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The Monotype Challenge

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Fighting type update #1
-Picked charmander as my starter
-Delivered the parcel
-Caught a Mankey on route 22 and called it Luffy
-Got through viridian forest, scratching everything to death
-Easily destroyed Brock's gym

Mankey(Luffy) level 13
Scratch, leer, karate chop, low kick

Charmander(unwanted) level 7
Scratch, growl, ember
And to think this log is from already going halfway to the second gym...

Y Ghost Monotype Update


Current Team:

Badges: 2/8
With the Elite Four and Champion defeated, I was able to take the S.S. Aqua to Vermilion City in Kanto. Once in the new region, I traveled to every city and defeated every trainer I could find, saving all of the gym leaders for later. While doing this I did all of the necessary sidequests, mainly fixing the Power Plant, waking up Snorlax, and getting the Magnet Train Pass. Eventually I had been to every corner of Kanto, so I decided to go ahead and take on all of the gym leaders. In order, I defeated Janine, Lt. Surge, Misty, Brock, Sabrina, Erika, and Blaine. Once I had earned all of those badges, I spoke to Blue on Cinnabar Island, flew to Viridian, and defeated him to earn my final gym badge.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Steelix / lv59 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Fire Fang
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Scizor / lv59 / Night Slash, Wing Attack, Iron Head, X-Scissor
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Magneton / lv59 / Magnet Bomb, Discharge, Thunder Wave, SonicBoom
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Skarmory / lv59 / Steel Wing, Slash, Night Slash, Fly

After defeating Fantina, I flew to Jubilife City and surfed west to Canalave City, where I defeated my rival and the sixth Gym Leader, Byron. Then I dealt with Team Galactic at Lake Valor and Lake Verity. To get to Lake Acuity, I first had to travel to the northern tip of the Sinnoh region, Snowpoint City. After the slow trek through the snow to get there, I immediately went to the gym to defeat Candice, earning my seventh badge. Then it was time to deal with Team Galactic for a final time. I ran in to Jupiter at Lake Acuity, then flew to the Galactic Headquarters in Veilstone City. I worked my way through the headquarters and defeated Cyrus and Saturn to release the mirage Pokemon. Next I flew to Oreburgh City and spelunked through Mt. Coronet to reach Sky Pillar. With the help of my rival I defeated Mars and Jupiter, then took on Cyrus by myself. Finally, I caught Palkia with my Master Ball. Having saved the world, I flew to Pastoria City and traveled east to Sunyshore City, where I retrieved Volkner from the lighthouse in order to take him down and earn my final gym badge of the SInnoh region!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Empoleon / lv49 / Surf, Metal Claw, Brine, Peck
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Bastiodon / lv49 / Dig, AncientPower, Metal Burst, Strength
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Bronzong / lv50 / Faint Attack, Gyro Ball, Extrasensory, Confuse Ray

After defeating Ramos, I went south onto Route 13 and defeated Team Flare in the Kalos Power Plant, restoring power to Lumiose City! With the power back, I was able to revisit Lumiose and take on the gym, where I defeated Clemont and earned my fifth badge. Then I went on to Route 14 where I defeated my rival and visited the spooky house. Once I reached Laverre City I took on Valerie to get my sixth badge. I took on Team Flare once again in the PokeBall Factory, then proceeded east to reach Dendemille Town. After I got there, I backtracked a little to the Lost Hotel, where I caught my final team member, Klefki! After defeating the trainers I skipped on Rotes 15 and 16 and the Lost Hotel, I went to Frost Cavern to deal with Team Flare once again. With Team Flare gone and Mamoswine back on Route 17, I was able to ride it through the thick snow to get to Anistar City, where I defeated my rival and Olympia, earning my seventh badge. As I left the gym, I got a weird message on my Holocaster and flew straight to Lumiose City where I infiltrated Lysandre Labs and witnessed the activation of the ultimate weapon in Geosenge Town. I flew there, defeated Lysandre again, went through a lot of Team Flare Admin battles, caught Xerneas, and defeated Lysandre a final time. With Team Flare dealt with, I flew to Anistar City and traveled southeast to Couriway Town. There I defeated Professor Sycamore before traveling south to Snowbelle City, defeating Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor along the way. Upon arriving to the city, I discovered that the gym leader was away, so I traveled through the Winding Woods to find Wulfric hanging out in the Pokemon Village. I got him to go back to his gym where I defeated him to earn my eighth badge!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Wormadam / lv56 / Psychic, Iron Head, Bug Bite, Hidden Power (Ghost)
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Aegislash / lv56 / Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, Iron Head, Night Slash
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Mawile / lv56 / Fairy Wind, Iron Head, Brick Break, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Lucario / lv55 / Power-Up Punch, Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Bone Rush
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Klefki / lv55 / Foul Play, Play Rough, Mirror Shot, Dazzling Gleam

