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The Monotype Challenge

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Ultimate Fire Platinum - Update 3 - Final Update

Hey, I'm not dead! Well, Garchomp is ;). It has taken me waaayyy too long to finish this one up, and for way too many reasons. Other than life, (which is too long to summarize) I had a lot of trouble getting past the Earthquake machine that is Bertha. After grinding a lot, dropping my ds a few times, and buying the vertually infinite amount of revives, I was able to make it to Cynthia. I had to revive until Dragon Rush and Earthquake were out of pp, then it was pretty much over. 3 down, 3 (4?) to go!


Snape the Infernape - lvl 61
Slash the Rapidash - lvl 65
Leon the Flareon - lvl 65

Badges: 8
Time: 26:00
Step Counter: 42806
Forum User Name: Piloswine
Pok?mon Type: Poison
Challenge Mode: Single
Game(s): Pokemon Fuligin

Well, being a Team Rocket's member, Poison seems the right type to use.


Begining the game.
Beautiful intro screen. Chose Bulbasaur (it's a poison type anyway) and named it Venom.
Caught a weedle. I'm not sure if I can write the name I gave him in this forum. It begins with yao.
Got my first badge!
Yao... evolved to Kakuna.

That's all for now.

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Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen, OmegaRuby, HeartGold
Current Game: Platinum

Badges: 3

1. Started the game with a guy named G-Fly.
2. Started with Turtwig so I'll have the advantage against Barry's Infernape later on in the game.
3. Captured a Starly.
4. Evolved Starly.
5. Defeated Roark using Double Team + Wing Attack combo.
6. Cleared Floaroma Town.
7. Captured a Drifloon.
8. Trained team up in Eterna Forest.
9. Defeated Gardenia easily.
10. Cleared Eterna City Galactic Hideout.
11. Hatched Togepi's Egg.
12. Evolved Drifloon.
13. Defeated Fantina.
14. Enroute to Solaceon Town.



Current Game: Y

Badges: 7

1. Finally captured a Noibat and evolved it to Noivern!

Alright, since Mt. Moon I have beaten Cerulean City gym with my wartortle, Bite was a HUGE help. I have also traveled to Vermilion city, got HM01, and finally caught our second pokemon, Magikarp. I trained it up and beaten Lt. Surge in a very hard battle with gyarados and wartortle. His Raichu with Double Team was the absolute bane of me, but thankfully, the one revive I had in my bag came in handy. Got lucky with 3 bites and won. Currently in the process of getting Flash. Update later tonight.


Quick note, seeing as my DS Lite arrived today I should be posting about Fire Red and Emerald more often now
- Met the Rival in the spooky tower. His Pokemon were 10 levels lower than mine so they easily defeated. Got the Poke Flute and The Word reached its maximum peak of handsomeness. Played the flute and added Yawn the Snorlax to my party.
- Went to Safari Park. Caught two Exeggcutes by accident and placed them in the Box of Despair. Retrieved the Golden Teeth and the surf TM. Went on the hunt for some normal Pokemon from the Safari, expecting to be frustrated. To my shock, got Lucky the Chansey very quickly. Unfortunately, that was offset by a cowardly Tauros that kept running away from me, so I had to change tactics.
- Fifth Badge Caught a Horsea to use as my boat since none of my Pokemon could learn it and demolished Koga's gym.
- Went back to Safari and surfed to Area 3 and stayed there until I got something other than Chansey since I don't really need a special defensive wall. Eventually got Coward the Tauros and Australia the Kangaskhan
- Went to Saffron to train my new- I mean, to defeat Team Rocket. Did so easily enough.
- Sixth Badge Showed Sabrina that is brawn is greater than brains.
- Went the quick way to Cinnabar Island. Ain't no one got time for those ice caves. Failry and I flailed around some abandoned mansion until we found a key for a completely different building.
- Seventh Badge Blaine took down five of my Pokemon. Props to him. Too bad Snorlax is too fat.
- Refused to go with Bill because it's just a waste of time. Flew straight to Viridian to defeat the SUPER SECRET GYM LEADER.
- Eighth Badge SUPER SECRET GYM LEADER took down 4 of my Pokemon but Steve is too fast and strong. Failry finally learned Meteor Mash so I stuffed a moonstone down its throat to forcibly evolve it into the mightiest of fables.
- Forgot the Rival came and this time I actually got smashed because Rhyhorn somehow got off a horn drill on my Snorlax and I didn't have Steve with me as I swapped him out for my surfer. Round Two did not go in his favour however because Charizard is too fat.
- Took a bit of a detour on the way to Victory Road to go train the underlevelled Coward and Australia on some trainers I did not battle, otherwise they would just be fodder to the Elite Foursome.

Username: Lynda
Type: Fire
Challenge Mode: Single
Game: Red

Haven't been on Pokecommunity in ages! Had a message that was six months old. Sorry about that Necrum. :P

I don't have Pokemon X anymore, so you can feel free to remove it from the challenge list. I only own Red now, so I'm going to do some challenge runs on it. The poison run I did originally was very fun. This run will give me an excuse to take Flareon AND Charizard! \O/

I'll also be playing on "Set"

Question! Once Gen 7 arrives, will this thread be changed to a new one? If so, should I just wait until the 18th when the new thread starts? Also, I'm wondering if our victories carry over to the new thread? I'd be okay with having a fresh start in the new thread since I only did a couple of runs, and I would actually enjoy doing the poison type challenge again for Red.
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Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen, OmegaRuby, HeartGold, Y
Current Game: Platinum

Badges: 6

1. Arrived in Solaceon Town and got Defog.
2. Trained in the longest route towards Veilstone.
3. Defeated Maylene. She's easy af.
4. Evolved Togepi
5. Defeated Team Galactic with Dawn team-up.
6. Went south towards Pastoria.
7. Had a difficulty with Crasher Wake so I decided to train on the route west of Pastoria to Hearthome.
8. Captured a Magikarp as I don't see myself catching any more Flying-types soon.
9. Evolved Magikarp and Staravia.
10. Defeated Crasher Wake.
11. Cleared Celestic Town story with me kicking Cyrus' butt.
12. Trained with Riley in Iron Island.
13. Evolved Togetic.
14. Defeated Byron with Close Combat Staraptor and Aqua Tail Gyarados
15. Triggered the Lake Valor event. Saved on the entrance of Lake Valor.



