moves did nothing. Then, I just swept with DeviledEggler and a little Clear Smog from Mothza to stop work up.

Lenora is still as scary as ever, except this hack gave Ledian the miracle it needed, Iron Fist and all 3 elemental punches +Drain Punch before the gym was no joke. My Strabby, alongside the other fighting MVP Bunger the Heracross (who took me 3 days to get cause it's a 2% chance 😭), just destroyed this gym and now I have a newfound love for Ledian, it's pretty cute ngl.

Finally Pinwheel forest gave me a couple good encounters, gen 5 made some killer bug types, including my fave Scolipede. Now time to fight my fellow Bug user, Burgh.

Spoiler: Party

Spoiler: PC
Ultimate Grass Run
BD / FIRST AND FINAL / Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give a Wormadam

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
Pokemon Fire Red Flying Type (Standard Mode) update #2:

Spoiler: The TLDR Version

Spoiler: The 'Full' Read
Pokemon Platinum QOL (Standard Mode)
Mono-Steel - PI Justin
Update 4 (Hearthome East Gate -> Pastoria Gym)

This update has taken a little while since I decided to go skip Maylene and go explore southeastern Sinnoh through Route 212 first. Once I beat Maylene, who was easily swept by Technician Scizor, I only had two trainers left to fight before Pastoria's gym so I just combined these two gyms into one update.

First off, I fought my rival just east of Hearthome. I forgot he had a battle there and didn't record it, but it wasn't very hard and I easily beat him first try, but a couple of my Pokemon did faint. Then, I boxed Shieldon and caught a Scyther just north of Solaceon Town, and evolved him into Scizor immediately. Then I rushed to the Game Corner, hacked in some coins, and got the Swords Dance, Hidden Power, and Gyro Ball TMs, plus a couple temporary held items. (I do have the reaction time to do the DPPt slots semi-reliably, unlike the Gen 3 slots, but it's irritating to match up things with my control scheme because the steam deck uses the Xbox button layout instead of the Nintendo button layout. Plus it's kinda tedious.) I also taught Steelix Payback along the way.

I went down to Pastoria, taught Thunder Fang to Steelix to giv him an answer to Fighting-types, and Aerial Ace to be a slightly better Wing Attack for Scizor, who is keeping this moveset for the rest of the run. I also evolved Bronzor into Bronzong on Route 212, shortly before I challenged the Veilstone Gym. Speaking of Scizor and the Veilstone Gym, he singlehandedly wiped out Maylene's team, 1HKOing Meditite and Machoke with Aerial Ace and 2HKOing Lucario with Brick Break. He took some damage from Fake Out and two Force Palms from Lucario, but not enough to put him in the red, even.

Against Barry in Pastoria, I led with Prinplup and used Bubblebeam to put Staravia in the yellow. Staravia used Double Team, dodged another Bubblebeam, and hit her with Wing Attack. Then, Barry switched Grotle into a Bubblebeam, and lost speed. I tried a Hidden Power (Fire), which put Grotle in the yellow with Hidden Power, but it still fainted my starter with a critical Razor Leaf. I switched to Scizor and KOed Grotle with Aerial Ace.

Barry brought out Ponyta, at this point, so I switched in Probopass into an Ember. Probopass then had its attack lowered by Growl, but still fainted Ponyta with a critical Earthquake. Barry switched to Buizel, then used Pursuit and got paralyzed by my Probopass's Thunder Wave. Probopass then survived two Aqua Jets from Buizel and 4HKOed Buizel with Earthquake as it lost two moves to Paralysis. Barry brought Staravia back and used Double Team, but I paralyzed it, switched Scizor into a Wing Attack, and won with an Aerial Ace.

Finally, for Crasher Wake, I led with Bronzong to soak up Intimidate, and it survived a Waterfall and confused Gyarados.
I switched Steelix into a Waterfall, losing slightly over half its HP, and missed a Thunder Fang while Gyarados hurt itself. Thankfully, the next time, Gyarados hurt itself again and Steelix nearly KOed it with a Thunder Fang. Wake used a Hyper Potion and Steelix brought it back down to the yellow, then Wake actually attacked and fainted Steelix with Brine. I then switched to Bronzong, got hit and knocked down to the red with a Waterfall, and KOed Gyarados with an Extrasensory.

