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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge v8, Tera Edition

Did you guys know it comes with DRAGON DANCE and OUTRAGE at LV 20!? Crazy!

I did, actually. I was planning to do a Dark monotype of XD as my own next run well before you came along just now. I don't plan on keeping Outrage for long in my own run, though.
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I did, actually. I was planning to do a Dark monotype of XD as my own next run well before you came along just now. I don't plan on keeping Outrage for long in my own run, though.

You really should, it's been so much fun! And now that you say it, I'm also probably gonna ditch Outrage. I kind of forgot dragon is special before the split.
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Standard Mode)
Update 3 (Pyrite Town -> Phenac City)

I rebattled some trainers at Agate Village, Gateon Port and the Pokémon HQ Lab for the extra exp. Carvanha also learned icy wind from the move tutor in Agate. Then I went to Realgam Tower, being sent there from Phenac City and completed a couple of battle CD's. In Phenac City, I discovered that Cipher members had replaced the people living there. To save the city I battled them and the Hexagon Brothers but didn't run into much issues there. The battle against Cipher Admin Snattle was another story. At first Quagsire was quickly disposed of by Nuzleaf's giga drain but then Lunatone was sent out and the combo of its shadow sky, shadow wave and Lanturn's shock wave took out 4 of my mons. I did manage to knock Lanturn out and catch Lunatone but Castform's water pulse K.O.'ed Larvitar so I only had Umbreon left at a quarter health. After reviving Houndoom, the both of them knocked out Castform and Metang ok fast but I cut it close. With that done the city was saved.

My Team:
Explorer of Time, when I get around to the Fire-Type run, I need to buy Flamethrower TMs at the Game Corner. Can you please direct me to a thread on how to do that in accordance to the rules?
Explorer of Time, when I get around to the Fire-Type run, I need to buy Flamethrower TMs at the Game Corner. Can you please direct me to a thread on how to do that in accordance to the rules?

If you're emulating, you can use PKHeX on your save file. Use it, open your .SAV file, then click on the SAV tab in the upper right. Then, click on the "Block Data" button in the bottom half of the new screen. Click on the number to the right of "coin" and change it to any number up to 9999, then save your game and buy the TMs. Repeat as necessary if you need to spend more than 9999 coins. Alternatively, you could click into the "Items" tab below Block Data, click the TMHMs pocket, and give yourself the TM35s (Flamethrower) directly, but this will cause problems if you're playing a romhack that expands your bag size. Don't do either option until you actually have the Coin Case, though.

If you're playing on real hardware, using a cheating device like a GameShark would be acceptable as well, but I don't know how to do it safely so I'd recommend against it. If you can't do this, either, Ruby and Sapphire are two of the easier games to grind money in if you need to get them completely legit, since you can rematch Rich Boy Winston or Lady Cindy with a Pokemon holding the Amulet Coin starting after the fifth gym, and get enough money to outright buy coins for your TMs at a half dozen or so rematches per TM. If you switch to another Pokemon with Thief, you can steal a Nugget in each match too. (Trainer's Eye trainers like these two have a 31% chance of being rematchable after each 255 steps on their map, so just use the Mach Bike on Route 104 to speed that up.)

A third alternative to avoid that accursed gambling minigame, is to just trade in Pokemon holding TM35s once you get your Coin Case, if you have another save file that already has enough money to buy more.
That's helpful. I'll make sure to follow the advice about waiting until I get the coin case first. Thank you.

Side note: I thought I was in the minority for not liking the slots mini-games. Like, "Bro, just hand me the TM for Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Shadow Ball/Iron Tail." (These the TMs at the Rocket Game Corner, which I think is a little different, but that's a lot of really useful TMs hidden behind a steep in-game paywall.)

Can I use this on my current Flying-type run now that I have the coin case? I plan on getting the Thunderbolt TM from Wattson's "New Mauville" side quest, but it'd also be nice to have Ice Beam on Gyarados before [checks notes] the Abandoned Ship. That's like, after Gym 7. What the H?
Can I use this on my current Flying-type run now that I have the coin case? I plan on getting the Thunderbolt TM from Wattson's "New Mauville" side quest, but it'd also be nice to have Ice Beam on Gyarados before [checks notes] the Abandoned Ship. That's like, after Gym 7. What the H?