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Pokemon HeartGold
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon Ruby
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Pokemon Pearl
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon Black 2
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Pokemon X
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Emerald Flying Monotype challenge, Update 3

> Went to route 114 and caught a Swablu
> Encountered Team Magma in Meteor Falls
> Traveled to Mt. Chimney, defeated Maxie
> Arrived in Lavaridge Town, defeated Flannery
> Traveled to Petalburg City, defeated Norman
> Caught a Tentacool whilst surfing. Nicknamed him Submarine. Will be needed later.
> Went to route 119 and caught a Tropius

Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Starbuck (Tropius ♀), lvl 28
Moves: Razor Leaf, Stomp, Strength, Whirlwind
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Toothless (Swablu ♂), lvl 30
Moves: Peck, Fury Attack, Astonish, Sing

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Valour (Swellow ♂), Lvl 38
Moves: Peck, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Barbossa (Pelliper ♂), Lvl 38
Moves: Surf, Shock Wave, Supersonic, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Spitfire (Skarmory ♀), lvl 30
Moves: Air Cutter, Swift, Rock Smash, Sand Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Kunoichi (Ninjask ♀), Lvl 22
Moves: Secret Power, Flash, Leach Life, Cut
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Monotype: Ground

Update #1

  • Started game as J
  • Got Chikorita as starter.
  • Grinded her for easy pre-game story
  • Did Elm's errand.
  • Kicked Rival out.
  • Named him ??? because that was the name he told me.
  • Got Pokeballs.
  • Captured a Geodude on Route 46.
  • Grinded said Geodude.
  • Realized I set the time to morning, therefore no Phanpy yet.
  • Grinded Geodude again.
  • Caught a Bellsprout and traded it for Rocky.
  • Falkner got beaten quite easily because Rock Throw.
  • Geodude too OP for Sprout Tower.
  • Got Flash
  • Caught Wooper
  • Kicked Team Rocket out Slowpoke Well.
  • Defeated Bugsy
  • Defeated ??? again

Huge Photos

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Geodude lv. 23
~ Tackle
~ Defense Curl
~ Rock Throw
~ Magnitude

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Onix "Rocky" lv. 11 [IS NOT OBEYING MEHH]
~ Tackle
~ Screech
~ Bind

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Wooper lv. 18
~ Water Gun
~ Tail Whip
~ Slam​

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Fighting update #2
-Got through Mt. Moon
-Easily beat my rival
-Got the S.S. Ticket from Bill
-Tried to beat misty twice and failed miserably
-Grinded Mankey and it evolved into Primeape
-Beat Misty on the third try
-Beat my rival again and got the Cut HM
-Mauled Lt. Surge
-Made my way to Rock Tunnel and caught Machop (Bruce)
-Got through Rock Tunnel

Primeape (Luffy) Level 36
Karate Chop, Low Kick, Cross Chop, Mega Punch

Machop (Bruce) Level 25
Karate Chop, Low Kick, Revenge, Foresight

Charmander (Unwanted) Level 8
Scratch, Growl, Ember
Ultimate Ghost Monotype Crystal Update:
-chose Totodile
-defeated rival in Cherrygrove City
-caught 2 Gastly in the Sprout Tower
-defeated Falkner
-defeated Bugsy
-defeated rival in Azalea Town
-defeated Whitney

Since I am still slowly working on the monotypes on Ruby and Sapphire I want to do normal monotype runs on few games since Normal is my favourite type ^^ I would love to start with FireRed and FireRed Omega since they both have an interesting range of normal types to choose from ~ I will see what kinda teams I can come up with on those games :3

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Normal
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): FireRed

Forum User Name: AoTora
Pokémon Type: Normal
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): FireRed Omega
Updated OP through Post #511. Much easier to get caught up than the Random Pokemon Challenge was, let me tell you.
I'm gonna try out this challenge and hopefully beat it.
Name: bladeisbeast11
Pokemon Type: Water
Challenge Type: Single
Game: Diamond

I chose my team to be: Empoleon, Octillery, Tentacruel, Bibarel, Golduck, and Pelipper
I've always been horrible at Pokemon Challenges but this one seems like one I can do so I'm going to give it a try!!!

