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The Monotype Challenge

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I was using your sign up as an example is all, Sinxdx.

Thank you River, that's exactly right. I made a call a while back when a situation came up where someone was trying to stack all kinds of challenges together, and it resulted in that rule. It is primarily in place to avoid exploitation of the rules. I've been refining this set of rules for over a year now, you can trust that everything has a reason for being there.
Here we are, another new thread and i still haven't finished water!
I'd like to first ask, can i get my completed singles from the old thread over here? I can fill an application for them:

Forum User Name: Jespoke
Pokémon Type: Ground, Ghost, Dragon, Fire, Normal, Fighting
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): They are all Kanto, though i can go dig up what specific versions they were on if necessary
Previous Progress: Yes, all finished. Some of them are from Alakazam17's ancient thread though.

Then moving on to current challenges, I'll start with my single Electric Kanto to add to the club, and the continuation of my Water ultimate that started way back in the early parts of the ancient thread:

Forum User Name: Jespoke
Pokémon Type: Electric
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Fire Red
Previous Progress: Yes, update very soon

Forum User Name: Jespoke
Pokémon Type: Water
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2, X
Previous Progress: Yes, not for the current game yet though.

And then there is my finished Bug ultimate from the old thread, which i will be doing 6th gen on as soon as Pokebank releases. Signup will have to wait i think.
Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Dark
Challenge Type: Single (For now)
Game(s): Ruby
Previous Progress: No

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Grass
Challenge Type: Single (For now)
Game(s): Sapphire
Previous Progress: No

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Flying
Challenge Type: Single (For now)
Game(s): Sapphire
Previous Progress: No

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Normal
Challenge Type: Single (For now)
Game(s): Ruby
Previous Progress: No

Just to make sure - dual types are allowed right? So I can use Shiftry, Cacturne and Sableye for dark monotype even though they have another type beside dark?
Just to make sure - dual types are allowed right? So I can use Shiftry, Cacturne and Sableye for dark monotype even though they have another type beside dark?

Dual-typed Pokemon are allowed, so long as they have at least one type in common. You can use Shiftry, Caturne, and Sableye for a Dark run since they all are part Dark type.

What you can't do is make a team that does 2 monotypes at once. Meaning you can't have a team of Pelipper, Gyarados, and Swanna and say it counts as both a Water type run AND a Flying type run. It has to be one or the other.
I'd like to first ask, can i get my completed singles from the old thread over here?
Yes you can. Anyone who says they have previous progress has their completed singles moved automatically. You don't have to write sign ups for them specifically.
Just to make sure - dual types are allowed right? So I can use Shiftry, Cacturne and Sableye for dark monotype even though they have another type beside dark?
Dual-typed Pokemon are allowed, so long as they have at least one type in common. You can use Shiftry, Caturne, and Sableye for a Dark run since they all are part Dark type.

What you can't do is make a team that does 2 monotypes at once. Meaning you can't have a team of Pelipper, Gyarados, and Swanna and say it counts as both a Water type run AND a Flying type run. It has to be one or the other.
Yes, Dual typed Pokemon are perfectly acceptable. Part of the fun is figuring out what team can best get you through the game and cover the most attacks and types.
Hi, i was doing a fire Monotype in Sacred Gold under my old username, so i'll do a second sign up:

Forum User Name: KillerCroCohen
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Sacred Gold (Heart gold Dryano hack)
Previous Progress: Jhoto league finished, kanto: wanted to post that i just beat Brock somehow with this wonderful wonderful team'o'mine, so 1\8.
I'll do a single challenge, seeing as I haven't done one of these before.

Forum User Name: TShetler
Pokémon Type: Flying
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Leaf Green (for now, if it goes good I might do Johto)
Previous Progress: No
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Name: Bestwaffles
Pokémon Type: Poison
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, Crystal, Sapphire, Diamond, White, X
Previous Progress: Yes

Nearly finished Sapphire too, and will post an update once I have ;)
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Forum User Name: SubVirus
Pokémon Type: Poison
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): FireRed, SoulSilver, Expert Emerald 0/8, Platinum, Blaze Black 6/8, X
Previous Progress: Yes

I'll have an update here pretty soon, I've grown kinda busy and am in transition between two jobs.
Forum User Name: Flame999
Pokémon Type: Dragon
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Emerald
Previous Progress: No

Forum User Name: Flame999
Pokémon Type: Fighting
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Emerald
Previous Progress: No

Note: my team will be from all 3 gen so I will be hacking some in. both games thou
it will be on my phone
Forum User Name: RefinedHornet
Pokemon Type: Fire
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Games: Blue, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2, X
Previous Progress: Yes


Update on Crystal:
I have defeated all 8 Kanto leaders and defeated Red.

Final Team:
Forum User Name: Flame999
Pokémon Type: Dragon
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Emerald
Previous Progress: No

Forum User Name: Flame999
Pokémon Type: Fighting
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Emerald
Previous Progress: No

Note: my team will be from all 3 gen so I will be hacking some in. both games thou
it will be on my phone
Only that Dragon Mono is allowed a single hack. Hacking any more will violate the rules. It seems I forgot to include the fact that hacking is disallowed in this challenge, and have updated the rules to reflect this.
Forum User Name: The Sceptile King
Pokémon Type: Water
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): X
Previous Progress: No
BTW, why is EXP share not allowed in this?
Exp Share in X and Y is extremely broken and over Powered, essentially allowing you to gain about 300% extra experience that shouldn't exist. If you're curious, Pokemon Amie is banned for similar reasons, as it breaks Pokemon Battler by giving you a bunch of unfair buffs.
Only that Dragon Mono is allowed a single hack. Hacking any more will violate the rules. It seems I forgot to include the fact that hacking is disallowed in this challenge, and have updated the rules to reflect this.