User: Ahri
Type: Bug
Game(s): Red/ Soul Silver/ Alpha Sapphire/ Platinum/ White 2/ Y/ Moon/ Shield/ Violet
Single / Ultimate: Ultimate
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode
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Why did PokeHex direct me to a site pretending to be Microsoft? I know enough about computers that I recognized the trick of putting "microsoft." before the actual domain to give the illusion that it's the real Microsoft domain. I downloaded .NET from the real Microsoft, but I'm very much worried about downloading malware after opening the executable.
Why did PokeHex direct me to a site pretending to be Microsoft? I know enough about computers that I recognized the trick of putting "microsoft." before the actual domain to give the illusion that it's the real Microsoft domain. I downloaded .NET from the real Microsoft, but I'm very much worried about downloading malware after opening the executable.

After checking it on my own, the .NET link is actually from Microsoft. The domain is dotnet.microsoft.com, which means microsoft.com is the actual domain and the dotnet part is cosmetic. If it were microsoft.(othersitename), it'd be a fake. I've used this program several times and it's completely safe.
I don't have an explanation. I swear I thought it said microsoft first (before the domain), but I was quick to close the tab, and Firefox doesn't store my downloads reverse-chronologically. Nonetheless, I've edited the file to where I'll 4,000 coins, and it appears to be working. The coin case says I have 4,000 which is what I want, and none of my Pokémon have turned into "bad eggs" (although now that I've said that, I think that might be a relic from 2009 YouTube). I still have the original save file in case something goes horribly wrong, but I don't think anything's going to go wrong. TL;DR Thank you, and sorry for doubting you.
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Standard Mode)
Update 4 (Phenac City -> Pokémon HQ Lab)

I did quite a lot today but don't really have much time to write so I'll keep it brief.

- Tried to go to S.S. Libra but scooter got stuck in sand
- Makan at Gateon Port upgraded my scooter after I found him at Kaminko's House
- Grinded for Poké Coupons at Mt. Battle to get flamethrower for Houndoom (Carvanha, Nuzleaf & Larvitar evolved)
- Found Bonsly at S.S. Libra but Team Snagem stole my snag machine after putting me to sleep (I found the tm for flamethrower there so the grinding was pointless 😅)
- Found out about the Snagem Hideout from Hordel at Outskirt Stand (also battled Mirror B)
- Cleared out Snagem Hideout and found the tm for Psychic which I taught to Umbreon (fighting coverage!)
- Defeated Gonzap and got my snag machine back
- Infiltrated the Cipher Key Lair with Team Snagem's help. Found the System Lever and used it to short-circuit the Lair, making it unable to produce Shadow Pokemon. (found earthquake for Pupitar)
- Defeated Gorigan and Mr. Verich reveals himself as Greevil, Cipher's Boss. He's hiding on Citadark Isle.
- Got the master ball from the professor
- I can now use the newly completed ROBO Kyogre to reach Citadark Isle

I kind of overleveled by accident by grinding for Poké Coupons at Mt. Battle so the battles were pretty easy. The levels are catching up though so I think Citadark Isle will be more of a challenge.

My Team:
I'll provide a full synopsis tomorrow, but I wanted to ask a question now and get it over with.

Norman handed me the TM for Facade, and I said, "Yeah, I'll be sure to chuck that in the trash," but then, I realized Facade is going to be really useful.

The move Facade has 70 base power, which isn't much, but it's doubled 140 if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or burned. Now we're gonna put a pin in that for a second. Swellow has the ability "Guts." Guts boosts attack during poison, paralysis, and burn, and importantly, Guts bypasses the rule about burned Pokémon losing half their physical attack. Swellow is also a Normal/Flying-type, so Facade gets the Same Type Attack Bonus (or STAB as you likely know). Silk Scarf also boosts normal-type attacks by 10%. You following me? That's 140 base power times 150% physical attack stat times 1.5 because of STAB times 1.1 from the Silk Scarf. That comes out to... [checks calculator] 346.5 power (rounded up or down). Swellow might just nuke Glacia's team for the Hell of it! She's gonna scream out "I'm losing to a bird!"

