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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Pokemon White Ground Mono part 2


Current Team

I've started the Pokemon Ultra Moon Ghost Monotype challenge tonight. I've never played USUM in full before. I only made it past the first totem Pokemon the first time, but I just wasn't feeling the team I'd selected. Most of the Alolan Pokemon I actively like are ghost-type, so I thought, "Man, forget it! Yo, home, to Bel Air!" I've got my team more or less decided on at the moment. I'll update as things progress, but for now, I'll say that I got an Adamant-natured Rowlet second try, and I'm really thankful for that because I was not prepared for Professor Kukui to give a college lecture while I picked my starter. I'm not nicknaming my Pokemon this playthrough because that would involve naming them after dead guys, and I don't think I'm ready for that.

Name: Reggie
Type: Ghost
Game: Pokémon Ultra Moon
Challenge Type: Single
Standard Mode: In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. (Translation: "Standard")
Ultimate Dark Run
Gold / First and Final / Man, Dark

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:
The first update for UM is coming, but I haven't made progress the last day or two, so please be patient.

I'm looking over some of what Stenir wrote regarding the Elite Four, and I feel like I should try Set Mode out sometime. I should probably try it with a casual run first though, so I know what I'm getting into. I actually find it weird that this is the only built-in challenge mode for most Pokemon games*, yet I've never seriously tried it out. I just feel like that's not what I look for in a challenge mode. (Someone once proposed the idea that there'd be a middle option where you can switch your Pokemon for free, but the game won't tell you the next opposing Pokemon. I'm curious how that would work out... or maybe it would be dumb. I don't know.)

*I know about B2W2's challenge mode, but they seemingly coded that wrong. I've never tried it out for myself, but I think they forgot to change the final stats of each Pokemon.
Pokemon White Ground Mono: Main Game Complete

Final Main Game Team

MVP: This is tough. it's between Excadrill and Krookodile. Excadrill's bulk as a Drilbur with Eviolite was crucial earlygame and Sandile was pretty weak, but Krokorok was sweeping whole teams while Excadrill could only manage that like, once. Krookodile also hit like a truck and there were times when it felt like Excadrill was too slow, But i did handle most grass types not named Cheren's Serperior pretty well

Close Call but i'm gonna say Krookodile. Good STAB on both sides plus Moxie is just too strong.

LVP: Stunfisk
I mean, it's not its fault. I didn't get it till 7 gyms in. And it helped in a couple of crucial late battles, just. Not that good overall.
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The first update for UM is coming, but I haven't made progress the last day or two, so please be patient.

I'm looking over some of what Stenir wrote regarding the Elite Four, and I feel like I should try Set Mode out sometime. I should probably try it with a casual run first though, so I know what I'm getting into. I actually find it weird that this is the only built-in challenge mode for most Pokemon games*, yet I've never seriously tried it out. I just feel like that's not what I look for in a challenge mode. (Someone once proposed the idea that there'd be a middle option where you can switch your Pokemon for free, but the game won't tell you the next opposing Pokemon. I'm curious how that would work out... or maybe it would be dumb. I don't know.)

*I know about B2W2's challenge mode, but they seemingly coded that wrong. I've never tried it out for myself, but I think they forgot to change the final stats of each Pokemon.

Honestly, set mode didn't really feel any different across the run. I did notice I tried to have more coverage on each of my team as I went, just on the off chance the opposing trainer switched into something I could still do damage with. That's why I ended up having, for example, Houndoom with a Ghost move. I even thought about teaching Surf to Sneasel at one point. I decided against it in the end, but I did think about it.

If you're clicking super fast, Set mode is easy to ignore because it's basically the same as accidentally saying "no" to the swap option when a new 'mon is thrown out on the other team.

I would be interested to see one where the swap is free but you don't know what's coming out next, but I do think most of the logic has been mapped for how trainers behave, so it's not hard to figure out what would be thrown out next.