Wake brought out Floatzel next and immediately KOed Bronzong with an Aqua Jet, so I switched to Wormadam, expecting that she'd eat the Sitrus Berry with Bug Bite and then faint quickly. However, Wormadam got really lucky with a critical Confusion for its second attack that also confused Floatzel, and led to it repeatedly hurting itself. Wake had to use his other Hyper Potion and still ended up with Floatzel back in the yellow as Wormadam kept slowly chipping away with Bug Bite, and she even survived an Aqua Jet with a couple HP left before fainting to a Brine. After Wormadam finally went down, I switched to Prinplup, got hit by a Crunch that lowered her Special Defense, and KOed Floatzel with a Grass Knot.

Prinplup then 2HKOed Quagsire with Grass Knot, but was nearly KOed first as she had her speed lowered by Rock Tomb and then was nearly KOed by a Mud Shot. She ended the battle with only 2HP left.

If you've been reading ahead and looking at my team, you may have noticed that Probopass and Wormadam are underleveled compared to the other four. That is intentional. I'm going to box both of them before the Canalave Gym; Probopass pretty much as soon as I get the HM and can make it to Fuego Ironworks to catch a Magnemite (who will be at most three levels away from evolving into Magnezone), and Wormadam after I get the Riolu egg at Iron Island. Wormadam was amazing in the early game (Probopass less so), but the time has come where both are ceasing to be as useful as they used to be. Wormadam's base stats and movepool are not that good even with a great type combo, and Probopass is slow while his two 4x weaknesses are just going to get more and more common from here on out.


🍃 A LeafGreen Grass Monotype 🍃
Or: How I Learned to Stop Strategizing and Love Sleep Powder
Part 5!?!

I've finally gotten back around to this, huh?

Ok, it's been over a year since I posted writeups for this, but for context, I framed my writeups in-character with some silly prose to vaguely connect the events of Leafgreen to the playthrough, some diet fanfic if you will. I'll try linking the other parts below if that sounds interesting to read through.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

It was kinda cringey but fun to write, but it was also time-consuming, so I fell out of it. I've come into some time as of late, though, and I would like to finish at least one playthrough of a game here, so I'll give my best shot at drawing this to completion. This will probably be written a lot more... Rushed than the rest, to make sure I actually get it done, but I hope it's still at least a little fun.

To set the scene, we had just beaten Fuchsia Gym and relaxed together in the Safari Zone. Our team is as follows:
Basil (Venusaur) - Level 39
Rue (Parasect) - Level 38
Turmeric (Victreebel) - Level 38
Fennel (Vileplume) - Level 38
Caraway (Exeggcute) - Level 40​

As a reminder, this is not a nuzlocke, but I'm doing my best to get through battles with as few Pokemon fainting as possible, I'm trying to stay below the levels of each gym leader, and I'm not using items in battle. Let's get Sleep Powdering!


Again, I know this is sloppier than whatever I wrote before to the three or so people who read it then, but I hope it was still a little bit fun :)

Next update, I'll probably finish up this run at last.
🍃 A LeafGreen Grass Monotype 🍃
Or: How I Learned to Stop Strategizing and Love Sleep Powder
Part 6 (Final!)
It's time to finish things.
It appears I'm doing a bit of double-posting so I won't bother linking the last parts, you can just scroll up a bit. I'll run down the team one last time - I forgot to mark down their levels here but they should be around level 45.
Basil (Venusaur)
Rue (Parasect)
Turmeric (Victreebel)
Fennel (Vileplume)
Caraway (Exeggutor)
Tarragon (Tangela)


I know this was a rush job, but I still had a lot of fun with it regardless. The final fight was very taxing with just how few options we really had (gen 3 grass movepools are just atrocious), but we did actually end up using pretty much everyone's unique talents along the way (even Tickle!).

I think I'll be continuing with some Grass-type monotype runs, though probably not with the fanfic format going forward (not that I don't have ideas, it's just a lot to write them out haha). So with that, we say farewell to Kanto...
User: Cinnabar Rhubarb (Formerly Phoenix_Left)
Type: Grass
Game(s): Crystal, Alpha Sapphire, Platinum, White 2, X, Ultra Moon (Already completed Leaf Green, the rest could be subject to change)
Challenge Type: Ultimate, Standard

...And hello to the rest of the world!

(Sorry to triple post, but I figured it would be better to split this into a separate post).
⋆˙⟡ A Crystal Grass Monotype ⟡ ⋆˙
I don't really have a funny subtitle here but expect a lot of Sleep Powder regardless
Part 1

The natural question would be "why are you doing Crystal instead of HGSS?" That's like 98% because I've actually done a Heartgold mono-Grass run before (though before embarking on this challenge, so I imagine it doesn't count). I do genuinely really enjoy the gen 2 games, though, especially all their colors.