I was only going to hack the Pokemon in but if I can't then my Dragon Mono might be a bit tricky but I'll change it to Normal Mono type
I was only going to hack the Pokemon in but if I can't then my Dragon Mono might be a bit tricky but I'll change it to Normal Mono type

I believe what Necrum was trying to say was that you can hack in ONE Pokemon since you can't catch any Dragon-types in Emerald before the 3rd gym, but only one because you can catch Dragon-types in that game before the E4, e.g. Bagon, Trapinch, Swablu, and Horsea. For instance, since I couldn't catch any one of those before I got the third badge, I would probably use a program to set Dratini or one of the above Dragons as my starter to fill the void.

Also, for that fighting mono, you can just use Torchic, who happens to evolve into a Fighting-type, as your starter.
Electric Kanto update:

- Beat LT Surge and taught Shock Wave to Tim
- Took met 4 blackouts and even more long walks back, but i got through Rock Tunnel (Long live Brick Break)
Here things get messy, with a lot of skipped stuff to make up for being resisted a fair bit
- Beat rocket base and Pokemon Tower
- Ran to the safari zone for HM's and beat koga to be able to use them
- Went to power plant and caught Jon the Magneton and 4 the Electabuzz (If you don't get the reference, go watch more of their stuff)
- Began training them all over the map, including Silph co
- Beat Blaine, Sevii, Erika and Sabrina on one 30min bus ride
- Bought 50 coins in the game corner. Left 10min later with 1600 :cool:


Emile, lv 53 Raichu
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Return, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Dig
"I didn't expect it, but Emile has become my physical attacker, whose job is to Return people the others can't deal with"

Tim, lv 51 Electrode
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Thunderbolt, Rain Dance, Toxic, Explosion
"He is fast, but ordinarily doesn't do much. So i piled as many niche moves for the really difficult fights on him as i could"

Jon, lv 52 Magneton
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Spark,Thunder, Tri Attack
"The strongest but slowest member of the team. If Tim sets him up, he gets to destroy something"

4, lv 52 Electrode
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Thunderbolt, Psychic, Thunderpunch, Light Screen
"Was originally gonna pass him up, until i realized he gets a much needed coverage move. And he had the HP at 35 that the others have at 50, which is nice"
Finished Sapphire, quite a bit more challenging than the first two generations. On to Diamond!

Since I am doing Gardenia run and my team is Grass-types only I can count is as grass mono aswell. So here is another sign-up by me:

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Grass
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Platinum
Previous Progress: No

Also - Normal types are nightmare to use against rock types- started normal monotype on Ruby few days ago and it took me about two hours to defeat first gym leader and I ended up having seriously overleveled team >_<

Update on that run is coming up in few minutes just need to open my game first =)

So here goes: Ruby mono normal update.

° Picked Mudkip as a starter because I will need it as an HM slave later on. Grinded him to level 10 and defeated my rival for first time.
° Got Pokeballs and stuff and finally I got my first real team member! Lina the zigzagoon! Grinded her up for a little bit than met my dad.
° Helped Wally catching his ralts.
° Met my second team member - Tai the Taillow.
° Got to Rustbro city and caught next two team members - Lilly the Skitty and Larry the Whismur.
° Grinded like insane just to beat first gym leader.
° Retrieved the Goods and got the letter to Steven.
° Brawly was a piece of cake for Tai that evolved into swellow after the fight.
° Got to my next destination - the city of electricity! And failed to defeat Watson with my underleveled team - so I guess that it's grinding time again before I can move on.

My final two team members will be giraffarig and zangoose.

Current team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Lilly|Female|Careful Nature|Cute Charm|Lvl 30
Faint Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Larry|Male|Impish Nature|Soundproof|Lvl 24
Rock Smash

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Lina|Female|Sassy Nature|Pickup|Lvl 21
Rock Smash
Tail Whip

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Tai|Male|Impish Nature|Guts|Lvl 24
Wing Attack
Double Team
Focus Energy
Quick Attack
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I believe what Necrum was trying to say was that you can hack in ONE Pokemon since you can't catch any Dragon-types in Emerald before the 3rd gym, but only one because you can catch Dragon-types in that game before the E4, e.g. Bagon, Trapinch, Swablu, and Horsea. For instance, since I couldn't catch any one of those before I got the third badge, I would probably use a program to set Dratini or one of the above Dragons as my starter to fill the void.

Also, for that fighting mono, you can just use Torchic, who happens to evolve into a Fighting-type, as your starter.

As for Horsea goes I can only get Seadra as I can't trade evolve since most of the challenges I'm doing is on my phone and I changed my Dragon Mono type to Normal Mono type
First Emerald Update:
-chose Torchic
-defeated May on Route 103
-Torchic evolved into Combusken
-defeated Roxanne
-defeated May in Rustboro City
-defeated Brawly
-defeated May on Route 110
-defeated Wattson

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