Now, if it randomly adjusted the logic on the fly, that would be interesting. I don't know how it would be adjusted on the fly, but would be fun to play a Pokemon game where an opposing trainer has a "stress" meter, where the closer they are to losing, there's a higher chance they might go off script and do something ridiculous.
Pokemon White Ground Mono Finale

Final Team
Ultimate Dark Run
Gold / First and Final / Man, Dark
Sapphire / First and Final / I Swear I Know Which Game I'm Playing (Added because I accidentally missed updating the game I was playing)

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:

Hoenn by Type:

On to Sinnoh...once I hatch an egg for Murkrow at the beginning...
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Ultimate Dark Run
Gold / First and Final / Man, Dark
Since this is clearly a Hoenn game and not Gold, I'm going to need to double-check which Hoenn game you beat before adding you to the Hall of Fame. I assume Sapphire?
Oh, jeez, sorry, I keep the same format in a text document and just make updates as I do each new one. Totally had a brain fart and didn't change that.

This was indeed Sapphire. Thanks for catching that. I'll go strikethrough that line and add a better line underneath it in the post.
Ultimate Dark Run
Brilliant Diamond / First Entry / Smaller Posts, Still Going

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
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The Ultimate Monotype Challenge! (Fighting)

Yellow, HeartGold, Sigma Σmerald, Platinum, White 2, X, Ultra Sun, Sword, Violet.

Additional Rules: - No items on important battles (rival, leaders, etc.)
- Set mode for important battles.

1. Started Pokémon X with Chespin!

Started the game, took Chespin as it will evolve into Chesnaught, a Fighting-type, caught a Riolu, and went for the first badge. It was an easy sweep with Chespin's Rollout, both Surskit and Vivilion had nothing to do. The Combee from the previous trainer was actually worse than the gym leader, as I missed 3 Rollout in a row there, and Gust almost killed me. Against the Surskit Rollout missed once as well, 4 out of 5 misses, with 90 accuracy, insane. After getting the badge I also caught a male Ralts, and that's it so far, so yeah, 2 out of 3 are not yet Fighting-types, and not many new things to train compared to my previous monotype runs, but we'll see how it goes.

I actually beat Y on release and never played gen VI again, so a bit less known for me this game. As I remember it being extremely easy, I have turned off the Exp. Share, not gonna use it unless I see myself very underleveled.

Spoiler: Current Pokémon

Number of Gym Badges: 1.

Current Location: Lumiose City.

Number of losses: 0.
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Ultimate Dark Run
Brilliant Diamond / Final Entry / Well, That Was Interesting

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:

Hoenn Sinnoh by Type:

Off to Unova. Catch you after the flight!
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What's Hoenn by Type?
What's Hoenn by Type?
I swear, you'd think after this many runs I wouldn't goof. That's supposed to be Sinnoh by type (I'll get it fixed). It's me showing each region, type by type. So, it shows the progression of average level by time across the run. For Sinnoh, you can see how Dark and Grass (and partially Fairy) progressed over time for party level.
I had to shelve the video until early 2025 for numerous reasons. On that note: I swear I'm gonna resume updates to this thread soon, but my best friend is going through a lot of real life BS right now, and I gotta be a good friend to him by participating in the stream chat of his October streams. I thought the Ghost Monotype run would be an excellent thing to do in October, but I don't know one way or the other how much of that I can do this upcoming month. I could get a lot done, or I could get nothing done. It could go either way or some in-between way. There's other stuff I'm doing for my mental health such as reading more. My mom and I agreed to watch TV together every Monday cuz we found a couple cartoons we might both like. I'm continuing to do livestreams of my own with a different circle of friends.
I had to shelve the video until early 2025 for numerous reasons. On that note: I swear I'm gonna resume updates to this thread soon, but my best friend is going through a lot of real life BS right now, and I gotta be a good friend to him by participating in the stream chat of his October streams. I thought the Ghost Monotype run would be an excellent thing to do in October, but I don't know one way or the other how much of that I can do this upcoming month. I could get a lot done, or I could get nothing done. It could go either way or some in-between way. There's other stuff I'm doing for my mental health such as reading more. My mom and I agreed to watch TV together every Monday cuz we found a couple cartoons we might both like. I'm continuing to do livestreams of my own with a different circle of friends.
Take your time if you need to. Video games should be for fun, not a job. Do what's best for your mental health, whether it's reading, spending time with your friends and family, et cetera. Your Pokemon games will still be around if you wait, and so will this website.
The Ultimate Monotype Challenge! (Fighting)

Yellow, HeartGold, Sigma Σmerald, Platinum, White 2, X, Ultra Sun, Sword, Violet.

Additional Rules: - No items on important battles (rival, leaders, etc.)
- Set mode for important battles.

2. So many decisions to make for the team!

I kept going for quite a bit and got many more Fighting-types. I started training a Scraggy, but in the end I preferred using Pancham as it will have the same typing and it's a 6th gen Pokémon. I also decided to swap Ralts for Meditite, I actually like Gallade more than Medicham, but I have trained a few Gallades already, and I only used Medicham by the end of one game. Almost trained a Mienfoo as well, but as it evolves at level 50, and the one I caught had a Quiet nature, I decided to keep Lucario, yes, Lucario, because Riolu evolved quite early, just at level 18! Apart from that Chespin also evolved into Quilladin, and I also added Hawlucha and Croagunk to make the team have 6 Pokémon already.

Random encounters on this game are over the top, and those horde battles take so long to load... Maybe doing the Violet run before this was not the greatest of the ideas...

Anyways, got the second badge, against Grant. His Amaura survived my Hawlucha's Rock Smash (expected it to kill...), and with Refrigerate Take Down, actually both Pokémon went down. And his Tyrunt managed to beat my Meditite, but Pancham finished the fight easily with Karate Chop.

Spoiler: Current Pokémon

Number of Gym Badges: 2.

Current Location: Cyllage City.

Number of losses: 0.
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Ultimate Dark Run
Black / First Entry / Rough Start

In this post (i.e., TL;DR)

The full read:

Team Stats:
The Ultimate Monotype Challenge! (Fighting)

Yellow, HeartGold, Sigma Σmerald, Platinum, White 2, X, Ultra Sun, Sword, Violet.

Additional Rules: - No items on important battles (rival, leaders, etc.)
- Set mode for important battles.

3. High Jump MISS!

My team is much stronger now, around level 36-37, I already have 5 badges, and everyone except for Meditite has evolved to its final form! As for the important fights, not much to say, quite easy so far:

- The fight with Serena for the Mega Ring was easy. Lucario after a Swords Dance beat both Meowstic and Braixen with Return and Bone Rush, and Hawlucha destroyed her Absol. A little later, you fight Serena again at Coumarine City, and fight went exactly the same way!

- Corrina was the third leader, we both use Fighting-types. Croagunk helped with Revenge against Mienfoo, and after that it was all Hawlucha, who, despite being 2 levels lower than her Hawlucha, was faster and beat it with Aerial Ace; then, the Machoke was piece of cake with Flying Press.

- And against Ramos, Hawlucha was again the MVP. Pangoro beat the Jumpluff with Payback, although Acrobatics did a lot, and then Hawlucha finished the fight with Acrobatics, beating the Gogoat and the Weepinbell.

- Clement was a bit more annoying. Pangoro beat the Emolga, but was left with little HP and Paralyzed, so Magneton finished her off. Then Meditite missed High Jump Kick (3 misses out of 4 uses so far) and went down as well. Chesnaught ended up beating the Magneton, surviving with little HP, and finally Lucario, taking a big hit, outsped and OHKOed Helioptile with Force Palm.

After that fight, I equipped Meditite with Wide Lens... It's also a bit annoying to have to teach HMs to my team, but I don't want to change my team all the time for HM Slaves. I know with Waterfall I'll have no choice, but it's what it is. I fought Serena again at Route 14, and while her Delphox beat my Hawlucha, Pangoro finished the fight very easily with Payback and Vital Throw.

And that's it so far, will keep going!

Spoiler: Current team

Number of Gym Badges: 5.

Current Location: Route 14.

Number of losses: 0.
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