The main drawback to Crystal is that the movepools are far more barren, and most of the new Johto mons save Meganium are probably worse than anything we used in Kanto whereas in HGSS they had some means of carving a niche. I'll still do my best to get some use out of Sunflora, Jumpluff, and Bellossom, as I'm sure they won't get the chance in the other games.

Just like in my Leaf Green playthrough, I will be attempting to stay under the level of most gym leaders and I won't be using items in battle. The levels thing I won't be terribly strict with so long as I'm not actively grinding, though, since I'm sure everyone knows how wack the level curves here are.

Another thing, unlike in Leaf Green, we actually have access to breeding! Per the rules on this forum, I can hack an egg move onto a Pokemon so long as I have legitimately gotten that egg move on a member of its evolutionary line, gen 8 style, so that way we don't have to lose out on all our accrued stat XP every time we want a fancy move. This will probably make our movepools generally better than in Leaf Green, but some of the egg moves aren't available until quite late. I will be catching off-type Pokemon to get egg moves, but I will not be overlevelling them to get OP egg moves early (sorry Parasect, you'll have to wait to get Psybeam until it's basically useless).

That's probably all the rambling needed for context, so we'll begin.


The Team So Far:
  • Pear (Bayleef) - Level 16
  • Apricot (Skiploom) - Level 18
  • Mulberry (Bellsprout) - Level 16


  • [PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition
    762 bytes · Views: 2
I'm gonna break up this chain of double-posting (not that I think it broke the rules, just so we're clear) because I want to offer a small update. I'll try to keep this quick.

I've been putting off Pokemon challenges because in the other thread for the "No Evolution" challenge, I need to challenge Victory Road and the Elite Four and Champion, but I gotta grind a bunch cuz "no duh" it's a no evolution challenge. The day care is an option, but I've been kind of putting off Victory Road. I don't know. I just feel kind of bad that I started that thread and haven't posted an update yet.

Another thing is that I feel bad wasting beautiful sunny days inside playing Pokemon, but I usually play on an emulator on my laptop, and I can't really position it in such a way that I can see the screen through the sunshine without directly facing the sun in the west in the afternoon. My vitamin D is low (not deficient, but my doctor did put me on a supplement for it), so I really should go outside more often this summer.

(Quick tangent: I really need to start recording audio for my YouTube videos, so since I got the footage already recorded for the first few videos, that's gonna take some time away from me actually playing the games. I'm always scared to bring up the YouTube channel cuz it is related to these challenges, but I don't wanna self-promote too much on this forum, so I won't link it.)

I'm really hoping I can finish my current "no evolution" challenge very soon.
Understood. I've been busy with other stuff myself and haven't had much time for either of my challenges, so I completely understand.
Ultimate Grass Run
Y / FIRST AND FINAL / Feeling Smoked

I'm deviating a little from my usual format of posts this time, as it's been a rough couple of weeks. Got diagnosed with sciatica, arthritis, and psoriasis all in one shot. High possibility of psoriatic arthritis, and on the watch for a few other things. It hasn't been a fun couple of weeks, so I haven't been keeping as good of notes as I tend to do. I did do the usual tracking, but I couldn't play for more than an hour or so at a time. I'm on meds now, and it's been helping somewhat. So, if I slow down a little, at least everyone knows. Kinda sucks - was getting into a rhythm before the flare up.

So, let's kinda try to salvage what I can of all my notes before I try to get a start on Gen 7.

My son and I sat down and discuss Pokemon selection, because I've found it's actually smarter to look at the team composition ahead of time, and not constantly swap team members around as you go, so you have experience where you need it only. There are obviously cases where you might want to swap out a team member at certain points, so there is that argument, of course.

In the end, the decision was Chespin, Bulbasaur, Ferroseed, Lotad, and Snover. There was a point where it was discussed having Pumpkaboo or Phantump, but both were trade evos, so I eventually scrapped them and focused on the final set of five.

Chespin at the start wasn't bad for Gym 1, because of Rollout.

By the time I get to Cyllage, I have Quilladin, Ivysaur, and Ferroseed. Take your pick, the Rocks are either going down to Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, or Metal Claw. Though, at this point, I started to wonder if I should track my average team level compared to the gym level. Maybe something for me to add at a later point, eh? Like, Cyllage's Grant has a team of 25. I was at 23. So, that's a -2 score for me (we're going golfing, I guess, with lower scores better). Gym 1 was an average of 11 and I was 15, so I went from 4 to -2.

Shalour through Laverre is the same team, because I can't get Lotad or Snover until after I get to that point. Shalour is Fighting, so I tried to keep Ferroseed out as much as possible, which is why Chesnaught and Venusaur ended up taking the brunt of the experience there. I did use Ferroseed a bit in the cave leading to Shalour.