Oh, right, the question! Um, how do I burn Swellow? Is it possible to encounter a Vulpix on Mt. Pyre, wait around until it uses Will-O-Wisp, and then just be super careful about healing Swellow at the Pokémon Center?

EDIT: I've done something I've never done before. I looked into the math involved in damage calculation, and I checked my IVs with PokeHex to save myself from having to do even more math. Anyway, assuming Swellow goes in at level 55 with Guts in full effect, I would be very close to defeating Glacia's Walrein in one use of Facade. (As far as I know, the Elite Four members do not have Pokémon with EVs or IVs, so I used an even 100 for Walrein's defense.) It's 178.9 damage out of 179, but that's assuming for a perfect 100/100 for the "random" aspect of the Gen III damage formula.

Level = 55

Power = 77 (that's 70 x 110% for Silk Scarf)

A = 156 (that's 104 x 150% for Guts)

D = 100 (assuming I'm correct in my assumption that Walrein will not have IVs or EVs).

Burn is ignored, and DoubleDamage is in effect.

Note: The attack stat (before Guts) at level 57 is 107, and that still might not be enough. I want to one shot each and every member of her team!
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Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Standard Mode)
Update 5 (Pokémon HQ Lab -> Citadark Isle)

I finally arrived at Citadark Isle and I began to make my way through the island. I was still a bit overleveled for the normal trainers so they were easily defeated. I did swap my Mightyena for the Shadow Sableye I caught from the first trainer there. I purified it with the help of vivid scents and taught it shock wave. The real difficulty came with Greevil's bodyguards. First Ardos: Alakazam's elemental punches & Kingdra's Hydro Pump took out half of my team so that it was only my Umbreon, Houndoom & Sableye against his Shadow Electabuzz & Snorlax. His Snorlax used Shadow End to K.O. Houndoom & Sableye but Houndoom's flamethrower did knock out Electabuzz before fainting. Umbreon then knocked out Snorlax with Psychic but he only had a 1/4 of its health left! Then Eldes: Ninjask surprisingly did a lot of damage as its Silver Wind was STAB and super effective. Its Salamence & Flygon came on the field at the same time and knocked out 4 of my mons but with icy wind speed drops I managed to knock them out. In the end I only had Sableye against his Lapras and with the combo of confuse ray and shock wave I won the battle.

At last I confronted Greevil. I caught Shadow Lugia with the master ball. (I'm obviously not gonna use it) The battle against his team of six Shadow Pokémon was rough! Rhydon, Exeggutor & Tauros went down to a super effective water pulse, flamethrower & brick break but did K.O. half my team with Shadow moves. My Pupitar came through against the birds. I set up with 3 dragon dances while healing with items on Umbreon's turns. He knocked out Zapdos & Moltres in 1 hit with rock slide but it missed Arcticuno. It knocked out my Pupitar, bye bye stat boosts! I revived Pupitar with a max revive and luckily Articuno targeted Sableye instead of Pupitar, knocking it out, but in turn I won the battle with Rock Slide.

Only 1 pokemon left but I did complete my first monotype run! This was so much fun, I think I'm gonna do The Type Mastery Challenge next, we'll see.

Final Team:
I can't help myself! I really want to start another monotype run and the Type Mastery Challenge is calling my name. I'm going to start with fighting type in Alpha Sapphire.