Name: StedleyX
Pokemon Type: Water
Challenge Type: Single
Game: Dark Rising(hack)
Emerald Flying Monotype challenge, Update 4

> Leveled up a bit by visiting the Abandoned Ship & New Mauville
> Made my way up to Fortree City, got the Devon Scope from Steven
> Defeated Winona at Fortree City gym, claimed the Feather badge.
> Traveled to Lilycove City and then Mount Pyre to defeat the Aqua grunts
> Made my way to the Team Magma hideout. Defeated Maxie again.
> Traveled to Slateport City. Saw Archie steal the submarine, then followed him to Team Aqua's hideout
> Got the master ball (for all the good it will do me) and defeated Aqua Admin Matt in the hideout
> Traveled to Mossdeep City, defeated Tate & Liza at the gym. Claimed the Mind Badge
> Teamed up with Steven for an epic double battle against Maxie and Tabitha in the Mossdeep Space center.

Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Starbuck (Tropius ♀), lvl 44
Moves: Solar Beam, Body Slam, Strength, Fly

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Toothless (Altaria ♂), lvl 45
Moves: Peck, Take Down, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Valour (Swellow ♂), lvl 44
Moves: Peck, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Barbossa (Pelliper ♂), lvl 44
Moves: Surf, Shock Wave, Supersonic, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Spitfire (Skarmory ♀), lvl 44
Moves: Air Cutter, Steel Wing, Rock Smash, Spikes

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Submarine (Tentacool ♀), lvl 33 Hm Slave
Moves: Dive, Constrict, Acid, Bubblebeam
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[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Monotype: Ground

Update #2

  • Went back to catch a Phanpy
  • Grinded my team to evolve Wooper and Geodude
  • Got Cut. Taught Chikorita the HM Cut. And also HM Flash
  • Traversed the Azalea Forest
  • Arrived at Goldenrod
  • Grinded a bit again just to match Phanpy's level.
  • Defeated Whitney.
  • Phanpy evolutioonnn
  • Name rater: Dumb O for Donphan, Balboa for Graveler, and Hippo for Quagsire
  • Sudowoodo done.
  • Got Surf, taught to Hippo
  • Defeated ??? again
  • Defeated Morty and his ghostly aura.
  • Swam to Cianwood because Manly as hell
  • Defeated Chuck and got the medicine for Amphy.
  • Forgotten HM Fly was there. Will remember this later.
  • Went back and defeated Jasmine.
  • Fast forward to Lake of Rage and defeated Red Gyarados
  • Traded in the Red Scale for the Exp. Share.
  • Defeated Team Rocket in Mahogany.
  • Defeated Pryce
  • Defeated ??? in Goldenrod
  • Defeated Team Rocket in Goldenrod
  • Defeated Suicune in Tin Tower for the experience
  • Can't find a Swinub fml.
  • Tried defeating Claire and failing.
  • Remembered Fly and realizing I left it in Cianwood.
  • En route to Cianwood
  • Another Note: never trained Rocky. Not worth it.

Huge Photos

Current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Graveler "Balboa" lv. 40
~ Tackle
~ Rollout
~ Rock Throw
~ Magnitude

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Onix "Rocky" lv. 12
~ Tackle
~ Screech
~ Bind
~ Rock Smash

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Quagsire "Hippo" lv. 44
~ Water Gun
~ Surf
~ Earthquake
~ Slam

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Donphan "Dumb O" lv. 45
~ Strength
~ Take Down
~ Rollout
~ Rapid Spin​

Emerald Flying Monotype challenge, Update 5
This should be my final update before I (hopefully) tune in with news of my victory at the Pokemon league!

>Traveled down to seafloor cavern, defeated Archie
>After seeing the legendary battle in Sootopolis City, I went to Sky Pillar and awoke Rayquaza
> After the resolution of the legendary battle, I challenged Juan in the gym and won the Rain badge.
> Traveled to Evergrande city after a bit of training through rematches and visiting Meteor falls
> Battled my way through victory road after defeating Wally, and barely made it though to the Pokemon League. Arrived just at about the 24hour mark.
>And so my grind begins.