Coumarine and Lumiose were fairly straightforward as well.

Laverre was basically a chance for Ferrothorn, newly evolved, to shine. Metal Claws all around.

Anistar Gym is the first gym where I brought in Lombre and Snover, and I even tried to use Pumpkaboo, but I realized I was using Ferrothorn as a Curse/<move choice here>...and that only gets more of that through the rest of the run. I tried to use Lombre and Snover as much as possible to get them leveled up. Lombre does, but Snover doesn't really. I should have been more diligent about keeping the levels similar.

After all of the fun with Team Flare...which at times was just painful due to certain Fire types knocking me out left and right...I finally make it to Snowbelle, and that was fairly quick and easy, once again with Ferrothorn.

As for Elite Four, that took a few attempts. Water was easy enough. Fire required Ludicolo using Surf, even though the Talonflame kinda hurt. Chesnaught was helpful against Steel (though I still had to get some help from Ferrothorn). The biggest pain was Diantha, until I just Curse/Iron Head with Ferrothorn. Around here, I looked over the team composition for Gen 7, and I was so happy to see more variety. When 40% of my moveset is Grass, it's just really hard to push through it. I'm looking forward to the variety.

Diantha, honestly, was relatively easy, once I got past Hawlucha, which I used Venusaur for as it's a tank. Gardevoir was a single Iron Head after a few Curses to get through Goodra. Grass is sort of weird at times. The standard moveset in Grass type is not the best, I feel. But Gen 6 might just be souring my view. I guess we'll see Gen 7, eh?

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition
Am I reading this right, Stenir? You got diagnosed with sciatica, arthritis, and psoriasis at the same time? I know this is off-topic on my part, but good lord, that sounds awful! (I don't know exactly what sciatica is, but I've heard that psoriasis is super scary to look up on Google.) Hang in there, man.

I don't have any progress to share on the Monotype challenge because I'm trying to grind up my team in the "No Evolution" challenge, so I can finally update that thread. I just felt really bad for Stenir here, and I felt I should probably say something.
I feel bad for you too, Stenir. A family member of mine has had lifelong arthritis and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Also been busy with real life stuff, moderator-stuff, and other games, but I should have a new update for Platinum before the Get-Together starts on Sunday.
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Pokemon Platinum QOL (Standard Mode)
Mono-Steel - PI Justin
Update 5 (Route 210 North -> Canalave Gym)

It's been a whole month since my last update. Partly because it was time to train up two new team members, which is always a little time-consuming, but more importantly because of real life stuff that's been keeping me busy. First off, I evolved my starter into Empoleon as soon as possible, and boxed my Wormadam and Probopass for Magnezone, which was caught immediately after Cyrus, and Lucario, which was hatched and evolved as soon as I could get to Iron Island after that. I then went down all the optional routes, with Lucario holding the Exp. Share up until he hit level 30, then had him as the party lead for the rest of the segment. Neither Wormadam nor Probopass took part in any trainer battles since Crasher Wake.

For my moveset changes, apart from the new members' movesets (Magnezone as a special attacker and Lucario as a Swords Dance sweeper), I taught Curse to Steelix and Surf and Flash Cannon to Empoleon. More importantly, I got the Choice Specs and gave them to Empoleon. The Sinnoh games give you a single choice item before the postgame, which is amazing if you know how to use it right. I often run three different choice item users in my competitive teams so you can imagine how excited I am to get to use one in regular gameplay.

None of the three boss battles this segment were very hard. Scizor maxed its attack against Cyrus, surviving four Ice Punches from Sneasel, and 1HKOed all his Pokemon. Lucario swept through Byron with Swords Dance as well, using it once against Magneton (getting hit by a Metal Sound), and 1HKOed it, barely survived an Earthquake and 2HKOed Steelix, and 1HKOed Bastiodon, all with Brick Break.

Barry was a little harder, and actually managed to KO one of my Pokemon. Magnezone 1HKOed his Staraptor, and 2HKOed his Rapidash with Thunderbolt, but got its defense reduced by Tail Whip from the latter, and weakened a bit by Take Down. It got KOed by Heracross's Brick Break the next turn. I switched to Scizor, survived a Brick Break, and 1HKOed Heracross with Aerial Ace, and 2HKOed Floatzel and Torterra with it too. Floatzel nearly KOed Scizor with a critical Aqua Jet, but their other moves were both near-useless Dark-type moves.


[Cleaning off my desk with cleaning solution]

[Notices "Explorer of Time" out the corner of my eye]

[Continues cleaning the desk]

[Looks up]

You look different today. Did you get a haircut?