Current Game: Y

Badges: 8

1. Went south towards Couriway Town where I defeated Sycamore.
2. Went south again towards Snowbelle City.
3. Caught Wulfric slacking off in the Pokemon Village. Had to drag him by the ear to get back to his gym jk.
4. The gym was surprisingly easy as I had M-Charizard and Hawlucha to get things off.
5. After having access to Waterfall, did a lot of backtracking to get some more key TMs.
6. Cleared the Pokemon League.
7. Cleared the E4 in this order: Wikstrom, Siebold, Drasna, and Malva. None really gave my team much difficulty. Hawlucha kept on dying but that was just me wanting to get a +6 Power-up Punch on everybody.
8. Managed to set-up on Diantha's Hawlucha with a +3 Attack Hawlucha myself. Rock Tomb helped in defeating it. Set-up on the Goodra again, bringing Hawlucha to +6 and it just destroyed Diantha.
9. AZ sucks big time. Again, Hawlucha did most of the work.
10. And that concludes Y!


According to the sign up sheet, I haven't registered for any challenges! Guess I better fix that.

Forum User Name: PekoTAS
Pokémon Type: Electric
Challenge Mode: Single
Game(s): Red

Pika-Power Go!
Forum User Name: FlowersForPopplio
Pokémon Type: Water
Challenge Mode: Single
Game: Omega Ruby
Well, I decided this would be cool. My friend chose Water, so I guess it won't be as hard. I, thankfully, can have Mudkip, which is great. Primal Groudon worries me though.
Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen, OmegaRuby, HeartGold, Y
Current Game: Platinum

Badges: 6

1. Cleared Lake Valor and Twinleaf Lake.
2. Proceeded to Snowpoint. Rushed through the snowy path since i hated that path.
3. Surprisingly, Candice wasn't that difficult with Staraptor's Close Combat and Togekiss' Drain Punch. Plus Ominous Wind for the Froslass.
4. Cleared Lake Acuity.
5. Cleared Veilstone Galactic HQ.
6. Cleared Distortion World.
7. Grinded a little bit before taking on Volkner.
8. Got destroyed by Volkner.
9. Got the TM for EQ in the Wayward Cave.
10. Nearly got destroyed by Volkner. Remainin Pokemon was Gyarados at red.
11. After getting waterfall, got a few key TMs back again.
12. Cleared Victory Road.
13. Saved outside the League.


Update for now.

Pre-emptive post to say that my first playthrough of Sun (which will happen after I beat Moon) will be a continuation of my ultimate Grass monotype. If user Necrum sees this and wants to add this to my line in the OP that would be fabulous.
Types Finished: Grass LINK HERE OF ANALYSIS
Type: Flying
Games Done: LeafGreen, OmegaRuby, HeartGold, Y, Platinum
Current Game: Platinum

Badges: Done

1. Aaron was easy. Flamethrower Togekiss destroyed his team.
2. Bertha? Water Pulse Togekiss and Waterfall Gyarados did him in.
3. Flint? See above, except Brave Bird Staraptor defeated the Infernape.
4. Lucian? Set up on the Mr. Mime with Dragon Dance Gyarados and EQ'd most of his team. Flamethrower Togekiss for the Bronzong.
5. Cynthia? Again, Dragon Dance Gyarados did all the work after 3 DDs. It was easy pft.
6. Platinum is done! Off to Black!
*levels were much higher than expected since I practically dumped all my Rare Candy on these pokemon before Cynthia.



Also, please. I'm changing my sign-up to Black lol. I lost my copy of black 2.
Got around to completing Hoenn for my Ghost run, changed the game to Alpha Sapphire because it's more accessible to me than Emerald is. (Only have one copy of Emerald whereas I have both Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire) And surprisingly it wasn't as bad as a playthrough as my Grass run was! I guess it was because I played my grass run in another language and played my ghost run in English.

But anyway it's done! Happy to finally make some progress with my ghost run after almost 2 years of not touching it.

Now I know I said I hoped to finish my entire ghost and water challenges before Sun and Moon come out, but of course that was completely unrealistic with how often I play these challenges. Anyway I do plan to finish Platinum with my water run before the games come out, I'm already at Victory Road so it shouldn't be a problem.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Hall of Fame

Final Team
Well, Sun and Moon are out now, so I guess that means I have to complete my Fighting challenge again. I guess that's my plan for the weekend, then. I don't have any updates right now, I'm still working through the first couple of cities.
You can add Pokemon Sun to all my completed challenges too, I'll eventually get around to completing them to retain my championships. Until then I'm going to continue enjoying my main copy of Moon. (And saving up to buy a copy of Sun.)

Also as I said I was going to do, I completed Platinum for my Water run before Sun & Moon came out! Unfortunately, I didn't get to update right away as I finished it on the 17th and didn't have a chance to update since then.

Next up is Black, which I'll get around to after the Sun & Moon hype dies down, and I kind of want to work on finishing my Ghost run and updating my old championships before that. So who knows when I'll start it.

Anyway, here's my update.

Final Team
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