Current Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Starbuck (Tropius ♀), lvl 51
Moves: Solar Beam, Earthquake, Strength, Fly

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Toothless (Altaria ♂), lvl 53
Moves: Peck, Take Down, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Valour (Swellow ♂), lvl 51
Moves: Facade, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Barbossa (Pelliper ♂), lvl 52
Moves: Surf, Shock Wave, Ice Beam, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Spitfire (Skarmory ♀), lvl 52
Moves: Air Cutter, Steel Wing, Rock Smash, Aerial Ace

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Kunoichi (Ninjask ♀), Lvl 22
Moves: Secret Power, Flash, Leach Life, Cut
With this update, I have completed my fifth Ultimate Monotype!

After defeating Blue, I first traveled to Mt. Silver then spent quite a bit of time training and adjusting movesets. I basically used Steelix as a lead to set up Stealth Rocks and take care of Pikachu, then used Skarmory to set up Spikes. With the entry hazards in play, most of Red's Pokemon were immediately crippled which allowed me to slowly work towards his defeat after the use of many healing items (on both sides of the battle, that is).

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Steelix / lv70 / Stone Edge, Earthquake, Ice Fang, Stealth Rock
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Scizor / lv70 / Night Slash, Wing Attack, Iron Head, X-Scissor
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Magneton / lv70 / Magnet Bomb, Discharge, Thunder Wave, SonicBoom
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Skarmory / lv70 / Steel Wing, Spikes, Night Slash, Fly

With all eight badges under my belt, I received Waterfall from Janine, then traveled north to and then through Victory Road. After that, I defeated my rival, spent some time training, and adjusted my team's movesets. Eventually, I decided that I was ready to take on the Elite Four. The basic strategy for each battle was to start with Bastiodon, set up Stealth Rocks, then use Roar/Toxic until he was knocked out, leaving the opponent crippled to allow Empoleon and Bronzong to use super-effective moves to go for the win. With this strategy, I blew through Aaron and Flint and had a little less ease with Bertha Lucian; however, none of them were too difficult to defeat. After that, I used the same strategy to deal with Cynthia. For some reason she decided not to use super-effective moves (i.e. Aura Sphere with Lucario), so she really wasn't much of a problem.. Bastiodon managed to poison most of her team, and combined Roar plus Stealth Rocks to have them all a little weakened which allowed Empoleon and Bronzong (mostly Empoleon) to take her down.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Empoleon / lv64 / Surf, Ive Beam, Brick Break, Drill Peck
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Bastiodon / lv60 / Stealth Rock, Toxic, Roar, Iron Head
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Bronzong / lv61 / Psychic, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Grass Knot

After defeating Wulfric, I spent some time training then traveled through Victory Road to reach the Pokemon Leage. Once there, I spent some time gathering a few TM's to enhance my team's movesets, then I spent a little bit more time training before taking on the final trainers standing in my way. First I took on Malva, who managed to defeat a lot of my team before I was able to defeat her. Then I took on Siebold in the Flood Chamber. He was only slightly difficult because I lacked super effective moves. After defeating Siebold, I challenged and defeated Wikstrom, a fellow Steel-type aficionado. Finally, I took on Drasna, the last member of the Elite Four. She was a pretty easy win thanks to my Fairy-types on board. Then it was time for Diantha. Her Gourgeist seemed to give me the most trouble, but overall she wasn't too difficult. After being entered into the Hall of Fame, the battle with AZ began. As usual, he was pretty easy to defeat!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Wormadam / lv66 / Psychic, Iron Head, Bug Bite, Return
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Aegislash / lv66 / Sacred Sword, Shadow Ball, Iron Head, Night Slash
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Mawile / lv65 / Fairy Wind, Iron Head, Brick Break, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Lucario / lv66 / Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Close Combat, Return
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Klefki / lv66 / Foul Play, Play Rough, Toxic, Dazzling Gleam

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon HeartGold
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon Ruby
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon Pearl
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon Black 2
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

✔Pokemon X
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
Ultimate Ghost Monotype Crystal Update:
-both Gastly evolved into Haunter
-defeated rival in the Burned Tower
-defeated Morty
-defeated Chuck
-both Haunter evolved into Gengar
-defeated Jasmine
-defeated Pryce
-defeated rival in the Goldenrod Tunnel
-defeated Clair
-defeated rival in Victory Road
-defeated the Elite Four and Champion

You're gonna have to change my name on the records again, Necrum. This time its from Salt&PepperDiner to Zekrom.

I'll also be signing up for another challenge:

Forum Username: Zekrom
Pokemon Type: Water
Challenge Type: Single
Game: Ruby

So much water.....
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