User: Infer12
Game(s): Crystal (Fire), Sapphire (Psychic), Ruby (Ground), Emerald (Grass), Leafgreen (Ice), Diamond (Flying), Platinum (Steel), White (Bug), White 2 (Electric), Black 2 (Poison), X (Ghost), Alpha Sapphire (Fighting), Omega Ruby (Water), Sun (Fairy), Ultra Moon (Rock), Solar Light & Lunar Dark (Normal), GS Chronicles (Dragon), Insurgence (Dark)
Challenge Type: Type Mastery
Standard Mode / Free Mode: Standard Mode
Pokémon Colosseum (Standard Mode)
Mono-Water - Aqua Admin Walter
Update 5 (Snagem Hideout -> Outskirt Stand)

One last update for my Colosseum challenge, covering the entire postgame. Most of the battles were pretty easy, but Somek, Agnol, and Fein all fainted four of my Pokemon in their respective boss battles.

Now that that's done, I'm going to take a page from the Valentine's Day challenge I did recently and rate each party member on a scale of 1-10, in terms of how much I enjoyed using them.

Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised that, even despite the extremely limited selection of Pokemon, I was able to find a role for all six available Water-types in Colosseum. Feraligatr was the MVP of the challenge, with both Surf and the Special Attack to make use of it, Ice Beam and Brick Break for coverage, and Rain Dance to set up stronger Water moves across my whole team. 8/10.

Suicune functioned as a stronger, but less versatile version of Feraligatr, with better setup since it could learn Reflect. That being said, it didn't have a way to hit other Water-types for neutral damage, and Water-types were ironically a major thorn in my side because I couldn't learn any Grass or Electric moves on my whole team to hit them super-effectively. I'd rate it 5/10, and if I had more options it would probably be the one to be replaced.

Quagsire was an excellent check against Electric Pokemon, which were the type my team was weakest against. However, it was quadruple-weak to grass, very slow, and the doubles format made it so Earthquake would hit any Pokemon it teamed up with that wasn't Mantine. Still, hitting two Pokemon, often for super-effective damage against a type that threatened the entire rest of my team, was often worth it. 7/10.

Qwilfish, while not the strongest member of my team, was unexpectedly good. As my best physical attacker, and part-Poison Pokemon that had access to STAB Sludge Bomb, it covered my team's Grass weakness really well, and its high speed made it the best possible Toxic user in my party. 9/10.

Octillery was fragile and slow, but it did offer me some coverage options with Psychic and Flamethrower that I couldn't get anywhere else on my team. Its mono-Water typing wasn't spectacular, though, since I already had two better ones in my party, and it was brought down heavily by Colosseum's lack of access to the Surf HM. 5.5/10.

Finally, Mantine gave me the excellent Confuse Ray, which I comboed with Attract, giving me two good status moves to make up for Mantine's lackluster attack movepool. Like Octillery, it didn't get access to Surf but would've been much better with it. It also had a terrible attack stat that couldn't take advantage of its part-Flying typing. Thankfully, it had an amazing Special Defense and its part-Flying type helped it avoid Quagsire's Earthquakes, and it along with Qwilfish made Grass-types much easier to deal with than they were in the early game. Thus, even with the downsides, it's still a 6/10.

I'm going to take a short break from playing Pokemon for a while so I can finish up Golden Sun: TLA, then come back and play my mono-Dark run of XD. I'll still be checking the thread daily, though.


Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Standard Mode)
Update 1 (Littleroot Town -> Route 109)

To make the game a little harder, I'm adding some extra rules: level limit at gym leader's highest level pokemon and only 3 items can be used per battle.

- Got Torchic and named it Vulcan (I'm going for a roman/greek gods theme)
- Had a Tackle/Scratch battle with Brendan and had to use a potion
- Caught a male Ralts and named it Apollo (only took 15 min which is pretty good for a 2% encounter)
- Caught a Shroomish and named it Demeter

Gym Leader Roxanne

- Caught Makuhita and named it Bacchus
- Trained in Granite Cave and Torchic evolved into Combusken (finally some fighting types!)

Gym Leader Brawly

- Mr. Briney took me to Route 109

My Team:
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I want to evolve my ralts into gallade in Alpha Sapphire. Can I use super training to get a dawn stone? Otherwise I have to wait until victory road.
The full update from right after Wattson's defeat all the way through the 5th gym leader


The "Man, this update is long. I aint' reading all that!" version:
